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Nur Jamal Sk, KCM Academy, Goalpara

Mobile: 7002091268

Each question carries 1 mark

1. Who is the writer of the prose piece 5. Where was Rajkumar Shukla from?
Ans: Rajkumar Shukla was from Champaran.
Ans: The writer of the prose piece ‘Indigo’ is
What did Rajkumar Shukla want Mahatma
Louis Fischer
Gandhi to do?
2. Which book has been reviewed as one of
Ans: Rajkumar Shukla wanted Mahatma
the best books ever written on Gandhi by
Gandhi to go his district.
Times Educational Supplement?
6. Where was Champaran situated?
Ans: The Life of Mahatma Gandhi.
Ans: Champaran was situated in the foothills
3. From which book ‘Indigo’ is extracted?
of the towering Himalayas, near the kingdom
Ans: The Life of Mahatma Gandhi. of Nepal.
4. When did Louis Fischer visit Gandhi in 7. What kind of person was Rajkumar
Sevagram? Shukla?
Ans: Louis Fischer visited Gandhi in Ans: Rajkumar Shukla was illiterate but he
Sevagram in 1942. was resolute.
5. ‘When I first visited Gandhi in 1942 at his 8. Why did Rajkumar Shukla visit Indian
ashram in Sevagram’. Who had visited? National Congress Session?
Ans: Louis Fischer had visited Gandhi in 1942 Ans: Rajkumar Shukla visited Indian National
at his ashram in Sevagram. Congress Session to complain about the
injustice of the landlord system in Bihar.
2. When was Indian National Congress
Session held? 9. What was the present name of
Ans: Indian National Congress Session was
held in 1916. Ans: The present name of Cawnpore is
3. Where was Indian National Congress
Session held? From Calcutta, where were Rajkumar
Shukla and Mahatma Gandhi boarding to?
Ans: In Lucknow.
Ans: From Calcutta Rajkumar Shukla and
How many delegates were present in the
Mahatma were Gandhi boarding to Patna,
annual convention of Indian National
Congress Party?
Where did Mahatma Gandhi stay in Patna?
Ans: 2301 delegates were present in the annual
convention of Indian National Congress Party. Ans: Mahatma Gandhi stayed in the house of
Rajendra Prasad in Patna.
4. Who was Rajkumar Shukla?
10. Who was Rajendra Prasad?
Ans: Rajkumar Shukla was a poor and
illiterate peasant from Champaran.
Nur Jamal Sk, KCM Academy, Goalpara
Mobile: 7002091268
Ans: Rajendra Prasad was the president of 18. Who was Professor Malkani?
Congress party as well as he was the first
Ans: Professor Malkani was a teacher in
Indian president.
government school.
11. Why did the servants of Rajendra
19. For how many days, Gandhi stayed at
Prasad house take Gandhi as a peasant?
the house of Professor Malkani?
Ans: The servants of Rajendra Prasad house
Ans: For two days.
took Gandhi to be an another peasant because
Gandhi dressed in a simple way as well as he 20. Why did Gandhi chide the lawyers?
went with the peasant named Rajkumar
Shukla. Ans: Gandhi chided the lawyers for collecting
big fee from the poor peasants.
12. Why did the servants of Rajendra
Prasad house think Gandhi as an 21. How much percentage of indigo crop are
untouchable? compelled to provide to landlords?

Ans: The servants of Rajendra Prasad house Ans: Three twenties or 15 percent.
thought Gandhi as an untouchable because 22. Why did the landlords want to release
Gandhi dressed in a simple way as well as he the peasants from 15 percent indigo?
went with the peasant named Rajkumar
Shukla. Ans: The landlords wanted to release the
peasants from 15 percent indigo because they
13. Why was Gandhi not allowed to draw presently learned that Germany had developed
water from well? synthetic indigo.
Ans: Gandhi wasn’t allowed to draw water 23. Where is Tirhut division situated?
from well because the servants thought him as
an untouchable. Ans: In Champaran.

14. Who is the author of ‘Indigo’? 24. Where is Motihari capital situated?

Ans: Louis Fischer. Ans: In Champaran.

15. “When I first visited Gandhi in 1942 at 25. Why did the British officials feel
his ashram in Sevagram”. Who is the ‘I’ powerless?
here? And: The British officials felt powerless
Ans: The author Louis Fischer. without Gandhi's cooperation because the
town of Motihari block was crowded by
16. Why did Gandhi decide to go to peasants.
26. Who had exclaimed that ‘the
Ans: Gandhi decided to go to Muzzafarpur to Champaran battle is won’?
obtain more complete information about
conditions than Shukla was capable of Ans: M.K. Gandhi had exclaimed that ‘the
imparting. And it was an enroute to Champaran battle is won’
Chamaparan. 27. Who was Sir Edward Gait?
17. Who was J.B. Kripalani? Ans: Sir Edward Gait was a Lieutenant
Ans: J.B. Kripalani was a professor of the arts Governor.
college in Muzzafarpur.

Prepared by: Nur Jamal Sk, English teacher, Kalpana Chawla Memorial Academy Sr. Sec. School, Goalpara.
Nur Jamal Sk, KCM Academy, Goalpara
Mobile: 7002091268
28. How many days did Gandhi stay at ii. physically strong
iii. illiterate
Ans: Gandhi remained in Chamaran for an
Ans: ii is not true.
initial uninterrupted period of seven months
and then again for several shorter visits. Each question carries 2 marks
29. Who was Devadas? 1. Why is Rajkumar Shukla described as being
Ans: Devadas was Gandhi’s youngest son.
Ans: Rajkumar Shukla was a peasant from
30. Who was Kasturbai?
Champaran. He wanted Gandhi to come to his
Ans: Kasturbai was Gandhi’s wife. district. At that time Gandhiji was very busy.
Even after being told that Gandhi had an
31. What were the three medicines
appointment in Cawnpore and other parts of India,
he never left Gandhi’s side. He accompanied him
Ans: The three medicines available were everywhere. Therefore, he had been described as
castor oil, quinine and sulphur ointment. resolute.

32. Who was Charles Freer Andrews? 2. How was Gandhiji treated at Rajendra
Prasad’s house?
Ans: Charles Freer Andrews was an English
pacifist who had become a devoted follower of Ans: The servants at Rajendra Prasad house knew
Mahatma Gandhi. Shukla as a peasant. Since Gandhi was taken by
taken by Shukla, the servants took him to be
33. Why did Gandhi oppose Charles Freer another peasant. So, they let them stay on grounds
Andrews to stay at Champaran? and Gandhi was not allowed to draw water from
well thinking him as an untouchable.
Ans: Gandhi thought that staying Charles
Freer Andrews at Champaran shows the 6. What were the terms of the indigo contract
weakness of their heart. between the British landlords and the Indian
34. Strike out which is not true?
Ans: The landlords compelled all tenants to
a. Rajkumar Shukla was a plant three twentieths or 15 per cent of their
holdings with indigo and surrender the entire
i. Sharecropper
indigo harvest as rent. This was done by a
ii. politician long-term contract.

iii. delegate 7. Why did Gandhiji go to Muzzafarapur?

Where did he stay there?
iv. landlord .
Ans: Muzzafarpur was enroute to Champaran.
Ans: ii, iii and iv are not true. To obtain more information about
b. Rajkumar Shukla was sharecropping system he went there. He stayed
at Professor Malkani’s house for two days who
i. poor was a teacher in a government school.
taken by Shukla, the servants took him to be 3. What did the landlords do when they know
another peasant. So, they let them stay on grounds that Germany had developed synthetic indigo?
and Gandhi was not allowed to draw water from
well thinking him as an untouchable. Ans: The landlords came to know that Germany
had developed synthetic indigo. Now producing

Prepared by: Nur Jamal Sk, English teacher, Kalpana Chawla Memorial Academy Sr. Sec. School, Goalpara.
Nur Jamal Sk, KCM Academy, Goalpara
natural indigo was not profitable for them. They courthouse. The officials felt Mobile: themselves
instead obtained agreements from the helpless.
sharecroppers to pay them compensation for
11. What made the lieutenant-governor drop
being released from the 15 per cent arrangement.
the case against Gandhiji?
4. Why did many sharecroppers sign the
Ans: Thousands of peasants came in support of
agreement letters willingly? What did the
Gandhiji. The authorities felt that they could not
others do who had not signed the letters?
control them and the condition of law and order
Ans: The sharecropping system was irksome to could deteriorate. The pressure of the peasants
the peasants. They signed the agreement letters was increasing. On the other hand, Gandhiji
willingly. Those who resisted engaged lawyers; refuse to have any bail. Therefore, the lieutenant-
the landlords hired thugs. general dropped the case against Gandhiji.
5. Why did Gandhiji meet Secretary of the 12. Why did Gandhiji tell the court that he was
British landlord’s association? How was he involved in a ‘conflict of duties’?
treated by him?
Ans: Gandhiji said in the court he was involved
Ans: Gandhiji arrived Chamaparan to get the in ‘conflict of duties’. On the one hand, he didn’t
facts. Therefore, he visited the Secretary of the want to set a bad example as a lawbreaker; on the
British landlord’s association. The secretary told other hand, he wanted to render humanitarian and
him that they could give no information to an national service for which he had come to
outsider. Champaran.
8. How did the peasants of Champaran 13. How was civil disobedience won for the first
react when they came to know about the time in India?
arrival of Gandhiji?
Ans: The judge said that he could not deliver his
Ans: The news of Gandhiji’s advent and of the judgement for several days because of the
nature of his mission spread quickly through overwhelming support to Gandhiji. However, he
Muzzafarpur and to Champaran. was allowed to remain at liberty. Several days
Sharecroppers from Champaran began arriving later, Gandhiji received a written communication
on foot and by conveyance to see their from the magistrate informing him that the
champion. Lieutenant-General had decided to drop the case
against him. In this way the civil disobedience
9. Why did Gandhiji feel that taking the
won for the first time in India.
Champaran case to the court was useless?
14. How much did the planters ready to refund
Ans: Gandhiji felt that taking the Champaran
to the peasants? How did Gandhiji react to it?
case to the court was useless. Where the
peasants were so crushed and fear-stricken, Ans: The planters wanted to prolong the dispute
law courts were useless. The real relief for in some way. Therefore, they offered to refund
them was to be free from fear. only 25 per cent of the money they extracted
illegally from the peasants. Gandhiji at once
10. How did Champaran peasants react
agreed to it thus breaking the deadlock.
when they came to know that a Mahatma
had come to help them? 15. Why did Gandhiji agree for only 25 per
cent refund?
Ans: When the Champaran peasants came to
know that a Mahatma had come to help them Ans: Gandhiji agreed for 25 percent refund to
and he was in trouble with the authorities they break the dead lock. For him the amount of refund
came in large numbers to Motihari. Thousands was not important. The landlords had been
of them hold demonstrations around the obliged to part with some of their money and also
Prepared by: Nur Jamal Sk, English teacher, Kalpana Chawla Memorial Academy Sr. Sec. School, Goalpara.
Nur Jamal Sk, KCM Academy, Goalpara
16. What social work did Gandhiji do in the to Muzzafarpur. From there he went
Mobile: to
villages of Champaran? Champaran.
Ans: Gandhiji opened primary schools there. 20. What did the peasants pay the British
Many of his disciples came to volunteer their landlords as rent? What did the British now
services. Health condition of the place was want instead and why? What would be the
miserable. Gandhiji got a doctor to volunteer impact of synthetic indigo on the prices of
his services for six months. natural indigo?
17. Why was Gandhiji against taking the Ans: The landlords compelled all the peasants
help of Charles Freer Andrews? to plant three twentieths or 15 per cent of their
holdings with indigo and surrender the entire
Ans: Charles Freer Andrews became
indigo harvest as rent.
Gandhiji’s disciple at Champaran. The lawyers
thought that it would be good for them if they The landlords came to know that the Germany had
had an Englishman with them. But Gandhiji developed synthetic indigo. So, they demanded
was opposed to it. He said taking help of an compensation from the peasants for being
Englishman would show the weakness of their released from the 15% arrangement.Producing
heart. natural indigo was not profitable. The price of the
synthetic indigo would be much less than the
18. Why do you think that the servants
natural indigo.
thought Gandhiji to be another peasant?
21. The events in this part of the text
Ans: Gandhiji wore very simple clothes, his illustrate Gandhiji’s method of working.
appearance matched a peasant of that days. Can you identify some instances of his
Since Gandhi was taken by taken by Shukla, method and link them to his ideas of
the servants took him to be another peasant. satayagraha and non-violence?
19. List the places that Gandhiji visited Ans: It was only due to the support of ordinary
between his first meeting with Shukla and people that the sharecroppers of Champaran could
his arrival at Champaran. get justice. When Gandhiji was arrested in
Motihari, the ordinary people flocked on the roads
Ans: Gandhi went to Cawnpore then he
in large numbers, as a result, the government had
returned to his ashram near Ahmedabad.
to drop the case against Gandhiji. Thus, from this
Gandhi then went to Patna. From there he went
episode, ordinary people too con-tributed to the
freedom movement.
Ans: Gandhiji believed in the path of truth and 23. Why do you think Gandhi considered
non-violence. He did nothing that is morally the Champaran episode to be a turning-
wrong. He followed the path of non-violence point in his life?
against the British. Gandhiji’s path was the
Ans: The episode of Champaran gave
path of satyagraha, it means protest for truth
independence to Indian peasants. It gave
by adopting non-violent methods.
courage to them. Gandhiji thought that it could
22. How did the episode change the plight of be a small problem. But due to this incident he
the peasants? decided to urge the departure of the British. It
was here where the civil disobedience was first
Ans: The episode of Chamapran had a great
time succeeded.
effect on the peasants. They saw they had
rights and defenders. They learned courage. 24. What was the attitude of the average
Also, the British planters abandoned their Indian 1 in smaller localities towards
estates, which were reverted to the peasants. advocates of ‘home rule’?

Prepared by: Nur Jamal Sk, English teacher, Kalpana Chawla Memorial Academy Sr. Sec. School, Goalpara.
Nur Jamal Sk, KCM Academy, Goalpara
Mobile: 7002091268
Ans: In smaller localities the people were 1. Where is Champaran situated?
afraid to show sympathy for advocates of
Ans: (See question no 6 from 1 mark
home rule. They were so crushed and
question section)
frightened by the dreaded power of the British
that it was impossible for them to support even 2015
the idea of home rule.
1. What did Shukla want Gandhi to do?
25. How do we know that ordinary people
too con-tributed to the freedom movement? Ans: (See question no 26 from 2 marks
question section)
26. Who was Rajkumar Shukla? What did
he want from Gandhiji? 2. Who was Sir Edward Gait?

Ans: Rajkumar Shukla was a peasant from Ans: (See question no 27 from 1 mark
Champaran. He wanted Gandhiji to go to question section)
Champaran to witness the pathetic conditions 2016
of the peasants. He wanted Gandhi to get them
justice from the landlords. 1. Who was Rajkumar Shukla?

Additional short questions and answers. Ans: (See question no 4 from 1 mark
question section)
1. What was an ancient arrangement in
Indigo? 2. What was Gandhi’s politics
intertwined with?
Ans: An ancient arrangement was
sharecropping. Ans: Gandhi’s politics were in intertwined
with the practical, day to day problems of
2. What did the messenger do with Gandhi? the millions.
Ans: The messenger served Gandhi with an 3. Why was the Champaran episode so
official notice to quit Champaran immediately. significant in Gandhi’s life?
3. What landlords had done with the Ans: (See question no 23 from 2 marks
sharecroppers? question section)
Ans: The landlords forced the sharecroppers to 2017
plant indigo to pay 15% as rent.
1. Whom did Gandhi and Shukla want to
4. Who was Reverend J. Z. Hodge? meet at Panta?
Ans: Reverend J. Z. Hodge was a British Ans: Gandhi and Shukla wanted to meet
missionary in Champaran who observed the Rajendra Prasad at Patna.
entire episode at close range
2. What was the incident that prompted
5. How did Mr. Gandhi break the deadlock? to Gandhi to raise his voice of protest
Ans: Mr. Gandhi broke the deadlock by against the British?
getting agree to the offer of 25 per cent refund Ans: Most of the arable land in the
by British planters. Champaran district was divided into large
Previous Year Questions Solved estates owned by Englishmen and worked
by Indian peasants. The landlords
2014 compelled all the tenants to surrender 15%
of their indigo holdings. Those who

Prepared by: Nur Jamal Sk, English teacher, Kalpana Chawla Memorial Academy Sr. Sec. School,
Nur Jamal Sk, KCM Academy, Goalpara
Mobile: 7002091268
resisted, were maltreated by the landlords. Ans: Gandhi was visiting Lucknow in 1916
This incident prompted to Gandhi to raise to attend to the annual convention of the
his voice of protest against the British. Indian Nation Congress party.
2018 2. Why was Professor Malkani’s action
of offering shelter to Gandhi
1. Where was Champaran?
Ans: (See question no 6 from 1 mark
Ans: Government employees were afraid to
question section)
show sympathy for advocates of home-rule
2. Why did Gandhi choose to go to in those days since India was under British
Muzaffarpur first before going on to rule. So, Gandhi calls Professor Malkani's
Chamaran? action of offering shelter 'extraordinary'
because Gandhi was a protester.
Ans: Gandhi decided to go first to
Muzzafarpur, which was an enroute to 2022
Champaran, to obtain more complete
1. Whom did Gandhi and Shukla want to
information about conditions that Shukla
meet at Panta?
was capable of imparting.
Ans: Gandhi and Shukla wanted to meet
Rajendra Prasad at Patna.
1. Which country had developed
2. Why was Gandhi impressed with
synthetic indigo?
Ans: Germany.
Ans: Gandhi told him about his
2. Where did Gandhi stay in appointments in Cawnpore and other parts
Muzzafarpur? of India. But Shukla accompanied Gandhi
everywhere After weeks of remaining at
Ans: At the house of Professor Malkani Gandhiji's side, he begged Gandhi to fix a
3. How was a solution to the problem of date. Thus, Gandhi was impressed by his
indigo sharecroppers of Champaran tenacity.
found? 2023
Ans: Gandhi took up the cause of the 1. Which book by Louis Fischer has been
Indigo sharecroppers at Champaran. He reviewed as one of the best books ever
fought against the injustice of the cruel written on Gandhi by Times Educational
British landlords who extorted money from Supplement?
the poor sharecroppers. At last, the peasants
secured justice and the landlords agreed to Ans: Answer is given.
refund 25% of the money. In this way, the
2. How was a solution to the problems of
solution to the problem of indigo
indigo sharecroppers of Champaran
sharecroppers of Champaran found.
Ans: Answer is given.
1. Why was Gandhi visiting Lucknow in
Additional Questions and Answers
1. Name two lawyers that came from

Prepared by: Nur Jamal Sk, English teacher, Kalpana Chawla Memorial Academy Sr. Sec. School,
Nur Jamal Sk, KCM Academy, Goalpara
Mobile: 7002091268
Ans: Brij Kishor Babu and Maulana Ans: Gandhi had gone to the annual
Mazharul Huq. convention of the Indian National Congress
party in Lucknow in December 1916.
2. Which book by Louis Fischer has been
reviewed as one of the best books ever 10. Did Gandhi know about Champaran
written on Gandhi by Times Educational before he met Shukla?
Ans: No, Gandhi had never heard about
Ans: The life of Mahatma Gandhi. Champaran before he met Shukla.
3. When did Gandhi decide to urge the
departure of the British?
Short Answer Questions: (2 marks each)
Ans: Gandhi decided to urge the
1. Where and when was the annual
Department of the British in 1917.
convention of the Indian National
4. What did Rajkumar Shukla want congress party held?
Gandhi to do?
Ans: The annual convention of the Indian
Ans: Shukla wanted Gandhi to go to his National congress party was held in
district Chamaran. Lucknow on December 1916.
5. When did Gandhi and Shukla board 3. What did Gandhi tell Rajkumar
the train to? Shukla?
Ans: Gandhi and Shukla boarded the train Ans: Gandhi told Rajkumar Shukla that he
to Patna in Bihar. had an appointment in Cawnpore and was
also committed to go to other parts of India.
6. Where did the Gandhi decide to go fast
from Patna and why? 4. Whom did Gandhi send a telegram
to in Muzzafarpur?
Ans: Gandhi decided to go first to
Muzzafarpur, which was an enroute to Ans: Gandhi sent a telegram to Professor
Champaran, to obtain more complete J.B. Kripalani, of the Arts College in
information about conditions that Shukla Muzzafarpur, whom he had seen at
was capable of imparting. Tagore’s Shantiniketan school.
7. What was the capital of Champaran? 5. What did the British Commissioner
of the Tirhut division in Champaran
Ans: The capital of Champaran was
district ask Gandhi to do?
Ans: The British Commissioner of the
8. What happened when Gandhi refused
Tirhut division in Champaran district asked
to furnish bail at the Muzzafarpur
Gandhi to ‘proceeded to bully him and
advised him forthwith to leave Tirhut.
Ans: When Gandhi refused to furnish bail
6. What do you know of Rajkumar
at the Muzzafarpur Court then the judge
released him without bail.
Ans: Rajkumar Shukla is a poor yeoman or
9. Where did Gandhi go to in December,
a poor peasant of Champaran. He is simple
and resolute person. Only for his

Prepared by: Nur Jamal Sk, English teacher, Kalpana Chawla Memorial Academy Sr. Sec. School,
Nur Jamal Sk, KCM Academy, Goalpara
Mobile: 7002091268
impression, Gandhi went to Champaran on Ans: Gandhi first met the secretary of the
regarding the problem of sharecroppers. British landlord’s association. The
secretary told him that they could give no
7. Why did Gandhi write to J.B.
information to an outsider. Gandhi
answered that he was no outsider.
Ans: Gandhi decided to go first to
11. Whom did Gandhi meet in the Tirhut
Muzzafarpur to obtain more complete
division of the Champaran district?
information about conditions than Shukla
What did he say to Gandhi?
had informed. So, Gandhi wrote to J.B.
Kripalani for supporting. Ans: Gandhi met the British official
commissioner in the Tirhut division of the
8. What had spread through
Champaran district. He advised Gandhi to
Muzzafarpur and to Champaran?
leave Tirhut.
Ans: The news of Gandhi’s advent and of
12. What did the British official
the nature of his mission spread quickly
commissioner of the Tirhut division of
through Muzzafarpur and to Champaran.
the Champaran district say to Gandhi?
Sharecroppers from Champaran began
arriving on foot and by conveyance to see Ans: The British official commissioner of
their champion. the Tirhut division of the Champaran
district bullied Gandhi and advised him
9. Who was the ‘Champion’ of the
forthwith to leave Tirhut.
share croppers?
Ans: Mahatma Gandhi was the ‘Champion’
of the share croppers.
10. Whom did Gandhi first meet after
reaching Champaran? What did he say
to Gandhi?

Each question carries 5 marks

1. Describe the efforts made by R. K. Shukla to persuade Gandhi to go to Champaran.
Ans: Rajkumar Shukla was a poor and emaciated peasant from Champaran. In the annual
Congress party session held at Lucknow, he came to complain about the injustices of the
landlord system in Bihar. He met Gandhi, introduced himself and told him that he had come to
take him there to help the poor share croppers.
Gandhi told him about his appointments in Cawnpore and other parts of India. But Shukla
was resolute. He accompanied Gandhi everywhere. Then Gandhi returned to his ashram near
Ahmedabad. Shukla followed him to the ashram. After weeks of remaining at Gandhiji's side,
he begged Gandhi to fix a date. Gandhi was impressed by his tenacity. He detailed him about
his Calcutta meeting. Months passed. When Gandhi went to At Calcutta, he found the peasant
sitting on his haunches at the appointed spot. He waited there till Gandhi was free. Then both
boarded a train to Bihar. In this way, R.K. Shukla took Gandhi to Champaran.

Prepared by: Nur Jamal Sk, English teacher, Kalpana Chawla Memorial Academy Sr. Sec. School,
Nur Jamal Sk, KCM Academy, Goalpara
Mobile: 7002091268
2. "The battle of Champaran is on". Gandhi exclaimed. Explain the context in which this
was said. (2015,2016)
Ans: Most of the arable land in the Champaran district was divided into large estates owned
by Englishmen and worked by Indian tenants. The chief commercial crop was indigo. The
landlords compelled all tenants to plant three twentieths or 15 per cent of their holdings with
indigo and surrender the entire indigo harvest as rent. This was done by long-term contract. It
makes irksome to the peasants.
Gandhi reached at that moment in Champaran. He had to appear in the court for helping the
sharecroppers and disobey the order of leaving Champaran. However, the supports of lawyers
and spontaneous demonstration of thousands of peasants, Gandhi was released.
Rajendra Prasad, Brij Kishor Babu, Maulana Mazharul and several other prominent lawyers
had arrived from Bihar to help Gandhi for the sharecroppers and the case. Gandhi asked the
lawyers what they would do if he was sentenced to prison. Then, the senior lawyer replied
negatively that they would go home.
Rajendra Prasad and the lawyers consulted that Gandhi was totally a stranger, and yet he was
prepared to go to prison for the sake of the peasants. So, if they would go home then it would
be shameful. So, they said that they were ready to follow him into jail. Then Gandhi exclaimed
that ‘‘The battle of Champaran is won’’.
3. Describe the exploitation of the indigo sharecroppers by the British landlords. How did
Gandhi help them to get an honorable settlement? (2017,2019)
What was the long-term contract between the English landlords and the sharecroppers
of Champaran? Why did the sharecroppers protest against this agreement and how?
Ans: Most of the arable land in the Champaran district was divided into large estates owned
by Englishmen and worked by Indian tenants. The chief commercial crop was indigo. The
landlords compelled all tenants to plant three twentieths or 15 per cent of their holdings with
indigo and surrender the entire indigo harvest as rent. This was done by long-term contract.
When Germany had developed synthetic indigo thereupon the landlords obtained agreements
from the sharecroppers to pay them compensation for being released from the 15 per cent
Gandhi reached at that moment in Champaran. He visited the secretary of the British landlord’s
association and also met British official commissioner of the Tirhut division on regarding the
problems of sharecroppers. He had to appear in the court for the sharecroppers for helping them
and disobey the order of leaving Champaran. By the supports of lawyers and spontaneous
demonstration of thousands of peasants, Gandhi was released and interviewed with Sir Edward
Gait, the Lieutenant-Governor for the case. After the settlement, an official commission
appointed and made inquiry on it. By the various evident, it was proved that the landlord took
the money illegally and deceitfully. So, the landlord had to refund 25 percent to the
sharecroppers. In this way, Gandhi helps them to get a settlement.
4. “Civil disobedience had triumphed, the first time in modern India” – Show, referring
to the prose-piece ‘Indigo’, how this had happened? 2023

Prepared by: Nur Jamal Sk, English teacher, Kalpana Chawla Memorial Academy Sr. Sec. School,
Nur Jamal Sk, KCM Academy, Goalpara
Mobile: 7002091268
Ans: Most of the arable land in the Champaran district was divided into large estates owned
by Englishmen and worked by Indian tenants. The chief commercial crop was indigo. The
landlords compelled all tenants to plant three twentieths or 15 per cent of their holdings with
indigo and surrender the entire indigo harvest as rent. This was done by long-term contract. It
makes irksome to the peasants.
Gandhi reached at that moment in Champaran. He had to appear in the court for helping the
sharecroppers and disobey the order of leaving Champaran. However, the supports of lawyers
and spontaneous demonstration of thousands of peasants, Gandhi was released.
Rajendra Prasad, Brij Kishor Babu, Maulana Mazharul and several other prominent lawyers
had arrived from Bihar to help Gandhi for the sharecroppers and the case. Gandhi asked the
lawyers what they would do if he was sentenced to prison. Then, the senior lawyer replied
negatively that they would go home.
Rajendra Prasad and the lawyers consulted that Gandhi was totally a stranger, and yet he was
prepared to go to prison for the sake of the peasants. So, if they would go home then it would
be shameful. So, they said that they were ready to follow him into jail. Then Gandhi exclaimed
that ‘‘The battle of Champaran is won’’.
Several days later, Gandhi received a written communication from the magistrate informing
him that the Lieutenant Governor of the province had ordered the case to be dropped. Civil
disobedience had triumphed, the first time in modern India


Prepared by: Nur Jamal Sk, English teacher, Kalpana Chawla Memorial Academy Sr. Sec. School,

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