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Bcfe news for Nov & Dec 2023

Applications for 2023 are now Open

Applications for all our courses are now open on the website at This includes our
offering of 4 Degree programmes. All our level 5 & 6 courses can also be found on

Three of the BA Hons Level 8 s are 2 year top up degrees and will require a Higher National
Diploma (HND) or equivalent in a relevant discipline. The 2 years spent completing the HND
will count as the first 2 years of your degree with a further 2 years at Level 8 BA Hons.

These degrees include our degree in Animation, our degree in Games Design and our degree in
Media Production Management.

The 4th degree offering is a new tertiary programme to Level 8 in Immersive Media
Production; BA (Hons) Immersive Media Production - BCFE . Applicants will complete 2 years in
BCFE followed by a further 2 years in IADT if successful.

2024 Open Day in BCFE aka CDETB Ballyfermot

Our next Open Day will be held on Wednesday the 17 th Jan 10.00 -4.00. All three buildings; the
Main Building, the Art Block (on the Kylemore Road) & the media buildings will be open to
prospective students and visitors. Come along and talk to the teachers about the courses you
are interested in and the portfolio guidelines or come in and view our excellent facilities.

All welcome.
BCFE Graduation
CDETB Ballyfermot Campus formerly known as BCFE or Ballyfermot College of Further
Education or as it’s known to most of our students as just plain Ballyfermot held its
Graduation ceremony in the RDS Music Hall on the 23 rd November. Here is just a smattering of
some of the photos taken on the day.
Think Again Scholarship

Recent BCFE Nursing graduate Leona McGreevy photographed with

Minister of Social Protection, Heather Humphreys at the announcement
of the €7,000 income disregard for the Think Again Scholarship, which is
specifically for the support of women in Higher Education. Leona is in
her first year of Children’s and General Nursing in UCD and bringing
with her a wealth of knowledge, transversal skills and experience from
@bcfenursing. Congrats Leona.
Guest Speaker for Music Students | Accessibility
of Live Music

Brian Cleary discussed sudden hearing loss and the importance of accessibility of
live music, theatre and other events for people with hearing aids and cochlear
implants with students from the HND in Music Production today. His blog
at details his experiences of sudden hearing loss, severe
tinnitus and regaining access to stereo sound again with a cochlear implant.
Many thanks to Brian for visiting our performance Hall at BCFE, CDETB
Ballyfermot Campus.

BCFE graduates are exhibiting at Art Source, RDS

BCFE graduates have been invited to exhibit at Art Source, RDS

Calvin Lynch – Illustration Graduate

I’m Calvin Lynch, an illustrator based in Dublin, Ireland. I specialise in producing

narrative works such as comics, graphic novels and storyboards. I work primarily in a

digital format but have a lot of experience in traditional media, my favourite being ink

and brush. The reason why I work digitally is because it’s quicker, more efficient and I

love experimenting midway through my pieces.

Rachel Corcoran – Graphic Graduate

Rachel Corcoran is an illustrator and designer from Dublin, Ireland.

Rachel is a graduate of the Visual Communications (Graphic Design)
course at Ballyfermot College of Further Education, and she has been
working as a freelance illustrator since her graduation. Rachel has
illustrated over 20 children’s books, including Judi Curtin’s popular
series ‘Lily at Lissadell,’ and Sarah Webb’s ‘The Little Bee Charmer of
Henrietta Street.’ Her illustrations can also be seen driving daily through
Dublin City on vintage tea buses! Rachel’s regular clients include O’Brien
Press, Usborne Books, Vintage Tea Trips, Kerry Group and Airfield
Stephen Donnelly – Animation Graduate

Wonder of the world is something to treasure. Famous lunar photos of

our blue marble show just how small and delicate this world of ours is,
and that to me makes even the mundane aspects of our natural world so
inspiring. From my own travels I’ve discovered that through painting
light and colour I cannot just show what I saw but also how I felt. As
children we see the world through fresh eyes … I take endless
satisfaction in attempting to bring those same feelings back. My
collection of artwork shows my impression of places I’ve both been and
wish to be, and the times I’ve been there, as I try to find something
unique about every place I come across.
Sara Serpilli – Graphic Graduate

Sara’s artwork is strongly inspired by surrealism, psychology, and Italian

metaphysical paintings. She works methodically to create very clean
drawings impregnated with a ‘muddle’ touch. While her Graphic Design
exploration is imbued with humour, bold colours, and sarcasm.

Nathan (Rebecca) Clarke – Illustration Graduate

Hi, I’m Nathan, a 23-year-old Illustrator in Dublin! I’m a recent graduate

from BCFE, and I’m passionate about graphic novels and character
design. My art draws inspiration from old video games, medieval art,
folklore, and my affection for rats and pigeons! Through my work, I aim
to evoke emotions and transport viewers to realms of wonder and
curiosity, and see the enigmatic beauty hidden within the mundane.
Thank you for your curiosity in my work!
Tina Maher – Animation Graduate

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