Law of Contract

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Scope and Object

 The law of contract deals with agreements

which can be enforced through courts of law.
 As every transaction starts from an agreement
between two or more persons that’s why law
of contract is the most important part of
commercial law.

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Scope and Object (contd.)
 According to-
1. Salmond- A contract is an agreement
creating and defining obligations between
the parties.
2. Sir William Anson- A contract is an
agreement enforceable at law made between
two or more persons, by which rights are
acquired by one or more to acts or
forbearances on the part of other or others.
 The object of the law of contract is to
introduce definiteness in commercial and
other transactions.

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 Section 2(h) of the Contract Act says that
“An agreement enforceable by law is a
contract”. In a contract there must be
(1) An agreement and
(2) The agreement must be enforceable by
 An agreement becomes contract when one
or more persons promise to one or others to
do or not to do something.
 An agreement that can be enforced through
the courts of law, is called contract.
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The Essential Elements of contract
 To be enforceable by law a contract must
fulfill some terms and conditions.
 These conditions may be called the
essential elements of a contract. The
conditions are-----------
1. Offer and Acceptance: There must be a
lawful offer by one party and lawful
acceptance by the other party under this

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The Essential Elements of contract
2. Legal Relationship: There must be an intention among
parties that the agreement shall result in or create
legal relationship.
3. Lawful Consideration: An agreement is legally
enforceable by only when each of the parties gives
something and gets something. An agreement void
of anything is usually not enforced by law. The
something given or obtained is called consideration.
It must be lawful.

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The Essential Elements of contract
4.Capacity: The parties of an agreement
must be legally capable. Any party
suffering from disability like minority,
lunacy and so on, of an agreement is not
enforceable by law except some special
5. Free consent: The parties of an agreement
must have free consent to make an
agreement enforceable. No one can
influence any of the parties to do so.
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The Essential Elements of contract
6. Legality of the Object: The object of an
agreement must not be illegal, immoral or
opposed to public policy.
7. Wring, Registration and Legal Formation:
An oral contract is perfectly good
contract. Writing is required in cases of
lease, gift, sale, mortgage of immovable
property. Registration is compulsory
incases of documentation. Sometimes
oral contract are difficult to prove. That’s
why agreement should be written. But it
is not compulsory

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The Essential Elements of contract
8. Certainty: The agreement must not be
vague. It must ascertain the meaning of
the agreement, otherwise it cannot be
9. Possibility of Performance: The
agreement must be capable of being
performed. A promise to do impossible
thing can not be enforced.

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Some Definitions

The law of contract classified into four board

 The method of formation of a contract
 The time of its performance
 Its parties and
 Its legality or validity

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1.Method Of Formation
1.(1)Express contract
 Expressed in wards spoken or written in contract
 No difficulty arises in understanding the rights
and obligation of the parties
1.(2)Implied contract
 Understood to form the act
 Conduct of parties and course of dealing between

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2.Time Performance

2.(i)Executed Contract
Parties perform their obligation immediately
at the time of its formation
2.(ii) Executory Contract
Obligation of the parties are to be performed
at a latter time

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3.The parties of the contract

3.(i)Bilateral Contract
• There must be at least 2 parties of the contact
3(ii)Unilateral Contract
• One party has to fulfil its obligation
• Other party has already has already
performed the obligation

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4.The legality or validity of the
I. Contract can be classified in the following:
II. Valid
III. Void
IV. Voidable
V. Illegal
VI. unenforceable

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Offer And Acceptance

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Formation of the contract

All contract are made by two parties
1. One party offers
2. Other party accept
An example has given for audience:
• X says to y, “will you buy my house for Rs
50,000?”This is an offer. If Y says, “Yes”, the
offer is accepted as a contract.

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Offer involves the making of a proposal

Proposal is defined in the contract act as
 One person signifies to another his willingness
to do or abstain from doing anything
 Obtaining the assent or abstinence

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 The promisor or the person making the offer is

called offerer.
 The person to whom the offer is made is called
the offree

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Promises and acceptance

 The person to whom the proposal is made

signifies his accent is said to be accept
 The proposal maker is called promisor
 The recevier of the proposal is called

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Example of offer and acceptance

(i) Specific offer: X offer to sell his motor car to Y

at the price of Rs 5,000.this is a proposal.
X is the promisor or offeror
Y is the offeree
If Y agrees to buy the car at stated price, it will
converted into contract.
(individual P and student Q
lost book contract)

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Example of offer and acceptance

(ii) General offer : the transport company runs

tramways car along the street with a view to
carrying passenger at the schedule fare
 The offer is accepted by passenger
 Then it is a general offer.

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Effect of offer and acceptance

• Offer along and acceptance along are “inactive” or

• Offer together with acceptance are essential element
of contract exist.
• These two component is compared with Gunpowder
and lighted match
• Acceptance is compared to offer
• Lighted match is compared to gunpowder
• Acceptance converts the offer into promise

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1.Rules regarding offer:
An offer may be implied from the circumstances
There are two types of offer:
 Express offer: an offer is stating so in words or in
writing(the proposal or acceptance of any promises is
 Implied offer: an offer is implied from the conduct of a
person (the proposal or acceptance of a promise
otherwise than in words is implied)

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1. An offer may be express or may be implied
from the circumstances
 Offer may be made in two ways
- by words, spoke or written
- by conduct

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2. An offer may be made to a definite person;

to some definite class of persons
 Specific offer
 General offer
i. A definite person
ii. A definite class of persons
iii. The world at large
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3. Legal relationship is required

 Offer must create a legal relationship
 Invitation to play card is not legal relationship
4. The terms of the offer must be certain,
definite, unambiguous and not vague

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5. A mere statement of intention is not an offer

A distinction is usually made, between an offer and a
statement of intention. Price-lists and catalogues,
and enquiries for customers and merely
statements of intention. They are not regarded as
offers but as invitation to others to made offers .
An advertisement in a newspaper or elsewhere
may be so worded that it amounts to an offer. But
ordinarily and advertisement is considered to be
an invitation to make offers

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i. Quotation of prices : A quotation of prices is not an

offer , but an invitation for offes . This is true of
many common forms of advertise
ii. Advertisement : A newspaper advertisement inviting
applications for a job or inviting tenders for some is
not an offer. It is only an invitation to make offers.
The applicants who reply to the advertisement are
the proposers or offerors. The advertiser is free to
accept any one of the applications.
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6.An offer must be communicated to the offeree
A person cannot accept an offer unless he knows of the existence
of the offer. P offers a reward to anyone who returns his lost
dog. Q finding the dog brings it to P without having heard of
the offer. Held, he was not entitled to the reward. In this case
it was argued that a man cannot accept an offer without
intending to do so, and he cannot intend to accept an offer of
which he was ignorant. Suppose, G sent servant L in search
of his missing nephew. Subsequently G announced a reward
for information concerning the boy. L brought back the
missing boy, without having known of the reward. Held, there
was no contract between L and G and the reward cannot be

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7. An offer may be conditional
 An offer may be made subject to conditions.
 In such cases, the conditions must be clearly
communicated to the officer.
 If a person accepts an offer without knowledge of the
conditions, the offeror cannot claim fulfillment of the
 But if the conditions are clearly written or expressed
and should have been known to the offeree, he
cannot plead ignorance of the conditions.
- Strict enforcement

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8. Printed Contracts
 Often contain a large number of terms and
 Excluded liability under the contract.
The Life Insurance Corporation of India, the
Railway Administration, Statutory
Corporation and big companies

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Agreement to take something offered

Who can accept?
 An offer is accepted to a particular person
 A class of persons- Any member
 In case of the world_ Any person whatsoever
An example……………..

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1. It must be an absolute and unqualified

acceptance of all the terms of the offer.
2. Conditional Acceptance

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3. Contracts subject to condition:

 An immediate binding contract.
 Even though some of the parties’ rights and
obligations may be dependent upon the
happening of a particular event.

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4. Clarification:
 Seeking acceptance of offer or making of a
counter offer does not amount in a same way.
5.Methods of communicating acceptance:
 word of mouth
 telephone
 telegram or by post

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6. No place of mental acceptance:

If the offeree keeps silence, there is no room
for accepting the offer to be contracted.
Rahim offered to buy karim’s horse for

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7. Mode of acceptance: The offeree must follow

the particular mode of acceptance.
 If the offeror says, “acceptance to be sent by
telegram”, the offeree must send a telegram.

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8. Time of Acceptance:
 Acceptance must be done within the offeror’s
prescribed time
 The acceptance can be done within reasonable
9.Before Offer: Acceptance must be given before
the offer.

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How is an offer to be communicated?

An offer may be communicated to the offeree or
 by word of mouth,
 by writing or
 by conduct.

Examples of offers– a tramway car and a bus;

picking up passengers.
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Offer and Acceptance by post:

 An offer by post either may be made or
 The post office will be the agent if the
proposal is made through the post.
 The letter must be correctly addressed.

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Offer and Acceptance through
Can be communicated through telephone
Exist certain rules regarding oral
Must be audible, heard and understood
Satisfied conditions and essential elements of
contract should exist
The parties are bound through a telephone
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Offer and Acceptance through
“Now, when the parties negotiate a contact orally
in the presence of each other or over telephone
and one of them makes an oral offer to the other,
it is plain that an oral acceptance is expected, and
the acceptor must ensure that his acceptance is
audible, heard and understood by the offer. The
acceptance in such a case must be by such words
which have the effect of communicating it.”

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Offer and Acceptance through
 Communication through a telex or a teleprinter
machine in the office, is valid
 Contract made by “telex” was no exception to
the general rule
 Acceptance is not complete until communicated

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Microphones have not yet acquired notoriety as
carries of binding representations. Promises
held out over loudspeakers are often claptraps
of politics

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An option is a
contract to
do something

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Standing contract and open

 Contracts for the supply of goods over a

period of time
 Sometimes the buyer has an option
- The quantity to be purchased
- The time of purchase

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An offer comes to an end, and is no longer open
to acceptance under the following

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1.By notice
 The offeror gives notice of revocation to the
other party
 The offer comes to an end
 May be revoked any time before acceptance
 But can not be revoked afterwards
 Accepted offer means binding contact
 Notice of revocation does not take effect until
it comes within the knowledge of the offeree.
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2. By laps of time
 The prosper prescribes a time
 The proposal must be accepted
 The proposal lapses as soon as the time expires

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3. After expiry of reasonable time

 Aithout prescribed time, the proposal lapses
after the expiry of a reasonable time
 Reasonable time depend on the circumstances
of the case

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4. By failure of a condition precedent

 Offer lapses by the failure of the acceptor to
fulfill a condition
 Condition precedent to acceptance
 Such a condition has been prescribed

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5. By death or insanity
 Offer lapses by the death or insanity of the
 Death or insanity comes to the knowledge of
the acceptor before acceptance

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6. Counter offer
 Counter offer may be given
 The original offer lapses

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7. By refusal
 Proposal once refused is dead
 Cannot be revived by its subsequent

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