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1)Angle between y2=x and x2=y at the origin is

1) 2) 3) 4)

The minimum value of the function │3-x│=9 is

1)0 2)33)6 4)9

3.The point of inflexion of the curve y=(x-1)3 is

1)(0,0) 2)(0,1) 3)(1,0)4)(1,1)

4.The change in the surface area S=6x2 of a cube when the length varies from x0 to x0+dx is

1)12 x0+dx 2) 12 x0dx 3) 6x0dx 4) 6 x0+dx

5. Linear approximation for g(x) =cos x at x = is

1)x+ 2) –x+ 3) x- 4) –x-
6.If(x,y,z)= xy+yz+zx , then fx –fz is equal to
1)z-x 2) y-z 3) x-z 4) y-x
7.The general solution of the differential equation = is
1)xy=k 2)y=klogx 3)y=kx 4)logy=kx
8.The solution of =2y-x is
1)2x+2y=c 2) 2x-2y=c 3)1/2x-1/2y=c 4)x+y=c
9.The integrating factor of the differential eqution = is
1) 2)x+1 3) 4)
10.A random variable X has Binomial distribution with n=25 and p=0.8 then standard
deviation of x is
1)6 2)4 3)3 4)2
11.P(X=0)=1-P(X=1) ,If E(X)=3Var(X),then P(X=0) is
1) 2) 3) 4)
12.If in 6 trial,X is a binomial variable which follows the relation
9P(X=4)=P(X=2) then the probability of success is
1)0.125 2)0.25 3)0.375 4)0.75
13.subtraction is not a binary operation in
1)R 2)Z 3)N 4)Q
14.Which one is the inverse of the statement (pvq) (p^q)?
1)(p ^q) (pvq) 2) ͠pvq (p^q) 3)͠(pv͠ q)→͠(p^͠q) 4)͠(p^͠q)→͠(pv͠ q)
15.The proposition p^( ͠ pvq ) is
1)a tautology 2) a contradiction 3)logically equivalent to p ^ q 4) logically equivalent to pvq
16)If g(x) =x2+sinx dg=?
1) dg= (2x + cos x) dx 2) dg= (2x - cos x) dx 3) dg= (x + 2cos x) dx 4) dg= (2x + sin x) dx
17)A nonlinear ordinary differential equation is simply one that is

1) linear 2) not linear 3) homogeneous 4) non – homogeneous

18) The number of arbitrary constants in the particular solution of a differential equation
of third order is

1)3 2) 2 3) 1 4) 0

19)Which one of the not correct?

1) F( 2) ) F( 3) F(x) is a real valued decreasing 4)0

20) Find the angle between the curves y = x2 and their point of intersection (0,0)

1) 2) 3) 4)


Answer any 7 questions only ( Q.NO 30 is compulsory)

21) Evaluate:, m

22) Let V( x,y,z) = xy + yz + zx , x,y,zfind the differential dv.

23) In a newly developed city, it is estimated that the voting population ( in thousands) will
increase according to V(t) = 30 + 12 t2 – t3, where t is the time in years. Find the
approximate change in voters for the time change from 4 to 4 year.

24) Solve

25) Find the differential equation corresponding to the family of curves represented by the
equation y = A cos x + B sin x where A and B are arbitrary constants.

26) The probability density function of x is given by

Find the value of k.

27) Three fair coins are tossed simultaneously, Find the probability mass function for
number of heads occurred.

28) Let A= , B = be any two Boolean matrices of the same type. Find A V B and A B

29. Show that are not equivalent.

30. Prove that the function f(x) = is strictly increasing in ( 2 ,


Answer any 7 questions only (Q.No 40 is compulsory)

31) Expand log(1 + x) as a Maclaurin’s series upto 4 non – zero terms for .

32) Find the intervals of monotonicity and hence find the local extrema for the function

33) The relation between the number of words y a person learns in x hours is given by

y = 52, What is the approximate number of words learned when x changes from (i) 1 to 1.1
hour? (ii) 4 to 4.1 hour?

34) u(x,y) = and find and evaluate it at t = 0.

35) Solve

36) show that , x is a solution of the differential equation

37) Find the probability mass function and cumulative distribution function of number of
girl child in families with 4 children assuming equal probabilities for boys and girls.

38) The probability density function of the random variable X is given by

f(x) = find the mean and variance of X.

39) Show that

40. If and are the mean and variance of the discrete random variable X, and

E( X + 3) = 10 and E( X + 3)2 = 116, find and


Answer all the questions:

41) a) A conical water tank with vertex down of 12 metres height has a radius of 5 metres
at the top. If water flows into the tank at a rate 10 cubic m/min, how fast is the depth of the
water increases when the water is 8 metres deep?


b) For the function f(x) = find the intervals of monotonicity, local extrema intervals on
concavity and point of inflection.

42) a) Sketch the graph of the function (OR)

b) If u = sin -1 ( ) Show that x + y = tan u

43) a) A right circular cylinder has radius r = 10 cm and height h= 20 cm. Suppose that the
radius of the cylinder is increased from 10 cm to 10.1 cm and the height does not change.
Estimate the change in the volume of the cylinder. Also calculate the relative error and
percentage error, (OR)

b) If z(x,y) =

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