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Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Lesson Plan Delivery and Evaluation Form

(To be completed only by Dr. Naltan)

Name Chao Ciong

Grade/ Subject K2 Math

Date Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Read through the evaluation criteria and circle the most appropriate score for each criterion. Provide
comments for each section as relevant/ appropriate.

Criteria Marking Key:

5 = Excellent
4 = Very Good
3 = Good
2 = Average
1 = Needs improvement

CRITERIA (Total score = 80)

1. Lesson Plan:

-The lesson plan was organized 5

correctly with appropriate goals and

2. Clear Behavioral Expectations:

- The students were given very clear

expectations. 4

- Classroom rules were reinforced.

3. Anticipatory Set/ Introduction to the


- The teacher gained the children's

- The class was quiet, seated and waiting
in anticipation.

- The teacher used aids, IT, pictures to

stimulate student's curiosity.

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4. Procedural step in the lesson were

- The lesson had a logical flow.

- Remember, however, that you teach

children not to plan. Therefore, procedural
steps can change or be altered when

- Be flexible to capture a teachable


5. Content

- The teacher has a good working

knowledge and understanding of the topic
and objectives.

- Content was delivered accurately and


6. Teaching manner

- Good eye contact

- Confident; encouraged students to


- Positive facial expressions

- Student-centered methodology

7. Voice Projection

- Clear diction and enunciation

- Voice pitched at an audible level


- Voice projection was appropriate and

not above the noise of the class.

8. Pace of the Lesson

- Appropriate time for each step in the

lesson (be flexible) 4

- The lesson moved along at an

appropriate pace.

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9. Rapport with Students

- Teacher demonstrates professional


- Teacher was firm, assertive, fair, and

friendly. 4

- Teacher showed that good rapport is

build on good teaching.

- Teacher encouraged positivie


10. Questions

- A good selection of HLQ (higher level

questions) and LLQ (lower level
questions) were asked.

- Wait time was appropriate. 3

- Teacher responded/ accepted answers


- Additional questions exteded the

student's thinking.

11. Effectiveness of the Lesson's

Resources/ Aids/ Materials

- IT-PPT/ overheads/ DVD

- Charts/ books/ pictures/ objects/

- Drama, games

12. Student Involvement

- Students were actively participating and

engaged in learning.
- Collaborative learning process.

- Students remained on task.

13. Classroom managment: Whole class/

paired/ group teaching

- Students were given clear expectations.

- Students wee well organized and on

- Behavioral expectations were reinforced.

14. Guided Practice

- The teacher circulated amongst the

students, answering questions, 4
explainning tsaks and assisting when

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15. The teacher gave praise when students
remained focused.

- Positive praise was given for appropriate: 3

behavior, thoughtful answers, being on
tasks, etc.

16. Closure

- The teacher returned to the initial 4

objectives to revise and appropriately sum
up the lesson at the conclusion.

Total Score: 63

General Comments:
- started the class with song and group activity
- organized various activities to reinforce the students’ learning. - encouraged full participation.

Areas of Improvements:
- provide clear instructions before starting the game. Explain your expectations clearly to eliminate
- acknowledge their efforts and achievement by saying words of praises such as good job! and so on. -
ensure everyone listens before you explain new information.
- ask question thy promotes critical thinking - why/how.

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