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Introduction to World Explorers Mini Test

total marks

1. Match each explorer to his place of birth.

5 marks
Ferdinand Magellan Britain
Vasco da Gama China
Ibn Battuta Portugal
James Cook Portugal
Zheng He Morocco
Christopher Columbus Italy

2. Can you suggest three things these explorers might have had in common?
3 marks

3. Briefly explain the three main reasons for world exploration.

Gold: 3 marks



4. Briefly explain the difference between colonisation and exploration.

1 mark

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History | Year 4 | World Explorers | Introduction to World Explorers | Lesson 1

Introduction to World Explorers Mini Test 2

5. In your own words, briefly define the following terms:

Navigator: 3 marks




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History | Year 4 | World Explorers | Introduction to World Explorers | Lesson 1

Introduction to World Explorers Mini Test Answers

1 5 marks
Ferdinand Magellan Britain
Vasco da Gama China
Ibn Battuta Portugal
James Cook Portugal
Zheng He Morocco
Christopher Columbus Italy

2 Example answers: European, wealthy, adventurous, curious, patriotic, religious, 3 marks

egotistical, confident.

3 Gold: Explorers wanted to become wealthy. 3 marks

God: Explorers wanted to spread Christianity around the world.

Glory: Explorers wanted to become famous.

4 Colonisation involves taking settlers from one country and establishing a colony in an 1 mark
unfamiliar land, while exploration simply involves visiting an unfamiliar land and then
leaving again.

5 Navigator: Someone who is an expert in using navigational tools to explore the world. 3 marks

Explorer: Someone who sets out to discover new or unfamiliar lands.

Trader: Someone who sets out to buy and sell goods.

History | Year 4 | World Explorers | Introduction to World Explorers | Lesson 1


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