Semantic Project: Foreign Trade University Faculty of Business English

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Semantic Project
Theme 3: Clip Fireworks and analysis

Group members:

Pham Quynh Huong Dang Huong Giang Do Diep Thao Ho Khanh Ly Ngo Thuy Linh

Hanoi, 6th October 2011

Content INTRODUCTION I. Peotic devices used the clip 1. Metaphor 1.1. Definition 1.2. Metaphors in the song 2. Similie 2.1. Definition 2.2. Differences between simile and metaphor 2.3. Similes in the song 3. Hyperbole 3.1. Definition 3.2. Hyperboles in the song 4. Other peotic devices II. Messages behind the clip CONCLUSION Page 2 6 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 10 12 13

Maybe we cannot deny at all the effect of music on our daily lives. We listen to music when we are happy, when we are sad; when we are on the bus, when we are driving; in the morning, at night... It gives us joy to start a new day, it consoles us when we have a broken heart, it brings people close together, and can totally touch our souls. When people listen to music, they listen not only to the melody but also to the lyrics of the song. If melodies are the backgrounds, then lyrics act like the colorful strokes that define the picture. It conveys the writers advices, opinions, and it is all that serves as the songs meaning. Because songs are not essays, much less theses, they cannot be too long or take too much time to listen. Thus, the general method is using metaphors, similes, word-play..., i.e., all kinds of figurative language to make it more concise but still attractive. If you take a walk around on facebook, blogger, livejournal... and many other social networks where youngsters stay in touch and update their blogs at the speed of light, you will probably find out a major trend. Many of them seem to spend time on describing how their lives are ruined, with all those sadness, breakup, or betrayal... They are afraid of being themselves, of how they have to struggle to hide the other side of face. They are always wondering about their ways of living, what they like, what they do, obssessed by being evaluated by others. But many people may not realize: hapiness and self-satisfaction are things we can actually choose. They cannot be brought about by others, but by the way we decide to react to others actions. So being all you can be, regardless of whatever people may speak of it, is what we want you to keep in mind after listening to the melody of Katy Perrys Firework.

The song is in her third studio album Teenage Dream, which was released in the United States on August 24, 2010, and debuted at #1 on the Billboard 200 selling 192,000 copies in its first week. Semantically speaking, this song is a collection of interesting similes, metaphors, hyperboles... In combination with the joyful rhythm, altogether they give us the incentives and courage to get moving from where we are stuck now, to being different, to being the one we truly wish. Here is the lyrics of Firework (which is also shown on the screen). Do you ever feel like a plastic bag, drifting through the wind wanting to start again? Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin like a house of cards, one blow from caving in? Do you ever feel already buried deep? 6 feet under screams but no one seems to hear a thing Do you know that there's still a chance for you 'Cause there's a spark in you You just gotta ignite, the light, and let it shine Just own the night like the 4th of July 'Cause baby you're a firework Come on, show 'em what you're worth Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh" As you shoot across the sky-y-y Baby, you're a firework Come on, let your colors burst

Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh" You're gonna leave 'em all in down-own-own You don't have to feel like a waste of space You're original, cannot be replaced If you only knew what the future holds After a hurricane comes a rainbow Maybe your reason why all the doors are closed So you could open one that leads you to the perfect road Like a lightning bolt, your heart will glow And when it's time, you'll know You just gotta ignite, the light, and let it shine Just own the night like the 4th of July 'Cause baby you're a firework Come on, show 'em what you're worth Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh" As you shoot across the sky-y-y Baby, you're a firework Come on, let your colors burst Make 'em go "Oh, Oh, Oh" You're gonna leave 'em all in down-own-own Boom, boom, boom Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon It's always been inside of you, you, you And now it's time to let it through-ough-ough

'Cause baby you're a firework Come on, show 'em what you're worth Make 'em go "Oh, Oh, Oh" As you shoot across the sky-y-y Baby, you're a firework Come on, let your colors burst Make 'em go "Oh, Oh, Oh" You're gonna leave 'em all in down-own-own (Boom, boom, boom boom Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon)2 We would like to bring out Katy Perrys song Firework as an example, with the subbed clip enclosed. Although limited, our clip and analysis following is really meaningful to many people, especially the youth. Hope you will enjoy!


1. Metaphor 1.1. Definition According to An introduction to semantics, metaphor is the transference of meaning from one object to another due to similarity between them. We can call one object by the name of another because we compare these objects and find some common features between them. Or we can liken something to something else on certain grounds, specifically, metaphor is a hidden comparison between 2 objects. Metaphor only differs from comparison only because there is no formal element of comparison includes like and as. The transference can be based on similarity of: - Shape - Position - Movement - Function - Color - Size Moreover, we can use the metaphoric meaning of word denoting parts of human body. And we can also use the name of animals to transferred to the human beings. 1.2. Metaphors in the song. In the song, Kate used metaphor phenomenon many times to deliver her message to listeners. In some very first lines, she used metaphor in the spark existing on us. Cause theres a spark in you. The spark here means the talents and the enthusiasm that anyone have inside them. This means that no one in us people in the world do not have any talents or useful side, they just do not understand themselves fully and even ignore their own treasures. All they have to do is to ignite the light and let it shine. This is another metaphor used to represent the willingness to open and understand yourself, to get what you already have and use it wisely. Just own the night like the Fourth of July. This is a deep metaphor since the Fourth of July is Independent day of the United

States. It represents freedom, hope, faith and happiness. This is used to tell us that there are still hope and joy in life. People will all have a chance to live a better life, to become whoever they want to be. They can do whatever they want and live as who they really are. And all of these metaphor phenomenon here means that if you understand yourself and use all the talent you have, you can do everything meaningful in your life. Come on, lets your color burst. is a beautiful metaphor used here. The image of a colorful firework bursting on the sky is really beautiful and with metaphor phenomenon, Kate means that it would be really good if you can use your talent to the fullest and to show who the real you are. After a hurricane comes a rainbow. In here, Kate uses weather to represent the potential in each person. The hurricane stands for the time when people dont understand themselves and have to struggle in life and the rainbow is when they find the meaning of life, the meaning of themselves. Maybe your reason why all the doors are closed So you could open one that leads you to the perfect road. This metaphor phenomenon in here lies in the perfect road. The perfect road represents the ultimate result that everyone can reach. As the saying God never closed the door without opening the window, the metaphor here means the same. You must not lose your faith in life and just try your best, give all you have and then you can have everything in return. 2. Simile 2.1. Definition SIMILE is a figure of speech in which two fundamentally different things are explicitly compared. Similes use the words as or like to make the connection between the two things that are being compared. Eg:

Playing chess with Ashley is like trying to outsmart a computer.

The activity playing chess with Ashley is being compared to trying to outsmart a computer. The point is that Ashley can think in a powerful manner

that resembles the way a computer operates, not that she is like a computer in any other way.

His temper was as explosive as a volcano. Similes are a way to describe something. Authors use them to make their

His temper is being compared to a volcano in that it can be sudden and violent. writing more interesting or entertaining.We can also use similes to make descriptions more emphatic or vivid.When we describe something, we often use the expression, as or like so that we can convey our experience vividly to our listener who may never have seen or heard what we are describing. We want our listener to understand fully what we have seen, heard or felt. 2.2. Differences between simile and metaphor A simile is a type of metaphor. However, there are some differences between them. A metaphor is a figure of speech that uses one thing to mean another and makes a comparison between the two ( the key words here are one thing to mean another.) while a simile compares two different things in order to create a new meaning. In a simile, as or like is always used to connect two things which are being compare. In a metaphor, Those two words are omitted as metaphor is a direct comparision. The metaphor goes a step further than the simile and instead of asking us to picture one thing as being like another, we are asked to picture one thing as being another. We are describing one thing as if it were actually another. 2.3. Similes in the song In Katy Perys Firework, there are some similes, especially in the first part of the song. In the very line, she said Do you ever feel like a plastic bag, drifting through the wind Katy Perry has us imagine people as plastic bags being blown down the street give us the feeling of something really weak and useless. The plastic bag wandering on the street with no direction gives us the feeling of life with no orientation or a person who has nowhere to go. It was right there, on the street, but no one even care about it, notice about it.

Similarly, in the next lines Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin, like a house of cards, like a house of cards is also a simile. Our house, our home is the place where we can feel relaxing and protected but a flimsy houses of cards about to collapse at any second. There may be nothing that could be more unstable and frigle than a house made of cards. The simile refers to a life without the stability and hope for the future. And finally in Like a lightning bolt, your heart will glow, the simile lightning bolt means somethings which is really fast and out of a sudden. It is the light breaking out of the darkness which wake people up, recharge their energy so that they can keep moving on in their way. If the first two similes make you think about people floating through life without a purpose, without even being noticed, then the last one can give you a whole new felling. That is the feeling of hope and chances in life. 3. Hyperbole 3.1. Definition According to An Introduction to Semantics of Vietnam National University, hyperbole is an exaggerated statement not meant to be understood literally, but the effect is powerful. The expression is conveyed by which things are represented as much greater or less, better or worse, than they really are. Hyperbole is sometimes confused with metaphor and simile, but remember that it is an exaggeration. 3.2. Hyperboles in the song There are three appearances of this transference of meaning in the song. The first hyperbole is in the last line of the first verse: one blow from caving in. The subject hidden is you, also a house of cards. You, a person that is as big as a house, collapse even because of one blow. Why could a person cave in just by one blow? This indicates or emphasizes your being very delicate, like cards, just paper thin. This sentence results from the previous simile, between you and paper thin or a house of cards.

The second is You shoot across the sky-y-y. This also comes from the simile between you and firework in the previous line. As linked with firework, you can realise the power of this image. Although the sentence has its subject, it acts as an imperative one, not a common affirmation. In addition, this has a significant effect to people when making them so stronger, bigger and more incredible to be recognised by others. The last image that used with hyperbole is even brighter than the moon and the subject here is also you. Fireworks are taken place in the evening, when they are seen the most garish and wonderful. At that time, the moon, which can be called the brightest bulb at night, can light almost everywhere in our planet. You, like fireworks, can express all your potential to others, the wonderful in you, can shine very very brightly in wherever you come. This hyperbole is really powerful to inspire troubled individuals. 4. Other poetic devices In addition, this song was written with a few other figures of speech and effects, including generally the imagery device and the sound one. The first thing, as mentioned in all three hyperbole images, is the subject, or the audience of this song you. The word you has both sense and reference. You indicates the listeners, and referentially the youth, troubled spirits, those looking for inspiration and, based on the Independence Day of America the 4th of July, U.S audience. The next is an imagery device lying in the second verse. It is the mixture of two imageries burial and frustration: six feet under scream. That someone is six feet under means he is dead, he is not alive. Such that spirit is to be forgotten and no one cares him. The low self-esteem also feel themselves like that. They hide their thoughts, feelings even to their family and they themselves separate from the other. Not confident in their own, they feel so confused to share their ideas and that the other can find their weakness, then they can be scolded, or derided. These people always hope someone to hear their thoughts, and give

them a hand to escape from the burial covering them. They scream helping only in their heart, their mind. Therefore the depression is deeper and deeper. The third is a sound device, by language but music. It is easily found out that there are some words that are repeated in the song and have interesting association. The list includes oh, sky, boom, moon, down, you and through. These words are repeated many times to make urging effect and represent the composers encouraging and exciting mood to the listeners. The most meaningful word is boom, which is an onomatopoeia and imitates the opening of spirits. The word boom also indicates the climax of the song, the time when the self-esteem express their own to the outside is considered to be the happiest moment of their lives. The fourth device the composer used to transmit his messages is another sound one, by music. This song is a dance-pop song so it is typical with the heavy bass, and sometimes cello added in oder to make it more sophisticated. The cello seems to be a gentle advice while there is mainly the strong encouraging beat. Additionally the strong vocal of singer Katy Perry is also a contribution to the success in conveying the song. She has overpowered many hearts, especially the troubled spirits. The last, but not least important, is the background of the clip. We used both the contrasting colors and beautiful images which are very suitable with the song. All the background creates positive effects to the viewers. They are firework images, natural and human ones. They are true images about human lives and also the happiness everyone wants to obtain. Most of the backgrounds are dark while dominantly on them, there are so many brilliant colors. The people in the clip, being buried and screaming in the dark, escape and look forward the future of better life.


First of all, Fireworks is a meaningful song. The artist did not write the song just for entertainment, she wrote it for really good reasons. In an interview, Kate herself revealed the inspiration and meaning behind her incredible new song 'Firework'. "I think that's why I wrote it, is because I really believe in people and I believe that people have a spark to be a firework. It's just up to them, and a lot of times it's only us that's standing in the way of reaching our goals, fulfilling our destinies, being the best version of who we possibly can be, so that's why I wrote it, said Katy. With the song, Katy advises us not to be afraid of what we have and our flaws. She just wants us to express who we really are. Actually, all of us are amazing in our own way. We are original, cannot be replaced. The artist also reminds us of the light we have inside. Each of us has our own talents so all we have to do is to understand our abilities and use them to make us shine. We should never worry about what other people think of us or let the flaws prevent us from having a happy life. Instead, we should be proud of ourselves and stay motivated and determined enough to reach our goals, fulfill our destinies and be the best we can without letting anybody or anything stop us. Finally, all background of the clip creates positive effects to the viewers. We not only use the dominant colors both beautiful images to transmit the song and the messages. We hope that these images can influence directly to the viewers or they can feel the the truth.

In short, Fireworks has not been so successful for no reason. Throughout the song, the artist has used a lot of semantic phenomena such as metaphor, simile and hyperbole. All of these meaningful words, together with the illustrating images, have clearly shown our one and only message: No matter who you are and what people say or think of you, there is something special inside you. So just be proud of yourself, do the best you can to have a great life. Our group hope the clip will bring you a deeper feeling about the life and yourselves. This is also our sincere advice for you and once again, we hope you take this, our dear friends!

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