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Monday 2nd March 2020

L.O. To revise understanding of poetic devices.

Subject: Sailing - yacht in stormy sea deciding whether to go into thee harbour or to sail on
into the storm at night.

Language, sounds that are created: Alliteration (day dying), onomatopoeia (threshing, shud-
ders, roar), repetition (sail on, sail on).

Imagery, pictures: Personification (sea flashing angrily, day is dying).

Exercise 1

Ideas which come into your head when you hear Stormy Sea’s:

Sea salt crisps
Sea Gulls
Fish and Chips

Exercise 2

Sea ships chips.

Slosh swash posh.

1. The wind changes in a lot of different way.In the start of the poem it is a “steady
breeze” but then it changes into a “swoop and roar”.
2. I think that the word “threshing” means in this context that the waves are chopping
around the boat.
3. I think that the stance “And make for harbour while we have the light” suggests that a
storm in coming. This is because when a storm come the light is blocked out due to the
grey cloud.
4. Think that this line is meant as a rhetorical question. This means that we cannot answer
back as this is in a poem.
5. I think that it shows thatchy haven’t sailed these places before because “On those un-
charted depths that surge and reel”. This shows that they have never been here and that
they are discovering a new place.
6. I do think that the site give good effect to the poem because it makes you want to think
about what they are sailing and why they are sailing on.
7. I think that the poet has uses some good language in this poem by using “Sail on, sail
on, sail onto the night”. This makes useful the determination of the sailers going the un-
dercover sea. This also shows that the sailors are quick and they know what they are
doing even in the darkest nights and stormy nights.
8. The poet uses good wording to created suspension such as “Flash Angrily”, “Swoop and
roar” and “uncharted depths”. This shows that the poet has build drama and suspense
well. Another group of words that the poet used where “we may never reach another

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