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Erratum 6 March 2020. See Erratum.


◥ This review presents a technoeconomic and

REVIEW SUMMARY carbon emissions assessment of CO2 products
such as ethylene, ethanol, and carbon monoxide,
offering target figures of merit for practical
application. The price of electricity is by far the
largest cost driver. Electrochemical production
What would it take for renewably costs begin to match those of traditional fossil
fuel–derived processes when electricity prices

powered electrosynthesis to displace fall below 4 cents per kWh and energy con-
version efficiencies reach at least 60%. When
powered by renewable
petrochemical processes? ON OUR WEBSITE

electricity, these products

can be made with a net
Read the full article
Phil De Luna*, Christopher Hahn*, Drew Higgins*, Shaffiq A. Jaffer, at http://dx.doi. negative carbon emissions
org/10.1126/ footprint. A comparative
Thomas F. Jaramillo†, Edward H. Sargent†
science.aav3506 analysis of electrocata-
lytic, biocatalytic, and fos-
BACKGROUND: As the world continues to generated from renewable power into stable sil fuel–derived chemical production shows
transition toward carbon emissions–free en- chemical form also represents one avenue to that electrocatalytic production has the poten-
ergy technologies, there remains a need to also long-term (e.g., seasonal) storage of energy. tial to yield the greatest reduction in carbon
reduce the carbon emissions of the chemical emissions, provided that a steady supply of
production industry. Today many of the world’s ADVANCES: The science of electrocatalytic clean electricity is available. Additionally, op-

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chemicals are produced from fossil fuel–derived CO2 reduction continues to progress, with pri- portunities exist to combine electrochemical
feedstocks. Electrochemical conversion of car- ority given to the need to pinpoint more accu- conversion of CO2 with a range of other thermo-
bon dioxide (CO2) into chemical feedstocks rately the targets for practical application, the and biocatalytic processes to slowly electrify
offers a way to turn waste emissions into val- economics of chemical products, and barriers the existing petrochemical supply chain and
uable products, closing the carbon loop. When to market entry. It will be important to scale further upgrade CO2 into more useful chem-
coupled to renewable sources of electricity, CO2 electrolyzers and increase the stability of icals. Technical challenges such as operating
these products can be made with a net nega- these catalysts to thousands of hours of con- lifetime, energy efficiency, and product sepa-
tive carbon emissions footprint, helping to se- tinuous operation. Product separation and ef- ration are discussed. Supply chain manage-
quester CO2 into usable goods. Research and ficient recycling of CO2 and electrolyte also need ment of products and entrenched industrial
development into electrocatalytic materials for to be managed. The petrochemical industry petrochemical competition are also considered.
CO2 reduction has intensified in recent years, operates at a massive scale with a complicated
with advances in selectivity, efficiency, and global supply chain and heavy capital costs. OUTLOOK: There exists increasingly widespread
reaction rate progressing toward practical Commodity chemical markets are difficult to recognition of the need to transition to carbon
implementation. A variety of chemical products penetrate and are priced on feedstock, which emissions–free means of chemical production.
can be made from CO2, such as alcohols, oxy- is currently inexpensive as a result of the shale CO2 pricing mechanisms are being developed
genates, synthesis gas (syngas), and olefins— gas boom. CO2 capture costs from the flue or and are seeing increased governmental sup-
staples in the global chemical industry. Because direct air and product separation from un- port. The nascent carbon utilization economy
these products are produced at substantial reacted CO2 are also important to consider. is gaining traction, with startup companies,
scale, a switch to renewably powered produc- Assuming that the advancement of electro- global prizes, and industrial research efforts
tion could result in a substantial carbon emis- catalytic technologies continues apace, what will all pursuing new carbon conversion technolo-
sions reduction impact. The advancement of it take to disrupt the chemical production sec- gies. Recent advances in electrochemical CO2
electrochemical technology to convert electrons tor, and what will society gain by doing so? reduction through the use of gas diffusion
electrodes are pushing current densities and
selectivities into a realm of industrial use. De-
Industrial and Home and spite this progress, there remain technical chal-
power emissions transportation lenges that must be overcome for commercial
application. Additionally, market barriers and
cost economics will ultimately decide whether
this technology experiences widespread im-
Flue gas

Electrochemical The list of author affiliations is available in the full article online.
CO2 conversion *These authors contributed equally to this work.
Water †Corresponding author. Email:
(T.F.J.); (E.H.S.)
Cite this article as P. De Luna et al., Science 364, eaav3506
(2019). DOI: 10.1126/science.aav3506

feedstocks Fuels
Electrochemical CO2 conversion. Reduction of CO2 using renewably sourced electricity could Read more articles online
transform waste CO2 emissions into commodity chemical feedstocks or fuels. at

De Luna et al., Science 364, 350 (2019) 26 April 2019 1 of 1

Erratum 6 March 2020. See Erratum.

◥ to take advantage of point sources of relatively

REVIEW pure CO2 emissions, such as those released from
cement manufacturing, breweries, and distilleries
or from various fuel processing facilities. Electro-
ELECTROCHEMISTRY synthesis of commodity chemicals can be done
at the point of use, requiring less handling and

What would it take for renewably distribution infrastructure than is necessary for
fuels production. However, some key challenges
include matching the manufacturing scales of
powered electrosynthesis to displace downstream chemicals and the emissions of point
sources, flexible on-demand production, and cost-

petrochemical processes? effective scale-up. This optimization problem will

rely heavily on the type and scale of CO2 sources.
Additionally, complicated supply chain manage-
Phil De Luna1,2,3*, Christopher Hahn2,4*, Drew Higgins2,4,5*, Shaffiq A. Jaffer6, ment needs to be accounted for; transport and
Thomas F. Jaramillo2,4†, Edward H. Sargent7† storage costs between CO2 emissions point sources
and end-product users need to be considered.
Electrocatalytic transformation of carbon dioxide (CO2) and water into chemical feedstocks Electrosynthesis must first be scaled and
offers the potential to reduce carbon emissions by shifting the chemical industry away from validated under practical conditions for thousands
fossil fuel dependence. We provide a technoeconomic and carbon emission analysis of possible of hours of chemical production. Then, carbon-
products, offering targets that would need to be met for economically compelling industrial based fuels can be targeted, providing a strategy
implementation to be achieved. We also provide a comparison of the projected costs and CO2 for long-term (i.e., seasonal) energy storage (5).
emissions across electrocatalytic, biocatalytic, and fossil fuel–derived production of chemical The time-varying and unpredictable nature of

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feedstocks. We find that for electrosynthesis to become competitive with fossil fuel–derived renewable low–carbon emission energy sources
feedstocks, electrical-to-chemical conversion efficiencies need to reach at least 60%, and such as wind and solar limits their deployment
renewable electricity prices need to fall below 4 cents per kilowatt-hour. We discuss the in the replacement of fossil fuel–fired power
possibility of combining electro- and biocatalytic processes, using sequential upgrading of CO2 plants. Batteries and other energy storage (such
as a representative case. We describe the technical challenges and economic barriers to as compressed gas or flywheels) may provide
marketable electrosynthesized chemicals. short-term storage solutions on the scale of hours
or even days, but there is still a need for month-

to-month seasonal storage. Existing electricity
he dependence of the chemical industry on Renewable electrosynthesis could potentially grid infrastructure is not well designed to absorb
fossil fuel feedstocks presents an important target high-value chemicals (e.g., ethylene, ethanol) excess renewable power generation, resulting in
emissions challenge. For example, in Europe, as a market-entry strategy because these important a mismatch of supply and demand: During pe-
26 chemical compounds account for 75% chemical products rely today on energy-intensive riods of peak generation, excess supply commonly
of total energy use within the chemical thermochemical routes such as high-temperature leads to negative electricity prices in some mar-
sector (including energy used as feedstock) and and high-pressure processes. High-value renewables– kets today (6). This variability (nondispatchabil-
contribute more than 90% of European chemical derived commodity chemicals could provide a step ity) challenge limits the widespread, terawatt-scale
sector greenhouse gas emissions [150 million in the direction of implementing electrosynthesis adoption of low-carbon energy sources. Electro-
tonnes (Mt) or 0.6% of the world’s total emis- technologies at scale, thereby improving manu- synthesized fuels (if they can become competitive
sions]. If the sector continues on its current growth facturing methods and efficiency—in essence, to in price versus low-cost natural gas) could provide
trajectory, these chemical feedstocks will result in advance along the learning curve of the technology a route to turn renewable electricity into stable
emissions of 200 Mt of CO2 equivalents (Mt CO2e) maturation process. This strategy avoids short- chemical forms for storage and transport, enabl-
by 2050 (1). The demand for emissions-heavy term direct competition with fuels derived from ing increased penetration and dispatchability of
petrochemicals such as ethane and naphtha shale gas (i.e., targeting methane) (3). However, renewable sources.
continues to grow, given the downstream use we note that the costs of many commodity chem- Here, we consider what it would take to dis-
of these feedstocks to manufacture consumer icals are tied to natural gas, as natural gas is a place fossil fuel sources as the chemical supply
goods such as personal care items, food preser- major feedstock. for small-molecule chemical feedstocks. Indepen-
vatives, fertilizers, and furnishings that will be In the long term, it will be essential to target dent of energy source for transformation, petro-
needed in larger quantities to supply a growing commodity chemical processes that can be imple- leum is ultimately not a sustainable resource for
worldwide middle class (2). A less CO2 emissions– mented at the gigatonne scale in order to achieve our chemical needs: The extraction and process-
intensive alternative to produce chemical feed- meaningful carbon emissions reductions (4). For ing of fossil fuels consumes energy (1200 Mt of
stocks must be found in order to mitigate future example, today formic acid represents a small oil equivalent in 2017) and emits CO2 (1500 Mt of
CO2 emissions. global market, and a complete transition to its CO2 per year in 2017) (7). We present prospective
CO2 emissions–neutral production would result pathways toward industrial implementation as
in only meager global carbon emissions reduc- well as a technoeconomic assessment and simple
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of
Toronto, Toronto, Ontario M5S 3E4, Canada. 2Department of
tions; however, this could change in the future life-cycle analysis of the most promising products.
Chemical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, if advances in formic acid fuel cells or the use of We discuss the opportunities for electrocatalysis
USA. 3National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, Ontario K1N formic acid as a hydrogen carrier continue. In- in the sustainable production of some important
0R6, Canada. 4SUNCAT Center for Interface Science and dustrially more mature electrocatalytic tech- chemical compounds. First, we discuss the renew-
Catalysis, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, CA
94025, USA. 5Department of Chemical Engineering, McMaster
nologies such as chloralkali cells, hydrogen able production of alcohols. The sustainable
University, Hamilton, Ontario L8S 4L8, Canada. 6TOTAL electrolyzers, and fuel cells provide examples and production of olefins is then discussed, with a
American Services Inc., Hopkinton, MA 01748, USA. directions for the road map to advance from focus placed on renewable ethylene and plastics
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University the laboratory to commercial scales for electro- recycling. We then discuss the potential of coupled
of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario M5S 3G4, Canada.
*These authors contributed equally to this work.
chemical synthesis. synthesis gas (syngas) and biocatalytic approaches
†Corresponding author. Email: (T.F.J.); Renewable energy–powered electrochemical as a pathway to higher-order valuable commodity (E.H.S.) CO2 conversion to chemicals could be implemented chemicals. We ask, quantitatively, what it would

De Luna et al., Science 364, eaav3506 (2019) 26 April 2019 1 of 9

Erratum 6 March 2020. See Erratum.

take to disrupt the chemical production sector, processes to industrially relevant levels. However, $115 billion and is expected to reach $155 billion
and thus offer target figures of merit. We con- electrocatalysis is currently limited to C1 to C3 by 2022, with up to 8% of the growth coming from
clude with challenges that must be overcome chemical production for two major reasons: (i) electrolysis (12). Natural gas as a feedstock is
for electrocatalytic technology to be successful. Higher carbon species require more proton- currently cheap because of the shale gas revolu-
coupled electron transfers, leading to a highly tion in North America. However, in the long term,
Electrocatalysis: A versatile network of complex reaction pathway and poor product se- electrolysis may be a more sustainable process.
chemical transformation lectivities (9), and (ii) there is a diminishing The energy landscape is evolving quickly, with
Electrochemical activation and conversion of energy return per number of electrons transferred renewables gaining market share. If technological
CO2 and water into hydrocarbons and oxygen- as the carbon number increases (10). challenges are overcome, electrochemical processes
ates could potentially offer a sustainable route to There exist commercial electrochemical tech- based on renewable electricity may become more
produce many of the world’s most needed com- nologies that offer a blueprint for CO2 electro- cost-effective. In addition to water electrolysis,
modity chemicals (Fig. 1A). Coupling renewable conversion. Of these options, water electrolyzers the research community has also been focusing on
sources of energy (solar, wind, hydroelectric) with that produce hydrogen and oxygen are the most photoelectrochemical water splitting as a means
electrochemical reduction of CO2 to chemicals, if analogous and industrially mature, with compa- of decentralized energy conversion and storage
done efficiently, could address the nondispatch- nies such as Siemens, Proton OnSite, Teledyne, Nel (14, 15). The topic of hydrogen evolution has been
able nature of renewables by providing storage Hydrogen, and Hydrogenics selling commercial- covered in many excellent reviews (5, 16–19) and
in chemical bonds. Electrocatalysis also provides scale electrolyzers. The global water electrolysis will not be further explored here.
a route to transforming carbon resources into market is expected to grow from $8.5 billion Electrochemical carbon dioxide reduction
chemicals without the need to burn carbon fuels, (USD) today to $11 billion by 2023, driven mostly (CO2R) has seen a marked increase in research
assuming the CO2 is taken from air. At present, by the chemical industry’s desire for emissions- activity over the past few years. It offers a pro-
direct air CO2 capture is far from industrially free sources of hydrogen (11). Although electro- spectively sustainable pathway for producing fuel
mature, but recent work has shown a pathway chemical hydrogen production today accounts and chemical feedstocks through the electro-
toward a cost of $94 to $232 per tonne of CO2 for 4% of total hydrogen production (with the chemical conversion of an undesirable green-

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from the atmosphere (8), with startup companies remainder from steam reforming of natural gas house gas. The Faradaic efficiencies (Fig. 1B) and
such as Carbon Engineering and Climeworks and coal gasification), this represents 8 GW of energy conversion efficiencies (Table 1) toward
having secured funding to scale CO2 capture electrolysis capacity (12, 13). The total market is many CO2R products have increased steadily over

Fig. 1. Pathways and selectivities for renewable chemical synthesis. (A) Possible renewable energy–powered routes to commodity chemicals
driven by electrocatalysis from H2O (gray) and CO2 (purple, red) as feedstocks. (B) Highest reported Faradaic efficiencies for carbon monoxide (gray
squares), formic acid (purple triangles), ethylene (blue diamonds), and ethanol (red circles) and corresponding current densities (green) over the past
three decades (table S3).

Table 1. Current state of CO2 electrolyzers in comparison with hydrogen electrolyzers and their figures of merit.

Current Faradaic Energy conversion

Catalyst Electrolyte Product Cell voltage (V)
density (mA/cm2) efficiency (%) efficiency (%)

Cu (61) 7 M KOH Ethylene 2.4 110 70 34

Au (107) 2 M KOH Carbon monoxide 2.0 99 98 64
Ag (108) 1 M KOH Carbon monoxide 3.0 350 101 45
Ag (109) 0.5 M K2SO4: 1 M KHCO3 Carbon monoxide 2.9 197 87 50
Ag (81) 0.1 M K2SO4: 1.5 M KHCO3 Carbon monoxide 4.7 233 78 25
Sn (110) 0.5 M KCl Formate 4.0 163 84 32
Pb (111) 0.5 M H SO 2 4 Formate 2.8 50 95 49
Sn (112) 0.5 M KHCO3 + 2 M KCl Formate 3.1 133 83 33
Pt (113) Polymer electrolyte Hydrogen 1.2 to 2.2 600 to 2000 100 57 to 74
Pt (113) Alkaline Hydrogen 1.5 to 2.0 200 to 400 100 52 to 69

De Luna et al., Science 364, eaav3506 (2019) 26 April 2019 2 of 9

Erratum 6 March 2020. See Erratum.

Despite a favorable ecosystem for renewable

chemical feedstocks, industrial scale-up still entails
challenges and risks. For example, electrolytes
must be optimized with careful consideration of
cost, environmental impact, and availability to
reach the scales necessary for meaningful emis-
sions reductions. Public policy concerning CO2
utilization technologies needs to be carefully
crafted and social acceptance of the field needs to
be managed. Carbon taxes, nationwide caps on
CO2 emissions, and certifications of CO2-derived
products are examples of public policy tools. From
a societal acceptance point of view, people need
to be educated about how carbon capture and
sequestration is different from carbon capture
and utilization. Most important, catalysts and sys-
tem efficiencies for this technology need to be
vastly improved to be economically viable with
minimal or no government subsidies (because
it is difficult to rationalize sustainable business
models based on subsidies and policies that can
be easily changed).
Many technoeconomic analyses of solar fuels

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have analyzed the needed Faradaic efficiencies
and energy efficiencies required to match fossil
fuel–derived sources (10, 30–34). Among them, the
largest influence on the levelized cost of produc-
tion (the net present value of the cost of electricity
Fig. 2. Production costs of electrosynthesized chemicals. The graphs show technoeconomic over the lifetime of the asset) has consistently
analyses of hydrogen, carbon monoxide, ethanol, and ethylene costs as a function of electrolyzer been the price of electricity. Building on previous
energy conversion efficiency and electricity costs. We assume a pure CO2 price of $30/tonne, studies, we have calculated the cost of electro-
Faradaic efficiency of 90%, current density of 500 mA/cm2, electrolyzer cost of $300/kW, and plant synthesized hydrogen, carbon monoxide, ethanol,
lifetime of 30 years. The area above the white dashed line in lighter color indicates profitable and ethylene as a function of the energy conver-
production costs based on average global prices. We note that regional differences in market prices sion efficiency and electricity cost (Fig. 2) to
exist because of the nature of fossil fuel feedstocks. provide a comparison to current market prices.
We also provide a sensitivity analysis on produc-
the past 30 years. Current densities have also Several factors uniquely position the electro- tion cost as a function of carbon emissions–free
increased to >100 mA/cm2 (Fig. 1B) as a result chemical conversion of CO2 for accelerated tech- electricity source, showing nuclear and geo-
of the adoption of gas diffusion electrodes that nological development. First, the products of thermal as currently the most cost-competitive
overcome the CO2 solubility limit in aqueous CO2R already exist within many petrochemical (fig. S2; see supplementary text for calculation
electrolytes. Production of simpler C1 products supply chains, and therefore the chemical indus- details). We note that commodity chemical prices
such as CO and formic acid has become possible try infrastructure is more readily prepared to are highly variable with respect to geographic
with high initial selectivity even on simple metal adapt to CO2R. Second, the need to reduce emis- region and feedstock (see below). Using optimistic
foils. However, more sophisticated catalyst, elec- sions along with the gradual adoption of carbon assumptions based on industrially mature polymer
trolyte, and cell engineering is required to make capture technologies is resulting in large energy electrolyte membrane (PEM) water electrolyzer
substantial improvements in selectivity for C2 consumers and carbon emitters facing the chal- specifications, we show that when electricity costs
products because of the difficulty of C-C coupling. lenge of what to do with the CO2 once it is cap- fall below 4 cents/kWh and energy efficiency is at
Additionally, efficient product separation and tured (10). CO2R provides a way to recover value least 60%, all products become competitive with
recycling of unreacted CO2 is another practical from what would otherwise be a tremendous current market prices for these products derived
concern that could be mitigated by improve- sunk cost. The Carbon XPRIZE is a $20 million from fossil fuel sources. These calculations assume
ments in catalyst selectivity. The topic of ma- competition to capture and convert the most CO2 amortization over a plant lifetime of 30 years, a
terials design for CO2R electrocatalysis has also and is jointly funded by COSIA, a consortium of common period for industrial power plants (35).
been covered extensively by multiple reviews large oil producers (28). Replacing initial capital-intensive infrastructure
(20–27). Here, we instead focus on the barriers Governments worldwide have identified cli- would carry additional costs. To put this into per-
that this technology would have to surmount mate change initiatives as having high priority. spective, the best systems today have demonstrated
to disrupt the chemical industry. For example, China, the world’s largest energy full cell energy efficiencies of approximately 40 to
consumer and carbon emitter, recently announced 50% for CO, approaching cost-competitive targets.
Pathways toward $360 billion in renewable energy investments Considering that CO2R to CO technologies are in
industrial implementation by 2020 in an effort to reduce carbon emissions the early stages of development, it is expected
Decades of research have proven effective in devel- (29). Canada is implementing a carbon pricing that with further catalyst and electrochemical cell
oping efficient catalysts for the electrochemical policy federally with a current tax of $10/tonne designs, improved performance can be obtained.
generation of hydrogen and oxygen from water CO2 and a steady rise to $50/tonne CO2 nationwide From an electricity cost perspective, renewable
to the point of commercialization. Because these by 2022. Mission Innovation, a 22-country global prices continue to plummet. Between 2010 and
electrochemical transformations require, in prin- initiative to accelerate clean energy innovation, 2017, average global utility-scale solar plants fell
ciple, similar components to CO2R, lessons learned has named CO2 Capture and Utilization, Clean 73% to 10 cents/kWh and onshore wind fell by
from the engineering scale-up and device design Energy Materials, and Converting Sunlight as 23% to 6 cents/kWh, with some projects con-
of hydrogen electrolyzers can be of great utility. topics of innovation challenges. sistently delivering electricity for 4 cents/kWh

De Luna et al., Science 364, eaav3506 (2019) 26 April 2019 3 of 9

Erratum 6 March 2020. See Erratum.

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Fig. 3. The emissions impact of electrosynthesized chemicals. (A) Market size and fossil-based carbon cradle-to-grave emissions of ethylene (60),
ethanol (104), carbon monoxide (105), and formic acid (106). (B to E) Carbon emissions assessment of (B) formic acid, (C) carbon monoxide, (D)
ethylene, and (E) ethanol. We assume a plant capacity of 500 MW, global warming impact (GWI) of formic acid (2.00), carbon monoxide (0.57), ethylene
(1.1), and ethanol (–0.5) in units of kg CO2/kg product. Emissions reductions are calculated as a product of global production and GWI.

(36). Recent onshore wind power auctions in Brazil, CO2e/kWh in 2016) (38), and an energy conver- note that whereas fossil fuel–derived chemical
Canada, Germany, India, Mexico, and Morocco sion efficiency of 70%, carbon monoxide and production processes are well established, ad-
have shown levelized electricity costs as low as formic acid result in carbon emissions that are vances in biocatalytic processes have the poten-
3 cents/kWh, within the range of profitability lower than fossil fuel–derived sources. In order tial to steadily drive down production costs and
of electrosynthesized chemicals (36). Costs have for products to reduce carbon emissions com- carbon emissions. For example, the U.S. Depart-
fallen as a result of increased economies of scale, pared to current production, the grid carbon in- ment of Energy has set the goal of biofuel pro-
greater competition, and advances in the manu- tensity needs to be 0.11 kg CO2e/kWh or lower. It duction cost at $1 per gasoline gallon equivalent
facturing of crystalline silicon. This cost decrease should be noted that an energy conversion effi- (currently $2.68/gge) with greenhouse gas reduc-
in renewable technologies provides an opti- ciency of 70% has not yet been demonstrated tions of 50% by 2020 (44).
mistic and aggressive goal for electrocatalytic for all products considered herein. With these targets in mind, we now outline
technologies. To benchmark these results, we provide a electrocatalysis as a means for the sustainable
To quantify the potential impact of electro- comparison of electrocatalytic, biocatalytic, and production of alcohols, olefins, and syngas.
chemical synthesis of common carbon-based traditional fossil fuel–derived processes for eth-
commodity chemicals on carbon emissions, we ylene, carbon monoxide, ethanol, and formic acid Direct electrochemical conversion of
performed a life-cycle assessment for formic acid, production (Table 2). Bio-ethylene production using CO2 to alcohols
carbon monoxide, ethylene, and ethanol. Of these bio-ethanol precursors is economically competitive Among the various oxygenates that can be prod-
products, ethylene has the largest global market in Brazil because of the ample availability of cheap uced directly from electrochemical CO2R or through
size at $230 billion and the highest current pro- sugarcane feedstock (39). Petrochemical ethyl- sequential reaction pathways, alcohols are attrac-
duction emissions of 862 Mt CO2e per year (Fig. ene is produced mainly from steam cracking of tive for their utility as chemical precursors, drop-in
3A); these numbers suggest that renewably syn- fossil fuels (40). The majority of carbon monoxide fuels, and solvents. The global market for alco-
thesized ethylene is an attractive target for mean- is produced as a component of syngas through hols is in excess of $75 billion (45), which suggests
ingful global warming impact reduction (37). The coal gasification or steam methane reforming that sustainable pathways toward methanol and
electricity grid carbon intensity (the amount of (41). Ethanol is primarily produced through fer- higher (C2+) alcohols could provide alternative
carbon dioxide emitted per kWh of electricity gen- mentation of sugars or corn (42). Formic acid is environmentally friendly routes to these high-
erated) and the energy conversion efficiency were primarily produced through chemical processes demand products. Methanol is primarily synthe-
found to be the most sensitive factors affecting using tertiary amines (43). We find that when using sized through circuitous oxidation and reduction
overall CO2 emissions (Fig. 3, B to E). We note that optimistic targets (electricity cost = 4 cents/kWh, processes, by first reforming natural gas sources
capital expenditure factors such as construction Faradaic efficiency = 90%, energy conversion ef- to syngas and converting this reaction mixture
and electrode materials were not considered. As- ficiency = 70%), electrocatalysis is cost-competitive (46). A few recent studies have reported high
suming a plant capacity of 500 MW, an average with fossil fuel–derived sources and more econom- selectivity for direct CO2R to methanol (47–49),
grid intensity for the European Union (0.295 kg ical than biocatalytic processes. We nonetheless and further evaluation may yield valuable design

De Luna et al., Science 364, eaav3506 (2019) 26 April 2019 4 of 9

Erratum 6 March 2020. See Erratum.

principles for electrocatalytic systems that can applications that may need the flexibility of mod- high energy efficiencies, selectivity, high conver-
accomplish a direct synthesis. Alternatively, a ular reactors. sion rates, and long-term operational durability
number of recent studies have reported high sel- is the key outstanding challenge in this field. Over
ectivity for direct CO2R and carbon monoxide Ethylene derivatives and sustainable the past several years, many advances have con-
reduction (COR) to ethanol, and lower but non- plastic production tributed to a deeper fundamental understanding
negligible selectivity to n-propanol (50–55). Ethylene is produced at an annual rate of 150 Mt/ of electrochemical CO2 reduction, such as the im-
Traditionally, higher alcohols are predomi- year globally, the most of any organic chemical pact that the electrolyte [pH (61, 62), ions (63, 64),
nantly made through the fermentation of sugars compound. It is a versatile building block used additives (65)], surface structure (66–69), and alloy-
(42, 56) or conversion of petrochemicals (57). The in the petrochemical industry. The majority of ing (70) can have on copper catalyst activity and
food versus fuel dilemma is still a long-standing ethylene is used as a chemical intermediate for the selectivity toward C-C coupled products such as
social issue for the fermentation of foods or feeds. preparation of some of the world’s most heavily ethylene. Only more recently has this knowledge
Biocatalysis is highly selective at making C2+ used plastics, including polyethylene (116 Mt/year), been translated to practical flow-cell CO2 reduction
products and alcohols, but the economics of this polyvinyl chloride (38 Mt/year), and polystyrene devices that have attained current densities on the
process are dependent on the cost of sugar for (25 Mt/year) (40); the compound is also used for order of >100 mA/cm2 toward ethylene (61, 71).
fermentation. Production rates from biocatalysis the production of antifreeze and detergents, and One possible use of electrochemical CO2 con-
are typically slower, water-intensive, and highly in the agricultural sector as a fruit ripener. Ethylene version is the sustainable production of ethylene
sensitive to the overall health of the microorga- has traditionally been produced by energy-intensive and polyethylene. In this case, post-consumer
nisms. Important advances have been made steam cracking of naphtha obtained from crude plastic could be recycled by incineration where
toward improving these processes in recent years, oil; however, in recent years the shale gas boom energy (heat) capture (72) could ideally be coupled
and progress is expected to continue. has led to an abundance of inexpensive feed- with electrochemical reduction of the combus-
Direct synthesis of higher alcohols from syngas stocks that have spurred capital investment in tion products (CO2) to close the carbon cycle.
is a desirable alternative for both environmental the United States to build many new ethane crackers This could mitigate plastic waste accumulation
and economic reasons. However, there are cur- or retrofit existing steam cracking facilities to ac- in landfills or in the environment, which is esti-

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rently no thermochemical catalysts with the commodate light gas feeds (59). mated at more than 4900 Mt and counting (40),
appropriate performance for industrial implemen- Ethylene is a prime example of a petrochem- and ultimately could provide a pathway for con-
tation of higher alcohol synthesis from syngas, ical commodity priced on feedstock cost and verting polyethylene back into sustainable ethylene
motivating continued research in this area (57). consistency of supply. In North America, where at the end of its useful lifetime. Electrocatalysis
Electrocatalysis has the advantage of produc- ethylene is primarily produced from cracking of could enable the production of ethylene from CO2
tivity with a modular and scalable approach to inexpensive and abundant ethane from shale gas emissions and/or from post-consumer plastic,
producing small C1 to C3 molecules and H2. Al- reserves, prices can be as low as $250/tonne. How- rather than from fossil feedstocks, resulting in
though some of these electrocatalytic technologies ever, in regions such as Europe and Asia where different economics than in the established
are still in the development stage, the already naphtha is the main feedstock, ethylene cost can petrochemical industry.
promising selectivity indicates that there may be be as high as $1200/tonne (60). In these regions,
intrinsic advantages to electrochemical processes where the price of the feedstock is volatile, electro- Sequential pathways to higher
for the synthesis of methanol and higher alcohols, catalytic conversion may have a greater chance of chemicals via syngas electrosynthesis
although product separation remains a challenge. gaining a foothold on the market. and biocatalysis
While there is clearly potential for electrochemical Although alternative routes for ethylene produc- There exist many sequential reaction pathways
CO2R and/or COR technologies to have a large tion are under development, including catalytic for converting CO2 to chemicals and fuels, such
impact on global alcohol industries, we note that dehydrogenation of light alkanes, Fischer-Tropsch as single- (C1) or multi-carbon (C2+) oxygen-
many alcohols such as methanol and ethanol (FT) synthesis, or oxidative coupling of methane, ates and hydrocarbons. Leveraging these reac-
(Table 2) can be produced at costs of <$1/kg these processes each rely on fossil fuel feedstocks tion sequences, one approach is to first convert
through current industrial processes (58). There- and remain uneconomical or require further de- CO2 into stable intermediate species that can be
fore, market penetration will be initially (and pos- velopment. The development of catalysts and re- further upgraded to the desired product(s) using
sibly continually) very difficult, except in specialized actor designs that can simultaneously achieve biocatalysts such as enzymes and bacteria.

Table 2. Comparison of production cost and carbon emissions across various catalytic processes.

Carbon emissions
Product Technology Production cost ($/tonne)
(tonne CO2e/tonne produced)

Ethylene Electrocatalytic 1100 3.07

Biocatalytic (39) 1200 to 2600 −0.5
Fossil fuel–derived (114, 115) 600 to 1300 1.1
Carbon monoxide Electrocatalytic 200 −0.23
Biocatalytic — —
Fossil fuel–derived (116) 150 0.57
Ethanol Electrocatalytic 515 1.79
Biocatalytic (117, 118) 670 −0.5
Fossil fuel–derived — —
Formic acid Electrocatalytic 108 −0.22
Biocatalytic — —
Fossil fuel–derived (43, 119, 120) 570 2.00

*Electrocatalysis assumes Faradaic efficiencies of 90%, electricity costs of 4 cents/kWh, energy conversion efficiency of 70%, capacity factor of 0.9, and grid intensities
of 0.295 kg CO2e/kWh.

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Erratum 6 March 2020. See Erratum.

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Fig. 4. Bio+electrocatalytic pathways toward long-chain commodity chemicals. Today, CO2 may be converted to syngas at very high
selectivity using silver- or gold-based catalysts (top left). Alternatively, CO2 can be converted into a wide range of hydrocarbon and
oxygenate products using copper-, tin-, or palladium-based catalysts (bottom left). These products can then be used as inputs for genetically
engineered enzymes and bacteria to convert to more complex commodity chemicals.

Among suitable reaction intermediates, CO ing on the method, can co-generate different to selectively produce butanol or hexanol, depend-
stands out as it is a common gaseous precursor molar ratios of CO and H2 (79). Although these ing on the type of anaerobic digester used (81).
for numerous thermochemical, biological, and processes are relatively cost-effective and exten- Stable CO2 reduction was carried out at indus-
electrochemical processes. Mixtures of CO with sive process optimization has been applied to trially relevant current densities (300 mA cm−2)
H2 (syngas) can serve as feedstocks for FT (73) minimize greenhouse gas emissions, the exclu- with near 100% Faradaic efficiency for syngas
synthesis or fermentation (74, 75) processes that sive reliance on fossil fuel sources motivates the (CO + H2). Following this applied advance, Siemens
are implemented today. For example, FT produc- development of more sustainable syngas produc- and Evonik recently announced a plan to build a
tion of diesel is an industrially mature process tion pathways. test plant with the goal of 20,000 tonnes of annual
with plants producing 11.5 tonnes/day, an energy One such sustainable pathway to CO is electro- production capacity for butanol and hexanol (85).
conversion efficiency of 51%, and greenhouse gas chemical CO2R, where ideally a high-yield near- This example presents an exciting future avenue
emissions of 3.8 tonnes CO2/tonne product, re- ambient process could generate a stream of CO for commodity chemical production: the coupl-
sulting in diesel costs of $240 to $525/tonne (76). from CO2, H2O, and electricity. Because CO is ing of biocatalytic processes with electrocatalytic
Biocatalytic syngas fermentation with enzymes gaseous under ambient conditions, a selective processes (Fig. 4). There has been some initial
and bacteria can produce more valuable chem- CO2R process would enable direct CO evolution promising work in this area, interfacing biolo-
icals such as acetic acid, butyric acid, ethanol, and downstream use from an aqueous electro- gical systems with inorganic systems for solar
butanol, and biodegradable polymers such as lyzer device. In the case of syngas, H2 production fuels and fertilizer production (86, 87). The cur-
polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs). For a 1 tonne/ is complementary and not parasitic to CO2R, al- rent state of the art couples water-splitting electro-
year production facility with a biocatalytic syngas lowing for co-generation because HER and CO2R catalysts with engineered bacteria to convert CO2
conversion of 90% and emissions of 0.26 to 0.45 have comparable half-cell potentials under nearly into polymers and alcohols (88, 89) or nitrogen into
tonnes CO2/tonne product, the cost of PHA identical electrochemical conditions. Although ammonia (90). These efforts have focused mainly
production is $1650/tonne (77, 78). The contrast syngas production from CO2 electrolysis with con- on the electrochemical production of H2 or ace-
between these two syngas utilization routes high- trolled CO:H2 ratios is possible (80), technoeconomic tate as input for bacteria (87, 91).
lights the advantages and challenges of biocat- analysis favors the highest possible selectivity Although we have chosen to highlight CO as a
alytic versus FT routes. FT synthesis operates to CO, which is the more valuable product (33). promising intermediate, we also note that there
at much higher rates of production and is less Co-generation of CO and H2 could nonetheless are other possible sequential reaction pathways
expensive for fuel production but has greater be advantageous for situations where it is essen- from the myriad of oxygenated intermediates that
carbon emissions, whereas biocatalytic routes tial to have on-site and on-demand syngas pro- can be produced from CO2R. Other commonly
operate at lower volume, produce fewer emissions, duction from a single reactor (81). observed oxygenates from electrochemical CO2R,
and target more expensive specialty chemicals. To date, electrochemical CO2R has been dem- such as formate, can be used as the sole carbon
Integrating electrocatalytic and biocatalytic pro- onstrated with high selectivity and/or reaction source for microorganisms or enzymes to selec-
cess in the short term represents a promising ap- rates to CO and syngas in CO2 electrolyzers (80–84). tively upgrade into the desired oxygenates and
proach due to the matching of production rates A recent breakthrough in this area was achieved hydrocarbons (92, 93).
and higher value of the end product. by a collaboration of Siemens, Covestro, and Evonik. The field of electrocatalysis, especially with
The syngas precursors used in conventional The team demonstrated a system whereby solar- copper-based catalysts, has recently been focus-
industrial processes are almost exclusively pro- powered electrochemical reduction of CO2 into ing on engineering catalysts to make one specific
duced by steam methane reforming that, depend- syngas was followed by fermentation with bacteria high-value product as selectively as possible. This

De Luna et al., Science 364, eaav3506 (2019) 26 April 2019 6 of 9

Erratum 6 March 2020. See Erratum.

approach lowers the product separation costs low-cost intermittent renewable electricity (e.g., Another consideration is future societal accept-
and makes the overall process more economical. solar with a typical capacity factor of 0.22), the ability. As the consequences of climate change
One opportunity for the biocatalytic community contribution of capital cost is increased (fig. S2) grow more severe, governments and the public
will be to engineer microorganisms that can tol- and the system must tolerate drastic swings (in- will demand more of the private sector to cut
erate the electrolyte and a diverse CO2R liquid cluding to unbiased conditions) in driving voltage. emissions and decarbonize. The economic argu-
product mix (Fig. 4). If engineered microorganisms As seen in fig. S2, because capital cost is expected ment presented here is based on pure cost of
can be used to process a less selective input mix to play a notable but not dominant role in total production and does not include carbon pricing
from CO2R (ethanol, acetate, formate, methanol) renewable chemicals cost, reducing the capacity schemes or the demands of shareholders on large
and then upgrade the combined feedstocks into factor from 1 to 0.22 leads to a 20% increase in carbon emitters. For example, in 2018 there were
higher-value commodity chemicals, then electro- chemicals cost. Hydroelectric and geothermal 53 carbon pricing initiatives worldwide that cov-
catalytic selectivity and energy-intensive separation power plants are examples of renewable baseloads ered 11 Gt CO2 e, representing 19.8% of global
processes would no longer be a limiting con- that may mitigate this risk. Additionally, greater greenhouse gas emissions (103). The total value
straint. High-production electrocatalysis combined advances in lowering the capital expenditure costs of carbon pricing initiatives was valued at $82
with highly selective biocatalysis may offer a prac- could potentially sustain lower capacity factors. Fi- billion in 2018, and these initiatives are only con-
tical pathway to combine integrated renewable nally, lower costs of grid-scale energy storage, driven tinuing to grow, enhancing the economic case for
energy production with chemicals manufacturing. by the decrease in cost of Li-ion technology, are electroconversion of CO2.
bringing hour-by-hour storage within reason, and Finally, there is an open question of how
Technical challenges and market barriers future lower-cost grid-scale batteries could fur- feedstock needs may change in the future, and
Even with recent progress, there exist techno- ther enable electrochemical processes as well. how future electrolyzer technologies will fit in,
logical challenges and market entry barriers that The manufacturing scale and installed capacity beyond competing head-to-head against the cur-
need to be overcome for electrosynthesis of com- for commodity chemicals such as ethylene also rent paradigm as discussed above. As technolo-
modity chemicals to become industrially compe- present barriers for a new technology to penetrate gies are advanced in all sectors simultaneously,
titive. From a technical standpoint, scientific these saturated, complex, and capital-intensive the needs of future society will evolve as well. For

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research has focused largely on aqueous CO2R markets. The case can be made for electro- instance, R&D efforts in using carbon as a build-
systems that are limited as a result of the solubility chemical technologies to supplement existing fossil ing material could lead to a future where carbon
of CO2 in water. To address this issue, there has fuel processes by retrofitting existing plants, there- replaces a large proportion of steel and cement,
been a push toward flow-cell and gas diffusion– by decreasing the financial burden of shutting two industries with remarkably large CO2 foot-
type architectures that operate at more industrially down expensive existing assets. Retrofitting power prints. Electrolyzer technologies that readily con-
relevant current densities (>100 mA/cm2) (58, 94). plants carries a nontrivial capital cost but has vert CO2 into carbon using low-carbon electricity
Continued research on high-current density elec- been already been successfully demonstrated with would naturally dovetail with such a future build-
trolyzer architectures is needed to increase the post-combustion carbon capture technologies (100). ing industry, allowing for sustainably produced
energy conversion efficiency. Product separation Electrochemical technologies may also provide building materials provided on-site at the point
is another technical cost that needs to be addressed lower cost to add chemical production capacity of construction.
(95). For example, in petrochemical ethylene prod- going forward, supplementing the existing indus-
uction, the cryogenic separation of ethylene and try as the market continues to grow. Furthermore, Outlook
ethane is capital-intensive (~50% of capital) and electrochemical production costs are dependent The transformation of the chemical production
consumes a large amount of energy (96). Electro- mainly on the price of electricity, providing a more industry to emissions-free processes will rely on
chemical CO2R does not produce ethane, thereby stable feedstock price than naphtha feedstocks a variety of technologies working in combination.
avoiding expensive cryogenic separation. Instead, that are more sensitive to price fluctuations. Ulti- Electrocatalysis can be implemented throughout
membrane-based porous materials for ethylene mately, a focus on C-C bond formation and sub- the chemical supply chain and could include electro-
separation have recently achieved high selectivity, sequent C2+ products provides a technological synthesis of basic building blocks, higher-value
indicating progress toward lower-cost, more ef- basis to target higher-value chemicals. The source fine chemicals in combination with biocatalytic
ficient separation processes (97) that could po- and costs of renewable electricity are another processes, and supplementation of traditional
tentially be used for product separation from factor to consider when discussing scale (see Fig. thermocatalysis pathways. The economics of
CO2R. Furthermore, the technology developed for 2 and fig. S1). Electrocatalytic technology may electrocatalytic processes will be highly dependent
carbon capture materials (98) could also be used find a source of cheap electricity from areas with on the availability and price of renewable electric-
for separation of unreacted CO2 from ethylene (an excess hydroelectric capacity, such as northeast- ity, the regional cost of feedstock and of traditional
easier separation than olefin/paraffin separations) ern Canada. Transportation costs between large petrochemical manufacture, the maturity of car-
in the output stream. Recent work on optimizing CO2 emitters and C2 and C3 production facilities bon capture technologies, and the social, political,
single-pass conversion at high selectivity (99) also are also another challenge, although we note and economic incentives to transition to low-
shows promise in reducing separation costs down- that petrochemical plants for C2 and C3 produc- carbon processes.
stream. It should be noted that there is very lim- tion are in themselves point sources of CO2 emis- As electrochemical technologies mature and
ited durability data of CO2 electrolyzers, as this field sions. For example, the NOVA Chemicals Joffre our knowledge of transforming small, abundant
is still nascent. Another technical challenge will petrochemical plant in Alberta is the 15th largest molecules deepens, the possibilities of producing
be to show operating stability over thousands of industrial CO2 point source in Canada, emitting renewable chemicals will multiply. Hydrogen elec-
hours for this technology to be economical. >3 Mt of CO2 in 2016 (101). In Canada, the petro- trolyzers represent the first generation of these
An additional technical challenge is the need chemical industry is located in three main clusters clean fuel technologies; CO2 electrolyzers are
for chemical plants to run continually for both near Calgary, Sarnia (Ontario), and Montreal. CO2 poised to be the second generation for produc-
capital efficiency and process safety, highlighting point sources in the Alberta oil sands are colo- tion of fuels and chemicals, and the nascent field
the need for nonintermittent electricity. If an cated with the petrochemical plants, whereas CO2 of N2 reduction to ammonia may represent the
electrochemical plant operates continuously, then point sources from Canadian manufacturing, future of renewable fertilizer production.
its capital utilization is 100% (loading factor), and cement, and steel mills in Ontario are also located There still remain many scientific and engi-
the system does not require design for time- near Sarnia. However, not all C2 and C3 produc- neering challenges for this technology to truly
varying biases. However, renewable baseloads tion sites are located near CO2 point sources. The penetrate the petrochemical market, but the ad-
typically command higher electricity market prices, cost of CO2 transportation is estimated to be $10/ vances in recent years suggest that these chal-
because they are in effect dispatchable. On the tonne CO2 for 200 km, rising to $44/tonne for lenges can be overcome. As society evolves with
other hand, if an electrochemical plant is to use 12,000 km (102). new paradigms of operation, continued market

De Luna et al., Science 364, eaav3506 (2019) 26 April 2019 7 of 9

Erratum 6 March 2020. See Erratum.

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What would it take for renewably powered electrosynthesis to displace
petrochemical processes?
Phil De Luna, Christopher Hahn, Drew Higgins, Shaffiq A. Jaffer, Thomas F. Jaramillo, and Edward H. Sargent

Science, 364 (6438), eaav3506.

DOI: 10.1126/science.aav3506

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