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EEC –Chuyên luyện Tiếng Anh từ cơ bản đến IELTS 6.5+ | ww.trungtamtienganhhieuqua.



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Tài liệu luyện nghe từ dễ đến khó (IELTS 5.0+)

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16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

EEC –Chuyên luyện Tiếng Anh từ cơ bản đến IELTS 6.5+ |

Table of Contents
PHẦN 1: LUYỆN NGHE TỪ CƠ BẢN ĐẾN IELTS 5.0+ ................................................... 4
City Farms in Nairobi ........................................................................................................ 4
Shakespeare: Known and Unknown ................................................................................ 9
Teaching In Tents ............................................................................................................. 13
Be Happy ........................................................................................................................... 16
Being Shy........................................................................................................................... 20
Falling in Love .................................................................................................................. 23
Sounds of Joy .................................................................................................................... 24
Nursery Rhymes Around the World .............................................................................. 27
Breakfast: The First Meal ............................................................................................... 29
Street Food Around the World ....................................................................................... 33
Fire Safety ......................................................................................................................... 36
Lost and Found ................................................................................................................. 40
Health Care Crisis ............................................................................................................ 46
A Global Language .......................................................................................................... 50
A Different Kind of Money Plan ..................................................................................... 53
Earning Money? ............................................................................................................... 56
Earworms: Songs in Your Head ..................................................................................... 59
High-Speed Trains ........................................................................................................... 62
The Internet and Social Change in Indonesia ............................................................... 66
The Sun ............................................................................................................................. 69
Growing Cities, Part 2 ..................................................................................................... 72
Individuals Fighting Global Warming ........................................................................... 75
Talking About Other People ........................................................................................... 79
The World and Nuclear Weapons .................................................................................. 81
Alone in Antarctica .......................................................................................................... 85
Iceland: The Most Peaceful Country ............................................................................. 88
New World Wonders........................................................................................................ 91 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

EEC –Chuyên luyện Tiếng Anh từ cơ bản đến IELTS 6.5+ |

Niagara Falls ..................................................................................................................... 94

The City of Dubai ............................................................................................................. 97
Ao Dai: Vietnam’s Traditional Clothing ..................................................................... 100
Honey Hunters ................................................................................................................ 102
Shoes of the World ......................................................................................................... 105
Traditional Fashion is New Again ................................................................................ 108
World Heritage Sites: Protecting Cultural Treasures ................................................ 111 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

EEC –Chuyên luyện Tiếng Anh từ cơ bản đến IELTS 6.5+ |


Fill in the blanks with NO MORE THAN two words

City Farms in Nairobi

Voice 1 What do you think of when you hear the word “farm”? Large machines that harvest
(1)_______? Long fields of corn? People standing in water, harvesting rice? Whatever you
think, it is probably not the word “(2)________.” This small, (3)________ animal lives
mostly in the wild. You probably also do not think of big city (4)________. But Kiroko
Enterprise farm in Nairobi, Kenya, has both rabbits and city buildings.

Voice 2 Francis Wachira is the farmer there. He grows many different kinds of vegetables
to eat and (5)________. He also keeps (6)________ for milk and meat. But people in
Nairobi call him “the Rabbit King.” That is because he sells rabbits for people to eat. They
are a (7)_______ part of the business. Wachira’s farm is very successful.

Voice 1 Nairobi is an (8)________ city of more than three million people. It is not the kind
of place that most people would think of to find farms. But that is (9)________. All around
the world, more and more people are (10)_______ food in cities. Nairobi is one of these
cities. Today’s Spotlight is on urban farming in Nairobi.

Voice 2 Since early human history, farming has been a big part of the way people live.
However, the way people live and grow their food has changed. New (11)________ has
made farming easier and easier. As machines did more of the work, fewer people worked as
farmers. Also, more and more people have been (12)________ to cities. The United Nations
reports that by 2050, two (13)________ of the world’s population will live in cities.

Voice 1 This is (14)________. And it affects the way people around the world get their
food. Most food is produced in (15)_______ areas. But most people live in cities. This
means their food has to travel from far away. Getting food to the city (16)________ many 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

EEC –Chuyên luyện Tiếng Anh từ cơ bản đến IELTS 6.5+ |

steps. These steps make a complex world food system. This system can break easily. This
was the (17)________ in Nairobi. In 2008, Kenya experienced violence during the
(18)________ elections. It became difficult for people to get food. Many people went
(19)________. The price for food in Nairobi increased quickly.

Voice 2 Like many other big cities, Nairobi also has high levels of poverty. Poverty also
affects the food (20)________. The East Africa Institute reports that 44% of Nairobi’s
population is (21)________. They do not have enough food to keep them healthy. It is also
difficult for people in (22)________ to buy food if food prices increase. When this happens,
urban poor people (23)________. Many food experts believe that the way people get food
needs to change.

Voice 1 Most people think that urban farming can be a (24)________ to some of the
problems that can come with urbanization. Kuria Gathuru is a (25)________ and researcher
with the Mazingira Institute. The Mazingira Institute trains urban farmers. In a Mazingira
video on Youtube, Gathuru said,

Voice 3 “When I first started, I started with (26)________ children. The children were
going from the poor areas to the city centre to ask for food. I went out into a place called
Kingyago. I started showing the children how to grow food along the river. And they started
growing food. In the (27)________, the mothers began supporting us. And in the end, the
whole (28)________ supported us. We decided to farm as a community.”

Voice 2 It was not easy for Gathuru and the people in the poor Kingyago (29)_______. At
first, the city government (30)________ their little farms. Nairobi had laws against growing
farms and keeping farm animals. Many cities have similar (31)________. Francis Wachira,
the Rabbit King, talked about when he started his farm:

Voice 4 “We had a lot of (32)______________ from the community around. People here in
Kenya believed that if you wanted to do farming you had to go to a rural area. Farming 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

EEC –Chuyên luyện Tiếng Anh từ cơ bản đến IELTS 6.5+ |

should not happen in the city. And Nairobi’s city government had laws (33)________ said
that you cannot grow any vegetables. You cannot keep animals.”

Voice 1 City governments make these (34)________ because they believe they are
protecting their populations. Growing food in some places can involve (35)________. Water
and soil can contain poison. Cities need laws to make sure that urban farming is safe and
healthy. In 2015, Nairobi established a (36)________ new law. This law makes farming
(37)________ in Nairobi. It helps farmers. But it also helps keep farming safe in the city.
Wachira told the East Africa Institute,

Voice 4 “I said that one day I will sell rabbit in the (38)________. That has happened

Voice 2 People’s bad opinions can also prevent urban farming. Farming requires
(39)________ and intelligence. But many people think that farming is for people who have
not gone to school. NEFSALF has been working hard to change bad opinions about
farming. NEFSALF is a group in Nairobi. It is made up of more than 700 farmers and 50
farming (40)______________.

Voice 1 NEFSALF began in 2004. Since then, it has trained more than 3,000 farmers. They
try to help younger people see that there are many (41)______________ to farming. In the
beginning, many of the farmers working with NEFSALF were older. But now, many of
them are young.


Forming A Family: Adoption

Voice 1 In 2007, Spotlight writer Rena Dam and her husband

(1)_____________________the United States to Ethiopia for work. There, they saw that
there were children who did not have parents. They felt that they should become parents to 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

EEC –Chuyên luyện Tiếng Anh từ cơ bản đến IELTS 6.5+ |

one of these children. They began the (2)______________of adoption. Later that year they
adopted their daughter. Dam explains,

Voice 3 “My daughter is very different from me. She was born in Ethiopia, but we believe
that God wanted her to be our daughter. I do not understand how (3)______________. But I
know that it has (4)______________ more love into our family. Love is not something that
is (5)_______________people who look like you - or even who are
(6)_______________you. Adoption means that a child has lost something important. They
have lost their parents. But it is also (7)_____________________.”

Voice 2 Adopting means legally taking another person’s child and raising that child
(8)_______________. Adoption can happen for (9)_____________________. Maybe both
parents have died. There may not be other family to care for the child. Maybe the
government has decided that the parents are (10)_______________care for their children.
Sometimes parents choose to (11)______________their children. The parents may be too
young or feel like they will not provide (12)_______________for their child. Whatever the
situation, adoption is a part of many (12)______________. Today’s Spotlight in on forming
a family through adoption.

Voice 1 The organization UNICEF (13)_______________ that over 15 million children

around the world have had both parents die. Most of these children live with a grandparent
or (14)______________ . However, many of them do not have a family. Children without a
family are at (15)_______________for health, emotional, and (16)______________.
Adoption is a way for these children to have a family again.

Voice 2 But not all adoption is the same. One kind of adoption is family adoption. For
example, a sister can adopt (17)_______________ after something happens to the brother.
The children already know the new family because they are already part of
(18)_______________ . 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

EEC –Chuyên luyện Tiếng Anh từ cơ bản đến IELTS 6.5+ |

Voice 1 A more (19)______________happens when a family adopts children from another

family in the same city or country. The children will not know the family. The family may
have (20)_______________to follow. But many other things will be the same. They may
look like their (21)_______________ and speak the same language. People who meet them
may not even know they are adopted.

Voice 2 The most complex form of adoption is (22)_______________ adoption. This is

when a family from one country adopts a child from another country. If the children are
young they will not remember much from their (23)_______________. But if the children
are older they may need to learn a new language, (24)______________, and understand a
different culture. They may look very different from their adoptive family. People they meet
may know immediately that they are adopted. This can be difficult. Rena Dam explains how
this (25)______________ her family:

Voice 3 “Sometimes people do not believe that my daughter is my child. She has
(26)______________and my husband and I have light skin. People look at us like we are
(27)______________ . I do not care about that. But it is more complex when we talk about
our family. We talk about how our son looks like his father. Our adopted daughter can
(28)_______________of these talks. It is also difficult living in a country that often
(29)______________ people differently based on their skin colour. It is difficult for me to
teach my daughter some things because I do not experience them in the same way. I have
had to ask for a lot of help. I (30)______________that there are people in our lives who can
help me teach and (31)______________ her.”

Voice 1 (32)_______________for successful international adoptions has changed over

time. In the past, experts encouraged families to try and make their adopted children as
much a part of their (33)_______________as possible. But today, experts tell parents to talk
to their children about their adoption. They say it is good to
(34)_____________________between the culture they live in and the culture they came
from. 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

EEC –Chuyên luyện Tiếng Anh từ cơ bản đến IELTS 6.5+ |

Voice 2 And adoption is not always (35)_______________. Goorish Wibneh is from

Ethiopia. He wrote for the Seattle Globalist about how (36)_______________adoption can
be - except when it is not. He writes:

Voice 4 “The real picture is not always so nice. People (37)_______________meant for
children. And that means children may never get the chance to have a second family. At the
same time, other children whose parents are still alive, but too poor to
(38)_______________, are given up for adoption. And the families chosen here in the
United States are not always the dream parents we like to (39)______________.”

Voice 1 Adoption can be difficult for children. Many children wonder about their birth
parents. The children may have (40)_______________about their birth parents or their
adoptive parents. And in some (41)______________, adoptive parents do not treat their
children very well.

Voice 2 Adoption can also be difficult for people who want to adopt. There are
(42)______________that govern the process of adoption. It takes a lot of time and money.
And helping the child to become comfortable in a difficult situation (43)______________.

Voice 1 There are also many questions that (44)______________ adoption. Countries may
ask if taking children out of their birth country is (45)______________. But many adoption
supporters say that the child’s safety and a (46)______________are the most important
things. They say adoption can provide a family for a child who needs one. Spotlight asked
Rena Dam if she would suggest that other people adopt. She said,

Voice 3 “I would. You may have to (47)_______________in order to make life as good for
your child. Adopted children need a lot of love. They sometimes have special needs or need
different things than the (48)______________. But adoption has brought more love into our

Shakespeare: Known and Unknown 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

EEC –Chuyên luyện Tiếng Anh từ cơ bản đến IELTS 6.5+ |

Voice 1 A guard stands alone on the outer walls of a (1)_______________. It is very dark.
A bright torch burns above him. But it does not give enough light. He cannot see through
the (2)______________. He shivers with the cold. He holds a long spear. It has a sharp
(3)______________ at the end. But he cannot keep this weapon still, as a guard should. He
is supposed to be a (4)_______________. But the cold and dark of this night make him
afraid. Suddenly, there is a noise to his right. He turns and waves his weapon
(5)_______________ about.

Voice 2 The guard shouts, “Who is there?” But it is only his friend, Francisco. Both are
soldiers of Claudius, King of Denmark. And both are (6)______________. Perhaps they
saw something frightening. Perhaps they saw a (7)______________!

Voice 1 Of course, there never was a King Claudius of Denmark. Francisco, and the soldier
are not (8)_______________. This is the first part of a very famous play, called Hamlet.
Today’s Spotlight is on its writer, William Shakespeare.

Voice 2 William Shakespeare is possibly the most famous writer of the English language.
Many people who speak English have heard or read his (9)______________. Some learn the
words to his (10)______________, special poems with 14 lines. There are
(11)_______________ of his work all around the world. Some actors only act in his plays.
To many people Shakespeare is no longer a man. William Shakespeare has become a
(12)_______________ . He is like the heroes in his plays.

Voice 1 Shakespeare wrote his plays and poems 400 years ago, in the early
(13)______________. He was popular during his life. But few writers are still popular after
so many years! However, after more than 400 years, we do not know very much about
Shakespeare. Bill Bryson is a writer. He wrote a book about Shakespeare’s
(14)______________ . In his book, he said, 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

EEC –Chuyên luyện Tiếng Anh từ cơ bản đến IELTS 6.5+ |

Voice 3 “There remains much we do not know about William Shakespeare. We do not
know, for example, exactly how many plays he wrote. We cannot even tell in what
(15)______________ he wrote them.”

Voice 2 No one has much information about Shakespeare, but we do know

(16)_______________. He was born in 1564 at a place called Stratford-upon-Avon,
England. He married a woman named Anne Hathaway when he was
(17)_____________________. Some years after that, he left Stratford. He moved to
London. There he joined a theatre group called the Lord Chamberlain’s Men. He began as
an (18)______________. But he also wrote plays. Soon, he and his friends became very
popular. They performed especially for Queen Elizabeth, who ruled England. Shakespeare
even wrote a play especially for the next (19)______________ James the First. This play
was called Macbeth.

Voice 1 Shakespeare’s first plays were about English history. For example, Henry the 5th is
about (20)______________between the French and the English. But Shakespeare also wrote
very funny plays, called (21)_______________ . His most famous plays are tragedies, like
Hamlet. These plays deal with difficult situations, with love, desire, and
(22)_______________. Often they do not end happily. In Hamlet, the hero kills his father’s
(23)______________ . But he, and many people he cares about, die in the process.

Voice 2 Shakespeare died in 1616 at Stratford-upon-Avon. In 52 years, he wrote about 38

plays, and hundreds of poems. Shakespeare was popular when he was
(24)_______________. But after he died, something (25)_______________ happened.
People continued to perform Shakespeare’s plays. At that time, most people did not read,
but they remembered his beautiful language. Instead of forgetting about him, people decided
they had not seen enough of Shakespeare! Shakespeare never (26)_______________.
Today, people enjoy Shakespeare’s plays all around the world. Shakespeare lovers visit his
hometown. They even go to visit where he was (27)_______________. 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

EEC –Chuyên luyện Tiếng Anh từ cơ bản đến IELTS 6.5+ |

Voice 1 People who want to read one of Shakespeare’s plays have to understand a
(28)_____________________kind of English. Shakespeare’s English was not like the
English people speak today. He used words that people do not use today. For example, the
words ‘orgulous’ and ‘impeticos’! Even many (29)_______________ do not understand
him. This may also be because he invented many words.
Voice 2 The English language is very different now, but this is (30)_______________
because of William Shakespeare. His writing (31)_______________ the English language.
People still use his words and sayings. Hephzibah Anderson of BBC Culture says,

Voice 4 “During Shakespeare’s 52 years on earth he (32)_______________ the English

language in ways that are difficult to (33)_______________. Without him, our words would
be just so different. He gave us special ways of expressing hope and
(34)_____________________, sadness and anger. Even if you have never read his work,
you may have used his words. It is very difficult to avoid.”

Voice 1 Shakespeare is not just important to English speakers. Today, people

(35)_______________ his plays in nearly every language. And he is just as important in
(36)_______________. Germany has a long history of performing Shakespeare’s plays.
Heinrich Heine was a German writer. He lived in the early 1800s. He said,

Voice 5 “The Germans have (37)_______________ Shakespeare better than the English.”

Voice 2 Some cultures use Shakespeare’s (38)_______________, but do not use his
words. They write them again, but in different times or places. Akira Kurosawa was a
famous Japanese (39)_____________________ . He filmed his own versions, or
adaptations, of Shakespeare’s plays. But instead of the history of England, he made them
about the history of Japan. He also added (40)_______________ of an ancient Japanese
theatre to his film, called Noh. The result is a mixture. People can (41)_______________
Shakespeare. But they can also see that the films are from Kurosawa. 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

EEC –Chuyên luyện Tiếng Anh từ cơ bản đến IELTS 6.5+ |

Voice 1 There is probably not just one reason why Shakespeare (42)_______________ so
popular through the world. Some say it is because of the beautiful language that he uses.
Others say it is because he is an important part of English history. By now his work is part
of English (43)_______________. But perhaps it is because Shakespeare understood human
life. He wrote about (44)_______________ that affect all people at any time and place. He
wrote about families, about (45)_____________________ , and about love. It has been over
400 years since he was born. But when people watch his plays, it is as if the world has not
changed. There are parts of his writing that (46)_______________ will always understand.
And in this, he needs no translation.

Teaching In Tents

Voice 1 Youssef Boughrara lives in the country of Morocco. He is a (1)______________.

He leads people on trips to visit Morocco’s important cultural places. One day, Boughrara
was driving in the (2)______________. He met two young boys. Boughrara began to talk
with the boys. He learned that they were members of a nomadic desert tribe. Their tribe
does not have (3)______________ homes. Instead, they move around and live in tents.
Boughrara also learned that the boys did not know how to read or write.

Voice 2 This shocked Boughrara. He believed all children should have the right to
education. So, he decided to help. Now, his tour company gives part of their (4)________ to
support the education of nomadic children.

Voice 1 But Boughrara and many others have learned that money is only part of the
(5)______________ to educating nomadic children. Over the years, governments have tried
many (6)_______________to educate nomadic children. But the most
(7)_______________involve teachers who are willing to live a nomadic way of life.
Today's Spotlight is on efforts to bring education to the children of nomadic tribes.

Voice 2 From a young age, nomadic tribes educate their children. They teach them about
their culture and (8)_____________________ . For example, young boys learn how to raise 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

EEC –Chuyên luyện Tiếng Anh từ cơ bản đến IELTS 6.5+ |

animals in different climates and seasons. Girls learn how to manage the process of moving
and living in tents. These skills are (9)______________. And this traditional education is
very important.

Voice 1 But, (10)_______________ is becoming more and more important – even for
nomadic people. Today, knowing how to read and write is the base of education and
(11)_______________. If nomads are not literate, they (12)_______________to connect
with the rest of the world. For example, governments make written policies that affect
nomadic tribes. If nomads cannot read or write, they often have no influence on the policy
(13)_______________ . Literacy can also help nomadic tribes gain information about new
technology that can help them (14)_______________.

Voice 2 However, there are many things that make it difficult to teach nomadic children
how to read and write. Most methods of education (15)______________ during a set period
of time. They begin and end at particular times of the year. These methods usually require
the use of a school building and (16)_______________. But these methods do not work
well for nomadic communities.

Voice 1 The greatest barrier to educating nomadic children is child labor. Nomadic children
work every day. Their families (17)_______________them to help continue their nomadic
way of life. And the subjects students learn in school often do not seem important to the
nomadic way of life. So, how can children spend their day in school when their
(18)_______________ depend on their skills?

Voice 2 In the past, governments have tried many different efforts to bring literacy to
nomadic tribes. Some governments have forced nomadic tribes to
(19)_____________________. Then, children from the tribe can attend village schools.
However, this method damages the tribes’ nomadic way of life. Other governments have
tried building (20)_______________for nomadic children. At these schools, children from
nomadic tribes live far away from their families. They often do not see their parents for long 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

EEC –Chuyên luyện Tiếng Anh từ cơ bản đến IELTS 6.5+ |

(21)_______________. The children learn how to read and write. But they are removed
from their tribe and way of life.

Voice 1 More recently, some governments have tried new methods of

(22)_______________. With mobile learning, education is not limited to a particular place.
Governments can broadcast literacy programs over the radio. And nomadic students can
listen wherever they are. Another form of mobile education sends teachers to travel with the
nomadic tribes. This method is particularly successful. However, it requires very special
teachers. In the Middle East and North Africa, nomadic tribes often live in extreme
(23)_______________. And travel to and from these locations is often very difficult.

Voice 2 In the country of Jordan, there are nomadic tribes called Bedouin. One teacher has
(24)_______________much to serve this community. His name is Mohammad al
Damaniyyeh. Al Damaniyyeh has lived and travelled with Bedouin tribes for many years.
And he has taught (25)_____________________of Bedouin children to read. Al
Damaniyyeh does not receive money for teaching. Instead, he depends on the Bedouin to
provide for his needs.

Voice 1 Al Damaniyyeh admits that this method of teaching is difficult. He teaches in a tent.
He often (26)_______________. And every three months, he travels with the Bedouin to
find food and water for their animals. The climate is very hot. (27)______________ are
extremely difficult. And Al Damaniyyeh does not have a home or any modern devices. But
Al Damaniyyeh does have successful and thankful students.
Voice 2 Al Damaniyyeh only has a high school education. He did not go to university. But
his teaching has helped his students set and achieve (28)_______________. Al Khubul Abu
Tayeh is a (29)_______________ student. He talked with Al Jazeera about Al
Damaniyyeh’s work.

Voice 3 "He has really helped the people here. His students have gone to universities and
into the (30)______________. One of his even getting a PhD now." 0919 340 949

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Voice 1 Affash Amamreh is another teacher who has taught Bedouin children in Jordan. His
school is called the Bayir Tent Project. Amamreh grew up as a Bedouin. But his father
wanted him to learn how to read and write. Suha Ma'ayeh is a (31)_______________. She
talked with Amamreh about his work. Ma'ayeh told Spotlight,

Voice 4 "It was a chance incident that led to Amamreh's education. His father
(32)_______________. He thought a toilet door was an office door because he could not
read the sign. The (33)______________ made his father so angry that he decided his son
would learn to read."

Voice 2 Amamreh did learn to read and write. And now, he is serving his Bedouin
(34)_______________. Through the Bayir Tent Project, more than 400 Bedouin children
have learned to read. Many of them have attended university. Amamreh told Ma'ayeh,

Voice 5 "We want to produce a new generation of people who can

(35)_____________________for the better."

Voice 1 Educating children from nomadic communities is a (36)_____________________ .

But the most successful efforts involve sacrifice. When teachers work with the nomadic way
of life, the children succeed. And they will have a (37)_____________________in their
future and the future of their people.


Be Happy

Voice 1 What is happiness? Are you happy? What makes you happy? For thousands of
years people all over the world have discussed these questions and (1)________ different
opinions. We begin today’s programme with some of their (2)______________.

Voice 2 Aristotle was a great (3)______________ who lived in Greece over 2,000 years
ago. He said, 0919 340 949

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Voice 3 ‘Happiness (4)______________ on ourselves.’

Voice 1 Thucydides also lived in Greece at about the same time. He was a
(5)______________ man who studied history. He said,

Voice 3 ‘The secret of happiness is freedom. And the secret of freedom is (6)________.

Voice 2 William Gladstone was the (7)______________ minister of the United Kingdom in
the 19th century. He said,

Voice 3 ‘Be happy with what you have and are. Be (8)______________ with both, and you
will not have to (9)______________for happiness.’

Voice 1 Charles Spurgeon also lived in the United Kingdom at about the same time. He
was a (10)________speaker. And he said,

Voice 3 ‘It is not how much we have, but how much we (11)________, that makes

Voice 2 Today’s Spotlight is on happiness.

Voice 1 People all around the world think that happiness is important. In 2012 the United
Nations even passed a (12)________ about happiness. All 193 member states agreed to the
resolution. They recognised happiness as a (13)______________ human goal. And they
decided to make the 20th of March the International Day of Happiness.

Voice 2 On the 20th of March 2015 the (14)______________ General of the United
Nations, Ban Ki-moon, wrote a special message. In it he said,

Voice 7 ‘I wish everyone around the world a very happy International Day of Happiness!
The search for happiness is a (15)________ business. Happiness for the whole human
family is one of the main goals of the United Nations. Peace, (16)________, lives of respect 0919 340 949

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for all - this is what we (17)______________. We want all men, women and children to
enjoy all their human (18)________. We want all countries to know the joy of peace. We
want both people and planet to be (19)______________with lasting development, and to be
free of the terrible (20)______________ of climate change. Let us give thanks for what
makes us happy. And let us give our efforts to filling our world with happiness.’

Voice 1 But what makes people happy? Many people think that happiness depends on
being rich and beautiful. But scientists and (21)______________ have studied happiness.
They know this is not correct. Good and bad things happen to everyone. Many
(22)________ and experts believe that happiness is something we can choose. They believe
that happiness is not always about what happens to you. They believe that much happiness
is about how you choose to (23)______________. You can choose to react to events in your
life in a (24)________ way. Dr. Amit Sood is an expert at the Mayo Clinic in the United
States. He said,

Voice 8 ‘Happiness is a habit or (25)________. Some of us are born happy. But most
others have to choose it. We often, however, do not understand we have that choice. We
also do not know how to exercise that choice. As a result we (26)______________
happiness away. Do not let that not happen to you.’

Voice 2 So how can we choose to be happy? What do we need to do? Experts have a lot of
different advice. But they agree that (27)______________ or being thankful is very
important. You will learn to be happy or happier by being thankful.

Voice 1 Dr Robert Emmons is a leading expert on gratitude. He (28)________ many ways

to become more thankful. One method he suggests is keeping a gratitude journal or book.
Every day, write down things for which you are (29)________. These things may be about
you, events or people. He also suggests that you use the language of thankful people. You
can use words like gifts, (30)______________, blessings, blessed. 0919 340 949

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Voice 2 What things are people most grateful for? BUPA is a health organisation in the
United Kingdom. BUPA did some research about the things that make people feel happy.
They found that many small and (31)______________ things make people feel good. For
example, sleeping in a clean, fresh bed. Another example: many people enjoy feeling the
sun on their faces. Other people feel good when someone is kind to them. Other people like
laughing so hard it hurts or smelling (32)______________made bread.

Voice 1 Some people find that music makes them feel happy. Pharrell Williams writes and
(33)________ music. He said that that music brought him happiness. He even wrote a song
called ‘Happy’.It is a very (34)________ song. People around the world have enjoyed
watching it. They have watched the song more than 750 million times on YouTube. And
many people have even made their own (35)_______________of it. Williams told the BBC
why he wrote the song.

Voice 9 ‘The purpose of the song was to make everyone remember that you have a basic
freedom to find happiness.’

Voice 2 Even the United Nations knows that music can make people happy. And in
2015 the United Nations (36)______________ the International Day of Happiness with
music. The Secretary General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon, asked people all over
the world to (37)________ a song that makes them happy.

Voice 1 Many famous people shared songs that (38)________ happiness and made them
smile. They helped to create the world’s happiest playlist. The actor Michael Douglas chose
the song ‘Zip a Dee Doo Dah’. The singer James Blunt chose the song ‘We are Young’.

Voice 2 Pharrell Williams attended the United Nations event that (39)______________ the
playlist. He told everyone that protecting our planet is necessary for human happiness. He
also (40)________ everyone to find out what makes them happy, 0919 340 949

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Voice 9 ‘It can be something as (41)________ as a long term goal. Or it could be

something as simple as the way I feel when my son smiles. You should know that happiness
is your right. It is a (42)________ to something, or someone, or a time.’

Being Shy

Voice 1 Susan Cain was a shy girl. She felt very (1)………… in social situations. When she
met new people she felt her (2)……. beat faster. Like many shy people, Susan did not want
other people looking at her. She liked to be (3)………… and watch other people.

Voice 2 But when she grew up Susan chose a (4)………. job. She became a lawyer. This is
usually a job for a (5)……..person who likes to talk in front of people – not a shy person
like Susan. But Susan Cain thinks that her (6)……….. made her a better lawyer. She told
the news organization NPR:

Voice 3 “At first I had the idea that I would be (7)………. You know, that a powerful
lawyer had to be very bold. But I quickly found that that was (8)……..not true. There was a
very different group of (9)………. that you could bring with you. These would also make
you very (10)……... You know, like listening carefully to people and asking questions. And
building (11)……….with people. You are not so comfortable in groups? Fine, you can do it
(12)……… with one other person. That can be much better.”

Voice 1 Susan Cain thinks that being shy can be good! She even wrote a book about being
shy. Today’s Spotlight is on being shy.

Voice 2 The Shyness Institute reports that almost half of all people say that they are shy.
Social (13)……..studied young adults in eight countries across the world. They found
(14)……….between the countries. In Japan, 57% of people said that they were shy. The
lowest number of shy people was in Israel - only 31%. In most countries, about 40% of the
(15)………said that they were shy. 0919 340 949

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Voice 1 There are many levels of shyness. For example, some people are not shy when they
are with their friends. But when they are in a new social (16)…………, they become afraid.

Voice 2 For other people, shyness can be a (17)………. problem. In social situations, they
become so worried that they cannot speak or act. This can stop people from (18)………..
well at work or in society. Dr. Liza Gold of Georgetown University Medical Centre told the
news organization NPR about this (19)………… shyness:

Voice 4 “It is a somewhat (20)……… problem. About 15% of the population have a mental
condition of extreme social (21)……... Some have a disorder that makes them very afraid
around other people. This is an extremely (22)………. and limiting condition. It may
interfere with how someone can work and (23)……….. and live.”

Voice 1 But why are some people shy? Scientists say that it is because of two things: genetic
(24)………and life experience.

Voice 2 Scientists at Harvard University in the United States did a (25)………. of two-
month-old babies. They saw that the babies (26)………. differently from one another. Of
every five babies, one was very (27)………. This kind of baby was bold and liked to make
noise. And one of every five babies was the (28)…….. This kind of baby was very quiet and
sensitive. They did not like loud noise or bright light. These sensitive babies were
(29)…… be shy as older children.

Voice 1 (30)…….also affects shyness. Some people become shy because of what has
happened to them. For example, children who are overly (31)……… by their family can
become shy. The Shyness Institute says that children who are shy usually have parents that
have fewer friends and fewer family social (32)……….

Voice 2 But children with sensitive characters do not only have (33)……… experiences.
Good experiences can help sensitive children become more bold. They can even (34)………
up to be adults who are not very shy. 0919 340 949

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Voice 1 Many (34)…….. place a high value on being social. And people who are bold can
be more successful socially. Shy people may (35)……. that they are not as good as social
people. Shy people may feel that they have a disadvantage in their social (36)…….. and in
their work.

Voice 2 But shyness can be an advantage. Many shy people have good characters and good
skills. Shy people are often very good at (37)…….. They are good friends because they
listen more than they talk. Susan Cain is the shy woman who became a lawyer and
(38)……... She explains how researchers have even seen these good (39)………. in shy

Voice 3 “Children who are shy also show stronger (40)………. They are much less likely to
(41)…….. or lie - even when they think they cannot be caught. People form their
consciences by being sensitive to (42)……. A sensitive child is forming a strong conscience
early on. Studies show that these children are much more likely to show (43)…….. for
others. This continues all the way through life. So when you look at these children when
they grow up they have good characteristics like sympathy and (44)……..”

Voice 1 But not all shy people are able to show these good characteristics. Professor Tony
Kashdan of George Mason University explains to NPR:

Voice 6 “Some people with (45)…….. shyness might have these good morals. They may be
sympathetic or giving or (46)………. But we find that these skills are often unused. The
reason is that very shy people are so (47)………. They are very worried about making a
mistake. They are so focused on whether someone else can see their fear. This makes it
difficult to support other people.”

Voice 2 A shy person may not have a (48)…… about being shy. She becomes shy because
of her genetic character and her experience. But, she can learn to use the good skills that
many shy people have. In this way she can do something good with her shy character. 0919 340 949

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Falling in Love

Voice 1 Have you heard the (1)……… expression “love at (2)………. sight”? Here is an
example, from the film Titanic. This film is a very (3)……….love story. The love story
happens on the (4)……… Titanic ship. In the film, a young man and young woman
(5)……… for the first time. Their (6)…….. are Jack and Rose. One day, Jack sees Rose
standing high up on the ship. His (7)……. changes. He thinks she is (8)………. Rose looks
at Jack too. Something happens between them - a (9)…….. of connection. They have to
meet. They already love each other! They have experienced “love at first sight.” They fell in
love the first time they (10)……. each other.

Voice 2 Love at first sight is common in films and (11)……….. Some people say it can
even happen in real (12)……….. But can it? Is love at first sight real love? What makes
people want to have a (13)……….. with a particular person? Today’s Spotlight is on the
science of falling in love. What makes us (14)…………. closeness with other people?

Voice 1 Falling in love can seem mysterious. (15)……….feelings develop, sometimes

quickly. But (16)………? Scientists and experts study love and attraction - that feeling that
you (17)……….to be closer to another person. They study (18)……….. in a person's body,
when that person feels love.

Voice 2 One thing that scientists (19)……… is hormone levels. Hormones are substances in
the (20)……… that affect behavior and (21)……... Scientists found particular hormones in
a person who is falling in love. These give people more (22)……. and make them feel
(23)……... Other studies show that over (24)…….., different hormones also (25)…….
These give people a sense of happiness and closeness through many (26)………. of a loving

Voice 1 There are many (27)………reasons why and how we fall in love. Like Jack and
Rose in Titanic, some people (28)……… “love at first sight.” They do not choose to feel 0919 340 949

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(29)……... But what if there was a (30)……… way to make any two people have a
(31)………….. relationship with each other?

Sounds of Joy

Voice 1 How does this sound make you feel? Does it make you feel (1)______________?
Does it make you feel (2)_______________?

Voice 2 How does this sound make you feel? Does it make you feel (3)______________?
Does it make you feel joy?

Voice 1 Does this sound make you feel (4)_______________ ?

Voice 2 Does this one make you feel (5)______________?

Voice 1 Do you ever notice the sounds you hear every day? How do these sounds influence
your (6)_______________? Do you think about what sounds make you feel happy or full of
joy? In today’s program we think about the ways that (7)______________ our feelings and
lives. Today’s Spotlight is on the sounds of joy!

Voice 2 Buzz Channel is an internet (8)_____________________. In June 2011, Buzz

Channel asked people in New Zealand what sounds gave them joy. (9)______________
people took part in the study. Buzz Channel sent them a form full of questions –
(10)_______________. Many people answered this survey on the internet. The people were
all very different - old and young, (11)______________. And they were all from different
parts of New Zealand.

Voice 1 Buzz Channel asked each person what their (12)______________were. After each
person answered, Buzz channel also asked each person to rate other sounds. Buzz Channel
suggested a sound. Then they asked the person how much they liked it. 0919 340 949

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Voice 2 So what did Buzz Channel (13)______________ ? What sounds make New
Zealanders feel joy? Some people said they felt joy when they (14)______________ their
cat purr. Some enjoyed the sound of rain on the (15)______________. Some even enjoyed
the simple sound of (16)________! However, there were three sounds most people liked
better than any other sound. The third most popular sound was the song from the Tui bird.
This bird is (17)______________ to New Zealand. The second favorite sound was the
sound of music. But different people liked different kinds of music. But most people said
that the sound of children (18)_______________ was the sound that made them feel

Voice 1 Cadbury Dairy Milk asked Buzz Channel to do this study. Cadbury is a
(20)______________. They are famous for their chocolate and other
(21)_______________. Cadbury wanted to know New Zealand’s top ten sounds of joy. But
they did not just want to know this information. They wanted to use it for a very
(22)_______________. They wanted to use this information to sell more chocolate. This
study was part of a much larger project. This project (23)______________ to discover what
made New Zealanders happy. Then, Cadbury could put all this information together. They
would make advertisements to sell chocolate and candy. And these advertisements would
use all of the things that made New Zealanders happy.

Voice 2 Doctor Aaron Jarden helped Buzz Channel with the study. He is the President of
New Zealand’s Association of Positive (24)_______________. He studies ways to improve
people’s wellbeing. Wellbeing is a sense of happiness about life. Doctor Jarden thinks the
results of this study are very interesting. (25)______________magazine StopPress wrote
about Cadbury’s study. Doctor Jarden told StopPress:

Voice 3 “Although we know joy when we see it and feel it, we have almost
(26)______________what it sounds like. There is a lot of information about the links
between music and our feelings. In fact, there is a whole field of ‘music
(27)______________’. But there is almost no research on the link between sounds and joy. 0919 340 949

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It is great to see Cadbury look at this (28)_______________ and asking New Zealanders
what they think joy sounds like.”

Voice 1 Cadbury used the information from this study to create a short advertisement to sell
chocolate in New Zealand. The advertisement used many of the sounds that make New
Zealanders happy. The Cadbury company hoped this would (29)_______________ New
Zealanders to buy more Cadbury chocolate. This is what the advertisement sounds like:

“Can joy make a melody?”

Voice 2 Doctor Jarden (30)_______________that these are the sounds the people of New
Zealand like the most. But what about people in other countries? What sounds bring joy to
people around the world? Are they similar? Is children’s (31)______________ the best
sound in the world?

Voice 1 Spotlight asked our listeners what their favorite sounds were. Most of them also
said that some kind of laughter was their favorite sound! Javier said that his favorite sound
was the cry of a (32)_______________. Hector wrote that his favorite sound was the smile
or laugh of a child. Todd agreed - his favorite sound was laughter too. And Maria said that
her favorite sound was when her children were running to give her a hug and

Voice 2 Doctor Jarden believes there is a reason that laughter is our favorite sound. He
believes it is important for our wellbeing. When people (34)_______________ joy, they feel
better. This makes their lives better. In a (35)________ for the press about the Cadbury’s
advertisement Jarden says:

Voice 3 “Experiencing simple times of joy and taking the time to enjoy the
(36)______________ in life are very important. Laughter is both a (37)_______________of
joy. People laugh a lot more on the weekends compared to weekdays. Laughter is also good
for relationships, both building new ones and keeping (38)______________ .” 0919 340 949

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Voice 1 Doctor Jarden may only be trying to sell Cadbury chocolate. But his words also
have some (39)________! People usually laugh when they are with people they like and feel
comfortable with. There is an (40)______________saying about laughter: laughter is the
best medicine! It can truly make people feel better.

Voice 2 What do you think about this (41)______________? Is laughter your favorite
sound? What sound brings you joy?


Nursery Rhymes Around the World

Voice 1 A mother sits and rocks her baby to sleep. She sings quietly. She wants the baby to
fall asleep. She sings this song about a (1)______________ - a small bed for a baby:

Voice 3 “Rock a bye baby in the tree top.

When the wind (2)________, the cradle will rock.
When the branch breaks, the cradle will fall.
And down will come baby, cradle and all.”

Voice 2 ‘Rock a bye baby’ is a rhyming song from England. The sentences rhyme - they
end with the same sounds like ‘fall’ and ‘all’. Rhyming songs and (3)________ are very
popular all around the world. Parents often sing them to young children. And children sing
them in nursery school - when they are only three or four years old. Today’s Spotlight is on
nursery rhymes around the world.

Voice 1 Most countries have nursery rhymes. People sing nursery rhymes like a song. Or
sometimes they say nursery rhymes like a poem. Nursery rhymes are fun for both
(4)________ and children. But nursery rhymes also have other purposes. 0919 340 949

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Voice 2 There are different kinds of nursery rhymes. Some nursery rhymes are for helping a
child to fall asleep. “Rock a bye baby” is one of these. Other nursery rhymes are
(5)______________. They teach children about cultural traditions or about good behaviour.
Some nursery rhymes are (6)______________ - they include movements. The children must
do these movements with their hands or bodies.

Voice 1 Let’s listen to some different kinds of nursery rhymes from around the world. This
first nursery rhyme is from Uganda in (7)________ Africa:

Voice 4 “Keep keep keep your health Eat good food!

Milk and eggs, fish and (8)________
Are excellent for you.

Comb comb comb your hair

Do not forget your teeth!
Brush brush brush your teeth
Clean up all those (9)________!”

Voice 2 This nursery rhyme teaches children about healthy food. And it teaches children to
take care of their bodies. Because it has rhyming sounds, this song is easy to remember!
Parents and teachers often use songs to teach (10)________. Songs can help children to
remember important things - like cleaning their teeth.

Voice 1 The next nursery rhyme also uses rhyming to teach. This poem is from China. It
teaches about the traditional (11)________ of a very important Chinese holiday. It is called
‘Chinese New Year’:

Voice 5 “You will find when ever the New Year comes
the Kitchen God will want some (12)______________.
The girls will want some flowers new;
The boys will want (13)________, too. 0919 340 949

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A new soft hat will please Papa

And a sugar cake for dear Mama”

Voice 2 This nursery rhyme teaches children about the special customs of the Chinese New
Year holiday. For example, families (14)______________ Chinese New Year with special
food. The nursery rhyme also teaches children to share with their family members. By
repeating this rhyme, children will remember their traditional customs.

Voice 1 Many cultures also have nursery rhymes to teach children about right and wrong
actions. Here is a nursery rhyme from Thailand. It is named after a large fruit. The
(15)________ has a hard, green skin. But inside, it has soft, yellow fruit around big seeds:

Voice 6“Jum-Jee Jackfruit Seed

Those who have done good (16)________
Can eat all the food
Those who tell lies
Must eat old (17)________ dog!”

Voice 2 This nursery rhyme teaches children to tell the truth. It explains that people who tell
the truth will get good things. But people who do not tell the truth will not get good things.

Voice 1 There are two more interesting things about this nursery rhyme. One is that it uses
words that are not (18)________! The beginning words - “Jum-Jee” - do not mean anything.
These are just words that sound fun. They rhyme to make the song sound good. Many
nursery rhymes have these kinds of words in them.


Breakfast: The First Meal 0919 340 949

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Traditional Scottish breakfast

Ryan Geertsma and Robin Basselin look at breakfast, the first meal of the day. Many people
say it is the most important meal!

Voice 1 Every morning, John does many of the same things. First, he gets out of bed and
(1)______________________. After that, he sits down at the table and reads the
(2)_____________________. As he reads, he eats his breakfast - the first meal of the day.
He eats bread, two (3)_____________________ and coffee. Then he leaves for his job.

Voice 2 Izumi’s morning is very (4)_______________ to John’s. But her breakfast looks
very different. She eats cooked (5)______________, hot, good tasting liquid called soup,
and some vegetables.

Voice 1 People in every country eat (6)_____________________. But these meals can be
very different. Today’s Spotlight is on breakfast around the world.

Voice 2 The word breakfast is a (7)_____________________ of two other English words:

“break” and “fast.” “Fast,” in this way, means going (8)______________________ or
eating. So when you get up from sleeping, you break, or end, your fast. You were not eating
during the (9)_____________________and now you are.

Voice 1 The Mayo Clinic is a respected hospital in the United States. Doctors there say
something about breakfast. They say that a healthy breakfast helps give people
(10)_____________________ for the day. If people do not have breakfast, they will get
(11)______________. They will have trouble concentrating on their work. In fact, many
doctors and experts say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Patty Beckwith
is a doctor who helps people with eating (12)______________. She told the University of
California at Los Angeles health website: 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

EEC –Chuyên luyện Tiếng Anh từ cơ bản đến IELTS 6.5+ |

Voice 3 “A healthy breakfast may seem hard, but it is not. Bread with peanut
(13)______________ and some orange juice, or half a (14)_______________ of fruit will
do it.”

Voice 1 Breakfast is also good for your health. If you eat in the morning, you may eat less at
the other meals in the day. This is because you are not as (15)______________. Because of
this, eating breakfast helps you weigh less. And eating breakfast every day can even lower a
person’s (16)_______________ of having heart problems!

Voice 2 But what is a healthy breakfast? Experts and (17)______________ around the
world agree that a healthy breakfast contains four different foods. First, it should contain
(18)_______________. In most places, this is some kind of bread or rice. Second, a
(19)______________ that is low in fat. In many countries, this is an egg, fish or some meat.

Voice 1 Third, a healthy breakfast needs some dairy - or (20)_______________. Milk

contains calcium, an element which helps make bones stronger. However, in some countries
like Japan, they do not drink a lot of milk. Instead, they have (21)______________ and
other foods that have the same elements. And last, it is important to have a fruit or a
vegetable in your breakfast. This will help give you energy for the day.

Vo ice 2 Most countries have their own breakfast (22)______________. For example,
John’s breakfast, from the beginning of this program, is a common breakfast in the
(23)_______________. It contained bread, eggs, and coffee.

Voice 1 Izumi’s breakfast is traditional in Japan. It included white rice and miso soup. Miso
soup is a liquid made from (24)______________ and vegetables. Izumi also ate pickles,
made from specially treated vegetables. This is very similar to other meals in the day. In
Asia, breakfast does not usually mean eating different food than other meals.

Voice 2 (25)_______________ countries have their own breakfast traditions too! In Italy,
people usually just eat bread and coffee. In (26)_______________, people eat different cold 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

EEC –Chuyên luyện Tiếng Anh từ cơ bản đến IELTS 6.5+ |

meats and special bread rolls. And an “English breakfast” means eggs, salted meat,
vegetables or fruit, and bread. It also includes (27)_____________________. They are large
seeds, cooked in a thick, smooth tomato sauce. It is a very large meal.

Voice 1 In Africa, breakfast is very different across the (28)_____________________.

What people have for breakfast changes a lot even within the same country. In Nigeria, for
example, many different tribes eat different foods for breakfast. One common thing that
appears is ground beans. In parts of Nigeria, people take beans and (29)______________
them up into a rubbery paste. Then they make a round cake from the bean paste and cook it
(30)______________. This “kosai” breakfast is made by the Hausa tribe in Northern

Voice 2 In other parts of Africa such as Senegal, people drink coffee. They also eat bread
with peanut butter or chocolate on it, along with (31)_______________.

Voice 1 In the America, the breakfast meal is different too. Costa Rica is in Central
America. There, people have a meal call gallo pinto for breakfast. Gallo Pinto is Spanish for
“spotted rooster,” but the breakfast food is not a rooster or a chicken! Gallo Pinto is just rice
and beans. It also uses a (32)_______________ called Lizano Sauce. This sauce was created
in the (33)______________ by the Lizano company. It is a special part of the Costa Rican
breakfast. People eat different (34)______________ of this same food in other Central
American countries.

Voice 2 On Facebook, we asked listeners what they eat for breakfast in their countries.
There were a lot of different (35)_______________! One listener said:

Voice 4 “In Turkey, we have many breads, (36)______________ and honey and vegetables
and fruits. We eat omelettes made from eggs. So many people like eggs with
(37)_______________, called menemen. I think everyone should have it!”

Voice 1 Another listener from Taiwan said: 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

EEC –Chuyên luyện Tiếng Anh từ cơ bản đến IELTS 6.5+ |

Voice 5 “I always eat (38)______________, but my parents eat rice soup and salty food
every day.”

Voice 1 One listener from Albania in (39)______________Europe said:

Voice 6 “We have many good meals with lamb and (40)______________ - a thick food
made from milk. We also have many different foods made from bread with meat and
vegetables. Also, we have many sweet treats, like baklava! And in my city, the traditional
(41)_______________“ballokume,” made with corn, egg, and sugar. It is very tasty and we
are proud because it is known all over Albania!”

Voice 2 And another listener, from Saudi Arabia, told us that his breakfast is usually a glass
of water with (42)_______________and milk, and dates. Dates are a small, sweet fruit that
grows on palm trees.

Street Food Around the World

Voice 1 While in Mexico City, Mexico, you might stop and buy a sweet,
(1)_______________, churro. On Cheju Island in Korea, you might order some
(2)_______________ caught fish, called hwae. In Bangkok, Thailand, you might need a
drink. So you might buy a coconut fruit. You can use a thin (3)_______________ to drink
the liquid from inside it. In Chicago, in the United States, you might want to have a
(4)_______________ hot dog.

Voice 2 Warning! This program may make you (5)_______________ ! Today’s Spotlight is
on street food. Today we travel around the world. We look at the (6)_______________
kinds of foods people can eat on the street.
Voice 1 People everywhere in the world love eating street food. But what is it? Street food
can be food or drink. It can be fruits or (7)______________________. Or it could be
something cooked like rice or meat, and more! It can be a person’s (8)_______________ 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

EEC –Chuyên luyện Tiếng Anh từ cơ bản đến IELTS 6.5+ |

meal, or just a small snack. A (9)______________________ sells the food from a cart that
can move, or from a stall - a small (10)_____________________ area. Vendors usually
only sell one kind of food. And prices of street food are usually low.

Voice 2 There are a few reasons why street food is so great. First, street food is easy to get.
People who are (11)_______________ somewhere can buy street food quickly. Vendors
often have the food fully (12)_____________________ .
Voice 1 Second, street food does not cost a lot of money. Very
(13)_____________________ people can still buy street food. And a street food meal can
include many healthy (14)_______________ .
Voice 2 Finally, there is one more reason street food is so great - and you may already know
it. Street food is (15)_______________! It tastes very good! And many of our listeners
would agree! We asked Spotlight listeners to share some of their (16)_______________
street foods. People from all over the world answered.

Voice 1 Erioni from Albania wrote that she liked pies, (17)______________ and hotdogs.
Hot dogs were also Joel’s favorite food in the United States. In Uganda, Muhwezi and
Bamutengire liked fruits and apples. And Sky and Tinah both liked Rolex. This is a thin
bread (18)_____________________ egg and vegetables. Trinh from Vietnam simply
answered “rice”. In Indonesia, Agustinus likes to order sego kucing. This is made with rice
with things on top - like dried fish. Then it is (19)_______________ in banana fruit leaves.
And Ying-ying from the Philippines could not name just one favorite street food! She
named fish balls, quail eggs, squid balls and (20)_______________.

Voice 2 Travel writers have also written lists of the best street food around the world. Travel
with us as we (21)_______________ the different street foods of the world!

Voice 1 Mexico City, Mexico. Churros are one favorite food here. These are
(22)_______________ of fried bread dough. The vendor fries the dough, or
(23)_____________________ bread. Then he (24)_______________ cinnamon spice and 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

EEC –Chuyên luyện Tiếng Anh từ cơ bản đến IELTS 6.5+ |

sugar over it. It is a sweet snack! Another famous Mexican street food is Elote. This food
uses corn on the cob. That is, the corn is freshly (25)______________ from the plant. Then,
the vendor takes the rough (26)_______________ off the corn. He pushes a wooden stick
through the corn cob. He cooks the corn over a fire. Then, he covers the corn with a good
(27)_______________ mayonnaise sauce. He puts spicy chilli
(28)_____________________ and cheese on the corn. Finally, he squeezes a sour
(29)______________ fruit over it.

Voice 2 Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Here, the most famous street food sandwich is called
Banh mi. This sandwich is on long bread with a thick crust. Inside is meat and
(30)_______________ vegetables. JJ Goode writes for the travel website
He describes biting into this delicious sandwich:

Voice 3 “Your teeth crash through the bread and into still-warm pieces of grilled pork. Then
you taste crunchy (31)_______________, sweet-tangy pieces of pickled carrot and daikon
and cilantro. It has just a bit of Vietnamese mayo. You should add a small amount of hot
(32)______________. This may be the best sandwich you have ever had.”

Voice 1 Berlin, Germany. You may be surprised to learn that Berlin has a very big Turkish
(33)_____________________. So the street food here has a Turkish influence. One of these
foods is called currywurst. Currywurst is a long thin piece of meat. The vendor cuts the
meat into smaller pieces. Then she puts a special curry sauce on top of it. The sauce is made
of (34)_______________ spice and tomato sauces. People eat currywurst from paper
(35)_______________ with very small forks.

Voice 2 Marrakech, Morocco. Marrakech’s main square contains hundreds of different food
. But everyone here knows one street food: harira soup. This liquid soup is a
(36)_______________ (37)_____________________ food. A vendor makes it from good-
tasting liquid (38)______________, beans, onions, turmeric spice, and the cilantro plant.
People eat the soup with a small (39)_______________ spoon. 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

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Voice 1 Mumbai, India. Bhel puri is a low-fat and good-tasting food that contains many
vegetables. It is made with a plate full of (40)_______________ rice. This is a bigger form
of rice. It (41)_______________ in your mouth. A vendor adds many different things on
top. He may add potato, red onion, and cilantro. Then he adds a spicy
(42)_______________ sauce on top. The sauce is also tangy - it makes a person’s mouth
water. The sauce makes some of the rice more soft. Bhel puri is (43)______________,
tangy, crunchy and soft - a wonderful and interesting food!

Voice 2 These are just a few kinds of street food. But there are many more kinds all around
the world. It is easy to see why so many people around the world eat it!

Voice 1 But there are some (44)_______________ about street food. People can get sick
from street food. Vendors may work in (45)_______________ conditions. This means that
people who eat street food may suffer from sicknesses like diarrhea or
(46)_______________. People can even die from these sicknesses. But governments and
health organizations also work with street vendors to improve the (47)_______________ of
street food.

Voice 2 If you love street food, you do not have to be afraid of eating it. just
suggests making (48)_______________ decisions when you want to eat. Look for a vendor
in a clean area. Are his hands clean? Is he wearing clean clothes? Is there a place for the
vendor to wash dishes, and a (49)_______________ area to wash hands? Finally, look at the
food. Does it look fully cooked? Does it smell good or bad? If it smells bad, it is
(50)_______________ not safe.

Voice 1 Tell us about street food where YOU live! You can leave a (51)______________
on the script page for this program.

Guide and Tips

Fire Safety 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

EEC –Chuyên luyện Tiếng Anh từ cơ bản đến IELTS 6.5+ |

Voice 1 We use it to cook. We use it to (1)_______________ . Using it, we can see in the
dark. And for thousands of years people have sat around it (2)_______________. What is
this thing? It is fire.

Voice 2 Fire is very helpful. But it is also (3)_______________. Today's Spotlight is on

using fire in a safe way.

Voice 1 Fire can cause a lot of damage. It can reduce a home to nothing but
(4)______________ . Even when a fire does not burn a whole house, the damage from
smoke can (5)______________, food, books, and pictures. When people use water to fight a
fire, the water can damage floors, walls, paper, (6)_______________. But fire causes more
than just damage to things. Even worse, fire can kill people.

Voice 2 Still, many people need to use fire in their (7)______________. But there are ways
to use fire safely. Here are a few ways people use fire, and how to use it safely.

Voice 1 The most important thing to do when you use fire is to use your head and think
about what is happening around you. This is very (8)_______________, but very important.
When we are around something often, we can become (9)_______________. If you have a
fire in your house for cooking or (10)______________, look around for possible dangers. Is
there anything near that could (11)_______________? Are children playing too near the
heat? Knowing what is happening around you is an (12)______________to stay safe.

Voice 2 Smoking cigarettes can also be a fire danger. Many fires begin when cigarettes fall
on to (13)______________. Cigarettes are small, but they burn at a temperature of 700
degrees Celsius. This is more than hot enough to (14)______________, cloth, or skin. When
you are done smoking, always make sure the cigarette is no longer burning.

Voice 1 In the same way, be careful if you use (15)______________. The small fire from
candles is good for seeing in the dark, especially without electricity. They can also create a
(16)_______________ for love. But do not let your romance cause you to forget about 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

EEC –Chuyên luyện Tiếng Anh từ cơ bản đến IELTS 6.5+ |

them! If a candle falls, it can burn for a long time. This gives it (17)______________to light
other things on fire.

Voice 2 Cigarettes and candles are small fires that can grow out of control. But it is even
easier to (18)_______________of a large fire. Many people deal with
(19)_______________, branches, or waste by burning them. These things burn very easily
and quickly. A fire like this can (20)_______________in seconds. If you are going to burn
waste or leaves, follow these rules.

Voice 1 Make sure you are away from buildings and people. Do not burn things on a
(21)______________. The wind can blow the fire out of your control. Have dirt, sand, and
water around to put out the fire if it gets too big. Do not burn everything at once. Instead,
add things to the (22)______________. But most importantly, make sure someone is
watching at all times.

Voice 2 Any of these common acts can cause a dangerous fire. But being prepared can save
lives and (23)______________. One way to prepare for a fire is to create an
(24)_______________for each member of your family. If there is a fire in your home, you
can follow the plan. Decide on a (25)______________for each person that leads them out of
the home. Then (26)______________where everyone will meet together. Make sure it is far
enough away to be safe. But it should be (27)______________to get to quickly. Try your
plan by (28)______________. Then you can be sure that everyone knows what to do.

Voice 1 There are also some things that can make your home safer. See if these things are
(29)______________ in your area.

Voice 2 Smoke detectors are small electronic devices. A smoke detector makes noise if it
senses smoke. Because (30)______________, these are placed high up in most rooms.
Putting these in your home will (31)______________ you to the first sign of a fire. If a fire
starts when you are sleeping, the noise of the smoke detector will (32)______________ you
from sleep. 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

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Voice 1 Fire (33)_______________ are another good tool for fighting fire. They all look
similar. They are cans with a handle and (34)______________. People use them to put out
fires. But not all fire extinguishers put out the same kind of fire. Here are the three main
kinds of fire extinguishers.

Voice 2 Class A fire extinguishers are for fires from wood, (35)______________, and
plastics. They use water to put out fires. These are the most common fire extinguishers.

Voice 1 Class B fire extinguishers are used for (36)______________like gasoline, grease,
and oil. They use a (37)_______________to put out fires. If you use a Class A extinguisher
on a Class B fire, you will spread the fire and (38)_______________.

Voice 2 Class C fire extinguishers are for fires from (39)_______________ . If you use a
Class A fire extinguisher on a class C fire, you risk giving yourself, or someone near you, an

Voice 1 If you are caught in a fire you should try to (41)______________with a wet cloth.
Breathing in smoke can harm your mind. It can cause you to stop thinking clearly. Also,
stay low to the ground. Heat and smoke rise up. Near the ground, it is (42)______________
and there is less smoke.

Voice 2 If you do catch on fire, you need to remember three steps. First, stop. Do not try to
run away. Second, you need to (43)______________. Fall onto the ground. And third, roll.
Roll around on the ground. This movement (44)______________air from the fire and will
make it go out. So remember: stop, drop, and roll.

Voice 1 Fire is very useful. No other creature on earth has learned to use fire the way
(45)________ have. However, fire can be like a (46)______________ . It can get out of
control and do damage to people and (47)_______________. But following rules for fire
safety can make it more likely that you and your home stay safe. 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

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Lost and Found

Voice 1 Imagine this situation. You know you had it. But you cannot remember where it is.
You (1)_______________. You look here. You look there. You look up. You look down.
You walk back to where you (2)_______________seeing it. But you cannot find it. You
have lost it!

Voice 2 Everyone has experienced losing something and trying to find it. Sometimes we
lose things that we use every day such as (3)______________. But sometimes we lose
something that has a special (4)_______________. Sometimes we find the lost object
(5)______________. Sometimes it takes a very long time. And sometimes we need other
people or groups to help us find it. Today’s Spotlight is on the (6)______________ of losing
and finding things.

Voice 1 Guillermo del Toro is a famous (7)______________from Mexico. He writes his

ideas for future films in a special notebook. He takes this notebook everywhere. One day he
was in London in the United Kingdom. He was travelling (8)______________. But when he
left the car he made (9)_______________. He had left his notebook there. The notebook
contained four years of (10)________. It contained all his ideas for his film ‘Pan’s
Labyrinth’. Del Toro searched but he could not find the taxi. His notebook was lost!

Voice 2 The taxi driver found the notebook. But he did not know who
(11)______________ it. He also found a (12)_______________with the notebook. The
paper had no name or address on it. But it did have a picture of a (13)______________.
Two days later the driver found the hotel. He returned the notebook to Del Toro. Del Toro
was (14)______________. He was so thankful that he gave the driver $900. Del Toro could
now (15)_______________‘Pan’s Labyrinth’.

Voice 1 Hundreds of thousands of people travel in London every day. And like Del Toro
many of them lose things. ‘Transport for London’ is the (16)______________ responsible
for much of London’s transport system. This organisation has a lost (17)______________ 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

EEC –Chuyên luyện Tiếng Anh từ cơ bản đến IELTS 6.5+ |

office. If someone loses something on a bus, train, taxi or on the (18)______________ this
office can help.

Voice 2 The Lost Property Office is full of hundreds of thousands of lost objects. They
include 51,000 books; 35,000 bags; (19)_______________; and 27,000 mobile telephones.
Many of these mobile telephones even still have power. Lost Property Assistant Bob Sayer
told the BBC,

Voice 3 ‘Sometimes in the morning there are bells going off everywhere. It
(20)______________ you.’Voice 1 Every day the Lost Property Office helps over 300
people find their lost property. The office has (21)_______________ for over 80 years. But
today many people (22)________the internet to help them find their lost property.

Voice 2 In the United Kingdom Clare Owen runs the internet service Lostbox. Three
hundred lost or found objects are listed on Lostbox every week. It has a
(23)______________reach of 5 million people. This internet communication has helped
Lostbox bring together (24)______________ and many lost objects, from animals to
(25)______________! Lostbox has even worked across (26)______________.

Voice 1 One such Lostbox story began in London. A taxi driver found an
(27)______________in his taxi. He knew it belonged to a young man and woman from
Australia. He had driven them to the airport. They had travelled around the world. They had
(28)______________such as Dubai, New York and London. And they had taken lots of
pictures with the camera. The driver knew they could (29)______________ their camera.
But they could not replace the special pictures or (30)_______________ on the camera. The
driver wanted to return it to the young people. But he did not know their names. And he did
not know how to find them. Lostbox helped him. (31)_______________Lostbox had
reached a million people. And the young people were found!

Voice 2 Owen designed Lostbox to find lost objects. But it has found other things – even
(32)______________! A man named John wanted to find his (33)_______________. He did 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

EEC –Chuyên luyện Tiếng Anh từ cơ bản đến IELTS 6.5+ |

not have much information. But he knew his birth name. He also knew where and when he
was born. Owen told the BBC what (34)______________ when the story was put on

Voice 4 ‘Within 48 hours of that (35)______________ going live, he was on the telephone
to his sister that he did not know he had, and his mother later that day. He met her a week
later. And now he (36)______________ her every morning and speaks to her every night.’

Voice 1 Everyone understands that finding a lost person is an (37)______________. But

people also get emotionally attached to objects. University experts have studied this. They
say that we consider the things we own part of ourselves. They also say that an object does
not need to have great (38)_______________to have emotional value.

Voice 2 Tim Butcher is from South Africa. He experienced losing something with great
emotional value. Butcher’s father wore a (39)______________on his little finger for 60
years. And before that HIS father had worn it for 40 years. Butcher was given this ring when
his father died. And he put it on HIS little finger. But one day he noticed the ring was gone.
He told the BBC how he felt,

Voice 5 ‘An emotional wave washed over me – shock, terror, shame, anger,
(40)_______________. And when it pulled back, all that was left was a

Voice 1 Butcher had lost it on the beach in the sand. He spent hours (42)______________.
But the sand had covered the ring. Eight days later a man called Alan came to help. Alan
used his special (43)________equipment to search for the metal ring. Forty minutes later
Alan found it. The ring was buried under 40 centimetres of sand. Butcher had
(44)______________. He wanted to pay Alan for his work. But Alan did not want any
money. Butcher decided he had found more than his ring. He told the BBC, 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

EEC –Chuyên luyện Tiếng Anh từ cơ bản đến IELTS 6.5+ |

Voice 5 ‘I went down to that beach that day to find a ring. What I found was more valuable
still - that there remain some (45)______________out there.’

Mapping the World

Voice 3 “We were (1)_____________________. We were nearly breathless from the

(2)______________. But finally I arrived in Xintang. I was three kilometres east of the
confluence. As I was paying the driver, we started talking. When he learned of my goal, he
offered to take me as far as he could to the confluence. It was just (3)_______________.”

Voice 2 This quote comes from Targ Parsons. He shared this story on the website for the
Degree Confluence Project. He is one person who is helping to make (4)______________of
the world. They are trying to take pictures of special points where the lines of longitude and
(5)______________ meet. These points are called degree confluence points. Today’s
Spotlight is on the Degree Confluence Project.

Voice 1 When you look at a map of the world, you may see many lines on it. These lines are
(6)_______________; they do not physically exist off of the map. The map shows that the
lines circle the (7)_______________. The lines go up and down from the North Pole to the
South Pole. They also go from East to West across the map. These lines
(8)______________, or cross each other, many times. On the map, it looks like many
different (9)______________.

Voice 2 These lines serve a very important purpose. They are used to show
(10)______________ on the map. People can use these lines to know exactly where they are
on the earth. This is especially important in places without (11)______________ - like in a
boat on the ocean, or in the (12)______________. 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

EEC –Chuyên luyện Tiếng Anh từ cơ bản đến IELTS 6.5+ |

Voice 1 There are two main lines on the map. They are the prime meridian and the equator.
The prime meridian separates the eastern and western (13)_______________ of the earth. It
divides the east from the west. The equator separates the northern and southern hemispheres
of the earth. It divides the (14)______________.

Voice 2 And all of the other lines on a map follow either the prime meridian or the equator.
The prime meridian and all the lines going north and south are called the lines of longitude.
The equator and all the lines that (15)_____________________are called the lines of
latitude. The lines of longitude and latitude intersect or cross.

Voice 1 The point at which a line of longitude crosses a line of latitude is called
(16)_______________ confluence point. Confluence means "(17)______________." Alex
Jarrett has a special interest in degree confluence points. There are 64,442 of these points on
the earth.

Voice 2 When Alex was a young man he (18)______________confluence point. He took a

picture of it. He shared it (19)_______________. Then, other people began to share their
pictures of degree confluence points. And, that is how Alex (20)______________with his
idea. Alex started the "Degree Confluence Project."

Voice 1 The goal of the project is to visit each of these (21)_______________confluence

points on land - and take a picture of it! It shows (22)_______________of what the whole
world looks like. There are 16,146 points on land. The degree confluence points in the
(23)______________ are too hard to get to, so the project does not include those.

Voice 2 No matter where you live there is a degree confluence point within
(24)_______________ of you! Maybe you could help Alex to (25)______________ !
Maybe you could take a picture of a point near you.

Voice 1 The Degree Confluence website shows all the pictures people have taken. People
from all over the world have sent Alex pictures. So far there have been over 0919 340 949

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(26)______________ to confluence points. And, people from (27)_______________have

been involved.

Voice 2 Confluence points are sometimes found in (28)_______________. For example,

one person found a point near a nuclear power plant. Other points are in large fields. Some
are in deserts of sand. Some are in (29)______________. Some of the pictures are very
(30)_______________. Others may not really look like anything at all! But Alex believes
that when all the pictures are put together that we will see a very interesting look at the

Voice 1 To be a part of the project you need (31)_______________. You need a little time,
a camera, a sense of (32)_______________, and a special measuring tool called a
(33)______________ system, or a GPS.

Voice 2 A GPS measures a person’s exact position on earth. It uses satellites in the sky. The
satellites (34)_______________to the GPS. The GPS then measures the signal in degrees.
The latitude line gives the degree north or south of the equator. And the longitude line gives
the degree to the east or west of the prime meridian. The latitude is usually

Voice 1 For example, I live in the state of Michigan in the United States. Michigan has
(36)_______________confluence points. The nearest degree confluence point to me is at 43
degrees north, 84 degrees west.

Voice 2 The Degree Confluence Project has (37)______________. They are listed on
Alex’s website. Rule number one is that you must (38)______________ within one hundred
metres of the degree confluence point. But reaching the exact point is (39)______________.
Doing this requires using a GPS tool. 0919 340 949

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Voice 1 Rule number two is that at least two pictures be taken from the point - one picture
in (40)_____________________. But taking four pictures of the north, south, east and west
is even better.

Voice 2 Rule number three is that there needs to be a picture of the GPS. The picture should
show the (41)_______________position of the GPS. This (42)_______________ that you
have found the exact position of the confluence point.

Voice 1 Rule number four is that you must (43)_______________. Details about your visit
to the degree confluence point should be included with your pictures.

Voice 2 Rule number five, (44)______________should be given to the Degree Confluence

website. Alex wants everyone’s pictures to be together. That way he can
(45)_______________. And this will create a very special picture of the world.

Voice 1 The Degree Confluence Project shows the (46)_______________of the earth. It
also shows that when people work together, they can create a very special picture of the


Health Care Crisis

Voice 2 Mary Ntata is from the country of Malawi, in (1)______________. She is a nurse.
She trained to be a health care worker in the United Kingdom. After finishing her education
Mary stayed in the UK to work. But with the (2)_______________ OXFAM, she travelled
back to Malawi to see what the (3)_______ are like for Malawian nurses.

Voice 1 In the last 20 years, there has been a (4)______________of nurses in Malawi. There
are not enough nurses to treat the patients. This is for many reasons. Nurses are not paid
enough money in Malawi. The conditions in many (5)______________are very bad. And 0919 340 949

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serious health problems like HIV and AIDS mean that there are many patients. Mary wrote
about her (6)______________for the BBC.

Voice 3 "We went to the main hospital in Lilongwe today. I followed a nurse named
Khetase. She took me past a long line of women and children. We went to the
(7)______________, the children's part of the hospital. I was (8)______________ by what I
saw. The ward was dirty. It was so full with child patients and their (9)______________.
Many of the children shared a bed with another patient.

One boy, Godfrey, lay very still on the floor with his head on his (10)______________. He
had (11)______________. In the UK he would probably be on a drip. The drip would put
(12)_______________ back into his body. But here there was not even a bed for him.

Another nurse, named Christine, took me to the women's medical ward. All the beds were
full. Women filled every area both inside and outside of the rooms. The women outside had
to (13)______________sickness and the weather, especially in the rainy season.

Nurse Christine was giving (14)______________ of medicine. She did not have any gloves
to cover her hands. This was on a ward where at least 30% of the patients have HIV.
Christine only uses (15)________ with patients who have a highly infectious disease. She
understands (16)________ to her own health. But she tries not to think about that. She feels
it is her job to ease the (17)______________ of the patients.

Nurse shortages are even worse than I (18)________. I saw how hard the nurses must work.
They lack many medical resources. It is hard to understand how they can continue working.
But they show a lot of (19)_______________in almost impossible work situations.

Coming back to Malawi has made me understand how much this country (20)________. It
has made me feel like I need to come back to help my people." 0919 340 949

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Voice 2 This is not just a problem in Malawi. The world is (21)_______________ of health
care workers. However, the problem is greatest in countries with (22)______________.
These areas struggle the most against disease.

Voice 1 The World Health Organization, or the WHO, (23)______________ in 2009 about
the lack of health workers. The report said the world lacks more than 4 million health
workers. There are (24)______________that have a serious lack of health workers. And 36
of those countries are in sub–Saharan Africa.

Voice 2 The WHO believes that the lack of health workers (25)________ many areas of
health care. Children do not receive important (26)________ to protect them from disease.
Women do not receive good (27)________. Women and children die during child birth.
Diseases like HIV cannot be treated. And many people do not receive any health care at all.
The WHO reports that over one billion [1,000,000,000] people in the world lack even the
(28)______________because there is no health worker present.

Voice 1 Developing countries face an even (29)______________. They lack good health
care and health care workers. And, they also lose many of their trained health workers to
other, more developed countries. These countries can offer the workers
(30)______________ . Often, the workers feel that moving to another country will give
them a better life. Developed countries lack health workers too. They are happy to
(31)_______________from other countries. However, this (32)______________ developing
countries facing a serious health crisis.

Voice 2 The WHO has developed a plan to (33)______________ . First, the organization
believes that each country needs to (34)______________ health care. All countries need to
educate and employ more health care workers. The WHO believes that there must be a
(35)________ of health workers compared to the number of patients. Evidence shows that
this improves (36)______________. 0919 340 949

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Voice 1 Health care workers must have support from the government to
(37)______________. So, the WHO (38)______________to create plans to help their health
systems. And developing countries need to receive support for their plans from
(39)______________ aid groups.

Voice 2 The WHO hopes that countries will (40)_______________into their own health
care systems. This is especially important for the 57 countries with the
(41)______________ of workers. Countries should increase the amount of money for their
health care systems.

Voice 1 Second, the WHO wants developed countries to (42)______________. The policies
would not let developed countries (43)______________ health workers from developing
countries. The WHO's report asks that developed countries stop taking health care workers
away from developing countries.

Voice 2 The WHO believes that their plan could work. Following this plan, the
(44)______________ could be over within 20 years.

Voice 1 This is what has (45)______________ in Malawi. The government has worked with
international groups, including the UK government. These groups gave money to
(46)______________for nurses in Malawi. They also gave money for nurse training
programs in the country. There are still not enough nurses. But these programs are

Voice 2 At the beginning of this program we talked about Mary's visit to Malawi. She now
understands that Malawi (48)______________. She can help the health care crisis there. All
people need to support their country's healthcare system. They can
(49)______________make health care a main concern. Health care is a human right. All
people should help to (50)______________ for everyone.

Language Arts 0919 340 949
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A Global Language

Voice 1 Did you recognize that language? It sounds European - a little like
(1)______________, or German. But it is neither. It is called Esperanto. You may have
heard Esperanto before! It is the most (2)_______________ invented world language.
Today’s Spotlight is on Esperanto.

Voice 2 Conflict and (3)______________ affect people in different ways. They make some
people want to run and hide. And they make other people feel (4)______________ at the
world and the people in it. But some people try and find a way to change things.

Voice 1 Ludovic Lazurus Zamenhof was one of these people. Zamenhof was born in
(5)________. He lived in the city of Bialystok, Poland. At that time the city was part of
Russian territory. There were three major (6)______________ groups in the city; Poles,
Belorusians and Yiddish-speaking Jews. The conflicts between these groups
(7)______________ the young Zamenhof. As a Jew, life was not easy. Several hundred
years ago many Jews fled to Poland for safety. But conflicts continued. Even children were
part of the conflicts. They had (8)________ in the schools and on the streets. Zamenhof
grew up in an environment of deep hatred and (9)________.

Voice 2 However, Zamenhof did not feel hatred and (10)_______________ in his heart.
Some people say that his mother helped to create his good nature. His mother believed that
all human beings were children of a loving God. The young Zamenhof began to think of
ways to change the (11)________ environment he lived in.

Voice 1 Zamenhof believed that language (12)_______________were a big part of the

problem. He thought that if all people could speak the same language, they would
communicate better. As a child, he believed that a common language would end hatred. He
dreamed of an end to political and (13)______________ hatred. He dreamed of a united
world. 0919 340 949

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Voice 2 Zamenhof began experimenting in creating an international language. In the

beginning he tried to create a language with rich grammar. But this became very
(14)_______________. Zamenhof learned many languages, including German, French,
Latin and Greek. He decided that the international language must be as
(15)_______________ as possible. He worked hard for many years. He began by ‘testing’
the language.

Voice 1 How do you test a new language? Well, Zamenhof tried translating existing books,
stories, (16)______________and parts of the Christian Bible. Let us hear how Esperanto

Voice 5 “Cio estigis per li; kaj aparte de li estigis nenio, kio estigis. En li estis la vivo, kaj la
vivo estis la lumo de la homoj. Kaj la lumo brilas en la mallumo, kaj la mallumo gin ne

Voice 1 In English this means, ‘And with this Word, God created all things. Nothing was
made without the word. Everything that was created received its life from him. And his life
gave light to everyone. The light keeps (17)______________ in the dark. And darkness has
never put it out.’

Voice 2 After Zamenhof had tested the language he needed to (18)______________ his
book. He called it, ‘Lingvo internacia. Antauparolo kaj plena lernolibro.’ This means
‘International Language. Foreword and Complete Textbook.’ Zamenhof did not put his real
name on the book. Instead he used the name ‘Doktoro Esperanto.’ This means ‘Doctor

Voice 1 So let us take a closer look at Esperanto. About (20)______________ of the words
come from Latin and Romance languages like French. About 20% come from German and
English. And the rest comes from Russian, Polish and Greek. 28 letters form the Esperanto
alphabet. And the language is ‘phonetic’ - you say every word exactly as it is written. There 0919 340 949

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are no (21)_______________. Most of the grammar of Esperanto follows one of 16 basic


Voice 2 In Esperanto all nouns end with ‘O’. For example the noun bird is ‘birdo.’ If you
have more than one (22)_______________ it becomes ‘birdoj’.

Voice 1 Here is another interesting thing. If you add ‘mal’ to the beginning of a word, it
gives the word the (23)_______________ meaning. For example - alta means tall. Malalta
means short. Seka means dry. Malseka is wet. Pura is clean. Can you guess what
(24)______________ is? Malpura!

Voice 2 No one knows exactly how many people speak Esperanto. Some people
(25)_______________ around 2,000,000. This is based on information such as
(26)______________ of Esperanto language books and Internet users. Esperanto is most
common in Central and Eastern Europe. Speakers of Esperanto have developed some
similar (27)______________. But, many people argue that an ’international language’
should not have its own culture. They say that an international language should avoid
cultural and (28)______________ divides.

Voice 1 Speakers of Esperanto say that the language makes communication

(29)______________ when travelling. They say that Esperanto is a good second language -
better than others like French, Spanish or English.

Voice 2 People in many places in the world use these languages - more than Esperanto! But
there are also many native speakers of these languages. The idea of Esperanto is that it
makes everyone (30)________ - because it does not ‘belong’ to any particular group. It
belongs to the international community! Zamenhof hoped that this would
(31)______________ people - and help create a (32)______________ world.

Voice 1 Most people argue that language alone cannot create (33)______________. People
in the same country, with the same language and culture still argue and fight. 0919 340 949

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Voice 2 Zamenhof was an (34)______________ . He believed that the world could change.
After all, the language is called ‘Esperanto’ - ‘one who hopes.’ And a person who has hope
can do more than a person without hope! Zamenhof did not see his dream in his
(35)______________. There is still misunderstanding between people. But Esperanto has
united many people across the world. It has crossed at least some cultural and racial
(36)______________. On an international website for Esperanto speakers, one person

Voice 4 “Being a speaker of Esperanto means that I am part of a (37)______________

community. They are people who believe in equality - like me. There are sayings like ‘We
are all born equals.’ Esperanto lets people (38)_______________ these ideas.”


A Different Kind of Money Plan

Voice 1: On today's Spotlight we will talk about MONEY - something many people do not
like to talk about. We will discuss two different money (1)_____________________ - one
bad and one good.

I (2)_____________________________ it!
I WANT it!
I (3)_____________________________to have it!

Voice 2: Have you ever said these words? Then advertising has (4)_______________ you!
Companies spend millions of dollars each year on television and radio
(5)_____________________ . They try to (6)_______________ you that you NEED what
they have to sell. 0919 340 949

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Voice 1: Many people fall into the (7)____________________________ of spending. They

spend money on clothes, cars, new homes, products for the home, games,
(8)____________________________, travelling - the list goes on and on. But, many people
spend more money than they have. They are in (9)_______________. For some people, debt
even takes over their (10)____________________________. It is like they become
(11)____________________________ to debt. All of their time, energy, and money must
go towards paying their debt. And they feel as if they have no way to
(12)____________________________ it.

Voice 2: Christians believe that God does not want people to be slaves to debt. The
(13)_____________________ includes many ideas about money. One of these ideas is that
people should experience freedom from debt – (14)____________________________

Voice 1: But how can you get (15)________ freedom? Many people, both rich and poor,
(16)________ with how to spend and save money. They do not (17)______________ their
money as they spend it. Then, at the end of a week or month they have no money
(18)________ to save. They may not even have enough money to pay for important things
like food and rent. This is following a bad money plan. This money plan goes like this:

Voice 2: First, spend – spend your money on anything you want to buy. Second, save if you
have any money left. And third, give if there is any money left after saving.

Voice 1: Following this bad money plan does not lead to financial freedom.
(19)______________, it will lead you down a (20)________ toward debt. And you will go
deeper and deeper into debt. It is not really a money PLAN at all! But, there is another way.
And it is easy to remember. Just say, "10 10 (21)________!"

Voice 2: Christian money experts created the 10-10-80 plan using (22)________ from the
Bible. The 10-10-80 money plan goes like this: First GIVE 10 percent of all your money. 0919 340 949

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Second, SAVE 10 percent of all your money. And finally, SPEND the last 80 percent

Voice 1: You may be surprised that the first step in this plan is to give! How can giving
your money away lead to financial freedom? Many people know that giving can bring great

Voice 2: Christians believe that money is a gift from God. They believe that God
(25)________ everything - not just our money - but everything. God wants people to
experience joy. And he knows that giving can be a (26)________ of great joy. When we do
not give, we cannot experience this kind of joy - the kind that comes from helping others.

Voice 1: Here is the story of a woman named Maiya. Maiya was on a fixed money plan. She
did not have a lot of (27)________ money at the end of a week after buying food and paying
rent. But, she heard about the joy of giving. She believed that ten percent of her money
should go back to God. So, Maiya was (28)________ to giving even though she could use
that money for other needs.

Voice 2: Since Maiya started giving, she has experienced great joy. When she gives money
away she worries less about her own (29)________. She sees how God takes care of the
(30)________ through people like her who give. And she knows that God will take care of
her too. Since beginning to give, Maiya finds that when she really needs money, the money
is there. Somehow God always provides for her. And others help her, when she needs help.

Voice 1: This brings us to the second step in the 10-10-80 plan. After giving ten percent, the
next step is SAVING ten percent. Saving helps you to (31)________ for the future. There
may be an (32)________. Or you may want to do something fun, like a vacation. Then your
savings can help you.

Voice 2: Saving is a (33)______________. It takes hard work and you must be devoted to
it. Saving only happens when you (34)______________ not to spend that ten percent. The 0919 340 949

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first thing you should do when you receive money is to split it up. Take out ten percent for
giving and ten percent for saving. Put that money where you will not (35)______________
it. Put it in a place where you will not be (36)________ to spend it. That may mean
(37)______________ it in a container in your home. It may mean giving it to a friend who
will promise to hold it for you. Or, it may mean putting it in a bank. Putting your money in a
bank is probably the (38)______________ idea. But whatever you do, do not spend that

Earning Money?

Voice 1 Bernard Madoff stood in court. He listened as his victims spoke about his
(1)_______________. They described how he had stolen their money. They described how
he had (2)______________them.

Voice 2 He listened to the judge's (3)______________ – one hundred and fifty years in jail.
Why was the (4)______________ so long? Bernard Madoff had not stolen money from a
few people. And he had not stolen one hundred dollars, or even one thousand dollars. He
had stolen more than eighteen thousand million [18,000,000,000] dollars, from thousands of

Voice 2 Today's Spotlight is on Bernard Madoff, and his (5)______________ crime – a

Ponzi scheme. A Ponzi scheme is a particular kind of financial crime. It takes its name from
Charles Ponzi, a (6)______________ who used this method many years ago to steal money
from people. A Ponzi (7)______________ is a type of fraud. Fraud is common around the
world - anywhere that people use money! Fraud is a kind of lie - lying to people so that they
(8)______________give money to the (9)______________.

Voice 1 Madoff's Ponzi scheme was an investment fraud. He was a well known investment
(10)______________. People gave him (11)______________ of their saved money. The 0919 340 949

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idea was that he would invest the money in global financial markets. They would earn
money through these investments – sometimes a lot of money!

Voice 2 Madoff began his investment business in 1960. His company (12)______________
to be one of the largest investment companies in the United States. Madoff also served as
the (13)______________ of the NASDAQ stock exchange - one of the most
(14)______________ financial markets. With his brother, he worked to make this market
more responsible, and (15)______________. They used computer networks to help this

Voice 1 This is one reason that so many people (16)______________Madoff. He was very
successful - and he worked for openness and honesty in financial markets. However, at the
same time, for twenty years, he stole a lot of money from investors.

Voice 2 So how did he do it? Madoff's financial (17)______________ was divided into two
parts. One part was an honest (18)______________business. It provided a service for
people wanting to buy and sell company shares. But in the same building, a separate
business was (19)______________ in other offices. This business promised to invest
people's money and make good (20)______________ for them. Many people and
organisations gave Madoff control of their money. They hoped they would make big
(21)______________ - but they did not know this business was in fact a Ponzi scheme.

Voice 1 Madoff's Ponzi scheme worked like this: The investors expected to earn
(22)______________ on their money. They believed that their money was
(23)______________. But Madoff did not actually invest the money that people gave him.
Instead, he used money from new investors to pay old investors. Madoff continued to attract
new investors, to continue the scheme. And some people did gain from their investments -
when they (24)______________their investments, Madoff did give them their money.
However, he used the money from new investors to pay them. 0919 340 949

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Voice 2 Madoff continued this scheme for more than twenty years. He
(25)______________ a high interest rate - he promised that people could make a lot of
money with his investments. And many important people invested with him, including the
Hollywood director Steven Spielberg. Some (26)_______________ questioned Madoff's
success, but there was no (27)______________ that his investments were a fraud.

Voice 1 A Ponzi scheme can continue for a long time. But finally, it cannot continue to pay
the investors. And this is what (28)_______________ with Madoff. He told his family about
the fraud in December 2008. They immediately called the police, and Madoff was
(29)______________. There are many (30)______________ about the size of the fraud. But
over the years, he had hundreds of thousands of investors. They had invested more than
sixty five thousand million dollars. Most of the money was gone. It had gone in
(31)_______________ to other people. And Madoff had also used the money himself.

Voice 2 At his trial, Madoff spoke to his (32)______________. He said that he had not
planned such a large financial fraud. He said,

Voice 3 "I am thankful for this chance to speak about my crimes. I am very sorry, and I feel
great (33)______________." "I know I have deeply hurt many, many people."

Voice 2 Most of Madoff's victims did not believe these words. Some had lost all of their
saved money - the money they needed as they got older. Some had lost more than a million
dollars. At the court, some victims were (34)_______________ with the judgement. But
others were not. They just wanted their money back - the judgement would not
(35)______________ their money.

Voice 1 It is likely that Madoff will spend the (36)______________ of his life in prison.
And he has also paid a larger price. His brother and sons worked as investment managers
too. They are not (37)_______________ of the same crimes - it seems that they did not
know about the fraud. But the (38)_______________ was too high for Madoff's older son.
In December 2010, he killed himself. 0919 340 949

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Voice 2 Madoff's Ponzi scheme was very large. It (39)______________ many people, in
many different countries. But financial crimes like Ponzi schemes are not always large.
Much smaller financial crimes are common in many countries.

Voice 1 So how can you protect yourself? There is one simple rule for avoiding financial
fraud: "If it seems too good to be true, it probably is!" When someone gives you a financial
(40)______________, are they promising something much better than anyone else? Does it
seem too good? Then it may be false - a fraud. In that situation, ask a lot of questions.
(41)______________ before you give any money. Make sure that you can
(42)_______________the offer.

Voice 2 Financial fraud is (43)_______________. But it would not be successful without

(44)______________. People need money, but it is possible to love money too much.
Earning money takes hard work. It takes (45)______________ to the details. It is not
possible to earn a lot of money with no effort. Bernard Madoff used his investors'
(46)______________ for money, and he stole from them.


Earworms: Songs in Your Head

Voice 1 - Do you ever have a song that you cannot stop (1)______________ about? You
try to stop, but the song just continues in your mind. It plays again, and again, and again...
This is a common problem. And the problem has an (2)______________ name. It is called
an earworm.

Voice 2 - When most people hear the word worm, they think of a very small thin animal
with no (3)________. But an earworm is not this kind of worm. Earworms are songs or
parts of songs. A real worm (4)________deep into the ground. But an earworm digs deep
into your mind. An earworm may stay in your thoughts for minutes, hours, or even days! 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

EEC –Chuyên luyện Tiếng Anh từ cơ bản đến IELTS 6.5+ |

And it can be very difficult to get a musical earworm out of your mind. Today’s Spotlight is
on earworms.

Voice 1 - Almost everyone has experienced an earworm. Some people experience earworms
almost every day. For other people, it only happens once in a long time. Spotlight
(5)______________Courtney Schutt describes her own experience with earworms.

Voice 3 - “I have an earworm every day. Sometimes it lasts for only an hour. Other times, it
can last all day. I have a few particular songs that often (6)________ in my mind. They
begin when I am not (7)______________ them. My most common earworm is the French
children’s song “Alouette”. My mind just keeps singing the main part of the song over and

Alouette, gentille Alouette

Alouette, je te plumerai

I learned this song when I was a child. My (8)______________ would sing it with me. But I
do not often hear it anymore. I do not know why this song comes to my mind.”

Voice 2 - Lassi A. Liikkanen is a (9)________ in Finland. He studies the human brain. His
research shows that earworms are very common. In 2009, he asked people in Finland to
answer questions about earworms. He (10)______________ almost 12,000 answers. Dr.
Liikkanen’s results showed that 90% percent of people experience an earworm about once a

Voice 1 - So what makes people experience earworms? Dr. Lauren Stewart studies music
and the human brain at Goldsmiths - University of London. She told CNN that it is still
difficult to (11)______________ explain earworms:

Voice 4 - "What is interesting to us is the fact that this musical (12)______________ comes
to the brain without planned (13)________. It is as if comes from nowhere. We are still
trying to learn why that happens.” 0919 340 949

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Voice 2 Earworms are difficult to research. Scientists cannot directly see, hear or
(14)________ the results of an earworm. So they cannot study earworms separate from the
people who experience them. Instead, scientists must ask people to tell them about their past
personal experience. (15)______________research results in this way can take a lot of time.
And comparing people’s different experiences can be difficult.

Voice 1 Victoria Williamson is another researcher at Goldsmiths-University of

London. She (16)________ the difficulties of studying earworms. So, 2011, she decided to
start a group research project. The project is called The Earwormery.

Voice 2 The Earwormery project uses the internet to (17)________gather information about
earworms. On their website, the group asks individuals about their
experiences. They ask questions like: What song is your earworm? What were you doing
when you experienced the earworm? And do you have an idea of what caused the earworm?

Voice 1 Williamson talked with Public Radio (18)______________about the results from
the first question – ‘What song is your earworm?’

Voice 5 "When I had gathered results for 1,000 earworm songs, there were only about six
songs that were named more than once. That is how (19)________ the answers were. An
earworm is a very individual experience."

Voice 2 Next, Williamson and The Earwormery decided to see if there were clear
(20)______________ why songs became earworms. The research showed four possible
Voice 1 The first influence is simply hearing the song. A song may become an earworm for
an individual just because they have heard it (21)______________. Another reason a song
may become an earworm is (22)______________. Sometimes an individual hears or plays a
particular song often. When this happens, the song is more likely to become an earworm. 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

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Voice 2 Another influence the study showed was stress - a feeling of mental
(23)______________ caused by problems in life. Stress can bring past experiences into the
mind. And often people have strong connections between (24)______________ and music.
So a particular memory may cause the brain to think of a particular song.

Voice 1 The Earwormery project found one last (25)________ cause for earworms -
triggers. Triggers are (26)________, sounds, or smells in the environment. These triggers
can cause an individual to start thinking about a particular song. A person may not even
know what trigger brought a song to her mind.

Voice 2 Williamson told PRI about a trigger that caused her to experience an earworm. It all
started with a shoe box.

Voice 5 “The box was from a store called Faith. Just by reading the word faith, my mind
went down a path. It made (27)______________ from one thing to the next. Finally, it
reached the song Faith by George Michael. And then the song was in my head for the rest of
the day.”

Voice 1 Scientists are just beginning to understand how and why earworms happen.
However, most people are interested in an (28)________ different question: ‘what can you
do when you have an earworm playing over and over in your head?’

Voice 2 Scientists do not have a cure for earworms. But people who experience earworms
often have many suggested (29)________. BBC news recently published an article about
earworms. Soon after, many BBC listeners offered these ideas about how to stop earworms:
Science and Technique

High-Speed Trains

Voice 3 “Monday morning in Tokyo, Japan. It is eight o’clock in the morning. The
Shinkansen express train is (1)_______________ for Osaka. It takes passengers out into the 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

EEC –Chuyên luyện Tiếng Anh từ cơ bản đến IELTS 6.5+ |

country. It makes the (2)_______________trip in just two and half hours. Every day many
passengers across the world travel like this. Today, millions of people use high-speed trains.
Soon, millions more will use them too. More and more countries are (3)______________ to
high-speed trains. They are a way to meet the growing transportation needs of the 21st

Voice 1 These words begin a (4)_______________about high-speed trains from the

California state government. These are trains that travel (5)______________than normal
trains. Some of them move at over 400 kilometres an hour! Today’s Spotlight is on high-
speed trains.

Voice 2 Many people think that high-speed trains are the transportation of the future. There
are (6)______________ the high-speed railways that there were even a few years ago.
Japan, Germany, France, Spain and China have the most high-speed (7)______________.
But there are plans for (8)_______________ the railways in the United States, Italy and
Russia. Governments are starting new high-speed railway systems in Morocco, Saudi
Arabia and (9)_______________.

Voice 1 Japan developed the first large system of high-speed trains in 1964. This system of
trains is called the “Shinkansen.” In English this word means

Voice 2 Shinkansen trains are also called bullet trains. The trains are rounded like a bullet
from a gun. Their sides are very (11)______________. Their front end is often pointed - as
if they have a nose! This helps the trains move along their lines, or (12)______________,
with great speed. The Shinkansen trains travel at over 200 kilometres per hour.

Voice 1 Many people may be (13)______________ to ride on such a fast train. But high-
speed trains are fun to ride! A man who lives in the city of Osaka (14)______________ it on
the website Hubpages: 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

EEC –Chuyên luyện Tiếng Anh từ cơ bản đến IELTS 6.5+ |

Voice 4 “Once you are on the train you can sit (15)_______________ . While riding, train
workers will bring drinks, snacks and meals. You can (16)_______________ these. The
only other thing you should do is look out of the window. You could see the beautiful, snow
(17)_______________ Mount Fuji out of your window as you pass by.”

Voice 2 There are two main kinds of high-speed trains. The first kind of high-speed train is
a (18)_______________ levitation or mag-lev. This kind of train does not have a
(19)______________. It uses electricity and magnetic power to move along at high speeds.
This kind of train is easy to (20)_______________. It does not ride on the track like other
kinds of trains. It (21)_______________, or levitates, a few centimetres above the track.

Voice 1 The only mag-lev train that carries passengers is in Shanghai, China. The Shanghai
mag-lev train is the fastest passenger train in the world. It goes up to 430 kilometres per
hour! It began (22)______________ in 2004. It runs from the airport into the city of
Shanghai. This trip is about 30 kilometres long. But it only takes the mag-lev train eight

Voice 2 The other main kind of high-speed train is not as fast as the mag-lev train. But it is
more (23)_______________. These high-speed trains use the same tracks that
(24)______________use. But they are designed to go much faster. The Shinkansen in Japan
is this kind of train. The TGV train is also this kind of train. The TGV opened in 1981. It is
a popular high-speed train that is based in France. It can (25)______________to 320
kilometers per hour.

Voice 1 But the Shinkansen, TGV and mag-lev in Shanghai are all similar in one way. They
are all (26)_______________ by the government. In Italy, the new high-speed
(27)______________ , NTV, is private. Individuals and companies own it, instead of the
government. The leading businessman of NTV is Luca di Montezemolo. He is also
(28)_____________________of the famous car company Ferrari. Di Montezemolo hopes
that the train will be good for the Italian economy and for (29)_______________. 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

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Voice 2 The new NTV trains in Italy are red, (30)_____________________. They look a bit
like Ferrari sports cars! But they are better for the environment than driving cars. Many
people can travel in them at one time. This saves space and (31)_______________. Trains
also create less (32)_____________________ than cars. And a railway track takes up much
less space than a large road for cars.

Voice 1 High-speed rail also has advantages over travelling by airplane. Airports must
usually be away from big cities. This leaves (33)_______________for the airplane to land.
Trains do not need as much space. This is how the mag-lev train can reach into the city of
Shanghai. It is faster and easier for passengers in the city to get to a
(34)_______________than an airport.

Voice 2 And, of course, high-speed rail is fast! High-speed rail travel is faster than
travelling by car or bus. But it can also be just as fast as travelling by airplane. Before riding
on an airplane, passengers spend a lot of (35)_______________. Airplane travel also
requires passengers to go through (36)_______________.

Voice 1 Finally, travelling by train can be safer than travelling in a car or by airplane. In 50
years, the Shinkansen in Japan has never had (37)_______________ !

Voice 2 Safety, environment and time are all reasons why high-speed trains are
(38)_______________. Many people think that high-speed rail may soon be the most
important transportation. Today’s program ends with news from the British Telegraph
newspaper about one (39)_______________international project:

Voice 5 “China is talking about building a high-speed railway to India and Europe. It would
take ten years or more to (40)_______________ this international high-speed railway.
Passengers could get on a train in London and (41)_______________ in Beijing in just two
days. This is over 8,000 kilometres away. This railway would
(42)_____________________the whole of Central, East and South East Asia.” 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

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The Internet and Social Change in Indonesia

Voice 1It is a warm day in Jakarta, Indonesia. A young woman sits in her car. The
(1)_______________is busy. None of the cars are able to move. The woman looks at the
empty (2)______________ next to her. This space is a special part of the road. It is only for
buses and (3)_______________ vehicles. As she watches, a car drives past. This car is
driving in the special lane. She (4)_______________ the car. It is the car of a government
(5)______________ named Salim Segaf Aljufrie! She holds up her telephone. She takes a
picture. She puts the picture on the Internet using Twitter. Many people see the picture on
this (6)______________website. The very next day, the police appear at Aljufrie’s office.
And they give him a fine for breaking traffic (7)______________ !

Voice 2 The Internet is a powerful tool for communication, learning, and

(8)______________. But it is also a tool for (9)______________ change. Today’s Spotlight
is on how Indonesians are using the Internet to change their government and society.

Voice 1 Indonesia is a large country in (10)______________ . Over 240 million people live
there. For the last 20 years, Indonesia has worked to become a fully
(11)_____________________ state. Much of that work has been successful. However,
many Indonesians still (12)______________ problems with their country. Some citizens
(13)_______________ about poor government. Others worry about the country’s lack of
security. And still others describe the country’s poor (14)_______________ situation.

Voice 2 Many Indonesians work hard to change these negative (15)______________. Some
citizens protest to show their opposition. Others join political movements or work with
social organizations to (16)_____________________ social change. But most recently,
Indonesians have been working for change in a new way - by using social media.

Voice 1 Indonesians are (17)_____________________of social media. They enjoy using

these Internet websites to connect with other people. Nearly 17% of Indonesians uses social
media websites every day. The most popular social media websites are Twitter and 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

EEC –Chuyên luyện Tiếng Anh từ cơ bản đến IELTS 6.5+ |

Facebook. And Indonesia has the second highest number of Facebook

(18)_______________ in all of Asia.

Voice 2 This high use of social media has begun to (19)_______________ how
Indonesians encourage change. More and more people are using social media to share their
opinions about social and political issues. Social media helps many Indonesians become
(20)_______________. It helps them feel like they have power to influence their
government. And (21)_______________ more quickly. If a politician says or does
something wrong, people can discuss it on social media. And this can change
(22)_______________ .

Voice 1 In October of 2012, social media influenced the actions of the Indonesian President.
In the Indonesian government, there is a group called the Corruption Eradication
(23)_______________ or KPK. The KPK works to find corrupt or (24)______________.
Corrupt officials often accept money or bribes to do illegal things for people. The KPK
works to find corruption and (25)______________ the people responsible.

Voice 2 In 2012, the KPK was investigating one of the country’s top police officials. The
police were not happy with the KPK’s (26)_____________________. The police were
using their power to block the KPK’s work. This action made many Indonesians angry.
They believed the KPK should be able to work (27)_______________. So they talked about
it on social media.

Voice 1 On Facebook, people started a “Save KPK” movement. And on Twitter, “Save
KPK” became a very (28)_____________________subject. People criticized the President
for being quiet on the issue. The “Save KPK” movement became so popular that news
organizations were talking about it! Soon, the President ordered the police to stop
(29)_______________ with the KPK investigation. And he said that Indonesians on social
media made it clear that he needed
to act! 0919 340 949

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Voice 2 Social media has also been important for Indonesians who are
(30)_______________ for their rights. In 2008, Prita Mulyasari had a terrible experience at
the hospital. Her doctors treated her poorly. They told her (31)_____________________
about her condition. And they ordered tests that were not needed. She was very angry about
her experience. When she got home, she (32)_____________________about it to friends
and family.

Voice 1 Some of Mulyasari’s friends sent the email to other people. Soon, it
(33)_____________________ all over the Internet. A news organization even reported on
it! And Mulyasari’s doctors saw the report. They were angry, too. They did not think
Mulyasari should have written (34)______________about them. So they took her to
(35)_______________ . They wanted her to pay money and to go to prison.

Voice 2 Many people in Indonesia believed the doctors were wrong. But, they also thought
the doctors would (36)_______________. They believed this because the doctors had
money to pay for a good legal expert. And Mulyasari did not. So, a group of people
(37)_______________ on Facebook. The movement raised money to help Mulyasari pay
for her court case. Without the power of the Internet, Mulyasari probably would have
(38)_______________ . But in 2012, court officials ruled that Mulyasari was
(39)_______________ . It was because of social media that Mulyasari did not go to prison
for (40)_______________ her opinion.

Voice 1 Social media is a way for people to easily and quickly (41)_______________and
experiences. Sometimes, this can create action and influence real change. However, it does
not always lead to (42)______________________. In Mulyasari’s case, politicians became
involved. Her simple email became a national discussion about health care and the courts.
But, court (43)_____________________ did not change any laws. Arjuna Dibley is a writer
for the magazine Inside Indonesia. She wrote about the Mulyasari (44)______________.
She talked about why there was no change in the law. She said: 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

EEC –Chuyên luyện Tiếng Anh từ cơ bản đến IELTS 6.5+ |

Voice 3 “Today, social media action in Indonesia is (45)_____________________ on short

messages and quick reaction to new cases. Social media lacks the long term, deep power
required to create (46)_____________________. Mulyasari’s case shows that once the
(47)_______________of a particular case is gone, the discussion ‘moves on’ to new
issues. But the difficult, complex and longer term goal of creating legal change

The Sun

Voice 1 Imagine a world where the sun never (1)______________. Children can laugh and
play in the streets all through the night. (2)_______________ enjoy 24 hours of daylight on
the open sea. To get any sleep, people must block all the light from their windows.

Voice 2 Now imagine a world with only (3)______________. Even in the middle of the
day, the sun does not shine. The only light comes from the moon and the stars in the black
sky. Cars must drive with their lights on all the time. When people (4)_______________ in
the morning, it looks like the middle of the night.

Voice 1 This is the situation for people who live above the Arctic Circle. The sun clearly
influences their lives. This includes people in northern Russia, Canada, (5)______________
and Greenland. For part of the year they cannot see the sun. And part of the year the sun
never (6)_______________.

Voice 2 But do you ever think about the sun? All life depends on the power of the sun. Year
after year, the sun (7)________ the earth, gives us light, builds life on our planet, and even
keeps us healthy. Today's Spotlight is on the sun and its place in our lives.

Voice 1 Ancient cultures knew that the sun was important. Many cultures (8)________ the
sun as a god. Here is a part from an ancient Egyptian song to the sun 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

EEC –Chuyên luyện Tiếng Anh từ cơ bản đến IELTS 6.5+ |

Voice 3 "You are beautiful, in the sky, Oh living Sun, beginning of life. When you rise in
the (9)________, you fill every land, with your beauty. Bright is the earth when you rise in
the east. When you shine by day, you drive away the darkness. You feed every plant. When
you rise, they live. They grow because of you. You make the (10)______________, in order
to create all your work. Winter to bring them cold. Summer brings heat, that they may feel

Voice 2 Other cultures also knew that they depended on the sun for their food to grow. But
they did not think the sun was a God. Early (11)________ believed that the sun gave glory
to God. Here is a part of the Bible.

Voice 3 "Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord from the heavens; praise him in the
(12)________! Praise him all his angels; praise him, all his (13)______________! Praise
him, sun and moon, praise him, all you shining stars! Praise him, you highest heavens, and
you waters above the heavens!"

Voice 1 Whatever early people thought about the sun, they did not know much about it. But
as people began to use science they learned more about the sun. In 1543, Nicholas
Copernicus (14)______________ that the earth travels around the sun. One hundred years
later, scientists estimated the distance to the sun. And as (15)_______________ as 1904, a
man named Ernest Rutherford showed how the sun produced such large amounts of heat.
These people discovered that the sun is a star like all the other stars in the sky. However, for
our planet, it is a very special star.

Voice 2 The earth is 150 million kilometers from the sun. Here is one way to imagine this
great distance. Imagine that you are (16)______________ on the sun. Your friends are on
the earth. If they turned on a light, it would take eight minutes for you to see it! But this is
the perfect distance for the earth to use the sun's (17)______________.

Voice 1 The temperature of the sun is around 6,000 degrees (18)______________ at its
surface, and 15 million degrees at its centre! If the earth were any closer, we would burn. 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

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But if the earth were any further away, we would (19)______________. And yet, the sun is
more than a big heater.

Voice 2 The sun also helps provide us with fresh air. The sun heats the oceans. Then the
water heats the air. The changing air temperatures create most of the world's wind. Wind
moves air to different places so plants can remove carbon (20)________ from the air and
create oxygen.

Voice 1

But the sun also affects plants (21)______________. The sun makes plants grow through
the process of photosynthesis. Plants can change light from the sun into energy. They use
the energy to grow bigger and (22)________. All life on earth depends on plants. Without
the sun, we could not grow food for ourselves or for our animals.

Voice 2

Plants are not the only things who (23)______________ the power of the sun. Human can
turn sunlight into electricity with solar cells. A solar cell collects the power of the sun and
stores it. Then, this power can be used to run anything that uses electricity: cars, computers,
or homes.

Voice 1

Besides all these (24)______________ things, the sun also helps us to do something very
simple, but needed. Without the sun, we would not be able to see anything!

Voice 2The sun also helps people to be healthy and strong. It acts as a natural cleaner for
our skin. The sun can help kill harmful (25)______________ that live on our skin. And the
sun helps our bodies produce vitamin D. People need vitamin D to have strong bones. 0919 340 949

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Growing Cities, Part 2

Voice 1 You may have heard an earlier Spotlight program about growing cities. In that
program we (1)_____________________ how and why poverty is growing in the world’s
cities. We also discussed some of the (2)_____________________of this urban poverty. In
today’s Spotlight program we will look again at this problem. However, we will also look at
ways (3)_______________, organizations and individuals can begin to (4)________ this
growing problem.

Voice 2 Today, cities are growing very fast - especially in the (5)______________. Many
people are moving into cities. But often, these cities do not have the money or resources to
(6)______________ them. This kind of city growth is called
(7)______________urbanization. And because of pre-mature urbanization, poverty in cities
is growing quickly.

Voice 1 One major result of this is growing slums. In slums, many people live close
together in (8)______________. Today one thousand million [1,000,000,000] people live in
city slums. And the problem of slums is growing.

Voice 2 The organization United Nations Habitat works to provide good

(9)______________for all people. UN Habitat helps cities grow in good ways - ways that
are good for people and the environment. It helps provide ideas and (10)_______________.
Anna Tibaijuka is the head of UN Habitat. In a report called “Cities without Slums,” she
(11)______________ some of the problems in slums,

Voice 3 “Studies clearly show that slums are among the world’s most
(12)_____________________to live. Their people are victims of crime and violence. They
suffer a (13)_______________of disease. The rate of child death is much higher. And life is
shorter.” 0919 340 949

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Voice 1 Anna also writes about other problems in slums.

Voice 3 “Slums are places where (14)______________, where HIV/AIDS is growing fast
and where the environment has been completely polluted.”

Voice 2 Anna clearly sees the many (15)_______________caused by pre-mature

urbanization. However, she still has hope. She believes that one day cities will be without
slums. And she is working to make it happen. UN Habitat has made an
(16)_______________. They hope to improve the lives of one hundred million
[100,000,000] people who live in slums by the year 2020. This goal will not solve the
problem of slums. But it will help ten percent of the people living in slums today. And it
will begin the (17)________ of change.

Voice 1 Two things are necessary to create (18)______________in cities. First, the growth
of slums needs to stop. And second, the living conditions of existing slums needs to
(19)_______________. One important way to do both things is to take part in city planning.

Voice 2 City planning requires that governments look at the present condition of the city. It
(20)______________ that they think about the future needs of the city. And finally they
must (21)______________ plans for how the city can achieve future goals. These plans
contain building, (22)______________, environment and legal programs. But the most
important thing is that the plans are (23)_______________. This means that the plans must
be able to continue on into the future.

Voice 1 City planning is an important part of (24)______________ poverty in cities. It has

worked well to decrease slums in many parts of Latin America. However, there is another
important way governments can help. They can support (25)______________or country
development. By supporting rural development, governments decrease the need for people
to move to cities. They create (26)______________, so that people do not have to move to
the city. And these villages can help the country as a whole. For best results, it is important
for governments to balance rural and city development. 0919 340 949

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Voice 2 Being responsible for planning a whole city is a big job. It is an even
(27)_______________to be responsible for the development of a whole country. Only
governments and global organizations can (28)_______________ these large jobs.
However, that does not mean that small organizations can not help. In fact, small
organizations and individuals are very important for decreasing poverty in cities.

Voice 1 The Mwanza Rural Housing Program is an (29)_______________of how a small

organization can make a big difference. MRHP is a non-government organization in north
Tanzania, Africa. It trains local individuals to make (30)______________. These hard
blocks make strong buildings. MRHP also offers (31)______________ to the people it
trains. Then, the members can use these loans to start brick companies. These members have
made bricks to build over 100,000 homes.

Voice 2 By (32)______________ and providing loans, MRHP helps improve rural

development. However, it does even more. People use the bricks to build good village
homes. But they also use the bricks in Mwanza, a (33)______________ by city. In this way,
MRHP helps balance both rural and city development in (34)______________ Tanzania.

Voice 1 MRHP is also concerned about the environment. Brick making can often be bad for
the environment. Brick (35)______________ use fire to make bricks hard. Usually, they use
wood for this fire. However, (36)_______________makes worse the problem of
deforestation. Deforestation is the global problem caused by the cutting down of many trees.

Voice 2 The leaders of MRHP knew the bad effects of deforestation. So, they created a new
method. Instead of wood, the brick makers burn (37)________ from local cotton and
(38)_______________ . By doing this, they save many trees. MRHP also encourages its
members to plant new trees around their brick making (39)______________.

Voice 1 MRHP is an organization with only eleven workers. Their idea of training people to
make bricks is simple. However, they are making a (40)______________in north Tanzania. 0919 340 949

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They are helping to decrease city poverty. They are helping both city and rural
development. And they are using (41)_______________ that is better for the environment.

Voice 2 Remember Anna Tibaijuka from (42)______________ in the show? She leads UN
Habitat in their work to improve human living conditions. And she also thinks MRHP is
doing great work. In 2007, MRHP was (43)______________ with the UN Habitat Award of
Honour. Anna believes that it will take many people and plans, like MRHP, to
(44)________ poverty in cities. She told the news group BBC that,

Voice 3 “If we are to improve our human living conditions, we need to do it from many
ways and our plans must (45)______________ everyone from city planners to teachers.”

Voice 1 Poverty in cities and growing slums are horrible problems today. But there is hope.
Every person, every organization and every government can help. Today people like Anna
and groups like MRHP are working to (46)_______________. And one day as Anna writes
“our children should live in cities without slums.”

Individuals Fighting Global Warming

Voice 1 Have you ever (1)_______________ about how your life affects global warming?
Or about how you can fight the effects of global warming?

Voice 2 Global warming, or climate change, has been (2)______________ to the release of
gases, like carbon dioxide, into the air. And, human actions release an increasing amount of
these gases - actions like driving cars, running (3)______________, heating homes and even

Voice 1 Today, more and more people are starting to think about ways they can reduce their
emissions. Some people and companies choose to "offset" or (4)______________ their
emissions. Other people try to reduce their emissions directly. Today's Spotlight program 0919 340 949

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will look at the issue of reducing emissions and (5)______________ different ways people
can do it.

Voice 2 You may remember a recent Spotlight program about carbon offsetting. This
program explained one way that some countries have agreed to reduce their
(6)______________ emissions. These countries have set emission (7)______________ on
companies. And the companies can choose to reduce their emissions directly or to offset
their emissions.

Voice 1 Companies can offset their emissions by (8)______________ unused emissions

called "carbon credits." They can also offset their emissions by investing in emissions
reducing projects - like clean energy or (9)_____________________ protection projects.
Voice 2Companies have been offsetting their emissions for many years. However, today,
some individuals are also beginning to choose offsetting as a way to (10)______________
their own emissions.

Voice 1 Carbon offsetting companies have (11)______________ to help people offset their
emissions. Many of these companies have websites with tools that (12)______________a
person's emissions. These websites ask a person questions about their life - questions about
the (13)______________ of their home, the number of people living in their home, how
much they drive a car, and how often they travel by air plane. This information is used to
estimate the amount of emissions a person or (14)______________. These websites then
(15)______________ how much money a person or family can pay to "offset" their

Voice 2 I used one of these websites to estimate my own family's emissions. The website
said that for two hundred and thirty six [236] dollars I could offset my family's emissions
for one year. At first I thought it may be (16)_______________a large amount of money if
it could help the environment and fight global warming. I knew that the money could help
(17)______________ on clean energy, or that it could help save trees that naturally take in 0919 340 949

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and store harmful emissions. But I also wondered if just paying money was really the
(18)_______________. I knew that giving money would not change the fact that my family
still produced harmful emissions.

Voice 1 Robin is not alone in her thoughts about (19)______________ offsetting. Many
environmentalists believe that carbon offsetting will never work. They believe that people
mean to do good when they pay to offset their emissions. However, environmentalists also
believe that when people offset their emissions, it will keep them from
(20)______________ the way they live. And environmentalists argue that the only way to
(21)_______________ global warming, is to change the way we all live. This includes
changing big companies, changing government policies, and also changing our
(22)_______________ .

Voice 2 An environmental group called Carbon Trade Watch explains,

Voice 3 "There is an (23)______________to return to political organizing for a wider,

social change to a low carbon economy, while at the same time taking direct
(24)_______________ for reducing our individual emissions."

Voice 1 So, instead of individuals just offsetting their emission, Carbon Trade Watch
(25)_______________ people to take both individual and social responsibility. The basic
way people can release fewer emissions is by using less fossil fuels.

Voice 2 One (26)_____________________ of individuals taking social responsibility is

found among the Ogoni women of Nigeria. Nigeria is a major producer of fossil fuels. This
(27)_______________ has brought much money to the country.

Voice 1 However, it has also caused environmental problems. When people produce oil,
they also produce a (28)______________ called natural gas. In many countries, this natural
gas is used to produce energy. But in Nigeria, most of the natural gas is just 0919 340 949

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(29)_______________. This burning of gases is called flaring. And flaring produces many
emissions which are harmful to the environment and people's health.

Voice 2 Nigeria flares more natural gas than any other country in the world. Flaring in
Nigeria has released (30)_______________emissions than the rest of Sub-Saharan Africa
together. And this flaring does more than just cause environmental damage. It also wastes
natural gas that Nigerians could be (31)_______________.

Voice 1 In 1995, women from the Ogoni villages in Nigeria decided to make a change.
They joined together and (32)_______________ that Shell, the large oil company in their
area, stop flaring. For over ten years, these women fought against the company and the
government of Nigeria. The women were often ignored, (33)_______________and even
physically harmed. However, they continued to gather support from people and
governments all over the world.

Voice 2 In January of 2006, the Ogoni women finally won their battle. Nigerian courts
ordered the oil company to stop flaring. And over the past three years, Shell has been
(34)_______________ their flaring.

Voice 1 These Nigerian women sacrificed much over many years. And because of their
(35)______________, the largest producer of harmful emissions in Sub-Saharan Africa has
been stopped.

Voice 2 The story of the Ogoni women is amazing. Together they reduced a huge amount of
emissions. However, it is just as important that individual people reduce their own
(36)_______________ of emissions. In fact, many environmentalists believe that
individuals are the most important part of changing the way our societies use energy.

Voice 1 There are many different ways that individuals can reduce their emissions. People
can choose to (37)_______________. They can limit their use of electricity. In some parts 0919 340 949

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of the world, people can use wind turbines or (38)______________to produce clean energy
for their homes.

Talking About Other People

Voice 1 In 2005, the government of a small town in Colombia made an unusual law. They
began giving (1)______________ for gossip - including fines and prison sentences.

Voice 2 Gossip is common everywhere in the world. Most people love to share (2)________
information about other people. But gossip can cause serious damage. Today’s Spotlight is
on gossip.

Voice 1 So why did the government of Icononzo make a law against gossip? They were
hoping to fight a very serious problem. In this area, there is a long conflict between the
government and the (3)________ group FARC. For many years, FARC has hoped to change
the government by attacking normal people. They (4)________ people from throughout the
country. Sometimes they ask for money. Sometimes they make demands of the government.

Voice 2 This conflict causes fear and (5)________ among normal people. In the town of
Icononzo, it also caused gossip. Gossip about the conflict was causing even more problems
for normal people. Ignacio Jimenez was the town leader. He described the problem to the
BBC. Some gossip says that particular people support the FARC. Other gossip may say that
a person has been giving information to the government. This gossip may be
(6)______________ lies. But these lies have serious effects on people’s lives. People avoid
their normal activities. Because of gossip, the government may even (7)________ innocent
people. Or the FARC may attack and kill citizens. Mr Jimenez said,

Voice 3 ‘It is a tradition for gossip to (8)______________ through small towns. It is a part
of life. But it is worrying that people are going to prison or being (9)______________
because of gossip’. 0919 340 949

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Voice 1 For that reason Mr. Jimenez has established punishments for people
(10)______________ of gossip. He has established fines and prison sentences. People found
guilty of gossiping could go to prison for four years. Mr Jimenez said that the people of
Icononzo will have to think more before accusing other people of anything!
(11)______________ they will see that there is no such thing as an (12)________ piece of

Voice 2 For most people, gossip does not (13)________ their lives. But it can still cause a
lot of hurt. So why do people share gossip? Why is gossip so common?

Voice 1 There is an English (14)________, “There is nothing like a juicy bit of gossip!”
People love to pass secret information to each other - about other people’s lives. The
information they spread is called a ‘(15)______________.’ A rumour may have a base of
truth. But often it does not. Rumours can be complete lies. But this does not
(16)______________ to the people who gossip!

Voice 2 Doctor Ann McGee Cooper is a writer and business (17)________. She helps
people find creative solutions to problems - such as gossiping at work. In her work, she
describes some of the reasons people like to gossip.

Voice 1 First, gossip is about other people’s lives - not our own. This can make the
gossipers feel safe. Gossip does not seem to affect us.

Voice 2 Second, sharing (18)________ stories is a way of connecting to people. When

people share gossip, they feel closer. As the gossip spreads, new people may add
(19)_______ information. This makes them feel even closer. They feel important, because
they know a secret. It becomes like an unspoken agreement, “We are so good, and they are
so bad!”

Voice 1 While sharing gossip, people may feel safe. But after sharing the gossip, a person
may feel worried. The (20)________ is gone. So a person will look for more gossip to 0919 340 949

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spread. They will try to share the gossip with other people. And so the rumours grow and
grow. People usually do not stop to find out if the information is true or not.

Voice 2 This brings us to the third reason. People who are listening to gossip feel included.
Dr. McGee says that this is a feeling everyone wants! No one wants to be the last to know a
(21)______________ piece of information. Information is power. And we all like to have a
piece of this power. It is not difficult to excuse gossip, even when you know it is wrong. At
first, it may even seem like the information is something important - something we need to

Voice 1 But what about the person who the gossip is about? No one wants people to spread
gossip about them. And it is very difficult to stop a rumour. Maybe you have been the
(22)________ of gossip. Maybe you have heard that a particular person is saying bad things
about you. There are some things you can do. Dr McGee also has some good
(23)_______________ for this situation.

Voice 2 First, find out if the person has been talking about you or not. Be careful not to
report information as a fact. For example, you could talk to the person (24)______________
the rumour. You could say,

Voice 4‘I heard a false rumour about me yesterday! Have you heard this story? Please help
me to understand why people are saying these things about me.’

Voice 2 Dealing with issues (25)______________ and openly can often solve them faster.

The World and Nuclear Weapons

Voice 1 On August 6, 1945 the United States (1)_______________ an atomic bomb on the
city of Hiroshima, Japan. The bomb killed (2)______________________in just a few
seconds. Three days later, the U.S. dropped another atomic bomb on the Japanese city of
Nagasaki. More people were killed and the city was (3)_______________. But these bombs 0919 340 949

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also released radiation. Radiation is (4)_______________ to humans. In the weeks that

followed, many thousands of people died.

Voice 2 This was the only time in human history when atomic weapons were used in war.
The result was (5)_______________. This event changed human history. It changed how
people (6)_______________ about radiation and atomic weapons. But it did not stop
countries from making more atomic bombs. And some countries continue to make even
more (7)______________. Today’s Spotlight is on why some countries have atomic bombs,
why other countries do not, and why these bombs (8)______________.

Voice 1 Atomic bombs are one kind of nuclear bomb. The other is called a
(9)______________ bomb. Both are very powerful and very (10)______________. The
science of making a nuclear bomb is very (11)_______________. The technology costs a lot
of money. Countries that have them (12)_______________ the method of making a bomb.
Even working with the material to make the bombs can be very, very dangerous.

Voice 2 (13)_____________________ have been learning about nuclear energy since the
early 1900s. People were excited about the power that nuclear energy provides. But when
people learned about nuclear bombs, these weapons (14)_______________. One reason for
this was the political situation at the time. It was during the Cold War, from the end of
World War II until about 1991. During this period, much of the world was afraid that war
could happen again at any time. So the (15)______________in the world collected
weapons, including nuclear bombs.

Voice 1There are only (16)______________that have nuclear weapons. They are: Russia,
the United States, China, India, Israel, France, North Korea, Pakistan and the United
Kingdom. Most of these countries have between 80 and (17)______________. But two
countries have many more. Russia and the United States have over 5,000 bombs each. These
bombs have enough power to destroy the (18)______________. 0919 340 949

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Voice 2 Other countries are trying to get nuclear weapons. In recent years both Iran and
Syria have tried to develop nuclear weapons. But countries are not (19)______________ to
develop nuclear weapons whenever they want. This is because of the Treaty on the Non-
Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. This treaty bans countries from (20)______________, or
making and spreading, nuclear bombs. The countries of the United Nations agreed on this
treaty in 1970. It states that nuclear power technology is for any country. But no new
countries can (21)______________ nuclear weapons. And those countries that have nuclear
weapons will try and destroy the weapons they have.

Voice 1 This is why the United Nations tried to stop Iran from creating a nuclear bomb in
2005. To do this, they used (22)______________ . Sanctions can include locking bank
accounts, stopping trade, and (23)______________– where people and places are examined
to make sure they are following the rules.

Voice 2 Is this fair? Is it fair for countries with nuclear bombs to tell other countries they
cannot have them? After all, if a country has a nuclear bomb, they become more important
in (24)_______________.

Voice 1 For example, North Korea is not a large country. It does not have a
(25)_______________ . But North Korea has a nuclear bomb. Having a nuclear bomb
makes North Korea a more powerful country. There are many things about the government
of North Korea that other countries do not like. The United Nations has even placed
sanctions against North Korea. But the United Nations is very (26)______________
because they know that North Korea has a nuclear weapon.

Voice 2 On one level, sanctions do not seem fair. The United States is the only country to
ever use a nuclear weapon in war. So why should they decide who can be
(27)______________? There are five members of the United Nations Security Council:
China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. These countries have the 0919 340 949

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most (28)______________ in the world. But does that mean they can tell other countries
what to do?

Voice 1 ICAN is the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons. This

organization believes that even one nuclear weapon is (29)______________. The ICAN
website states that,

Voice 3 “A single nuclear weapon could kill millions of people. These

(30)______________ last for many years. The failure of the nuclear powers to get rid of
their weapons has (31)_______________ that other countries will get nuclear weapons. The
only way to stop the spread and use of nuclear weapons is to destroy them (32)________ .
Although the leaders of some nations have expressed their desire for a nuclear-weapon-free
world, they have failed to develop any plans to reduce their weapons. In fact, they are
(33)_______________ them.”

Voice 2 Destroying nuclear weapons is not easy. It is just as dangerous to break a bomb
into pieces as it is to build it. Nuclear bombs contain (34)_______________, nuclear
materials, as well as electronics and the bomb case. People could steal or lose the dangerous
bomb materials. And even when a bomb is destroyed completely the poisonous radioactive
material still needs to be (35)______________. It will continue to be dangerous for
hundreds of years.

Voice 1 Destroying nuclear weapons is (36)_______________. It costs a lot of money. And

it takes a long time. But ICAN says that does not mean countries should not try. ICAN
argues that,

Voice 3 “Nuclear weapons (37)______________ the environment and humans. They

release huge amounts of energy in the form of force, heat and radiation. No good
(38)______________ is possible. A bomb would cause tens of millions of immediate
deaths. A nuclear war could change the global climate and food production so much that
more than a billion people would be at risk of (39)______________.” 0919 340 949

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Tourist and Discovery

Alone in Antarctica

Voice 1 The conditions in Antarctica are very (1)_______________. The temperature is

often well below (2)_______________ . There are very few plants. The continent is mostly
(3)_____________________. It is almost impossible to live there. But every year, many
people try to (4)_______________ it.

Voice 2 One such person is Felicity Aston. She works as a (5)______________ in

Antarctica. She has been studying Antarctica’s weather for over (6)______________ . But
Aston does not just study Antarctica. She also explores it. Today’s Spotlight is on Felicity
Aston. She is the first woman to (7)______________ Antarctica alone.

Voice 1 Felicity Aston has always (8)______________exploring Antarctica. When she was
a child, she (9)______________about Ernest Shackleton. Shackleton was the first person to
travel to Antarctica’s South Pole. Shackleton was very famous. And he is Aston’s hero.
Aston told Mother Jones (10)________:

Voice 3 “I have always recognized that Antarctica is a place where people went to
(11)______________they are. It is a place where these kind of amazing (12)________ were

Voice 2 In 2000, Aston decided she wanted (13)______________ her hero’s example. She
joined the British Antarctic Survey. She studied in Antarctica with a large group of
scientists for three years. This (14)______________ confirmed Aston’s dream. But she
wanted to (15)______________ even more. So she began planning a major trip.

Voice 1 In 2009, Aston planned a group trip to Antarctica’s South Pole. You may remember
another Spotlight program about this trip. Aston (16)______________of 8 women from
different countries. The group used only the power of their bodies to (17)________ the 0919 340 949

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trip. They did not use (18)______________ , dogs or special equipment. Instead, they used
long, thin skis on their feet. With these they slid on top of the snow. When necessary, they
walked and (19)________. After 38 days, the women reached the South Pole. They had
traveled (20)______________ .

Voice 2 This was a (21)______________. But Aston kept dreaming. And she began
planning her next trip. This time, she wanted to travel across Antarctica. And, she wanted
to go alone. She knew the trip would be very difficult. So she began to (22)________.
Voice 1 Aston exercised and (23)______________ for many months. Like before, she
wanted to complete the trip using only the power of her body. So, she trained to
(24)______________ her body. But she also trained her mind. She had to learn how to be
happy being alone for a long time. She told the sports news organization ESPN:

Voice 3 “In Antarctica, there would be no one to (25)______________but me. If something

went wrong, I needed to know that I could (26)______________myself.”

Voice 2 On November the 25th, 2011, Felicity Aston began her trip. An airplane brought
her to the (27)______________. Aston told ESPN how it felt when the airplane flew away.

Voice 3 “I never felt so small. All around me, as far as I could see, there was no other
(28)______________. Just me.”

Voice 1 For the next 59 days, Aston travelled across Antarctica. Her trip was very difficult.
On the fourth day, she experienced very (29)______________. She tried to use her tent to
protect her from the wind. She (30)_______________ to put the tent together in the wind. It
took a very long time. Finally, she finished. She told Mother Jones magazine:

Voice 3 “Once I was in the tent, I remember sitting there. The winds were (31)________
the tent...At that minute, I recognized that there was no one to come and help... I had to get
myself out of this (32)_______________.” 0919 340 949

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Voice 2 This was not Aston’s only difficult day. She experienced other problems as well.
She had to cross very large crevasses in the ice. These large, (33)______________in the ice
are dangerous. Crevasses can be many meters wide and many meters deep. Often, the only
way to get across them is to (34)______________.

Voice 1 For Aston, the crevasses were the most (35)______________ part of the trip. She
feared that the ice would change position while she was climbing. She feared being
(36)______________ and that no one would find her. She told ESPN:

Voice 3 “I was very frightened of the crevasses. But I was able to cross them well. Because
of this, they were also some of the (37)________of the trip for me. I experienced the power
to face my fears and defeat them. This is both the most difficult and most
(38)______________of a trip like this.”

Voice 2 Aston also struggled with being alone. She told “The Guardian” news organization,

Voice 3 “The mornings were the most difficult...I would think, ‘I cannot do this, I need to
get out of here.’ Every single morning, I would feel the same thing...Some mornings, I
would get past it with (39)______________. Other mornings, I would cry. Other times, I
would turn on music as soon as I (40)______________.”

Voice 1 On January 22, 2012, Aston reached her end point - Hercules Inlet. When she
recognized that she had arrived, she (41)________and cried. She recorded a film of the end
of her trip. In it, she said:

Voice 3 “I am finished. I am on (42)_______________ . The only thing I can think right

now is that I want to call my mother on the telephone. I want to tell her I am here. I want to
tell her I am fine...I do not want to go anywhere now. The airplane will come to me. It is so
(43)______________ . I cannot believe it. I cannot believe that I skiied across Antarctica.” 0919 340 949

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Voice 2 Aston’s trip across Antartica was an (44)______________. She showed her
courage. She showed her physical and (45)_______________. And she showed her heroic
spirit. Eugene Kapersky runs a company called Kapersky Lab. His company paid for
Aston’s trip. After the trip, he told ESPN:

Voice 4 “Discovery is in Felicity’s (46)______________ . She is always looking for the

next bigger, better, more difficult goal. With her Antarctic crossing, she has set the goal
higher for other (47)______________.”

Voice 1 Felicity Aston travelled 1,744 kilometres in 59 days. It was very difficult. She often
felt alone, and sometimes she felt afraid. But she (48)______________ her fear and
achieved her dream. She became the first woman to travel alone across the
(49)______________ of Antarctica. She told ESPN,

Voice 3 “I proved to myself how strong I am. To me, that is the (50)________.”

Iceland: The Most Peaceful Country

Voice 1 Hundreds of people are (1)_______________ together. They are standing outside
Iceland’s capital (money, cental city) buildings in the city of Reykjavík. Some of the people
are shouting (say loud voice). Other people are hitting cow (2)_______________. And some
make noise with pans and cooking pots. The large crowd is (3)_______________ against
the government.

Voice 2 Between 2008 and two 2010, the country of Iceland went through a
(4)______________. But unlike most revolutions (violent action), there was no blood or
violence. Yet the revolution was completely (5)______________. The people of Iceland
forced leaders to form a new government and write a new constitution (system law). 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

EEC –Chuyên luyện Tiếng Anh từ cơ bản đến IELTS 6.5+ |

Voice 1 You may have heard another Spotlight program on the Global Peace Index. This
system of measuring peace (6)______________ countries by their level of peace. And they
have rated Iceland number one for the past seven years - even during its revolution! So,
what makes Iceland so peaceful? Today's Spotlight is on the peaceful country of Iceland.

Voice 2 Iceland is an island country in the North Atlantic Ocean. The (7)______________
countries are Greenland to the west, Scotland to the south and Norway to the east. When
people think of Iceland, they often think of ice and snow. And it is true. Iceland has many
beautiful fields that are always covered (spread over surface) with ice (8)_______________.
But Iceland is not all ice and snow. Warm winds from the ocean make the climate cool, but
not freezing (turn to ice) cold. It has many beautiful coasts, mountains, farm land, and also
hot volcanoes! And the (9)_______________ produce many natural geysers (hot water
steam up in the air), where hot water shoots above the earth’s surface.

Voice 1 Some people suggest that these geysers may be one of the reasons that Iceland is so
peaceful. Scientists turn the heat energy from the geysers into (10)_______________. And
this geothermal (heat of rock deep) energy serves most of Iceland’s energy needs. Energy is
a basic need in modern societies. And competition for energy resources can be a cause of
(11)_______________. But the people of Iceland have no need to fight over energy

Voice 2 But natural energy resources are not the only reason Iceland is peaceful. Many
people argue that Iceland is peaceful because of its long tradition of peaceful government.
Iceland is one of the world's oldest democracies. In the late (12)______________ century,
people from Norway came to settle (arrange sth finally) in Iceland. By the early 10th
century, these settlers established a parliament called the Althing. The Althing was a system
where elected (13)______________ represented common people. After more than 1000
years, the Althing still exists today. It is a symbol of the long history of peaceful law in
Iceland. 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

EEC –Chuyên luyện Tiếng Anh từ cơ bản đến IELTS 6.5+ |

Voice 1 Another reason Iceland is so peaceful may have to do with its size. It can be
difficult for a large country to maintain peaceful law. Iceland may be easier to govern
(legally control) than some countries. This is because Iceland has a small population. In fact,
the whole population of Iceland is less than (14)______________ people. With a small
population, it also has few large cities. And with fewer large cities, crime (break the law) is
easier to control.

Voice 2 Another reason for Iceland’s peacefulness may be its lack of (15)______________.
Iceland’s population is very homogenous. Most citizens of Iceland share a similar ethnic
(race group) origin and history. The population is only 4-6% non-Icelandic in origin.
Because Icelanders are so homogenous, (16)______________ from around the world study
the genetic DNA of Iceland's population. Iceland also has very complete genealogical
records for its citizens. This history of family relationships dates back more than one
thousand years! And it shows that most Icelanders share common ancestors (people in
family live long time ago). Some people suggest this common ethnicity may reduce
(17)_______________ caused by ethnic or cultural differences.

Voice 1 Iceland also has one of the highest levels of development in the world. Most people
have their basic needs met. They have food, housing and jobs. The government also
provides free education for (18)______________- even through university! All health care
is also free. And experts (specialist) agree that when people’s basic needs are met, there is
less conflict.

Voice 2 Icelanders gain advantages like these from Iceland's high level of
(19)______________. But unlike some other wealthy countries, Iceland shares much of its
wealth with its citizens. Andrew Clark is a university student from the United States. He
travelled to Iceland to study why there was so little violent crime there. Clark believes that
one of the main reasons for this lack of violence is social equality (equal in rights). 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

EEC –Chuyên luyện Tiếng Anh từ cơ bản đến IELTS 6.5+ |

In Iceland, there is very little division between rich and poor. In a story for the BBC, Clark

Voice 3 "There is almost no difference among high, (20)______________, and lower

classes in Iceland. And with that, conflict between economic classes does not exist. This is
rare for any country."

Voice 1 So what makes Iceland so peaceful? Is it a long history of democracy (fair or equal
treatment)? A very small, homogenous (people same type) population? A high level of
development? Social (21)______________? Experts agree that it is probably all of these
things combined and more. But most people do not live in a country like Iceland. And they
may not have the power to change their countries’ situations. So, what can individual people
do to help achieve peace in their own countries and communities?

New World Wonders

Voice 2 Think of a high stone wall that is thousands of miles long. It stretches over
mountains and (2)_____________________deserts.

Voice 1 Imagine a tall white statue. This statue rises high in the air above the

Voice 2 What names come to you when you think of these things? If you said the Coliseum
in (4)______________, the Great Wall of China, and the statue of Christ the Redeemer in
Brazil then you are right! Each one of these (5)_____________________ is famous. Each
one is loved by many people around the world. But they have something else in common
too. Today’s Spotlight is on this common (6)_______________: New World Wonders.

Voice 1 In an earlier Spotlight programme we talked about the Seven Wonders of the
Ancient World. Only one of these (7)______________ seven wonders still exists today –
the great pyramid at Giza in Egypt. The people of ancient Greece made this list. They were 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

EEC –Chuyên luyện Tiếng Anh từ cơ bản đến IELTS 6.5+ |

very interested in things that had been built. Groups of writers there made lists of the most
(8)_____________________ structures that they knew. They wrote about buildings that
were very large. They took note of others that were very beautiful. Every one of the Seven
Wonders of the Ancient World was special in some way.

Voice 2 In 2001, a Swiss filmmaker named Bernard Webber was thinking about these
ancient wonders. He was also thinking about the (9)_______________ world and the many
places in it. He told the B B C:

Voice 3 “The famous list of world wonders is more than two thousand years old, it is time to
make a new one!”

Voice 1 Bernard Webber wanted his list to be different from the ancient one. He decided
that his list should not be made by only a few people. Webber wanted to ask the people of
the world for their (10)_____________________. He wanted THEM to choose the seven
structures that would be on the list.

Voice 2 Webber worked with (11)_____________________ around the world. These

groups began to ask people: ‘Which structures should be on the list?’ After several years,
they had received a large number of suggestions – too many, in fact! To solve this problem,
Webber employed a group of experts. Many of these experts were famous
(12)_____________________ – they had all designed modern buildings. They reduced the
number of possible Wonders to just 21.

Voice 1 Voting for the new world wonders began at the start of 2006. There were 21
(13)_______________. But only seven could be chosen. People voted on the Internet or by
telephone. And many people did so. The organisers received thousands of votes. People
from every country of the world made their choices. After more than (14)_______________
months, the voting finally stopped. On July 7, 2007, the ‘New’ Seven Wonders of the World
were declared! 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

EEC –Chuyên luyện Tiếng Anh từ cơ bản đến IELTS 6.5+ |

Voice 2 Do you know which structures were chosen? You can probably guess three of
them! At the start of this programme we talked about the Coliseum in Rome, the Great Wall
of China and the statue of Christ the Redeemer in Brazil. Each one was a
(15)_______________ in the competition.

Voice 1 Three of the other winners are ancient cities. They are Petra in Jordan, Machu
Picchu in Peru, and Chichen Itza, in (16)_______________. These beautiful cities all
provide a window into the past. The ancient buildings in them are amazing to see. They are
(17)_______________of the great skill of the ancient people who made them. And they are
important for the history and culture of the local people.

Voice 2 The final winner of the competition is a very famous building – the Taj Mahal, in
Agra, India. It was built by a great king almost (18)_______________ years ago. He built it
after his wife died. The beautiful white stone building is a symbol of his love for her. People
have enjoyed the detailed stone structure and beautiful (19)_______________ of the Taj
Mahal for hundreds of years.

Voice 1 Bernard Webber was very happy with his teams’ list of new world wonders. He
hoped that by (20)_____________________ people to think about the beautiful places of
the world he could achieve something else too. Webber hoped that people around the world
would come together. He hoped that they would understand the
(21)_____________________ of different cultures.

Voice 2 But some people were not happy with this competition. Some groups criticised the
way the event was organised. UNESCO would not give its (22)______________ They felt
the project was a commercial one. They did not think that anyone should make money from

Voice 1 Other people were worried about the effects the competition could have. A group of
(23)______________________ was concerned about what would happen to the winning
structures. They felt that the competition could encourage too many people to visit these 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

EEC –Chuyên luyện Tiếng Anh từ cơ bản đến IELTS 6.5+ |

places. These new visitors may not be careful and (24)_______________. They may cause
damage to important buildings and cities.

Voice 2 But, in the end, Bernard Webber felt that the competition had been a
(25)_______________. More than one hundred million [100,000,000] people had voted.
And many had voted for structures far away from the countries where they lived. Tia
Viering is one of the organisers. She talked about how the competition was the first ever
global (26)______________. She told the BBC:

Niagara Falls

Voice 3 “It was a terrible day, cold and wet. Within a few minutes, I saw two
(1)______________rising up slowly from deep in the earth. For the first time, I heard the
mighty (2)_______________. I felt the ground (3)______________ under my feet.”

Voice 1 These are the words of the great English writer Charles Dickens. He wrote them in
1842. He was visiting Niagara Falls. This waterfall is on the (4)________ of the United
States and Canada. It is one of the (5)________ in the world. Each year, more than 12
million people visit it. Today’s Spotlight is on Niagara Falls. Dickens wrote,

Voice 3 “I could see a (6)_______________, coming down fast from very high. I had no
idea of shape, or situation, or anything. It was just so big.”

Voice 2 This is what many people experience at Niagara Falls. People describe the waterfall
as “great”, “mighty”, and “huge”! The sound is (7)_______________. The Falls are on the
Niagara River. The river divides just before the waterfall, and then each part drops over a
(8)______________. Because of this (9)______________, there are actually two waterfalls,
separated by a small island. On the American side is ‘American Falls’. It is over 300 metres
across. On the Canadian side is ‘Horseshoe Falls’. The name comes from its shape - like a
(10)______________, in a half circle. Horseshoe Falls is nearly 700 metres across! 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

EEC –Chuyên luyện Tiếng Anh từ cơ bản đến IELTS 6.5+ |

Voice 1 Niagara Falls is not the (11)______________in the world. However, the Falls are
one of the (12)________ in the world. Over 2 million litres of water fall over Niagara every

Voice 2 People have been visiting Niagara Falls for thousands of years.
(13)______________knew the waterfall well. More than 300 years ago,
(14)_______________told the rest of the world about them. One of these explorers was
Louis Hennepin. Hennepin was from Belgium. He was both (15)_______________of what
he saw there. He wrote a book about his (16)______________. In the book, he described his
first time seeing the great waterfall. He wrote that it was one of the most wonderful things
he had seen. He described the water (17)______________ over the edge, like a group of
wild animals. He said that the noise was louder, and more terrible, than

Voice 1 For many years, Hennepin was the only person to write about the waterfall. Many
people in Europe read what he wrote. The waterfall was one of the many
(19)_______________about America. But it was a long time before many other people
could see the waterfall. It was a long, (20)______________to visit it.

Voice 2 As more people moved to the Americas, some people did (21)______________ .
But it was not until the 1840s that Niagara Falls became a popular place. Trains made travel
much easier. It also (22)_______________. At the same time, people in North America
were also starting to take holiday trips. Many people lived in cities. So natural places, like
Niagara Falls, were very popular. The area became a (23)______________- a place that
many people visited.

Voice 1 As a result, businesses around the waterfall grew. There were hotels, and
restaurants. Most people just wanted to see the (24)______________of the waterfalls. But
some people also used the waterfalls to perform (25)_______________ - dangerous acts. 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

EEC –Chuyên luyện Tiếng Anh từ cơ bản đến IELTS 6.5+ |

Over the next hundred years, people did many (26)______________at the falls. One of the
first was a woman named Annie Edison Taylor.

Voice 2 Annie Edison Taylor was a poor woman. But at the age of 63, she had an idea to
make money. She hoped to (27)_______________over Niagara Falls. If she did, she
believed that she would become famous - and that would (28)______________!

Voice 1 Taylor got a very (29)_______________- a round, wood barrel. Barrels usually
hold liquid, so they do not let anything in or out. Taylor added a (30)______________inside
it, to make the trip easier. On October 24 1901, friends closed her inside the barrel, and she
began her trip down the river. The trip only took 20 minutes. The water
(31)______________ the barrel very hard, but Taylor survived!

Voice 2 Taylor succeeded in her trip, but she did not get rich. Instead, her act
(32)______________ many other people. A man named Sam Patch
(33)______________the waterfalls into the river below. A man named Jean Francois
Gravelet walked over the falls on a (34)______________. Some people also tried to copy
Taylor - but they did not all survive. Now, it is not (35)______________ these kinds of acts
at Niagara Falls. It is too dangerous.

Voice 1 People mainly know about Niagara Falls because of its natural beauty. However,
the Niagara River is also an important (36)______________. The Niagara River flows very
fast, with a large amount of water.

Voice 2 In the 1890s, the Westinghouse Electric company built the world’s first
(37)_______________on the river. Many other companies also hoped to use the land for
factories and power systems. However, around the same time, many people began to work
to (38)_______________. Soon, the governments of the United States and Canada
(39)______________. They protected the land around Niagara Falls. They made parks –
green, natural areas. No one could buy this land for factories or other
(40)_____________________ . 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

EEC –Chuyên luyện Tiếng Anh từ cơ bản đến IELTS 6.5+ |

Voice 1 The governments also made agreements to protect the water going over Niagara
Falls. Power systems move water out of the river to create electricity. So these
(41)______________ limit the amount of water power companies can take. This means that
there is always enough water to (42)_______________Niagara Falls.

Voice 2 For hundreds of years, Niagara Falls has inspired people through its
(43)______________. In the years to come, it will continue to inspire. To see it for yourself,
visit our website. We have links there to images and video.

The City of Dubai

Voice 1 Imagine a mountain made of snow in the middle of the (1)_______________. Now
think about 300 large islands made by men to look like a map of the world. What about an
(2)_____________________________ hotel where people can sleep while dangerous
(3)_____________________________ swim all around them? These ideas seem
impossible. But in the city of Dubai, they are real. Today's Spotlight is on the city of Dubai -
one of the (4)_____________________________ cities in the world.

Voice 2 Dubai is a large city in the country of the United Arab Emirates. It sits on the
Persian Gulf, right next to the (5)_______________. Dubai is a port city. But it has a
completely desert climate. In the past, Dubai was not a big city. Most of its
(6)_______________ lived simple lives. They earned money by catching fish, or diving for
valuable ocean (7)_______________. Until recent years, most people in the area around
Dubai lived the same way they had lived for hundreds of years before.

Voice 1 All that changed in 1966. This was the year workers (8)_____________________
oil in Dubai. At this time, the Maktoums were Dubai’s ruling family. Oil quickly brought
the Maktoums huge amounts of (9)______________________. But the family knew that the
oil would not last forever. So they decided to invest a lot of their money in other industries -
like tourism and (10)_____________________. As a result of their effort, Dubai changed in
major ways. 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

EEC –Chuyên luyện Tiếng Anh từ cơ bản đến IELTS 6.5+ |

Voice 2 Now, tourism is a major industry in Dubai. Each year, millions of people visit the
city. Many people come to see Dubai’s famous building (11)_______________. Dubai has
the world's tallest and highest (12)_______________ hotel, the Burj al-Arab. It also has two
sets of human made islands. The Palm Islands are a group of islands made in the shape of a
date palm tree. Dubai's World Islands look like a (13)_______________ of the world. And,
they are so large, you can even see them from space! But Dubai is most famous for the Burj
Khalifa - the tallest human made building on the (14)_____________________.

Voice 1 Dubai is a global city, full of modern (15)_______________. But less than 50 years
ago, it was a small, desert port. No other area in the world has experienced such large
amounts of change in such a short amount of time. But how does this affect a
(16)_______________? What happens to people when they become rich so quickly?

Voice 2 Many young people in Dubai are (17)______________________ for their wealth.
Ahmed al-Atar is a young man who lives in Dubai. He told The Independent newspaper,

Voice 3 "This is the best place in the world to be young! The government pays for your
education to the highest level. You get a free house when you get married. You get free
(18)____________________________...Almost everyone has workers who clean their
homes, watch their children and drive them around. And we never pay taxes. Before, my
(19)_____________________ got up every day, and he would have to fight to get to the
well first, to get water. They were always hungry and (20)_____________________. They
needed jobs very badly... Now look at us!"

Voice 1 But not everyone agrees that this easy wealth is wonderful. Sultan al-Qassemi is
another young man that lives in Dubai. He told The Independent:

Voice 4 "People here are becoming (21)_____________________ babies who do not want
to do any work...We do not do anything for ourselves!" 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

EEC –Chuyên luyện Tiếng Anh từ cơ bản đến IELTS 6.5+ |

Voice 2 Many people from Dubai are also concerned about keeping their cultural
(22)_______________. To help achieve Dubai’s fast growth, rulers brought many
foreigners to the country. Between 90% and 95% of Dubai's (23)______________________
is foreign. Many people from the United Arab Emirates feel that Dubai is losing its Emirati
culture. Professor Abdulkhaleq Abdullah told the Independent.

Voice 5 "The people of Dubai are extremely proud of their city, and rightly so. And yet, in
our hearts, we (24)_____________________ we have built a modern city but are losing it to
all these foreigners."

Voice 1 Dubai’s fast growth has also caused other problems. Many human rights
organizations have recognized problems with poor (25)______________________ of
foreign workers. Dubai needs a lot of workers to support the city. These workers help build
Dubai’s many new homes and buildings. Other workers help wealthy families care for their
homes and children. Most of these workers come from poor countries. To enter the United
Arab Emirates, they need a visa. Often, they do not have enough money to pay for this
(26)_______________ document. So, many of the businesses or families they work for pay
for the workers’ visas. This means the workers owe their employers money before they
begin working. This gives the employer a lot of (27)______________________.

Voice 2 When workers arrive in Dubai, their employers often pay them much less than they
(28)_____________________. Many workers have to live in very bad conditions. But they
have to pay off their loan before they can leave the country. So they are
(29)_______________. Some of them feel like they are slaves. Baya Sayid Mubarak lives
in Dubai and works for the government of India. He told the NPR news organization,

Voice 6 "Even though the city is so rich, there is another side. ...The city's economic
(30)_____________________ would not be possible without armies of poorly paid workers
from the Indian sub-continent. Most of these workers are forced to give up their passports
when they arrive." 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

EEC –Chuyên luyện Tiếng Anh từ cơ bản đến IELTS 6.5+ |

Tradition and Culture

Ao Dai: Vietnam’s Traditional Clothing

Voice 1 Vu Ngoc Anh stands on a performance stage. Bright lights (1)_______________

on her from above. Hundreds of people are watching her. They are interested in her
beautiful clothing. She is wearing a kind of (2)_______________ Vietnamese clothing
called an Ao Dai or Ao Dai. Ngoc Anh walks slowly across the stage. Her Ao Dai moves
gently side to side. This is because it is made of (3)______________ - a light, flowing
material. The Ao Dai is two pieces of clothing – trousers, and a long fitted shirt or gown.
Ngoc Anh’s trousers are white. Her gown is a (4)_____________________, yellow color.
It covers her arms, down to her wrists. And it fits tightly around her chest and neck. It hangs
almost to the ground. The gown is split. It opens on the sides from her (5)_______________
to the floor. As Ngoc Anh walks across the floor, she looks as if she is

Voice 2 On that night, Vu Ngoc Anh won the 2012 Miss Vietnam Ao Dai
(7)_____________________. The judges thought she looked the most beautiful in her Ao
Dai. Achieving the title “Miss Ao Dai” is a great honor. This is because the Ao Dai is more
than just traditional Vietnamese clothing. It is a (8)______________ of the history and
beauty of the Vietnamese culture and people. Today’s Spotlight is on the Vietnamese Ao

Voice 1 The Ao Dai has a long history in Vietnam. Experts believe forms of the Ao Dai
have (9)______________ for hundreds of years.

Voice 2 Traditional Chinese clothing has influenced the history of the Ao Dai. In the 1600s
and 1700s Chinese (10)______________ occupied the land of Vietnam. People were
required to wear traditional Chinese clothing. Vietnamese clothing (11)______________
began to change the design of the traditional Chinese clothing. They created early forms of
the Ao Dai to show Vietnam’s separate and independent culture. During this time, members 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

EEC –Chuyên luyện Tiếng Anh từ cơ bản đến IELTS 6.5+ |

of the Vietnamese ruling family began wearing these early (12)______________ of the Ao
Dai. And both men and women wore them.

Voice 1 In 1802, there was a Vietnamese (13)______________ called Gia Long. He freed
Vietnam from Chinese rule. Before this time, people in different areas of Vietnam wore
different forms of the early Ao Dai. But designers began to (14)_______________ the
different regional designs. The result was a form of the Ao Dai called the Ngu Than. From
1820-1841 rulers made the Ngu Than Vietnam’s official national clothing.

Voice 2 For the next 50 years, a new foreign (15)_______________ ruled Vietnam. France
claimed Vietnam as a colony. During this time, many people began wearing clothes
influenced by Western design. However, some Vietnamese designers (16)______________
against this foreign cultural influence - just like they had when China ruled over Vietnam.

Voice 1 During the 1920s and 30s, designers in Hanoi began re-designing the Ngu
Than. The most famous designer was Cat Tuong, also known as Le Mur. This new design
was particularly for women. The designers used some of the new French or
(17)_____________________design influences. But, what they designed was not
western. Instead, it was a modern version of Vietnam’s traditional clothing - what people
today call the Ao Dai.

Voice 2 The modern Ao Dai became very (18)_______________ in parts of Vietnam after
the end of French rule. The Ao Dai was most popular from 1960-1975. After 1975,
Vietnamese women wore the Ao Dai less often. The Vietnamese (19)______________ was
struggling and most people did not think the Ao Dai was necessary.

Voice 1 In the late 1980s and early (20)______________, the Ao Dai experienced a new
growth in popularity. In 1989, a Ho Chi Minh City newspaper began the first “Miss Ao
Dai” competition. Sixteen thousand people (21)______________the competition. But this
was only the beginning of the Ao Dai’s new popularity. From Ho Chi Minh City, Miss Ao
Dai competitions (22)______________ around the world - to places like Long Beach, 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

EEC –Chuyên luyện Tiếng Anh từ cơ bản đến IELTS 6.5+ |

California in the United States and the city of Toronto, Canada. Today, there are many
countries that have large populations of Vietnamese immigrants. When these people
(23)______________ out of Vietnam, they brought the Ao Dai with them.

Voice 2 Originally, each woman’s Ao Dai was custom made. Ao Dai makers sewed each
Ao Dai using only a (24)______________, thread and her hands. A woman visited her Ao
Dai maker many times to make sure her Ao Dai fit perfectly. Today, factories have begun to
produce Ao Dais in large numbers. These Ao Dais are sold in Vietnam and around the
world. The (25)______________ of the Ao Dai has influenced global clothing designers as
far away as Paris, France and New York City.

Voice 1 Unlike many forms of traditional clothing, the Ao Dai is still worn by many
Vietnamese women. And wearing the Ao Dai has special meaning. Kimlai is a Vietnamese
American writer. On her website, she explained what the Ao Dai meant to her as a

Voice 3 “I remember when I was a little girl. I would walk into my mom and dad’s
rooms. Behind the door hung long pieces of (27)______________. I knew these beautiful
pieces of material were going to be made into Ao Dais...I remember staring up at my mom
when she wore her Ao Dai. I would think how beautiful she looked. I could not wait until I
could have an Ao Dai for myself.”

Honey Hunters

Voice 1 A man climbs on the (1)______________ of a mountain. He holds on to a thin

rope. He has covered his head and shoulders with a cloth. The man raises
(2)______________ with a sharp point. He is a hunter. But he is not hunting an animal. The
man on the mountain side is hunting honey. This sweet food is made by
(3)______________called bees. The bees fly all around the man. If they sting him it would
be very painful. If he falls down the mountain, he will (4)_______________. But if he 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

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succeeds, he will bring (5)______________. The honey hunter is taking a big risk. Today’s
Spotlight is on honey hunters.

Voice 2 If you walk through an area with many plants, you may see and hear bees. These
yellow and (6)______________ fly from flower to flower. They are collecting a liquid
called nectar. The bees take the nectar back to their home - called a (7)______________.

Voice 1 Bees make their hives out of wax. The wax hive hangs down from a tree or
(8)______________. And thousands of bees sit on it. All these bees were born in the hive.
They live and eat there. The wax of the hive has (9)______________in it. The bees put the
nectar in these holes. Soon, the water (10)______________ from the nectar, leaving a thick
liquid. This liquid is light brown or yellow in colour. It tastes very sweet. It is honey.

Voice 2 Bees make honey to eat as food. But many other animals like to eat honey too –
including people. People have used honey as food and (11)______________ for thousands
of years. It is a special food in many cultures. People eat honey to help with
(12)______________ such as a cough or (13)______________ . In many cultures, people
also put honey on their skin. It keeps skin soft. Honey breaks down
(14)______________and helps to (15)______________.

Voice 1 But to use honey, people must first collect it. Some people take care of a bee hive.
But in some places, people collect honey from (16)________. This is common in many
parts of the world, especially (17)______________. Honey hunting is a local tradition in
southern India. But this (18)______________is not easy. The bees in southern India are
large. They can grow up to the size of the (19)______________human finger. And these
giant honey bees build their hives on the sides of mountains!

Voice 2 It takes many years for a honey hunter to learn to collect honey from these hives.
From a young age the honey hunter learns everything about bees. He practices climbing
(20)______________above the ground. Then the honey season arrives. The honey hunter 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

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prepares for many days. He does not (21)______________. He does not sleep with his wife.
He stays by himself. The honey hunter must be (22)_______________.

Voice 1 The day of the honey hunt arrives. Early in the morning, the villagers say
(23)______________. And then the honey hunter goes to the (24)________of the mountain.
He climbs down with a rope made from (25)_______________ . He lights some dry
branches on fire. The smoke makes the bees leave the hive. They fly around the honey
hunter. He reaches a (26)_______________over to the hive. He (27)________off of pieces
of the wax filled with honey. He takes them back to the village in a (28)________ made of

Voice 2 When the honey hunter returns, the village (29)______________! The honey is
important to them for many reasons. Simone Gie works for the (30)______________ Slow
Food International. She writes about the (31)______________ of honey:

Voice 3 “Tribes have been honey hunting in this way for generations. (32)______________
in the area show honey hunters more than 2,000 years ago. Honey was once a valuable
resource in the (33)_______________between tribes. It still is an important part of their
diet, cooking and medicine.”

Voice 1 The hunter takes some honey. But he always leaves some of the hive on the
(34)_______________. He does not take the part of the hive with the baby bees in it. He
does not want to (35)______________ the home of the bees. There are also areas of the
mountain and forest that are (36)_______________. These places are important for the
(37)______________ of the tribe. The hunters are careful not to take honey from the holy

Voice 2 But this traditional system may not be enough to protect the bees in the future. The
forests where the tribes live are changing. People are planting (38)______________
throughout the area. They are (39)_______________and cutting down trees. This is not 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

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good for the plants and animals in the forest. It can kill the bees and destroy their hives. It is
also dangerous for the people who live there.

Voice 1 The Keystone Foundation is a (40)_______________in Southern India. It has

worked with the honey hunters for fifteen years. They aim to protect the environment and
local culture. Robert Leo works for the Keystone Foundation. He tells the organization Slow
Food International:

Voice 4 “In the past few years, we have seen many people coming back to forest honey
(41)_______________, particularly young people. One of the reasons is that it is now
possible to make enough money this way.”

Voice 2 Many young people in South India leave the (42)______________. They can make
more money working in the city. But for the tribe to continue and grow, they must have
young people. So the honey hunters have made (43)______________. They found ways for
young people to make money in the village. The tribe still uses traditional tools and skills to
harvest honey. But they have a new production center. Here, they clean the honey. Then
they put it in bottles. This way the tribe can sell their honey for a (44)_______________.

Voice 1 The Keystone Foundation also helped (45)________ some hives for people to keep.
People can harvest honey from these hives at any time of year. Then the honey hunters can
(46)_______________even when it is not the season for wild honey. They can
(47)_______________. This provides a future for the honey hunters. And it protects the
(48)_______________ that make the valuable honey - the giant honey bees.

Shoes of the World

Voice 1 How much money would you pay for a pair of shoes? Christopher Michael Shellis
is a jewellery designer. He designs beautiful (1)_______________ that people can wear 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

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around their fingers, necks, or wrists. But recently, he designed a very interesting pair of
shoes. The shoes are made of solid gold. They are covered with 2,200 shiny
(2)_____________________. Shellis calls the shoes “jewellery you can wear on your feet”.
These shoes cost more money than any other shoes in the world - 140,000 Great British
Pounds! But so far, no one has bought even one pair.

Voice 2 Most people cannot buy expensive shoes like these. And many people do not even
want them! But people everywhere do need shoes. Today’s Spotlight is on shoes. A shoe
seems like a simple thing - it just needs to protect a foot from the (3)_______________. But
there are many different kinds of shoes from all around the world. The history and culture of
each place has influenced the design of its shoes. Today, we travel around the world looking
at shoes!

Voice 1 In the Middle East, (4)________ has influenced shoe design. One popular kind of
shoes here are babouches. This design of shoe is a traditional shoe from Morocco.
Traditional babouches are made from soft (5)_______________. They have a pointed toe.
Some have bead decorations or a design made from thin, coloured, thread.

Voice 2 So how has religion influenced this shoe design? People worshipping at a mosque
must remove their shoes. They may not wear shoes when they enter. So, they want a shoe
they can remove easily. Babouches cover most of the foot. But they do not cover the
(6)________, or back of the foot. This makes the shoe easy to put on and to remove. People
also like babouches because they do not make a person’s foot too hot. And they are very
Voice 1 Religion and culture have also influenced the design of shoes in India. The paduka
is a very old shoe design there. Experts believe this design is over (8)_______________
years old! It is a sandal - it does not cover the whole foot. But it goes on the foot easily and
keeps it cool. 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

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Voice 2 Padukas have a simple design. A Paduka maker cuts a piece of wood into the rough
(9)______________ of the bottom of a foot. Then, he adds a small knob on the top. This
knob is a small round piece of wood. It sits between a person’s first two toes. Under the
base of the shoe, there are thin rounded pieces of (10)______________ in the back and
front. These pieces of wood raise the shoe off the ground.

Voice 1 The Hindu religion is common in India. Hindus believe they should not harm any
living thing. The design of padukas follows this idea. The area of the shoe that touches the
ground is very small. It is less likely to harm the ground under it or any
(11)______________ around it. Also, padukas are never made from leather - animal skin.
Instead, they are always made from wood, ivory or metal. Today, very religious people
usually wear padukas. Or people may wear them to a special (12)______________ or event.

Voice 2 Travel with us now to a much colder climate - the country of Finland, in northern
Europe. The people here would not wear (13)______________ at all! Instead, the Saami
people of Finland wear very warm boots. The Saami people keep and raise reindeer.
Reindeer are very large animals. They have antlers – long, hard, bones that grow from their
heads. The Saami people keep the reindeer for food. But, the reindeer also provide the
Saami with the (14)______________ for their boots!

Voice 1 Traditional Saami reindeer boots cover a person’s whole foot. And they may cover
some of the leg too. The Saami make these traditional (15)______________ from reindeer
leather or hair. Reindeer hair is shaped like a tube. It has air inside. This helps keep the
reindeer warm. It also means that reindeer boots are very warm! Traditional reindeer boots
have a point or a kind of hook at the end - the end of the boot points up.

Voice 2 Many cultures have influenced the design of shoes. But shoes also become an
important part of a culture. This is the case with klompen from the Netherlands. Each
klompen shoe is made from a (16)______________ piece of wood. The inside of the shoe is 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

EEC –Chuyên luyện Tiếng Anh từ cơ bản đến IELTS 6.5+ |

cut out, so a foot can go in it. Many people think of klompen when they think of the

Voice 1 The design of klompen shoes is over 800 years old. They were originally the shoe
of (17)________ workers. That is because klompen are excellent at protecting feet. They
protect feet from sharp objects and harmful liquid acids. Today, few people wear klompen
as a common shoe. But, people may wear them for working outside. And they are a very
popular thing people bring home when they visit the Netherlands!

Traditional Fashion is New Again

Voice 1 It is Uganda International Fashion Week. Here, designers will show the clothes they
have made. Many important people will be there. These people will decide what clothing
will be popular in the next year. At the fashion show, tall, beautiful African
(1)______________ walk up and down. They wear brightly coloured clothes. Many of these
clothes are made of traditional African (2)______________.

Voice 2 Fashion in clothing is always changing. There is a large (3)_______________

fashion industry. It is made up of people who design, model and sell clothing. This industry
is often based in large cities in developed countries. But clothing and fashion are a part of
every culture around the world. Today’s Spotlight is on cultural tradition in the fashion

Voice 1 Most fashion (4)______________ on being new and modern. But some designers
have gone back to using old fashion. They use traditional styles but make them into
something new. This is not a new way to use fashion. For example, Slava Zaitsev is a
famous Russian designer. He uses traditional Russian folk (5)_______________ in his
modern clothing designs. Zaitsev has been doing this since the 1970s. And more and more
fashion designers are making clothes with local cultural materials and traditional styles. 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

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Voice 2 Uganda International Fashion Week is organized by fashion designer Santo Anzo.
Like many countries in East Africa, Uganda has many different (6)______________ groups.
Each of these groups has their own culture and traditional clothing. Anzo uses the traditional
materials and styles of different ethnic groups in Uganda. But her designs are new. And her
clothing is (7)________ and fashionable. Anzo told the Global Press Journal:

Voice 3 “Local material and design is very important. It carries symbols important to
Ugandans. Now we have African material (8)_______________ from West Africa – from
Ghana, Nigeria and Sierra Leone. These are popular and can be worn across the world, not
just locally.”

Voice 1 There are many good effects of using traditional materials in modern fashion. It
increases a positive feeling about culture. Traditional clothing can be part of a modern life.
It can make people (9)______________ of their traditions and country. Santo Anzo told the
newspaper the Independent:

Voice 3 “We are showing a positive image of Uganda by showing the (10)________ in it.
We are proud to dress Ugandan. It is good to see ourselves in international media for the
right things instead of negative things.”

Voice 2 Using traditional clothing in modern design also helps traditional art forms
continue. For example, some cloth is made in traditional ways. But few young people want
to learn the (11)______________ of making the cloth. When fashion designers use
traditionally made cloth, young people become interested again in their artistic traditions.
Darshi Keerthisena is a fashion designer in Sri Lanka. She has created new interest an
(12)______________ cloth art called batik.

Voice 1 Batik is a method of colouring cloth. First, the artist draws a design on cloth. She
then puts soft, oily wax on parts of the cloth, following her design. The wax becomes hard.
Then, the artist soaks the cloth in a colourful (13)______________ dye. The wax protects
parts of the cloth. No dye can colour the cloth where the wax covers the material. Later, the 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

EEC –Chuyên luyện Tiếng Anh từ cơ bản đến IELTS 6.5+ |

artist washes the cloth and removes the wax. The cloth then has a beautiful design on it. If
the batik maker wants to add more colours, she starts again with a different
(14)______________ design. It takes a long time to make one piece of batik cloth. But the
result looks different than any other cloth in the world.

Voice 2 Batik is very important in many Asian countries. In Sri Lanka, a lot of traditional
clothing is made from this kind of cloth. However, young people did not like to
(15)________ batik. Even Keerthisena says that at first she thought it was not interesting.
But after going to fashion school, Keerthisena decided to use this traditional cloth. She told
(16)______________ Kumala Wijeratne:

Voice 4 “I needed to give newness to batik and continue this age-old tradition. I wanted to
protect an artistic sense. I used softer colours and (17)______________ colour dyes such as
tea and the yellow spice turmeric. And batik became a cool new fashion.”

Voice 1

Keerthisena used different kinds of material. She made unexpected kinds of clothing from
batik. She made clothes for swimming, shoes and even wedding (18)______________. The
result was that people in Sri Lanka became interested in wearing batik clothing. Batik is no
longer just an old fashioned tradition. It is a part of modern fashion. This increased people’s
respect of tradition. But it also has a good e(19)______________ result. Preparing,
designing and making clothes gives local people jobs.

Voice 2 Darshi Keerthisena (20)______________ many people in her factory. She says this
provides important work - particularly for women. Keerthisena also manages a project with
the poor women in her (21)_______________. She gives them her extra material. The
women then make these small pieces of batik into small objects. They sell the objects to
visiting tourists to make money for their families. 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

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Voice 1 Providing jobs, continuing traditional art and building (22)______________ in

community: these are all good results from a local fashion industry. Of course, most people
do not have enough money to buy clothing made directly by a designer. Many people do not
have time or money to (23)______________ about fashion! But local designers believe they
can have a positive influence in their communities. In Uganda, Santo Anzo says she still has
bigger (24)______________for the future:

World Heritage Sites: Protecting Cultural Treasures

Voice 1 What do the following three places have (1)______________ : the Serengeti
Desert, Edinburgh’s Old Town and the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve?

Voice 2 The Serengeti Desert is in Tanzania and Kenya, (2)_______________. It contains

thousands of kilometers of (3)______________. It also has many (4)______________of

Voice 1 Edinburgh’s Old Town is in the (5)______________of Scotland. It has many old
buildings and streets. There are very few new buildings in Edinburgh’s Old Town.

Voice 2 The Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve is near Mexico City in Mexico. It has
beautiful (6)_______________. It is also the home of millions of butterflies in the winter.

Voice 1 These three places are very different. But they are all under (7)_______________by
UNESCO: the United Nations Educational, (8)_______________, and Cultural
Organization. They are World Heritage Sites. Today’s Spotlight is on UNESCO World
Heritage Sites.

Voice 2 The story of World Heritage Sites begins more than (9)_______________3,000
years ago. At that time, the great king of Egypt built (10)______________. These holy
places were extremely large structures. But after thousands of years, people
(11)______________ about the temples. Sand (12)______________ them. 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

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Voice 1 Stories tell of a young boy named Abu Simbel who found the temples. Abu Simbel
lived in Egypt 200 years ago. He liked to (13)______________ . Sometimes, when the wind
blew, Abu Simbel would see something under the sand. He saw (14)______________ made
of rock. One day, he took an (15)______________ in Egyptian history to see the place. The
expert knew that the structure was a hidden temple. Soon after this, a team of scientists
(16)________ the temples out of the sand.

Voice 2 The ancient temples of Ramsis were (17)______________ re-discovered. But they
were not safe. More than 100 years later, the government of Egypt planned to
(18)_______________on the Nile River. The dam would make electricity for Egypt. But it
would also create a (19)________. And the lake would cover the temples in water.

Voice 1 Many people around the world did not want the temples (20)________. They felt
that the place was an important part of world history. UNESCO agreed. The organization
raised 40 million dollars from around the world to save the temples. (21)______________,
engineers took the temples apart in many pieces. They rebuilt them. The temples were now
65 meters higher and 200 meters back from the Nile River. Today, they are called the Abu
Simbel Temples, in (22)________ of the young boy who first found them.

Voice 2 The effort to save the Abu Simbel Temples was a success. UNESCO saw that this
was (23)______________. In 1972, they formed the World Heritage Committee. Every four
years, member nations elect the World Heritage Committee. 21 nations form the Committee.
This group protects places on the earth that are of great (24)_______________in the history
of humanity. These places could include a forest, mountain, lake, island, desert, building, or

Voice 1 For example, Los Glaciares National Park is in Argentina. This protected natural
area is an official World Heritage Site. The park is part of the (25)______________ of the
Andes Mountains. It has amazing blue lakes and (26)_______________. Other World
Heritage Sites in Argentina include Christian churches and an ancient system of mountain 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

EEC –Chuyên luyện Tiếng Anh từ cơ bản đến IELTS 6.5+ |

roads. Many countries have a large number of natural and (27)______________like these.
They want to protect these special spaces.

Voice 2 Any country in the world can ask for (28)______________ from UNESCO. The
countries send a list of places to the World Heritage Committee. Once a year, the World
Heritage Committee meets. They look at the (29)______________from around the world.
They ask questions like: Does this place (30)______________ great human creative
achievement? Is it important in human history, values, or cultural tradition? Does it have
amazing and wonderful (31)______________? Is it important for the environment or the
earth’s (32)______________ history? Then the committee votes on which places to protect.
When they choose a place, it officially becomes a World Heritage Site.

Voice 1 As of 2014, there were 1,007 World Heritage Sites. 779 are cultural. 197 are
natural. And 31 are both. World Heritage Sites receive a lot of (33)______________from
around the world. This helps governments raise money to protect them. The sites can also
receive money from UNESCO. This money helps to (34)______________ them and keep
them safe.

Voice 2 One place that needed this protection was the Bamiyan Valley in Afghanistan.
Today, Afghanistan is an Islamic country. But hundreds of years ago, much of it was
(35)_______________. In the 6th century, Buddhist monks built (36)______________of
Buddha. They were the tallest standing statues of Buddha in the world. Many people
thought these statues were a great (37)_______________. People came from all over the
world to see them. They (38)_______________ an important part of cultural history, when
East and West began to meet. They also represented a huge (39)______________.

Voice 1 But in 2001, the Taliban government in Afghanistan destroyed the statues.
Worshiping any statues or images other than God is against the (40)________ of Islam. The
Taliban declared that the statues were a (41)______________ of Islam. Many governments, 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.

EEC –Chuyên luyện Tiếng Anh từ cơ bản đến IELTS 6.5+ |

even Islamic governments, tried to stop the Taliban. But the Taliban still destroyed the

Voice 2 However, in 2003, the Taliban (42)_______________ of the Afghan government.

After this, UNESCO declared the Bamiyan Valley a World Heritage Site. UNESCO paid to
protect the remains of the historical places in the Bamiyan Valley. But there is still conflict
and (43)______________ in the Bamiyan Valley. The cultural remains there are still in
danger. Watch for another Spotlight story on World Heritage Sites that are
(44)_______________, like the Bamiyan Valley. 0919 340 949

16 Nguyễn Đức Thuận, P. 13, Q. Tân Bình. 106E/55 Lạc Long Quân, P. 3, Quận 11.


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