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Rubric Chemistry-I 2nd Annual Exam 2022

Section B
Subject: Chemistry SSC-I (Local 2022) Final: 23-09-2022 Time 5:05PM

Q No. Criteria Level 1 (Marks) Level 2 (Marks) Level 3 (Marks) Level 4 Level 5
Part (Marks) (Marks)
State boyles law Any relevant Wrong (0)
Correct statement (2) Partially correct (1)
2(i) drive its information (0.5)
expression Correct derivation (1) Partially correct (0.5) Wrong (0)
Write gram Wrong (0)
2(ii) atomic Correct molar masses of Correct molar masses of Correct molar mass
masses(molar C,Na and Al (3) any two (2) any one (1)
Write the electronic
2(iii) configuration of 12C6, Correct electronic Correct electronic Correct electronic Wrong answer
Mg12, and 35Cl17, configuration of three (3) configuration of two (2) configuration of one (1) (0)
Determine molecular c.) Correct Partially correct Wrong answer (0)
2(iv) masses molecular calculations (1)
a.) NH3 mass
b.) (NH2)2CO calculation of

a.) Correct Partially correct Wrong answer (0)

molecular calculations (1)
calculation of

2 (v) Write the common Correct names of Correct names of two Correct name of Wrong (0)
names of group three Groups (03) Groups (02) any one Group (01)
a. Group IA
b. Group IIA
c. Group VIIIA
2(vi) Electronic determine Correct group and Partially correct (0.5) Wrong answer (0)
group and period of period of a.1s2,
following 2s2,2p6
a.1s2, 2s2,2p6 (1)
b.1s2, 2s2,2p6, 3s2 Correct group and Partially correct (0.5) Wrong answer (0)
c.1s2, 2s2,2p3 period of b.1s2,
2s2,2p6, 3s2

Correct group and Partially correct (0.5) Wrong answer (0)

period of c.1s2,
2s2,2p3 (1)
2 (vii) What is ionization Correct definition Partially correct Partially correct Wrong
energy discuss its and trend along definition and trend definition and
trend along periodic periodic table (3) along periodic table partially correct
table (2) trend along
periodic table (1)
2(viii) Location of an All three correct Any two correct Any one correct Wrong
element 16X32 be parameters i.e. parameters (02) parameter (01) answer(0)
identified on periodic electronic
table by its electronic configuration, group
configuration and period
2 (ix) Commercial Any three correct Any two correct Any one correct Wrong
Section C

Q No. Criteria Level 1 (Marks) Level 2 (Marks) Level 3 (Marks) Level 4 (Marks) Level 5
Part No (Marks)

Statement of Charle’s Correct statement Partially correct Wrong statement (0) Wrong
3(a) Law and calculation (02) (01) statement
of initial volume of and
Ammonia gas from calculations
given data (0)
Correct calculations Calculations Calculations Wrong answer
i.e. conversion into correctly showing correctly showing (0)
kelvin scale, applying any two aspects (2) any one aspect (1)
correct formula and
correct answer
Definition of Isotopes Correct definition of Partially correct Wrong definition (0)
3(b) and its Importance isotopes (1) (0.5)
and uses in daily life
Any four correct Any three correct Any two correct Any one correct Wrong (0)
uses/importance of uses/importance of uses/importance of use/importance of
isotopes in daily life isotopes in daily isotopes in daily life isotopes in daily
(04) life (02) life
(03) (01)
Explanation of Correct Partially correct i.e. Showing any one Wrong answer
4(a) electron affinity and definition/explanation showing any two correct aspect (0)
electronegativity of electron affinity aspects (01)
along with their and its trend in groups (02)
trends in periodic and periods
table (03)
Correct Partially correct i.e. Showing any one Wrong answer
definition/explanation showing any two correct aspect (0)
of electronegativity aspects (01)
and its trend in groups (02)
and periods
Formation of covalent Correct Partially correct Wrong answer (0)
4(b) bond and description formation/definition formation/definitio
of single, double and of covalent bond n (0.5)
triple covalent bonds (01)
between two non- Correct description of Partially correct Wrong answer (0)
metallic atoms with single covalent bond (0.5)
the help of structures formation with the help
of structure
Correct description of Partially correct Wrong answer (0)
double covalent bond (0.5)
formation with the help
of structure
Correct description of Partially correct Wrong answer (0)
triple covalent bond (0.5)
formation with the help
of structure
5 (a) Definition of Molarity Correct definition of Partially correct Wrong definition
and calculating Molarity definition (0)
molarity of the given (01) (0.5)
Applying any correct Any three correct Any two correct Partially correct Wrong
formula, correct aspects (3) aspects (2) response (1) answer (0)
calculations and
correct answer along
with correct unit
5(b) Explanation of Correctly explaining Partially correct Any correct Wrong answer (0)
electrolytic refining of electrolytic refining of response (2) relevant
copper and showing copper (03) information (1)
anode, cathode and Correctly showing Partially correct Wrong attempt (0)
flow of electrons in a anode, cathode and response (01)
sketched diagram flow of electrons in a
sketched diagram

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