O-Levels Pure Mathematics Exemplar

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General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level


SPECIMEN PAPER 2 hours 30 minutes
Candidates answer on the question paper.
Additional materials: Formulae booklet
Mathematical tables/ electronic calculator

Allow candidates 5 minutes to count pages before the examination.

This booklet should not be punched or stapled and pages should not be removed.
TIME 2 hours 30 minutes
Write your name, Centre number and candidate number in the spaces at the top of this page and
your Centre number and Candidate number on the top right corner of every page of this paper.
Answer all questions.
Check that all the pages are in the booklet and ask the invigilator for a replacement if there are
duplicate or missing pages.
Write your answers in the spaces provided on the question paper using black or blue pens.
If working is needed for any question it must be shown in the space below that question.
Omission of essential working will result in loss of marks.
Decimal answers which are not exact should be given correct to three significant figures unless
stated otherwise. Answers in degrees should be given correct to one decimal place.


The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.
Electronic calculators or Mathematical tables may be used to evaluate explicit numerical expressions.


This specimen paper consists of 13 printed pages and 3 blank page.

Copyright: Zimbabwe School Examinations Council, Specimen.

©ZIMSEC Specimen paper [Turn over

Answer all questions

1 Solve the simultaneous equations:

y = x 2 +5x -3

2y = 3x -2

Answer ______________________________________

______________________________________ [5]

2 (i) Find the gradient of the curve y = x 2 + 𝑥 ≠ 0, at a point P (2; 16).

Answer (i) ___________________________________ [2]

(ii) The tangent to the curve in (i) at P meets the x - axis at A and the y - axis at B.

Calculate the area of the triangle AOB where O is the origin.

Answer (ii) _________________________________ [3]

4027/1 Specimen paper

3 (a) A circular cylinder has radius r cm, height 4r cm and volume V .
Express V in terms of r and hence find .

Answer ______________________________________ [2]

( )( )
(b) The coefficient of x 3 in the expansion of 2+ ax 1-3x is 405.
Find the value of a.

Answer _______________________________________ [3]

4 The points A, B and C have coordinates (– 2; 1), (3; 11) and (– 1; 8)

respectively. The line from C is perpendicular to AB and meets AB at the
point N.

(a) Find the equations of AB and CN.

Answer ______________________________________ [4]

(b) Calculate the coordinates of N.

Answer ______________________________________ [3]

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5 (a) Solve the inequality x 2 + 4x -5 <5x -3.

Answer __________________________________________ [4]

(b) The expressions x 3 - ax + a2 and ax 3 + x 2 -17 have the same

remainder when divided by . Find the possible values of a.

Answer __________________________________________ [4]

6 A function f is defined by f : x ® 5- , x ¹ 0.

(a) Find ()
f -1 x .

Answer _________________________________________ [3]

4027/1 Specimen paper
6 (b) ()
Find the value of x for which f -1 x is undefined.

Answer _________________________________ [3]

(c) Find the values of x for which f x () ()

= f -1 x .

Answer _________________________________ [4]

7 The position vectors of points A and B relative to an origin O, are

OA = 10i + 9j and OB = 14i + 2j

(a) Find angle AOB.

Answer _______________________________ [4]

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7 (b) A third point P has position vector = qi+13j.

Find the

(i) vector in terms of q,

Answer _______________________________ [1]

(ii) vector in terms of q,

Answer ________________________________ [1]

(ii) values of q for which and are perpendicular,

Answer ________________________________ [3]

(iii) value of q for which and are equal in length.

Answer ________________________________ [3]

4027/1 Specimen paper
8 The following table shows the experimental values of two variables x and y.

x 7 8 9 10 11 12

y 40 46 53 60 69 78

The variables x and y are related by the equation y = ax 2 + b.

(a) Draw a suitable straight line graph on page 7 .

Answer on graph [7]

(b) Use the graph to estimate the

(i) values of a and b,

Answer a = _____________________________________

b = _____________________________________ [3]

(iii) value of y when x = 8,4.

Answer y = _________________________ [2]


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8 (a)


4027/1 Specimen paper

ò (3sin x - 4cos2x )dx

9 (a) Evaluate 2

Answer _______________________________ [4]

(b) Given that, Sin b = p where b is an acute angle measured in

degrees, obtain an expression, in terms of p, for

(i) tan b,

Answer _______________________________ [2]

(iii) Sin ( 180 + b ).

Answer ______________________________ [2]

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The diagram shows a sector OAB of a circle centre O and radius 12cm.
AÔB = q radians. The area of the sector is 150 .

Calculate the

(i) size of angle AOB,

Answer _______________________ [2]

(ii) length of arc AB.

Answer ______________________ [2]

4027/1 Specimen paper
10 A curve is represented parametrically by

x = t 2 +3t ; y = t 2 -2t.


(a) an expression for in terms of t,

Answer ___________________________ [4]

(b) the coordinates of the stationary point of the curve.

Answer _________________________ [4]

(c) the values of t at the points of intersection of the curve with the
line 4y + x = 10,

Answer _______________________ [4]

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11 (a) Find

4x 2 + 3
(i) ò x 2 dx ,

Answer _____________________________ [3]

ò (2x -1) dx.


Answer ____________________________ [2]

(b) Find the range of values of p for which the roots of the equation

( )
3x 2 -3px + p2 - p-3 = 0 are real.

Answer _____________________________ [4]

4027/1 Specimen paper
(c) The diagram shows part of the curve y = 2+ , 𝑥 ≠ −1.
x +1

Find the volume generated when the shaded area is rotated through 360
about the x-axis.

Answer ______________________________ [3]

4027/1 Specimen paper

4027/1 Specimen paper

4027/1 Specimen paper

4027/1 Specimen paper
General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level


SPECIMEN PAPER 2 hours 30 minutes
Candidates answer on the question paper.
Additional materials: Data booklet
Mathematical tables/ electronic calculator
Allow candidates 5 minutes to count pages before the examination.

This booklet should not be punched or stapled and pages should not be removed.
TIME 2 hours 30 minutes
Write your name, Centre number and candidate number in the spaces at the top of this page and
your Centre number and Candidate number on the top right corner of every page of this paper.
Answer all questions in Section A and any four from Section B.
Check that all the pages are in the booklet and ask the invigilator for a replacement if there are
duplicate or missing pages.
Write your answers in the spaces provided on the question paper using black or blue pens.
If working is needed for any question it must be shown in the space below that question.
Omission of essential working will result in loss of marks.
Decimal answers which are not exact should be given correct to three significant figures unless
stated otherwise. Answers in degrees should be given correct to one decimal place.


The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.
Electronic calculators or Mathematical tables may be used to evaluate explicit numerical expressions.

This specimen paper consists of 18 printed pages and 2 blank pages.
Copyright: Zimbabwe School Examinations Council, Specimen.

©ZIMSEC Specimen paper [Turn over

Section A [52 marks]

Answer all questions in this Section.

1 (a) Functions f and g are defined by

1 1
f :x® , x¹
3x -1 3

g : x ® x 2 -1.

Find an expression for

(i) fg ( x ),

Answer ___________________ [2]

(ii) f -1 ( x ),

Answer ________________________ [2]


Answer ________________________ [2]

4027/2 Specimen paper
(b) Solve the inequality;

( x - 2) ( x + 3) >0
( x - 4)

Answer _______________________________ [3]

2 (a) Solve the simultaneous equations;

4x - 3y =15
8x 2 - 27y = 45

Answer ______________________________ [4]

(sin x + cos x)

(b) Prove the identity º 2 + sec x cosec x.

sinx cos x



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(c) Solve the equation sin 2  + 2sin  cos  = 0 for 0 o £  £ 360.

Answer _____________________________ [3]

æ xö
3 (a) (i) Expand ç1- ÷ in ascending powers of x, up to and including
è 3ø

the term in x3.

Answer ______________________ [3]

(ii) State the set of values of x for which the expansion is valid.

Answer __________________________ [2]

(b) Find the range of values of p for which the equation x 2 - 2 px + 3p = 0 has
real roots.

Answer _______________________ [4]

4027/2 Specimen paper

4 (a) The table shows experimental values of two quantities x and y which are
connected by the equation y = kbx.

x 1 2 3 4
y 30 75 190 470

(i) Draw an approximate straight line graph on the grid on page 6

Answer on graph [3]

(ii) Use the graph to estimate the values of k and b.

Answer k = _____________________

b = _____________________ [3]

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4 (a) (i)

4027/2 Specimen paper

4 (b) Two points A and B have coordinates (-2;-3) and ( 7;4) respectively.
The perpendicular bisector of the line joining A and B meets the y-axis
at C. Calculate the coordinates of point C.

Answer _______________________ [4]

5 (a) A particle P travels in a straight line from a fixed point O. Its velocity,
v m/s is given by v = t 2 -10t + 24, where t is the time in seconds after
leaving O.

Find the

(i) values of t for which P is instantaneously at rest,

Answer _____________________ [2]

(ii) distance OP when t = 3,

Answer ___________________________ [2]

(iii) range of values of t for which the acceleration is negative.

Answer _____________________________ [2]

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[Turn over

(b) O, P and Q are three points such that OP = 3i + 4 j and OQ = 7i + l j .

(i) Find in terms of l .

Answer __________________________ [2]

(ii) Given that OP̂Q = 90o , calculate the value of l .

Answer _________________________________ [3]

(iii) Show that triangle OPQ is isosceles.

Answer ___________________________ [3]

4027/2 Specimen paper

Section B [48 marks]

Answer any four questions in this section.

Each question in this section carries 12 marks

6 (a) The remainder when x 3 - 5x + a is divided by x + 3 is twice the remainder

when it is divided by x - 2. Find the value of a.

Answer ______________________________ [4]

(b) An arithmetic progression has 14 terms. The sum of the odd terms (i.e.
1st , 3rd, 5th etc.) is 40 and the sum of the even terms (i.e. 2nd, 4th, 6th
etc.) is 161

Find the

(i) first term and the common difference of the progression,

Answer __________________________ [6]

(ii) 14th term.

Answer __________________________ [2]

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7 (a) OAB is a sector of a circle with centre O and radius 6 cm. The mid-point
of OA and OB are C and D respectively. CD is a straight line.

Given that angle AOB = 0,9 radians, calculate the:

(i) length of the arc AB,

Answer _________________________ [2]

(ii) area of the shaded region.

Answer ____________________________ [4]

4027/2 Specimen paper

(b) A rectangular block is such that the sides of its base are of length
x cm and 3x cm. The sum of the lengths of all its edges is 200 cm.

Find the

(i) volume, v cm3 in terms of x,

Answer _________________________ [3]

(ii) value of x for which v has a maximum value.

Answer ___________________________ [3]

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8 (a) The diagram shows part of the curve y2 = 10x – x2 and the straight
line y = 2x.

Calculate the

(i) area of the shaded part,

Answer _________________________ [4]

4027/2 Specimen paper

(ii) volume of the solid generated when the shaded region is

rotated through 360 about the x-axis.

Answer ________________________________ [4]

(b) Find the gradient of the curve x 2 + y2 + 5x - 4y + 7 = 0 at the point

(-4; 3) .

Answer __________________________ [4]

9 (i) Expand in ascending powers of x up to and including the term

in x2.

Answer ________________________ [4]

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(ii) State the range of values of x for which the expansion is valid.

Answer _______________________________ [2]

(iii) By using x = in the expansion, find an approximation for

leaving the answer in the form .

Answer ____________________________ [6]

10 (a) Evaluate dx
2x + 3

Answer ___________________________ [3]

4027/2 Specimen paper

(b) A curve is defined parametrically by the equations.

1 1
x = t+ , y = t-
t t


(i) in terms of t,

Answer ________________________________ [3]

(ii) the values of t at the points on the curve where = 3,

Answer ______________________________ [2]

æ 5 3ö
(iii) the equation of the tangent to the curve at the point ç ; ÷.
è2 2ø

Answer _______________________ [4]

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11 (a) Solve the equation 4 x+1 = 162 x.

Answer ________________________ [3]

(b) (i) Express 2 cos  – 5 sin  in the form r cos (q + a ).

Answer ___________________________ [3]

(ii) Hence solve the equation

2 cos  – 5 sin  = 2 for 0 <  < 360.

Answer _____________________________ [3]


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(c) Solve the equation 2x - 3 = 3x.

Answer __________________________ [3]

12 (a) The time of swing T, of a simple pendulum of length x units is given by

T = k x, where k is a constant. Find in terms of d x and x an
expression for the approximate value of

(i) d T,

Answer ____________________________ [4]

(ii) .

Answer ___________________________ [3]


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(b) A geometric progression is such that the 4th term is twice the 3rd term.
Given that the 7th term is 512, find

(i) the first term and the common ratio,

Answer ___________________________ [3]

(ii) the sum of the first 10 terms of the progression.

Answer ________________________________ [2]

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4027/2 Specimen paper

4027/2 Specimen paper

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