EPIC Reopening Policies - Procedures

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EPIC Reopening Policies & Procedures

East Plano Islamic Center (EPIC) will partially reopen on Saturday June 6, 2020 for Fajr, Isha
and Jumu’ah prayers with certain restrictions. These restrictions will need to be adhered to so
that EPIC will stay in compliance with the guidelines provided by CDC / WHO, medical experts,
EPIC scholarship, and keeping in consideration the operational and logistical challenges for the
safety of our community members. This document details the policies and procedures for the
reopening of the initial phase

EPIC will only open for Fajr, Isha and Jumu’ah prayers. The timings for opening and closing of
the building for each prayer are listed in the table below. The building will be closed at all other

Prayer Open Time Close Time

Fajr 5:00 AM 5:45 AM
Isha 9:45 PM 10:30 PM
Jumu’ah 1 1:30 PM 2:15 PM
Jumu’ah 2 3:15 PM 4:00 PM

Note:- Any updates to the schedule will be separately communicated

No Khatiras or lectures will be offered at EPIC in person

Designated Praying Area

All prayers will take place in the gymnasium. No other area will be used for the prayers. The
bathrooms and wudu area will remain closed at all times.

All community members are expected to abide by the following requirements in order to enter
the building
● Admission is on First-Come-First-Serve-Basis until the capacity is reached
● Wear a face mask
● Bring a prayer mat or rug. No sharing of prayer mat or rug with others will be allowed
● Bring a plastic bag for your shoes
● Make wudu at home as EPIC’s bathroom, wudu areas and water fountains will remain
closed at all times
● No socializing or gathering in and around the masjid before or after prayers
● Anyone with cough or flu like symptoms will be requested to leave
● Everyone is expected to leave by the closing time for each prayer aforementioned in the
schedule section
● No prayers allowed outside of the designated area

End-to-End Flow
The complete end-to-end flow for entering and exiting the building for the specified prayers is as
1. Brothers will enter using the side entrance and exit through the backdoor of the
2. Sisters will enter and exit through gymnasium door in the back adjacent to the ladies
3. While waiting to enter the building everyone is expected to maintain safe distance from
each other
4. The prayer spots are identified and marked appropriately in the gymnasium. Everyone is
required to occupy an available spot
5. After the prayer is completed please follow the directions from Imam to exit
6. Everyone is expected to leave the building before the closing time of each prayer

In order to keep yourself and others safe the following are highly recommended
1. If you are high risk, sick, live with high risk person or a front line healthcare worker
seeing patients, pray at home
2. If you or someone you know have come in contact with a positive COVID-19 person in
the past 14 days, pray at home
3. If you have traveled in the past 14 days, pray at home
4. If you are experiencing any symptoms of sickness, pray at home
5. Children under the age of 15 years, pray at home
6. Adults 65 years and older, pray at home

Janaza Prayer
Non COVID-19 related janaza prayer will be allowed at EPIC with proper certification or note
from a certified physician. The total attendees for the prayer cannot be more than the allowed
capacity. All the above rules will apply

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