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S No Sub-Process Control Objectives

R6 Contracts To ensure that standard templates are ready for different types of contracts to
be executed.

R7 Contracts To ensure that contract is clear in terms of the scope of works clearly stating
what information is required from each of the parties and what is required to
be delivered.
R8 Contracts To ensure the contract include a requirement that both parties protect
personal information, and is there a penalty for not doing so?
R9 Contracts To ensure that contract has clauses embedded which allows for extensions in
time for execution or delivery of the project for reasons very well highlighted
in the contract.

R10 Contracts To ensure that each contract had been undertaken for review and vetted by
the contract department.
R11 Contracts To ensure that adequate, proper reference and credit checks have been
completed on parties to the contract.
R12 Contracts To ensure that there is clause for termination which defines the
circumstances that allow the parties to terminate the contract.
R13 Contracts To ensure that termination clause covers what shall happen on the
termination of the contract.
R14 Contracts To ensure that due diligence requirements (i.e. frequency of review of vendor
relationship; document/information required to perform review; right to vendor
testing) are very well embedded in the contracts.
R15 Contracts To ensure that contracts has clause demanding the business continuity plans
of the other party to the contract.
R16 Contracts To ensure that contracts has non solicitation clause.
R17 Contracts To ensure that contracts has other clauses like Force Majeure,
Enforceability/Waiver, Notice, Jurisdiction.
R18 Contracts To ensure that there is right to monitor and audit for contractual compliance.

R19 Contracts To ensure contract adequately address the rights of entity to subcontract all
or some works to subcontractors.
R20 Contracts To ensure that contract contain adequate provision for formalisation of
changes or variations throughout the term of the contract.
R21 Contracts To ensure that contract contain minimum service levels defined in the
R22 Contracts To ensure that invoicing terms and payment methods are clearly specificed in
the relevant clauses for the contract.
R23 Contracts To ensure that risk assessment was undertaken and risk sheet was
presented and approved by management.

R24 Contracts To ensure that contract has a clearly defined term and renewal clauses
R25 Contracts To ensure that all attachments or appendixes as listed in contract clause
exists in the final contract ready to be signed.

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R26 Contracts To ensure that penalties provision are embedded and agreed to by all parties
R27 Contracts To ensure that insurance provisions are embedded to cover the risks
originating from the contract and evidence of insurance coverage.
R28 Contracts To ensure that imdeminity provisions are embedded that will hold the entity
harmless, imdemnify and defend?
R29 Contracts To ensure that warranty provisions are embedded and clear term is defined
covered by the warranty provision.
R30 Contracts To ensure that contract has the list of specific circumstances, actions, or
failures that will be considered breaches of contract.
R31 Contracts To ensure that contract has assignment clause embedded.
R32 Contracts To ensure that contract has mediation or arbitration clause and it is clear that
the parties can only settle disputes in a certain way or requires that
alternative dispute resolution be attempted before any dispute can be heard
in court?
To ensure that arbitration clause is embedded and rules clearly states for
selecting an arbiter from a reputable organization.

R33 Contracts To ensure that there is a process in place to ensure that parties signing the
contract are the ones authorised on behalf of the entity.
R34 Contracts To ensure that all contracts are uploaded on to safe site with a restricted
access only to relevant stakeholders or to contract management
R35 Contracts To ensure that automatic notifications are being generated by the CMS as
and when a contract nears its expiry or renewal time.

R36 Contracts To ensure that all discounts or incentives or rebates as per the contract are
actually invoked/executed.
R37 Contracts To ensure that post close of the contracts, an evaluation is done, all
documentation is collected and deliverables are checked for their

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Control Description

There are standard templates for different types of contracts but they come for agreement/review or
vetting directly from client side through AIC sales department. The contracts department in turn
reviews the terms and conditions, gives its recommendations on commercial and legal aspects and
providing the risk analysis for possible mitigation or removal of the specific contractual clauses to
the sales team. This could be pre contract and post contract as well depending on the client

Yes.The checklist maintained for different types of contract to make sure that all standard required
contractual clauses are embedded in being maintained internally by the contracts manager and the
The protection of personal information in the form of Intellectual Property rights is coming from the
client and are agreed by the AIC.
Most of contracts have clauses embedded for changes/work variations and time extensions, a time
limit as well for the completion of the project and circumstances which, if beyond the contol of AIC,
would entitle AIC for the claiming the extension of time within a certain duration.

Yes, each and every contract shall be undertaken for review and final approval by the contracts
manager and the GM.
The reference and credit checks, if any, shall be imposed by client/customer only and not the other
way around and usually are not include in the contract itself.
Termination clause vary from client to client and very well included in the contract itself from the
client side.
Yes it covers the situations when the AIC would be considered in default and it might specify the
discretionary power of the client to terminate the contract.
If at all, would come from client side only and not employed or asked for by AIC itself.

This is part of exceptional circumstances agreed to by both the parties in the agreement.

Yes but coming from the client side and not from AIC side.

If at all, would come from client side only.

Yes there is a clause for the same but client approval is required.


Rather than minimum service level agreements, there is defects liability period clause agreed to by
both parties which could range from 12 months to 4 years.
Yes and it is based on project to project and client to client. Nothing standard as such.

Yes, risks are highlighted, presented to sales/projects. The approval for the risk sheet is from the
contracts manager and GM itself but depending on the requirements, there might be an approval
required from the President as well.
The renewal clauses are not applicable in such types of contracts.


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Yes but from the client side.

Yes and from both the sides.


Through defects liability period clause.

Yes and from both the sides.

Though there never has been a case in the last 5 years that AIC had gone to arbitration but there is
an office in UK, which is a direct deal between UK office and AIC office for any situtations which
might demand arbitration. There is no mention of the name or office of the arbitrator and for
arbitration clause to be valid, three things are required; the governing law, the rules and the venue.
These things are actually stated in the arbitration clause.

The authorised signatories are verified through attestation of the agreement from Chambers of
No, maintained in the excel sheets only. There is no link with the IFS as well.

This is not applicable as there is no system in place and also the contracts nature is such that
unless they are completed to the satisfaction of the customer, it will be deemed as not complete.
Also there are no renewals for such type of contracts.
No, the payment amount, terms and timings are all agreed in the contract itself.

Projects team is the one who has this reponsibility.

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