Bahasa Ingris Udah D Jawab

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Fakultas Hukum

Universitas Islam Bandung

Jl. Tamansari No.1 Bandung


MATA KULIAH : Bahasa Inggris Hukum 2
PROGRAM STUDI / KELAS : Hukum/ A-G (Kurla dan Kurba)
DOSEN PEMBINA : Yuristia Wira C., M.Hum.
SIFAT UJIAN/WAKTU : Take Home/75 Menit

Part A. Make a sentence using the words below! (2 points)

1.[Collision] .


1. Sector four-niner is reporting a collision between two comm satellites.

2. During aviation from New York to Sydney,Taylor has doing twice vocal exercise for
her world tour.
3. The spread is too rapid for any bone disease or genetic condition.
4.Everything so congested with high-tech overload, that you was starting to feel a little
5.The captives exceed our number.

Part B. Describe this picture and give solution(s). Make at least FOUR sentences! (20
The picture describe about road condition with holes. roads that are supposed to be
comfortable and safe to pass by vehicles are now potholes. It should get a quick response
from the government to overcome the occurrenceaccidents due to potholes. Based on law no
24 paragraph 1 of 2009, that if the government leaves the road damaged, it can be subject to
sanctions according to the law. Therefore if there is one facilitythe public especially the
damaged roads, the government must quickly respond and fix it.
Part C. Answer this question based on your experience. You need to answer it with at least

FIVE sentences in chronological order! (20 points)

In Philadelphia (1993) film, Andrew Beckett was fired due to his illness. Please write similar

case of discrimination which you have experienced recently! Write and tell your experience in a

chronological order.

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