ERM Session5

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Empirical Research Methods Session Topic

1 Course introduction, The nature and process of business research

Session 5 Research approaches (qualitative, quantitative, mixed-methods),

Problem structure and research designs (exploratory, descriptive and causal)
3 Research proposal, Measurement

4 Qualitative research methods, Quantitative research methods

5 Research instruments (i.e., design of a questionnaire), Sampling

6 Data analysis in qualitative versus quantitative research

7 Presentation, Feedback and Q&A

Dr. Sandra Pauser, M.A. 8 Presentation, Feedback and Q&A

9 Final Exam

130 | Dr. Sandra Pauser

Research Instruments Research Instruments

„ Research Instruments à questionnaire, qualitative techniques, technological „ Research Instruments à questionnaire, qualitative techniques, technological
devices devices
„ Questionnaire: closed questions (dichotomous question, multiple choice, Likert- „ Questionnaire:
scale, semantic differential, importance scale) or open-ended questions (Word „ Ensure questions are free of bias
association, sentence completion, story completion)
„ Make questions simple and specific
„ Qualitative techniques: word association, projective techniques, laddering, „ Avoid jargon
visualization, brand personification
„ Avoid sophisticated and ambiguous words
„ Technological devices: eye tracking, sociometric badge, program analyzer, ... „ Avoid negatives and hypotheticals
„ Avoid words that could be misheard
„ Use mutually exclusive categories
„ Allow for ‘other’ in fixed response questions (Kotler et al., 2009)

131 | Dr. Sandra Pauser 132 | Dr. Sandra Pauser

Research Instruments Research Instruments
„ Research Instruments à questionnaire, qualitative techniques, technological „ Research Instruments à questionnaire, qualitative techniques, technological
devices devices
„ Questionnaire (Question types) „ Questionnaire (Question types)
„ Dichotomous question „ Semantic differential
In arranging this trip, did you contact Austrian Airlines? Please rate the brand Austrian Airlines:
£ Yes £ No Large ………………………………...…….Small
„ Likert-scale Modern……………………….…..Old-fashioned
Indicate your level of agreement with the following statement: Small airlines
generally give better service than large ones.
„ Importance scale
£ Strongly disagree
Airline food service is _____ to me.
£ Disagree
£ Extremely important
£ Neither agree nor disagree
£ Very important
£ Agree
£ Somewhat important
£ Strongly agree
£ Not very important
£ Not at all important
133 | Dr. Sandra Pauser 134 | Dr. Sandra Pauser

Research Instruments Research Instruments

„ Research Instruments à questionnaire, qualitative techniques, technological „ Research Instruments à questionnaire, qualitative techniques, technological
devices devices
„ Questionnaire (Question types) „ Qualitative measures:
„ Word association „ Word association
What is the first word that comes to your mind when you hear the following?
Airline ________________________ „ Projective techniques
British ________________________ „ Visualization
Travel ________________________
„ Laddering

„ Sentence completion
When I choose an airline, the most important consideration in my decision is:

135 | Dr. Sandra Pauser 136 | Dr. Sandra Pauser

Research Instruments Research Instruments
„ Research Instruments à questionnaire, qualitative techniques, technological „ Research Instruments à questionnaire, qualitative techniques, technological
devices devices
„ Qualitative measures: „ Technological devices:
„ Projective technique „ Galvanometer

„ Tachistoscope

„ Eye camera, eye tracker

„ Audiometer


„ Sociometric badge

„ Program analyzer

137 | Dr. Sandra Pauser 138 | Dr. Sandra Pauser

Research Instruments Research Instruments

„ Research Instruments à questionnaire, qualitative techniques, technological „ Research Instruments à questionnaire, qualitative techniques, technological
devices devices
„ Technological devices: „ Technological devices:
„ Galvanometer „ Galvanometer

„ Tachistoscope „ Tachistoscope

„ Eye camera, eye tracker „ Eye camera, eye tracker

„ Audiometer „ Audiometer


„ Sociometric badge „ Sociometric badge

„ Program analyzer „ Program analyzer

139 | Dr. Sandra Pauser 140 | Dr. Sandra Pauser

Research Instruments Research Instruments
„ Research Instruments à questionnaire, qualitative techniques, technological „ Research Instruments à questionnaire, qualitative techniques, technological
devices devices
„ Technological devices: „ Technological devices:
„ Galvanometer „ Galvanometer

„ Tachistoscope „ Tachistoscope

„ Eye camera, eye tracker „ Eye camera, eye tracker

„ Audiometer „ Audiometer


„ Sociometric badge „ Sociometric badge

„ Program analyzer „ Program analyzer

141 | Dr. Sandra Pauser 142 | Dr. Sandra Pauser

Research Instruments Research Instruments

„ Research Instruments à questionnaire, qualitative techniques, technological „ Research Instruments à questionnaire, qualitative techniques, technological
devices devices
„ Technological devices: „ Technological devices:
„ Galvanometer „ Galvanometer

„ Tachistoscope „ Tachistoscope

„ Eye camera, eye tracker „ Eye camera, eye tracker

„ Audiometer „ Audiometer


„ Sociometric badge „ Sociometric badge

„ Program analyzer „ Program analyzer

143 | Dr. Sandra Pauser 144 | Dr. Sandra Pauser

Sampling Sampling
„ Population: the universe of units from which the sample is to be selected „ Sampling error:
„ Sample: the segment of population that is selected for investigation „ Difference between sample and population

„ Sampling frame: list of all units „ Biased sample does not represent population

„ Representative sample: a sample that reflects the population accurately - some groups are over-represented; others are under-represented

„ Sample bias: distortion in the representativeness „ Sources of bias

„ Probability sample: sample selected using random selection - non-probability sampling, inadequate sample frame, non-response

„ Non-probability sample: sample selected not using random selection method „ Probability sampling reduces sampling error and allows for inferential statistics

„ Sampling error: difference between sample and population

„ Non-response: when members of sample are unable or refuse to take part
„ Census: data collected from entire population

145 | Dr. Sandra Pauser 146 | Dr. Sandra Pauser

Sampling Sampling
„ 3 types of probability sampling
„ Types of samples:
„ Simple random sample
„ Probability sample
- Simple random sample „ Stratified random sample

- Stratified random sample „ Multi-stage cluster sample

- Cluster (area) sample or Multi-stage cluster sample

„ Non-probability sample
- Convenience sample
- Judgment sample
- Quota sample

147 | Dr. Sandra Pauser 148 | Dr. Sandra Pauser

Sampling Sampling
„ 3 types of probability sampling „ 3 types of probability sampling
„ Simple random sample „ Stratified random sample

„ Each unit has an equal probability of selection „ Starting point is to categorize population into ‘strata’ (e.g. relevant divisions, or
departments of companies)
„ Sampling fraction: n/N, where n = sample size and N = population size
„ The sample can be proportionately representative of each stratum
„ List all units and number them consecutively
„ Then, randomly select within each category as for a simple random sample
„ Use random numbers table to select units

149 | Dr. Sandra Pauser 150 | Dr. Sandra Pauser

Sampling Sampling
„ 3 types of probability sampling
„ Sampling plan:
„ Multi-stage cluster sample
„ Sampling unit: Who is to be surveyed?
„ Useful for widely dispersed populations
„ Sample size: How many people should be
„ First, divide population into groups (clusters) of units, for example, geographic surveyed?
areas or industries.
„ Sampling procedure: How should the respondents
„ Sub-clusters (sub-groups) can then be sampled from these clusters, if be chosen?
„ Now randomly select units from each (sub)cluster.

„ Collect data from each cluster of units, consecutively.

Universe Sample

151 | Dr. Sandra Pauser 152 | Dr. Sandra Pauser

„ Contact methods:
„ Mail

„ Telephone

„ Personal

„ Online

153 | Dr. Sandra Pauser

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