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Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, August 22-26 2006

Jazz, blues and the language of harmony: Flexibility in

online harmonic processing
Elizabeth Lhost Richard Ashley
Cognitive Science Program School of Music
Northwestern University Northwestern University
Evanston, IL 60208, USA Evanston, IL 60208, USA

Using ideas from linguistic research and music theory, this
study examines online harmonic processing, focusing on Music; Language; Harmony; Perception; Processing; Ex-
the effects of contextual cues and schematic expectation. pectation.
In this study, participants listened to songs in the 12-bar
jazz-blues style, which we manipulated to fulfill graded INTRODUCTION
categories of appropriateness. Target chords occurred in Harmonic structure in music parallels syntactic struc-
three locations (early, middle and late) and fit, fit moder- ture in language (Bernstein, 1973; Besson & Schön, 2003;
ately well, or did not fit within the context based on theo- Sloboda 1985), and recent studies in music perception sug-
retical assumptions about and a statistical analysis of songs gest processing music is analogous to processing speech.
in this style. Evidence from judgments of fit shows an Both modalities utilize rule-based systems with hierarchical
ability to differentiate between appropriate and inappropri- structures to generate complex acoustic information. In
ate chords, thus suggesting the influence of harmonic ex- language, rules of syntax govern speech production; har-
pectation during listening. Additionally, longer latencies monic rules perform the same role in music (Lerdahl &
for responses to ambiguous chords suggest an attempt to Jackendoff, 1983; Sloboda, 1985). Because this analogous
integrate anomalies into an appropriate hierarchical struc- relationship exists, evidence from linguistic research pro-
ture. These results support the hypothesis that people ac- vides a useful scaffold for the study of music perception.
commodate certain chord substitutions within the jazz- In fact, recent studies in music perception that use this
blues form while rejecting others, and take longer to decide analogy improved our understanding of not only musical
when chord category is more ambiguous. These results processing but also the connections between these do-
provide insight into harmonic processing and online devel- mains. Besson, Faïta, Peretz, Bonnel and Requin (1998)
opment of expectations and strengthen the comparison be- conducted a study comparing physiological brain responses
tween language and music. elicited by semantic incongruities (i.e., inappropriate
words) to those elicited by harmonic incongruities (i.e., out
In: M. Baroni, A. R. Addessi, R. Caterina, M. Costa (2006) Proceedings of key chords). Their study questions whether the same
of the 9th International Conference on Music Perception & Cognition cognitive systems process the lyrics (i.e., words) and tune
(ICMPC9), Bologna/Italy, August 22-26 2006.©2006 The Society for (i.e., music notes) of a song. Their results reveal separate
Music Perception & Cognition (SMPC) and European Society for the processing systems for speech and music but illustrate
Cognitive Sciences of Music (ESCOM). Copyright of the content of an
individual paper is held by the primary (first-named) author of that pa- similarities between those systems. In a study examining a
per. All rights reserved. No paper from this proceedings may be repro- similar question, Patel, Gibson, Ratner, Besson, and Hol-
duced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or me- comb (1998) demonstrated cognitive parallels in the proc-
chanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information essing of syntax in language and harmony in music. Com-
retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the paper's primary
author. No other part of this proceedings may be reproduced or transmit-
paring neurophysiological responses to syntactic and har-
ted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including monic violations revealed a similar time-course for and
photocopying, recording, or by any information retrieval system, without location of brain activity.
permission in writing from SMPC and ESCOM.

ISBN 88-7395-155-4 © 2006 ICMPC 1282

ICMPC9 Proceedings

These results demonstrate perceptual attentiveness to in which harmonic abnormalities appear, and chose the
violations of harmonic structure comparable to such viola- specific harmonic context of the 12-bar jazz-blues form for
tions in language. This sensitivity suggests a processing our inquiry. This form is unique in that it begins with a
paradigm for music similar to the garden-path theory in basic linear progression from tonic (I) to subdominant (IV),
language. When people listen to (or read) sentences, they back to tonic (I), to dominant (V), and back to tonic (I)
use templates derived from past experience to attach new again within the 12-bars, but as Steedman’s (1984) analysis
words to a syntactic structure generated by earlier words as of this form indicates, the jazz-blues style permits a number
quickly as possible (Frazier, 1987; 1989). Incongruities of harmonic transformations. Figure 1 illustrates several of
and anomalies interfere with this process because they do the transformations this form permits.
not integrate easily; they disrupt the listening process in
Possible chord progressions in the 12-bar form.
language and music as results from Patel et al. (1998) and
other studies demonstrate. As a result of this work and a. I IV I I7 IV IV I I V7 V7 I I
other studies (Koelsch, Gunter, Schröger, & Friederici, a.’ I IV I I 7
IIm V 7
2000; Koelsch, Gunter, Yves, Cramon, Zysset, Lohmann
and Friederici, 2002; Koelsch & Mulder, 2002), some of a.’’ I IV I I7 IV IV I VI7 IIm7 V7 I I
7 7 7 7 7
the cognitive processes formerly argued to be language- a.’’ I IV I I IV IV IIIm VI IIm V I I
specific no longer appear to be restricted to language but ’
instead appear to be restricted to the processing of abstract ---------------------------------etc.------------------------------
rules and regularities like those present in language and
music. Figure 1. Steedman (1996) shows the generation of more
Similarities between reactions to violations support complex 12-bar phrases through the backwards propaga-
claims for similar processing mechanisms for syntax and tion of the final authentic cadence.
harmony. Studies comparing these reactions suggest that As Figure 1 illustrates, the 12-bar form breaks down into
whether listening to speech or music, people generate hier- three four-bar phrases. The first phrase establishes the key
archical models to comprehend complex, rule-based acous- for the tune, typically hovering around the tonic chord.
tic information. As linguistic research shows, syntactic The second phrase, (ie., the modulation to subdominant),
processing uses templates from past experience and contex- situates the progression within the jazz-blues style, and the
tual cues to organize input while listening to and creating third phrase marks the cadential conclusion in which the
expectations for future events. Abnormalities deviate from tune returns to tonic. Steedman’s analysis is interesting in
existing models and therefore require an adjustment or re- that it shows a proliferation of possible harmonies as tunes
assessment of the structure. As the garden-path theory progress (i.e., there are more permissible deviations toward
predicts for linguistic examples, revising the initial struc- the end of the pattern). This proliferation of harmonic pos-
ture complicates the integration process (Frazier & Clifton, sibility mimics the proliferation of syntactic possibility
1996), but little is known about the process for integrating following a conjunction while nonetheless describing a
harmonic abnormalities in music. context in which specific expectations for harmonic events
In a study examining this process, Bharucha and exist at certain locations. However, this proliferation devi-
Stoeckig (1986) used a priming paradigm to test harmonic ates from other contexts in which more possibility for
expectation. For this experiment, participants provided variation exists at the beginning.
true/false judgments for target chords that were either Because the 12-bar form dictates which substitutions
closely or distantly related to the previous priming chord. are acceptable, it provides a rule-based yet flexible context,
Results show faster response times for closely related perfect for examining harmonic processing. Additionally,
chords than for distantly related chords, thus demonstrating its popularity as a form for commercial jazz and blues re-
the presence of harmonic expectation during music listen- cordings suggests the possibility that listeners may already
ing. Results from a related study further support this con- possess a jazz-blues schema that would allow them to proc-
clusion. Justus and Bharucha (2001) performed a similar ess typical patterns more quickly than atypical patterns. In
study in which they examined the automaticity of culture- our study we collected fittingness judgments and reaction
based harmonic expectations when those expectations were times to a series of acceptable and unacceptable 12-bar
in opposition to veridical (i.e., context-based) expectations. patterns. Results reveal the ability to categorically differ-
Their results reveal the overwhelming preponderance of entiate between acceptable and unacceptable harmonic sub-
cultural expectations over contextual information, thereby stitutions, while response times suggest an attempt to inte-
suggesting the utilization of templates for harmonic struc- grate abnormalities within the harmonic framework. These
ture derived from past experience while listening to novel results reveal graded expectations in accordance with the
stimuli. theoretical possibilities Steedman (1984) describes, thereby
The current study builds upon this past research to intimating a garden-path model for online harmonic proc-
probe the effects of harmonic expectation during online essing. Results from our study not only reveal the presence
processing. We devoted particular attention to the context

ISBN 88-7395-155-4 © 2006 ICMPC 1283

ICMPC9 Proceedings

of harmonic expectations but also reveal similarities be- After selecting measures 5, 9, and 11 as our experi-
tween harmonic and syntactic processing. mental locations, we proceeded to analyze the harmonic
content at those locations. In order to determine which
Analysis of the jazz-blues corpus chords were most likely to occur at those locations, we
In order to understand processing mechanisms or lis- performed a between-song comparison, which revealed a
tener expectations, we first had to understand the jazz-blues high probability for those chords prescribed by the jazz-
form, so our study began with a statistical analysis of songs blues form. Subdominant (IV) occurred at measure 5, in 92
in this style. The corpus we analyzed consisted of over 100 percent of the songs. This finding fits nicely with the har-
compositions written in the 12-bar style. We gathered monic patterns Steedman (1984; 1996) describes. In meas-
these songs from jazz and blues fakebooks because such ure 9, dominant (V) and supertonic (II) were the most
books contain a broad selection of popular and familiar common chords. Dominant occurred in 33 percent of the
tunes, and we identified songs in the 12-bar style by look- songs and supertonic (II) occurred in 26 percent. This
ing for the repetition of a 12-bar harmonic pattern or the finding is not surprising considering Steedman (1996)
presence of common end-of-phrase markers such as repeat shows supertonic (II) at measure 9 in 75 percent of the
signs or double bars. We predicted songs would closely progressions. Though the relative frequencies of V and II
follow the 12-bar pattern Steedman (1984) describes, and in measure 9 are similar, by the end of measure 10, almost
our statistical analysis of the corpus provides results to half of the songs (49 percent) were dominant. Thus, we
support that hypothesis. consider the first half of this phrase characterized by domi-
The purpose for the statistical analysis of the corpus nant and the second half of the phrase as a return to tonic.
was two-fold: (1) to identify important locations within the Analysis of harmonic content at Measure 11 showed a re-
form; and (2) to identify the most probable chords at those turn to tonic in 66 percent of the tunes.
locations. In order to determine which measures were im- From the important locations and most typical (i.e.,
portant, we performed a same-different rating of the har- expected) chord/s at these locations, we gained a better
monies in each measure relative to the previous measure. understanding of listener expectations. In addition to re-
A change in harmony from the previous measure received a vealing the most typical chord at these locations, our analy-
judgment of different, which we then used to make com- sis also revealed the least likely chords at these locations.
parisons between tunes. This analysis revealed measures 5 This aspect of the analysis was important in that it suggests
and 9 as the most important measures; harmonic content graded harmonic potentials, which later helped guide our
was different for these measures in 91 percent of the tunes. manipulation of the stimuli. The results from our analysis
Measure 7 was also significant with different ratings in 87 not only correspond with theoretical predictions for the 12-
percent of the tunes, but a closer analysis of the harmonic bar form but they also reflect the harmonic content most
content at that location revealed the preponderance of a often encountered during natural listening. These findings
return to tonic in those measures, which was rather uninter- suggest that before entering the experimental setting, ex-
esting for our purposes. For our third experimental loca- perienced listeners may already possess a specific jazz-
tion, we chose measure 11 instead. The return to tonic also blues schema, which would enable faster judgments. We
characterizes this measure, but because it is at the end of predicted participants would make faster judgments for
the 12-bar phrase, we considered this return more meaning- chords that were either expected or unacceptable and
ful and more interesting. Figure 2 shows the distribution of slower judgments for songs that were acceptable due to the
harmonic changes for all 12 measures. higher number of possible chords in this category.
Harmonic change by measure METHODS
e 1 Participants
r 0.9
Twelve undergraduate students at Northwestern Uni-
e versity (7 male, 5 female, age range 19-24 years, M = 21.2
n 0.7
years, SD = 1.2 years) participated in the study. Musical
t 0.6
experience and normal hearing were both prerequisites for
o participation. Seven participants were currently engaged in
f 0.4
0.3 music study or performance; 5 participants were currently
S 0.2 majoring in music at Northwestern. All participants were
n 0.1 native speakers of English and received compensation for
g 0 their participation.
s 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Figure 2. Harmonic change by measure. From the songs in the analysis corpus, we chose 33 of
the most prototypical tunes for our experimental stimuli.
These were tunes with the fewest deviations from the basic

ISBN 88-7395-155-4 © 2006 ICMPC 1284

ICMPC9 Proceedings

12-bar form, which for the purposes of our study possessed Table 1. Sample chord substitutions for measures 9
a harmonic rhythm of one chord per measure. We manipu- and 11.
lated these tunes at each of the three locations (measure 5,
Measure 9 Measure 11
measure 9, and measure 11) for each type of violation (ex-
Ex- Accept- Unaccept- Ex- Accept- Unaccept-
pected, acceptable and unacceptable) to produce nine ver-
pected able able pected able able
sions of each tune, thus yielding 297 stimuli.
We manipulated stimuli according to predictions about
the likelihood of certain chords predicted by our analysis of
the corpus. All of our manipulations used chords in the
tune’s original key. This type of manipulation differs from
past studies because most studies test harmonic expectation Apparatus
using in-key and out-of-key chords (See, e.g., Patel et al., We presented stimuli and collected data on a Macin-
1998; Koelsch, Gunter, Schröger & Friederici, 2003; tosh iBook laptop computer, using Psyscope 1.2.5 under
Koelsch & Mulder, 2002). We decided in-key substitu- Macintosh OS 9.2. A Psyscope button box (New Micros
tions were more appropriate for testing the aspects of har- Inc.) controlled timing and collected responses, thereby
monic processing in which we were interested. We wanted guaranteeing millisecond-accurate timings. Participants
our stimuli to correspond as closely as possible with har- listened to stimuli in a sound-attenuated booth over Alesis
monic progressions used in real-world jazz and blues com- Point Seven studio monitors at a comfortable volume.
positions and therefore preserved the original key.
In measure 5, subdominant (IV), as statistically most Procedure
probably chord, represents the “expected” category. We A brief training session with five sample stimuli pre-
chose dominant (V) for the “acceptable” category because ceded the experimental session in order to acclimate par-
it is likely to occur within the tune, though it is not likely to ticipants to the experimental apparatus and the task. After
occur at this location. Additionally, the progression from the training period, participants were permitted to ask the
tonic (I) to dominant (V) is not only acceptable but also experimenter questions about the task but not about the
common within the style, though it typically occurs at content of the stimuli. The task was self-paced, and par-
measure 9. For the “unacceptable” category, we chose ticipants controlled rate of presentation by making a key-
supertonic (II) because it occasionally follows tonic (I) in stroke on the computer when they were ready for the next
measure 9 and also because it is harmonically related to example. Additionally, participants could rest between
subdominant (IV), though again, it is unlikely to occur at examples if necessary in order to avoid fatigue. During the
this location. We replicated this reasoning when manipu- experiment, participants responded to target chords match-
lating the harmonies at measures 9 and 11 (See Table 1). ing the conditions described above by pressing the button
As accurately as possible, we integrated manipulations corresponding to their judgment. We labeled these buttons
within the harmonic context of the tune. That is, we ad- “does not fit,” “fits moderately well,” and “fits well” to
justed manipulations to account specifically for each tune underscores the importance of fit within the context and
using the preceding and succeeding chords to determine also to avoid attempts to guess right or wrong chords. At
which chords fulfilled the three categories of manipulation the onset of the target chord, lights on the button box illu-
for each location. minated to signal the target chord. We chose this visual cue
We created stimuli using music composition software, to avoid interference from an aural cue and to focus par-
and then exported these compositions to Macintosh Quick- ticipants’ attention on the button box during listening. The
Time Pro 6.5 to control instrumentation and sound quality. 12-bar pattern continued to play after the target chord to
Four beats of ride cymbal preceded each progression, and emphasize continuity between chords before and after the
the tempo for each tune was standardized at 120 beats per target chord, and as response times indicate, this continua-
minute. We played the stimuli on the QuickTime general tion had an important influence on participant judgments.
MIDI instruments and converted stimuli to audio files for We instructed participants to make their judgments about
experimental presentation. The electronic bass played the the target chord’s appropriateness as quickly as possible.
bass line for each tune and an electric harpsichord played We were interested in their first response but wanted some-
the upper harmonies. This instrumentation mirrors but thing more substantial than a true/false judgment. Having
does not replicate common instrumentation in natural lis- three response choices helped eliminate this true/false im-
tening settings. Due to the size of the stimuli set, partici- pulse while stressing the decision-making aspect of the
pants heard either 36 or 45 tunes during the experimental task.
session. Each block contained a random sample of the
available stimuli, which represented an equal number of RESULTS
songs in each condition (i.e., location and type of viola-
Data analyses excluded the scores form one participant
tion). Stimuli appeared in a random sequence to avoid or-
whose experimental trial was interrupted by a computer
dering effects.

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ICMPC9 Proceedings

error, which caused data to be lost. We performed all sta- (t = -2.13, p < .0337). Response times to acceptable chords
tistical procedures using an alpha level of .05 (α = .05). in measure 5 also revealed a statistically significant differ-
ence (t = 4.00, p < .0001). These results show the influ-
Response Choice ence of target location and chord type on response times,
Analysis of response choice reveals an ability to dif- though these influences do not appear to be uniform across
ferentiate between chord categories. Participants decided type or location. That is, both factors influenced response
target chords of the three types (expected, acceptable and times, but this influence was not uniform for all conditions.
unacceptable) “fit well” in 72, 41 and 20 percent of the
trials, respectively. Similarly, participants judged 8 percent Table 2. Average response time by target location.
of the expected chords, 25 percent of the acceptable chords Average Response Time (ms)
and 53 percent of the unacceptable chords as chords that
“did not fit.” These results show an ability to differentiate
Location Mean Standard Devia-
between acceptable and unacceptable chords at levels
above chance and suggest a connection between graded
Measure 5 2863.379 2419.348
harmonic potentials in the analysis corpus and graded ex-
Measure 9 1948.256 1123.396
pectations during listening, thereby supporting our argu-
Measure 11 1736.247 772.0454
ment for the presence and influence of context-specific
harmonic expectations during listening. Response choice Response times by target category
for target chords in the acceptable category reveal a ten- The average response time for all chords in all loca-
dency to accept these chords, but the distribution of re- tions was much higher than expected (M = 2203.8, SD =
sponse choices for chords in this category is distributed 1704.9), which suggests that most participants made judg-
fairly evenly across response choice. Participants chose ments after the onset of the chord following the target
“fits well” in response to 42 percent of the stimuli, “fits chord. With the tempo for each tune standardized at 120
moderately well” in response to 31 percent and “does not beats per minute, there was a 2000 ms delay between
fit” in response to 26 percent of the stimuli in this category. chords, so response times above 2000 ms suggest partici-
Response times by location pants made judgments after the start of the succeeding
Response times also vary by location, thus further sup- measure. In support of our hypothesis, participants made
porting our hypothesis. Longer response times to the early faster judgments for chords in the expected category (M =
target location suggest the activation of multiple models of 2096.2, SD = 1713.14). They did not, however, make simi-
harmonic structure (M = 2863.4, SD = 2419.3). This result larly rapid judgments for chords in the unacceptable cate-
is not surprising because more possibilities may be active gory (M = 2443.8, SD = 1912.8). Table 3 shows the aver-
earlier in processing than later. Accordingly, response age response times and standard deviations by target chord
times decreased proportionally relative to target location. category. However, an analysis of variance did not reveal
Participants made faster judgments when the target chord a statistically significant difference between response times
occurred in measure 11, (i.e., near the end of the 12-bar by category (F (1, 2) = 1.85, p > .05), but this figure ap-
progression) (M = 1736.2, SD = 7772.0). Response times proached significance when we collapsed chords from the
not only decreased toward the end of the progression but acceptable and unacceptable categories into a more general
variation between response times also decreased. An analy- “not expected” category (F (1, 1) = 3.68, p < .0555).
sis of variance reveals a statistically significant difference Table 3. Average response time by manipulation type.
between means for response time over location (F (1, 2) =
28.01, p < .001). These data suggest harmonic expecta- Average Response Time (ms)
tions become increasingly narrow with more contextual Manipulation Standard
evidence, thereby enabling faster response times as the Type Mean Deviation
harmonic structure becomes more specific (see Table 2).
Expected 2096.2471 1713.1466
Response times by location and type Acceptable 2419.7818 1799.1169
Overall analysis of variance between chord category Unaccept- 2443.7622 1912.7719
(i.e., expected, acceptable, and unacceptable) and target able
location (i.e., measures, 5, 9, and 11) revealed statistically
significant differences for multiple combinations of loca- These results suggest the influence of chord category
tion and variation (F (1, 8) = 6.2796, p < .0001). A re- on response time latencies, though the results are not statis-
peated measures analysis revealed statistically significant tically significant. We suspect the lack of statistically sig-
differences for response times in the expected categories nificant results reflects both the difficulty of the task (e.g.,
for measures 5 (t = 2.77, p < .0059), 9 (t = -2.42, p < participants properly identified chords in the acceptable
.0158), and 11 (t = -3.23, p < .0013) and in the unaccept- category accurately 30 percent of the time), the ambiguity
able categories for measures 9 (t = -2.42, p < .0158) and 11 of specific chord category, and the tendency to make judg-

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ICMPC9 Proceedings

ments after the onset of the next chord. Though participants mirrors, if it does not replicate, the process used to generate
were able to differentiate between acceptable and unac- similar syntactic structures for and to gather meaning from
ceptable chords at levels above chance, they exhibited linguistic input. It would be interesting to compare behav-
more caution before rejecting a chord than we predicted. ioral as well as neurophysiological responses to harmonic
An analysis of average response time by decision targets against similar data from linguistic input. Results
choice shows a statistically significant interaction between from this study nonetheless demonstrate the perceptual
response choice and reaction time (F (1,2) = 6.61, p < relevance of harmonic violations in conjunction with re-
.0015). These results support the hypothesis that people sults from previous experiments examining similar ques-
make faster judgments for expected and unacceptable tions about harmonic processing. The subtlety of the har-
chords and slower judgments for acceptable chords but monic manipulations we used in this study reveal the pres-
suggest our chord categories do not necessarily correspond ence of veridical and possibly schematic expectations with
with harmonic expectation either in all categories or in all more precision than basic in-key and out-of-key judgments
stimuli. That is, we suspect differences between response suggest. This sensitivity warrants future inquiry into the
times for target chords in each category are not statistically origins of harmonic expectation and the effect of contex-
significant because our stimuli are not categorized appro- tual cues.
priately. We predict, that after recalibrating non- In general, results from this study show that harmonic
categorical stimuli that response time variation will corre- structure is complex and abstract, and underscore some of
spond to target category more closely. the difficulties encountered when attempting to categorize
artistic decisions. Chords that are acceptable in one context
DISCUSSION may not be acceptable in another context despite schematic
Although correct responses for expected and unaccept- similarities between these contexts, which makes it difficult
able chords reveal an ability to differentiate between ap- to judge chord appropriateness categorically. The jazz-
propriate and inappropriate harmonies within the jazz-blues blues form determines which chords are acceptable within
style, ambiguity within the acceptable category underscores this style, but the line separating acceptable from unaccept-
the abstract nature of chord category. Expected chords able is still ambiguous. Results from this study support the
sound good, and therefore participants decided these hypothesis that while listening, multiple harmonic expecta-
chords “fit well.” Unacceptable chords sound bad, so par- tions exist and that these expectations become more refined
ticipants determined these chords “did not fit.” However, as listeners integrate more information into their mental
acceptable chords were more ambiguous, and participants model of harmonic structure. These results also suggest the
were not able to either integrate or reject these anomalies influence of past experience on harmonic judgments, which
quickly. Categorical decisions reveal a tendency to accept limits the listener’s ability to accommodate certain anoma-
chords in this category, but the relatively equal distribution lous harmonies but does not limit that ability completely.
of response choices to chords in this category suggests an Harmonic structures maintain some flexibility, which de-
inability to make precise judgments about these chords creases but does not disappear entirely during listening.
either quickly or consistently. While jazz-blues musicians familiar with this form may
In most studies examining harmonic perception, par- reject certain chord substitutions within this style, artistic
ticipants choose between two categories (e.g., true or inclination toward variety and experimentation may entice
false). We wanted to probe the possibility of graded expec- listeners to temporarily accept marginally appropriate
tations and therefore used a middle category and a middle chords. Though formal substitution rules prevent certain
response choice. The results are inconclusive but promis- substitutions for compositions in this style, curiosity and
ing. The comparison of response time versus location sup- intrigue create greater flexibility during experimental lis-
ports our hypothesis that people generate hierarchical mod- tening. As with all judgments of artistic appropriateness,
els for understanding harmonic structure during listening. there is always room for personal taste.
Shorter response times for later target chords suggest deci- While results from this study underscore the ambiguity
sions becomes easier as the model for harmonic structure of chord category, they nonetheless reveal more specificity
becomes more specific and that this specificity emerges in in harmonic expectation than that which was predicted by
relation to the amount of input received. Furthermore, previous studies. By examining responses to in-key chord
these data support our hypothesis that contextual informa- substitutions, we were able to demonstrate the complexity
tion affects judgments of fit and that these judgments are and specificity of harmonic expectation. These results not
not universal or schematic for Western tonal music in gen- only correspond to results from previous studies but also
eral but rather they correspond to veridical (i.e., context- build upon results from those studies. Although structural
based) expectations. processing of harmony seems similar to syntactic process-
As results from this study suggest, people generate rich ing, it is not clear at this point which factors specifically
mental models to organize and integrate harmonic material. influence or generate harmonic expectations. In all likeli-
These results, however, do not provide a clear picture of hood, harmonic expectation stems from a variety of factors,
how that structure develops. We suspect based on the dif- some of which we accounted for in this study and others of
ferences in response times across location, that this process

ISBN 88-7395-155-4 © 2006 ICMPC 1287

ICMPC9 Proceedings

which we are still uncertain. We suspect that further in- Frazier, Lyn. (1989) Against lexical generation of syntax.
quiry into the context-specificity as well as the context- In W. Marslen-Wilson (Ed.) Lexical representation and
flexibility of harmonic expectation will enable us to gener- process. (pp. 505-528). Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
ate a better understanding of those factors that influence
expectations. Once we understand those expectations bet- Frazier, L. (1987). Sentence processing: A tutorial review.
ter, we will have a clearer understanding of the cognitive In M. Coltheart (Ed.), Attention and performance (pp. 559-
mechanisms underlying harmonic processing, which may 586). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
or may not provide evidence for similarity between har- Frazier, L., & Clifton, C., Jr. (1996). Construal. Cam-
monic and syntactic processing. bridge, MA: MIT Press.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Justus, T.C., & Bharucha, J.J. (2001). Modularity in musi-
A Cognitive Science Summer Undergraduate Research cal processing: The automaticity of harmonic processing.
Fellowship and an Undergraduate Research Grant from Journal of Experimental Psychology; Human perception
Northwestern University supported this research. The au- and performance 27(4), 1000-1011.
thors would like to thank the Cognitive Science Program
and the Music Studies Department at Northwestern Univer- Koelsch, S., Gunter, T., Schröger, E., & Friederici, A. D.
sity for their continued support. Additionally, the authors (2003). Processing tonal modulations: An ERP study. Jour-
would like to thank their colleagues in Cognitive Science nal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 15 (8), 1149-1159.
and Music Cognition at Northwestern University for their
advice, support and encouragement. ` Lerdahl, F., & Jackendoff, R. (1983). A generative theory
of tonal music. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
REFERENCES Patel, A.D., Gibson, E., Ratner, J., Besson, M., & Hol-
Bernstein, L. (1973) The unanswered question: Six talks comb, P. J (1998). Processing syntactic relations in lan-
at Harvard. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. guage and music: An event-related potential study. Journal
of Cognitive Neuroscience, 10 (6), 717-733.
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ISBN 88-7395-155-4 © 2006 ICMPC 1288

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