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LJ/805 2009 Series C S30 ECONOMICS (English & Teh Versi 3) Time : 150 Minutes ] — Max. Marks : 300 Smasvain : 150 Dcdxeivev avso Srey 1 300 INSTRUCTIONS (S9%3xe0) 1. Please check the Test Booklet and ensure that it contains all the questions. If you find.any defect in the Test Booklet or Answer Sheet, please get it replaced immediately. (5 SSavS* wd) Bho snPosasss’ IF LrHTSsdH. wh SSdvs* wd, SdrgrS SSinS* md IBar Svs wd Hsin" ITIHDD Sood BLS. 2. The Test Booklet contains 150 questions. Each question carries two marks. (Sh d[SSnS* 150 BOD. a8y4y WL Tow Srvyev FeravosoSso. 3. ‘The Question Paper is set in English and translated into Telugu language. The English version will be considered as the authentic version for valuation purpose. BHS[Sdw ah SarOdosind Berto grsS"s SG Tasoasa. Lhrors s[shio worg Hotdog aohio Shs Sin Pordsinrr BTdncbs, 4. The Test Booklet is printed in four (4) Series, viz. (CID). The Series, [A] or [B] or [B) is printed on the right-hand corner of the cover page of the Test Booklet. Mark your Test Booklet Series jor[G]or[DJin Part C on side 2 of the Answer Sheet by darkening the appropriate circle with HB Peneil. BH SSio wert Sodvos* (Geries) vdr [C] D] Seino SnBotiaasa. SeSwow B) wo [G] md Db] md Bh Sedo awe, sh b¢ LESH dros* SnPowadss, EQS (Si S Sv adwky Sow (Series) [A] wd [B] md [C] wa DP] ma BEG S[SSo BOSS BH HF C Sot wocsstn Leronownass S)siwk wS.0. Voss Sor GQ DSSS. Example to fill up the Booklet Series It your Test Booklet Series is A, please fill as shown below @®OO If you have not marked the Test Booklet Series at Part C of side 2 of the Answer Sheet or marked in a way that it leads to discrepancy in determining the exact Test Booklet Series, then, in all such cases, your Answer Sheet will be invalidated without any further notice. No correspondence will be entertained in the matter. L. Bh SSo awh, S¥Sw (Series) SSrOS SSsv IWMGHS IFC & MQositour EL MIDS SPSw [SAIS SIS2 PISSAT BevwVeE SoH Irssvsh @0 Shar ar) vdvSod 02) SoddySvod, Lk Dvsod? Sek and Tavsoord SSrPS Sho S0%0cSa5& (invalidated). 529 B00 Musso? afHsdyySosvo2 wdbsody, (2) Luisos Each question is followed by 4 answer choices. Of these, you have to select one correct answer and mark it on the Answer Sheet by darkening the appropriate circle for the question. If more than one circle is darkened, the answer will not be valued at all. Use HB Pencil. to make heavy black marks to fill the circle completely. Make no other stray marks. G8 GHS woot Sargrdsinw asyndSd. woes" Looe worw dwTD Shrgrs Sind" (WHS Seranovinds Sy Sivw Som GQ VSSTW. wF wrd¥ary 6YS Sysiwow Dodosy, ¥ ddr~riin SOROS. SySiwH SOT Sor HQ VHHH w5.O. BOIS wasow. WESLSL Hopes Dyore. eg. : If the answer for Question No. 1 is Answer choice (2), it should be marked as follows : aa : WASinsy [SdvSoms 1 8 aaren (2) womds yc GOD Si (God Dwr HYoLSSW + 110|@|O/® Mark Paper Code and Roll No. as given in the Hall Ticket with HB Pencil. by darkening appropriate circles in Part A of side 2 of the Answer Sheet. Incorrect/not encoding will lead to invalidation of your Answer Sheet. HE SSES* adgods bs B40 dink, SE Sond Ws b SS Souk sings Spsho Boe, JOSEBHS HF A Soc WSO. BITS LOGS S)Sdv0s" Sor HY HYossss vionginm dbo SE ISAK Sobsdtonw sirgrs b[Sin SOPDoSaoE. Example : If the Paper Code is 027, and Roll No. is 95640376 fill as shown below : sorhom : S86 8G 027 LDor OS So, 95640376 oon (os Ud DSswnr DowySv : Paper Code Roll No. O86 6 BE Bo. 1@®HOOOOGO|x |©OO@OQOHOOOG}= ©OQ0OOOOOO@|> OOOOOOOEO6|» ©©Q@QOQOOOOSG|~ @SOOOOOOOG|e QOQOOEOOOOSO|« ©O©O@OQHOOOSG|° ©OQO©OOE@OOOO|+ ©QOQO©QOOOOOHE |e QOQOOOOEOOG|+ ® Please get the signature of the Invigilator affixed in the space provided in the Answer Sheet. An Answer Sheet without the signature of the Invigilator is liable for invalidation. SSrgrs S[SSwS* Seronods Joss" SogsYHd (Invigilator) Gk, SoSLav& Possos. SSto SUZSYHD SoS» SSeS SSdvd* ISS ovsH' wd GOVoSHse. 1/805 (3) ¢| 8. 10. uu. ‘To change an answer, erase completely the already darkened circle and use HB pencil to make fresh mark, Doe HS Srqrsind ArhySLVOHKH, aos8 Sood Dods Syzw (Circle Sgr Says Sood wS.0. BdSE Sm MQowsow. ‘The candidate should mot do rough work or write any irrelevant matter in the Answer Sheet. Doing so will lead to invalidation. 28§Q “DHSI Rough Work) 2 md LIBS ess Mowivoss md skrors Swioy oSerss, os HSS Srqrs ssw SOVosHoar soserds oro Babes. Do not mark answer choices on the Test Booklet. Violation of this will be viewed seriously. SErqridnow SHS Sdvp HQosorts, 699 eaSHodss’ SSorr Sordosaes, Before leaving the examination hall, return the Answer Sheet to the Invigilator, failing which, disciplinary action will be taken. SOE SSH $09 SPSHH Shrors Siow whH.S oh) SUgSYLS (Invigilator) adyssw. BOS (Eo Woy SHTSoay. 1 a. (ay Which is called unit elasticity of demand among these elasticities ? a 2s @ 4 @ 1 @ 0 Who propounded the Marginal Productivity Theory of Distribution ? (1) Adam Smith (2) 3.8. Mill (3) JH. Von Thunen (4) A. Marshall Which one of the characteristics is not the same for rent and quasi-rent ? (1) Surplus earnings (2) Rent out of man-made factors (3) Arise due to rise in demand for corn (4) Inelastic supply of factors Wages paid for specific work to the labourer is called () Cash wages (2) Piece wages (3) Money wages (4) Real wages Who explained Subsistence Wages ? Theory of (2) German Historical school (2) Neo-Classical school (8) Classical school (4) Marginalist school 10. 1/805" Who said “Interest is a reward for parting with liquidity for a specific period” ? (2) Alfred Marshall (2) JM. Keynes (8) Joan Robinson (4) Cairneross Who propounded innovation theory of profit ? (2) A. Marshall (2) J.M. Keynes (3) J.A. Schumpeter (4) Robertson Which is the central bank of India ? (1) Reserve Bank of India (2) Central Bank of India (3) State Bank of India (4) Bank of India When was the RBI established ? Q) 1921 (2) 1935 (3) 1947 (4) 1951 ‘The most important function of a central bank is (1) Credit supply to the industry (2) Loan to commercial banks (3) Overdrafis to the State Governments (4) Issue of currency notes 14/805 ( 1 DSS aw ySS Shrow Dev a) 28 @ 4 @ 1 @ 0 ad0S deyss BS00DS o> @) 98S 9S 2) B05. DF GB) Bw. FS Ss 2. & OS Sond wesis Soh sy8b woes vore B8yd oro Sonososso 287 () Dien ond (2) SrSSDOQS wrosdo (8) greg Sdroth DiiSo Sos Seri Dostoeo (4) wag8'd S$ow vores ass SOB ~PRLOH BQow Soren () Sis dren Q) 65 ddarn (3) Gdg Sd (4) ayo ddre Saeed SSro Hpossn DSOodsard (1) BOQ & HOSS BY 2) dow P29sd ary 8) PEss SYS (4) Se Qso§ args Sooo 5) “DGS SDE (Ghgergdy Seen Sdjocds 83 Soom ohodd $4” wd BdyS ww 1) eB y98 Seg (2) 2.08. 835 (3) #8 dS 45 4) Bond ysS ewe SoSoy8 Dgoerdy SbIMSysord (1) 2. Sgs @) 2.08. 838 (3) 8.9. Ssobob ) wages add 3% Sols ago 28 ? (1) er8S Oardeg ergo 2) wd Zols ergow (8) Er6S QS ergo (4) edd ergot Oateg ergok (RB) SoFDyS Sodsyso 287 (1) 1921 (2) 1935 (3) 1947 (4) 1951 SoS ergoH ows, eB dvegsds D9 (1) S0%Ho% $883 S$oo Faro 2) wedeg ergobow ducrdinyo B) TR Smergow £86 ry Iho (A) $08) Sq a6 dos Mu. 12, 13, 14. 15. (6) ‘This is one of the quantitative eredit control |16. ‘measures of a central bank. (1) Rationing of eredit (2) Open market operations (8) Control of instalment purchasing (4) Direct action on banks Fixed exchange rate is good because 17. (1) it promotes international trade (2) it encourages international investment (3) it prevents speculation (4) _it promotes stability in the economy This is one of the direct methods of exchange control to correct adverse balance of payments, 18. (1) Pegging operation @) Quota (3) Clearing agreement (4) All of the above ‘The main function of IMF is (1) to promote exchange stability 19, (2) to provide grants for development (3) to provide loans to the industries long-term (4) to control the money supply of the member countries The liabilities ‘of non-banking intermediaries |og are regarded as (2) Near money (2) Private savings (3) Institutional money (4) Private money Lijéob* Who propounded ‘Net Barter Térms of! Trade’ ? (J. Viner QF. Taussig (@) A. Marshall (#) GS. Dorranee Income terms of trade indicates ah (1) capacity of a country to import (2) capacity of a country to export (3) country’s exchange stability favourable (4) country’s balance of payments A UDC's terms of trade is 4 with USA. In this case what is the terms of trade of USA with that country ? a) 4 @ 2 @) 12 a WM ‘This is one of the demerits of a direct tax. (1) Equality of sacrifice (2) Elasticity (3) Public convenience (4) Evasion of tax Which one is non-tax revenue ? ‘ (2) Corporation tax 2) Foreign loan (8) Foreign aid (4) Tax on commodities 4/805 t 1. 12, 13, 14, 15. Hols argoh w&s0ot Sodrerdyy SESB Dawo[Se Sogos* ass Q) $058 dad0h 2) B&Ys SroyS Sogo (8) Sodsoard (8%) SAY) Doso[sea (4) ergotso B Bigs bg QS Bros den Orso oddwow soesy oD (1) godSgrB0h argd-ord) Dowseood 2) wodgrbos Dywdd WisyEripod (8) Gower argd-ord) DE'BH0d (4) B88 SgS$ MRSS Dod ods0d Basro ode Bowe BSOowOowSoRrAseo Dososag* Ssh Shy () BROK vg @) Ser (3) $0008 adyotsso 4) pd ed) Ady] ddASrSE wodgrBoh (Shy 26 (IMF) aint, Sug 29 @ @ @) “ Ade SPOS Qdergd) Bordo SDSyQE dgoes SEH Soko SYsro anerer aryyo Sag deo [Gids Soo Do%oBors angodSs HIg60 Sogo vdyor () Shs CSgo> 2) pyle aes (8) Bogs agi» (4) pyle Bdgd0 7) 17. 18, 19. DSS... Bi wos BBHBoDSEe a @ @) 4) SOS. Dnosser B, BSS 2S. ernk 2. Sg 2.08. BforSy uoros Bowed BIS Dnoshes sr Doo G) a4 amma 4 @) 34 dmH—a 48 (8) S# SPSS QSSgso (4) 34 w&Sro OdB BQoHe Faso USA af S% 88S DoodSe (UNC's) 4 woxdst, u dios wards (USA) gs du0gbo. Dors dod 7 a 4 @) 2 @) 12 14 (8g Shy Gk, Sod ass exgtiost Skrbagio arg Shp Gerd soy Sey ands w @ 3) SHES ord Srgrod 288 PETES Shy 258 anede ad Sxtabo ay (2) (3) SpHop so, 21. 22, 25. (8) ‘The benefit principle of taxation indicates |26. that (1) the tax payment should be based on the direct benefits received from the Government. (2) the taxpayer should pay tax for the benefit of the general public. (3) tax should be paid for the benefit of the poor. (4) a taxpayer should pay for the social |?” benefit. Raja Chellaiah advocated this objective of taxation for a developing country. (2) Taxation according to ability (2) Mobilisation of economic surpluses in the economy (8) Growth of the economy (4) Reduction of inequalities What is the index of ability to pay ? (1) Property owned by the taxpayer (2) Annual income earnings (3) Annual expenditure incurred by the ‘taxpayer (4) All of the above “The total loss of utility as a result of tax should be equal to all the taxpayers.” Which specific principle indicates this ? a) @ @) @) Equal proportional sacrifice Equal absolute sacrifice Equal marginal sacrifice Equal average sacrifice When the tax rate decreases with the increase in income, it is called as (1) Progressive tax (2) Proportional tax (3) Regressive tax (4) Normal taxation 30. LuIg05 * ‘The most important economic argument in favour of progressive tax is that (1) there should be no tax evasion (2) the operation of diminishing utility of money (8) it encourages more production (4) it enhances more welfare for the people Commodity tax is preferable and justified when it is imposed on a commodity produced in an industry under (2) increasing cost of production (2) decreasing cost of production (3) constant cost of production (4) any one of the above According to Dalton, the size of the National Income depends upon (1) education of the people (2) magnitude of unemployment in the economy (3) nature and magnitude of deficit financing (4) ability to work and save ‘The main principle of Public Expenditure is (1) _ it should promote social welfare (2) it should attempt for equal distribution of income (8) it should try for the economic stability (4) All of the above When the Government imposes extra taxes for the repayment of principal with the interest it is known as (2) Direct real burden (2) Direct money burden (8) Indirect money burden (4) Indirect real burden 1/805 ( 2. 25. By DHHS’ Balrad Sr [ssw Srdoda () BHSgomHod SH) Sared ugdom dm) Dox) Sorte Bao Sdrabo SG Shy BOorbar Shy BQowrd SSH Soy) 2) (3) 38 Gee [Sairado BQord (@) dhe Sdiraso S5H Sky SPoxrd ore Bgokg dot) dae Bodoteiy JF Sino Ir ofso (1) dkogrgsySO0D Shy Q) Sho") VS Dither Svsseo (3) QS dgb% SO (4) wddrSSo SHo% 9d) Arg) SLGVOD BYod Sins Grd () S%&) BQoH SW viper @ @) rc) BOS wore rod Shy BQoyawd wgs Sgo%o ‘pd way, “Shy BQH ayer SS Gb arado Shy BQoHorwhoosep Shrsorr oard” ed SoDod GSg¥ (specific) x win (1) Shard wIS ergiiao 2) Shek Bngin ergo (3) S8rS God engin (4) SSrS Shen ergiian woos Dbiddoh wSroom s& do Sibi Moers 7 (DOS rH Sky 2) e&FS Shy @) BEd Soy ) d~poo Sy 9) 26. 30, Hd Soyo SQord weBsnpgEs U8 SdH wy GQ) Shy a4SS Godsors 2) Bids SSSo Soiretin (8) dBA GHB WSyrspod (A) SerSogSrdy Dosroasyos Sos a8Q vs Syp sy Doro Siro Bs pow wSsiHoo (1) Didrex) GHB Sgoso Q) Sipeos) G88 Sgoso 8) BB adyB dgoso (pede! Sax BES SsSo aFosraroh Sodrm0 eed 8d wo%o @ @ @ o ee dorgzron BHos* DA's Fron Se D8 dgerbo, Sokra0 Bd Doro Lodo Sexy doxw 4§ WeSg Spo Sr[sros* Svmgso (2) er SoxSrdy BosoBows (2) wcro Bode Soros owayoord B) 08 Ede SoFeryO (&) pS Bays SOyv SOS SS award, BON BPowow BHSpo wdidorr Shy 298 o erdin Cy BSE SYS erddn 2) BSS dg orden (8) SOE dg ards (4) SOE PRs erddn 31. 32. (10) In National Income calculation, this is called Inventory method : (1) Addition of all income by way of wages, interest, rent and profit (2) Market value of all goods and services produced in a year (3) Addition of expenditures of individuals, institutions and the Government in a country (4) Addition of value of all consumer and durable goods by the consumers plus savings A country’s G.D.P. is Rs. 50 crores; Depreciation Rs. 5 crores; Indirect Taxes Rs. 10 crores; and Subsidies Rs. 5 crores. What is Net National Income ? a @ @ ) Rs. 25 crores, Rs. 30 crores Rs, 40 crores Rs. 45 crores Observe the table and find out which one is Disposable Personal Income : Particulars Rs. in crores National Income at factor 10,000 cost Undistributed profits 500 Corporate profit tax 300 Contribution to bills and 200 securities Government Payments 300 Personal Taxes 200 (2) Rs. 11,500 crores (2) Rs. 11,000 crores (3) Rs. 10,500 crores (4) Rs. 8,500 crores 34, 35. 36. 37. Lw/808 Which is an unproductive activity ? (1) Professors teaching in the college (2) Pension to the professors (3) Nurse serving in the hospital (4) A domestic servant cleaning master’s car In National Income accounting, when every transaction is recorded both on credit and debit side of the account, it is known as (1) Matrix method (2) Circular flow method (8) Double entry method (4) Cost Accounting method Which country is a closed economy ? (1) India (2) Russia (3) Japan (4) None of the above Real National Income can be measured with this formula (NI National Income at Current Price; Index is the Index Number of the current year] NI ay RE «100 NI 2) “Index @pP @ GPP '« 100 Population Lu/805 a1. 32, 33. ar Boirarod MBowHs* 699 adgowd SFa wort : (1) S8rer, 44, grovdn Hom cero ago &) wy vorobin Q) 2 SoddySos* a5yB Dds argo S% Mos bio SndzS Dos (3) af BoS'D Ssio, Soyo Lok [ebsgo Das wSS% Sga%o (4) Mri Ss seyss Sho eBdy Dod Oa PY ebarsya (GDP) or. 5 Sep Sy Soo words 288 2s dh gro de. 50 Sip, Stotbeo SOY SEypd or. 10 Hoyo or. 5 Sy axbotroraio ad Sup ? () Ge, 25 Sep (2) dm, 30 Sep (3) Ge, 40 Se (A) Om, 45 Se (God SY —SORDOD Soy Oph eorairdy SéofPaot erBoirraio ders orh& de, 10,000 se, Sobd Sod eraren Gr. 500 S49 SOWE wero Shy Sr. 300 Sep DS) HOok DErgo4oOH Sr. 200 Se [Sway SHH dr. 300 Seo HEN Snow dr. 200 So (Sx. 11,500 Sp (2) Be, 11,000 S49 (3) &. 10,500 S* &. (4) &. 8,500 Sep ay 34. 35. 36. 37. [808 SOS Bess GS So gsirdo 5a? Se wos! ySs SSS 2) BRSY Bost @) w Bogrod® Sox) Hboo Sadr srt Woda Sard yk wrboiroroh hadd? rad — Sed0% BOowo wrerod Sync waddo 448 () Sr@) ga (2) SSo% ark SFB (8) dend dol SgB (4) S§ esodoh Sa BSS BOS Sgdgod* aw Dho Stor sarndobvads d¥o 28 7 (1) a0dos (2) Sieg @) eds @ Pp was Ob wt THOS arBaircrasrd) Serr Srv WHS SS? erBosrcraso BOs BoBsyT GO Song 2 Bit G5S* ar Bosrcravo 2) BES Boas Grd sons Gro erBob 3598 BBs BoIT HO Song, WHS Gog erBotrarato ee @ x 100 ® x 100 ) 39. 40. a. 42, (12) The estimated G.N.P. growth rate during the 11" Five Year Plan was (1) 6 percent @) 7 percent (3) 8 percent (9 percent Who authored the book “The Affluent Society” ? @) Myint @) Schumacher () 4K. Galbraith () Nurkse ‘Amartya Sen was conferred with Nobel Prize in Economies for his contribution to a @ @) “) Development Economics Welfare Economics International Trade Econometrics Indicative planning refers to (1) total control of the economy by the Govt. (2) total freedom for the private sector (3) the provision of economic projections and voluntary guidelines (4) planning of specific projects “Trickle down’ strategy implies (1) higher G.N.P. taking care of poverty reduction (2) reduction in the incomes of the upper class by redistributive measures (3) emphasis on social service sector (4) «None of the above 43. 44, 45. 46. 47. Lu/805 ‘The L.C.O.R. refers to a (2) International Capital - Output Ratio @) «@) Industrial Capital ~ Output Ratio Investment Capital — Output Ratio Incremental Capital ~ Output Ratio Agricultural Holding Tax was recommended by (1) Boothalingam Committee (2) Raj Committee (3) Wanchoo Committee (4) Khusro Committee Jawahar Rozgar Yojana for rural employment generation was launched in the year a) 1965 (2) 1979 (3) 1989 (4) 1990 Which of the following is considered as a sunrise industry ? (1) Information and Technology (2) Cotton Industry (3) Rural Micro-enterprises (4) Oil industry The Sixth Plan estimated the proportion of population below the poverty line in 1979 ~ 80 to be about (1) 41 percent (2) 42 percent (3) 48 percent (4) 55 percent L/805 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. soos 288 SSE0dS Sosy eosadaiads gro GNP) 8g d& a @ 7 ré0 @) (4) 9 do (ores wrbob 6 wSo 8 do “0 wgpabod () Bad @) Sebrsé @) 23. mdas ) Sday ” (ho Bond ase ? eho BS ws whys SBT wivoivBd BOYoES voto Jos Boas ? (1) eSB eF waydo 2) Soff of wiiysw (3) sod grBa% SY¥an (&) dSeBwpssy Arvierdyy er OSH SowoGodss (1) 098 Sg8$ angop Sosy Dobosea (2) pede Fords SpQ ges) (8) ©Q8 wowrer Sdai Sgehyoes Sriigeo Doxob (4) 65 [BHO Soros (G85 TS Sygiro Lr doda (1) BS0E SAoHS’ SSS wihy gro erBowrd)8 (GNP) Q) ¥& Sodd Sgwo ager gos Sgro wcroires SQowso (3) dkwas bSo Soxop AS [ig (4) bp PSS D6 we (13) 43. 44. 47. LCOR. wr GQ) a0dQgosS sgdoS — whine dacs (2) ood asS srgdod - vod Snax (3) aae SBS SgHoS - vy Snare (4) aoSmood sgdoS - chSHS dose SgSroh Shop SHyh PSH Bosarvo () SrSBoro SDS 2) oF Sm (8) wor Soe (4) gBt Sd tris 49 SoySHP20D$ wdSE Sam& aired Srd, abnene SoSSyv0 (1965 (@ 1979 (@) 1989 (4) 1990 [808 as5* Bdd SSBF aocéyy woers 7 GQ) abyQAS Hoo Broz 2) (83 8 dren Sopts 8) (rdo Snyy Sopitwo Ses Sopit BSS Ser OS wotmo [SsrSo 1979 -805* erdiigg Umh MSs, aver Bye wire Q) 41 rSo (2) 42 wo (3) 48 wSo (4) 55 wSo 48. 49. 51. 52, (14) According to the 2001 census final population |53, figures, the sex ratio (females per 1000 males) in India is, (a) 932 (2) 933 (3) 934 (4) 935 Laws of Economies are compared with the Laws of Tides by (2) IM, Keynes (2) Seligman (3) Alfred Marshall (4) Lionel Robbins ‘The Stolper Samuelson theorem postulates that the imposition of a tariff by a nation causes the income of the nation’s (1) scaree factor to rise (2) scarce factor to fall (3) abundant factor to rise (4) scarce and abundant factors to rise ‘The concept of “unbalanced growth” has been propounded by () Nurkse (2) Hirschman (3) Leibenstein (4) Rosenstein-Rodan Existence of an advanced, imported western system and an indigenous pre-capitalist | agricultural system refers to () Socialism (2) Social Dualism (3) Social Development (4) Economie Dualism 55. Ly7805 Gross investment tends to fall when (2) sales are increasing at an increasing rate (2) sales are increasing at a decreasing rate (8) the rate of increase in sales remains constant (4) None of the above Neither G.N.P. nor N.N.P. takes account of (1) depreciation (2) services produced (8) social costs of environmental pollution (4) All of the above Methodologically Dr. V.K.R.V. Rao made a most important contribution to (1) Welfare Economics (2) Partial Equilibrium Analysis (3) National Income Accounting (4) Social Choice Theory When price index increases from 125 to 150, the value of money (1) increases by 25 percent (2) decreases by 25 percent (3) increases by 20 percent (4) decreases by 17 percent 1805 as) 48. 2001 are So sro edd Siod'|53. gro BHnd Sor S0pB __., (BB Bongivod SHeivos fo bye Song fo) BEBE! ted bye 7 - DeoioeoinSye (982 day? 088 (2) se Sens* ekg +B). 934 ° oo (4) 935 3) 8&yso Bwibdo de _Borr aQsyeo 49. of wy dr[eroks yoo Srjeros! BOYS wt 4) pw D6 SH () B.S. 85) @) “BOMys 54. gro eBardyB GNP) md (3) ed[~E SegS DSSerBarSjB (N.NP.)- Md Sorias*O8 (4) Baw ODS) Bius'd woto () Séorbe60 50... Gioy6-armrgoyS dgrodo. [Sedo as Bio Shy 288 @ 68p8 ddd deo Q) 88S SES wcrato Ber (8) Sorgddia srevdg Ses Sgosho 2) 86S SS ecroho Siw @ pd wAos @) SS0LE SSS vmraso Bri @) F8S “Hom SOS sSs0/8 S&re SE BiSb Sonos Storr @, 23.96.9. oy 340005 v8 dag warabe Bioroey wo%o Bl. “whoWOS 9" Spowd DS0008 ww @) Shp (1) So¥ts egrsyso Sars @ 88 ShBog Tdhe. (3) SBSHS (3) aBorrarod Aes (4) SOSQSOS (4) arbres Dey Hprodsin 52. Hrsys HO BHI hswad TT Brmaiy Dprbis HPak Srojieras 8 Go SD Sows 129 Sod 150 Hoo SOSA Bwrging Sgdmos] —_WONKS yeh WgDErs Ager Sod Gow SBD DLvoirds ? (1) 25 80 WEIS G) aire S80 2) Bdres Besso @) dhresddyg (A) QS Bgesis 4) 17 wSo SiH (2) 2 wSo SH (8) 20 wSo Bédidi 57. 59. (16) If Gross National Product at market prices is Rs, 200 crores, net property income from abroad is Rs. 20 crores, indirect taxes are Rs. 20 crores and substitutes are Rs. 10 crores, what is G.D.P. at factor cost ? (1) Rs. 200 crores (2) Rs, 210 crores (8) Rs. 220 crores (4) Rs. 280 crores ‘The largest contribution in value terms to India’s G.N.P. is made by (1) unorganised industries (2) construction @) @ agriculture rural industries A deflator is a technique of (1) accounting for decline of GNP. (2) adjusting for change production in commodity (3) accounting for higher increase in G.N.P. (4) adjusting for changes in price level The stock of capital goods in India is influenced by a (2) 3) ) the price system the action of the Government both (1) and (2) neither (1) nor (2) 61. 62. Ly/805 ‘A deposit fund created in commercial banks; so that the creditors can draw from it at the time of need is called (2) Consolidated Fund (2) Floating Fund (3) Sinking Fund (4) Contingeney Fund Government redeeming debt through buy up loans from the market is known as (2) Repudiation of debt (2) Serial bond redemption (8) Capital levy method (4) Buying up loan method This tax is levied by the Union Government but collected and appropriated by the State. (2) Stamp duty (2) Income tax (3) Death duty (4) Wealth tax Additional duty on these is collected by the Union Government and wholly distributed to the States. (1) Mill-made textiles (2) Sugar (8) Tobacco (4) All of the above items Which Commission's recommendations are the basic guidelines for the distribution of Central funds to the States ? @ (2) @) a) Planning Commission Finance Commission ‘Tax Reforms Commission ‘Taxation Enquiry Commission Lu/805 87. 58. 59. Srdy{S GIS" gro ew SairdsyQ or. 200 Se, ddwe Lod IS wwe soobo Ge, 20 Sep, SOY Shyeo Sr. 20 So MOok SdQargor dr. 10 Sg» word 688 SISO SES* Gro wBoirdyy (S.) (2) 200 Sp @ @) @ 210 220 Se 230 Se» Dens Sovogorr wdgo8orr Grow SarSyg (GNP) SOjOWSd rbd (1) dois SOphieo @ @) doye orto Sgba-ab Soro 4) urdso opie Gasgoyesw (deflator) Seiorr adaarisda (1) gro wbarsg GNP) Spsow BBorvos @ 3 BH Sho SrBjo& Sodowow gro wbardyg GNP) Bt DOiHBom Adowo¥ @) G00 Pars’ SrHYOw SoSamvos rd SoS’ ross Apyo dogw (Oprdso Fda GQ) G80 dgrssn (2) Seay Sogo (8) 2S Lok Bocsrsr (4) 28d sxth, Bote svc a7) 61. 62. 63. 65. spacer Sh SSVErspt ergoho Hod Garg) STHOw widagerobos® Days das D&otr ? (2) d88;80 Bas 29 (2) SrBesy) 29 (8) Sebi) 26 (4) SodoBOy 26 der 2g9 0,55 aver BWesgo Bossyso (1) wdy ands 2) (S% arog DaPasio @) sydd 3d Sga @ ene Soho SB 800m oy award, shotbes — dot Fold [SeeSgo RBs Sdn, orBy WwSgo Sire dd, wass Sky CQ) Pow anges 2) wcro’ Si (3) S28e9 “080 (#) Sowe5 Soy oh) Baregen SobTiow, sod msgo Sirm Th eddipSo, do0d Shoo (1) Sogn Sorgen 2) SHS @ ars @ pd ed Sol Agoev orgryo Mog dorchow wd rok dFSbdaw Soipo G) Sw Os Soioo @ 28 Soipo (3) Sky Some Sosso (4) dy Dara Soiso 67. 68. 70. (8) If deficit finance is used to import capital goods and intermediary goods _—_ for development it will be a @ @) “ non-deflationary highly deflationary non-inflationary highly inflationary When foreign demand for a country’s exports elastic, then devaluation of the currency (1) increases exports earnings (2) decreases exports earnings (3) leads to no change in exports earnings (4) encourages more imports Government generally prefers to impose excise duty on goods and services for more revenue for which a @) @) co) demand is price elastic demand is price inelastic demand is unit elastic demand is perfectly inelastic Which form of society did Jawaharlal Nehru visualise in introducing mixed economy in India ? a @ @) @) Socialist society Communist society Socialist pattern of society Free-enterprise society Which Industrial Policy first established the mixed economy in India ? (1) Industrial Policy ~ 1948 (2) Industrial Policy ~ 1956 (3) Industrial Policy - 1973 (4) Industrial Policy — 1975 71. 72. 73. 74, 75. L805 The main drawback of public enterprises in India is (1) underutilisation of productive capacity (2) over-employment (3) over-capitalisation (4) All of the above When the rise in price level is alarming, it is known as a) @) @) co) Creeping inflation Running inflation Hyper inflation Cost-Push inflation The Sixth Five Year Plan estimated the proportion of population below the poverty line in 1979-80 to be about (41 percent (2) 42 pereent (3) 48 percent (4) 55 percent Females per thousand males in Andhra Pradesh, according to the 2001 Census, is a) 937 (@) 977 @) 964 (4) 914 ‘The New Economic Policy comprises a. Liberalization b. Privatisation Globalization d. Industrialisation Qa, band c only (2) a, band d only (8) b,c and d only (4) a,c and d only Lu/eos 66, 67. 68. 69. 70. ONS QIESEDS Sovg Sross Spyos Hoo LApSss SoHo |rewa BHOEHOH Sty Ied) ssarnoossys e8 (1) ¥Q¥ Broargd) SON (2) Wey YS Sroargd SOAodés (8) GS'goyerd) SOAose (A) Wwehy BSTgoyerdy SONowdko 28 4 dtebetoss 288 Shrouds wgSboris, 4 Sad) sirog S380 58 () dks varaso Béseoso 2) XL woraso Sips (8) Ate&do wrote Arse (4) A8YS BMmehowy (BS) rows €QE Tad SSS [Sebo OEE Hosrdy Dood Si hos aodsorsa Q) G8 ages Biirous Q) 65 wargS's Bhrow 8) 68 arg8iso ose (4) Soary warg8's Bdrod Dyk SgSgw BS Dpwiy eros S58 Gomed ebKE oS Sir eRowe ? (1) drhogards SgsH (2) Shargdge debs (3) drkogerds SSE Sgbs A) Syiny wgds Syd wed Dod? api dgbh HSH GSGNKSSS SSS HO~HWS BorySo () derby BoxySo - 1948 (2) HOprE Soyo - 1956 (3) HOprE Soyo - 1973 (4) SH OpPdE Sorbo ~ 1975 (as) 71. 72. 74, 75. adds For Sg owns, [SgrS soossn GQ) 8835 Jom ders 48 adairrfo @) why adigns (8) Why Srosdsdo @) BD eho EAS VoHHS SOA0T S80 Dwiodo (HHH CS'oyabo 2) SEM) SSgoye%o @) PSE Bstgoy eh (A), Sob (SOS (SS'goy adv 6S Sod ay [Ser Oss* wots Sosods 1979-80 wr GOS Dwh GieseXyard wSdSio Q) 41 diy Q) 42 rdie (3) 48 wSSo (4) 55 win 2001 Keroro sso vols SSIS SB 1000 £308 H&Ao% ho Song a) 937 @) 977 (3) 964 (4) 914 SPSS UOs Ordos? GD a. 880860 b. -pyddsceo ce. BSob¥o0 d. HOprD8sd0 () a, b S008 © Ss Q) a,b Sot d Sow (3) b, © HOox d Sms (4) a, ¢ S00% d Sr[sa 76. 11. 78. 9. 80. (20) From the plan periods, during which one has |81. National Income increased and per capita income grown at a slower rate ? (2) Second Plan (2) Fifth Plan (3) First Plan (4) Third Plan 82. Sustainable agricultural development refers to (1) commercial farming (2) intensive farming (3) eco-friendly farming 83. (4) extensive farming Gross area under irrigation as a percentage of gross sown area, in 1982 ~ 83, was (2) 30 percent (2) 28 percent (3) 24 percent (4) 20 percent. 84. In rural India, a large number of people are subjected to (2) open unemployment (2) educated uriemployment 8s. (8) frictional unemployment (4) disguised unemployment ‘The Green Revolution in India has resulted in (an increase in’ régional inequalities in food-grains production (2) a decrease’ in regional inequalities in food-grains production (8) balanced regional development (4) status quo in regional inequal Lu/805 The strategy for poverty alleviation in India lays emphasis on (J) growth in national income (2) employment and income generation (3) redistribution of income (4) growth in per capita income In the production of sugar, India’s position in the world is (1) Fourth (2) Third (3) Fifth (4) Seventh In which year was the Green Revolution introduced in the State of Andhra Pradesh ? (1965 (2) 1966 (3) 1967 (4) 1968 [As per 2001 census data, in which district of Andhra Pradesh was the HDI in the first place ? (2) Visakhapatnam (2) Hyderabad (3) Medak (4) Guntur By 2004~05 the percentage of poverty in AP. was a) 19 (2) 15 (3) 12 (4) 25 The targetted annual growth rate during the 11"* Five Year Plan in AP. is a) 1% (2) 8% (8) 9% (4) 10% LJ/805 ( 76. 2 sosSf Bros Sogs Hod erboircrobe Dwi», So 48 scrobo SEAS Tos BWIaY SDB ? () Boss SarOS 2) 2S poords (3) nbd Sor Os A) Sard Ser OS TI. DOSS No SgbaXrhbyQ vod (1) arddag SUB SgSPo%o (2) BGS Sgsdroho (3) Sorgbtea thir Sgdsrovo (A) d&yS Sgbsoso 78. - 1982-83 5 gro DBS DYos* gro oe FHdo oY wsdo @ @ @ @ 30 wo 28 wo 24 So 20 wo 79, rise rowed vs Tso NHSoHrd SivSg () wdZs DwET grids 2) dargbodo aegis» (8) Sodeo DUK grheiwo (A). Bayh DBWAFgrd» WBS Bios! HOS DSS0 S08 HHoDSO Q) e& Gago 48395" [Po8os wddrdSo BodtO ad ae ee 80. @) [a o80h 8S GOZO wsirddo SiSo BohOS ProBakrh4yQ (Po8os wdsrssos* Sr&ySdoardyo @ @ 21) a1. \s2. 83. erdS SioS* BIOS DUryOS Sygiro Breragsouye () eBosraras 9 2) abfgns Sat voratro Soys @) voratre gM: Sods @ $0,40 earad 59 SSowos* SHS dBc" erdS B% Frso @ werse @) mrase (@) 2688 (4) O80 wos dis GOS DSS0 Sossyso (1965 (2) 1966 (3) 1967 1968 BatDgS 2001 BS, so HDI wgrsorr Snes Fd MBS vos BAT Hos! er bw @ @ 3) “ Derpsano pdorercs SE soares 2004-05 S* wos SSE (AP) SD BOS wSo @ @ @) @ 19 15 12 25 wos BAIS SIFods rds soos ofgorr agoxods 8 SH @ 7 So (2) 8 wdo @) 9 do (4) 10 wo 87. 90. (22) How much was allocated to Social Sector for |91. AP. State during the 11" Five Year Plan period ? Q) 15% @) 20% (3) 30% (4) 40% In A.P. the following will act as nodal agency for Special Economic Zones : (1) A.P. State Finance Corporation (2) AP. Industrial Infrastructure Corporation ae 93. (3) A.P. Small Industrial Development Corporation (4) AP. State Trading Corporation Which district in Andhra Pradesh State has the highest per capita income ? (2) Visakhapatnam (2) Hyderabad (@) Guntur (4) Krishna The population growth rate in Andhra Pradesh State during 1991-2001 was (1) 24% 95. @ 13% (3) 45% (4) 42% Lu/s0s Which is called price demand function ? @ Q=f@) @ Q=t% () Q+fP, PY) (4) Q+F(Y, P) Marshallian demand curve is downward sloping because of (Q) Jaw of equi-marginal utility (2) law of diminishing marginal utility (3) law of supply (4) law of consumer's surplus ‘Changes in the quantity demanded means (1) quantity changes at different prices (2) no change in the demand schedule (3) quantity demanded changes at the same price (4) quantity demanded changes with price Who said that ‘Economies is the study of wealth’ ? (1) Karl Marx (2) Alfred Marshall (8) David Ricardo (4) Adam Srnith Utility is a psychological concept which depends upon (1) usefulness of the commodity (2) nature of the commodity (3) subjective conception (4) quantity of the commodity Lu/805 ( 87. vols AES SdEosS Sotsy [Sor OS Bros! Shres Sorrd8 Ferovods do GQ) 15% (2) 20% (8) 30% (4) 40% 88. sos BAISD GBss wQs Bosses S55 Sogr SD Jha o @ vols SSH ogy VO Soy Bol dE oY HOWDY eHPSS BSogo Soy @) veg Si oH jg S08 De, SOpKO (Ah) vols SE orgy ardag Sos 89. vols [SdH yd? wssSS soso wooo So ag @) dre Sao 2) wooed (3) Moers @ SF 90, 1991-2001 S&Bg srood? vos Bde orgy aarer Dibtoeso To @) 24% @ (3) @) 13% 45% 42% 23) 91. j92. 93, Bb-Akrob (Sabosio @ Q= AP) 2) Q-"%) @) Q+RP, PY (4) Q+F,P) SnGS DS00DS Sdrow SY dp Bosse woos fo scdaay (1) 8% Gd od [SoIrad Sgrosiy @ @) « fp adrod alread drosiy SE agroso DIG rsd Sather Heros Baro Bod Sddrmod* Arh) oo () 224 S80 SY Sodrako Srv Q) Brot SYES* SrhSHoeo (3) 28 G8SS S&row S0Srady Srdo (4) 65 Sr0d Bdroth S0hrmiy Servo egmgyin Sods DSooddard eGgos — rigySod (x SB FOE SOS Bae oss eH QS (2) @ a (Sdirakim HsYergds Sonosodso vO wg Sd0 () Sip ak, aderrssgonp (2) Sig Bk, dgerdio erdgt oss Sip Sodroko @) 4) 97. 98. 100. (24) When marginal utility is negative, total utility can be inereased ()__ by reducing MU (2) by increasing MU (3) by keeping MU constant (4) not in any of the above methods For a necessary good, if MU is zero, the consumer would (2) continue té consume the commodity (2) stop consuming the commodity (3) consume the commodity in infinite quantity (4) None of the above When total utility is maximum, marginal utility is (1) zero (2) negative (2) positive (4) constant When MU is at maximum (1) the average utility curve remains below it (2) the average utility remains below and in the increasing trend (3) the average utility curve is above MU (4) the average utility curve is downward sloping What is substitution effect ? (1) Substitute one commodity for another for consumption (2) Increase in demand for the cheaper commodity (8) Substitution of a commodity cheaper in rice for a higher price commodity (4) None of the above 101. 102, 103. 104. 105. Lu/805 A consumer purchased 6 units of a commodity at price Rs. 81. When the price of that commodity falls down to Rs. 6, he has purchased 8 units. What is the elasticity of demand for the commodity ? () Comparatively elastic (2) Comparatively inelastic (3) Perfectly elastic (4) Blasticity is unity This is called the ‘Law of Variable Proportions’ () Some variables changes keeping others constant in production (2) All the inputs change with change in production (3) All the factors remain constant and production changes due to technique of production (4) All the variables change but there is no increase in production Quantity produced is a function of () demand (2) factors (3) costs (A) profit Marginal Product is equal to Average Product when (1) MP intersects AP from above (2) MP intersects AP from below (8) Total production is the highest (4) MP is equal to zero ‘These factors determine the supply of commodity to the market by a producer : a (2) @ “ Price of the commodity Price of substitute commodities Price of factors of production All of the above Lu/805 96. 97. 98. 100. GIOS Hdbrasin over dVHsS Sogov [Gerawd DoS Argo (1) (MU) dod arradism Shoo 2) (MU) ad 08 [Sdtrawd) Boo (3) (MU) 6a oS [SdIrawd) Hohorr sorb G) BP Ap~wod Dds Sr src DeySsS Sh sdos Weireso (MU) Aorhgo word MOGdeortods () 8 SOR oDarngrd aoerds 2) © SM aDeirrrd, Dosasgre (8) & SH wSOdsorr DooiwAge @) pms 06 we Sedo — Salrakiin ddrodiSosradiin Cy arog 2) averdysio 3) SrQso (4) 38orr Lodhi Baresi HOgsvowsiyreb, 60d asp () Sten eirad Hp aD SoB [Sods Soci Siies srado GD SoS SkyzSr B00! 8 QSsorr sotios (MU) sogorr (2) (3) Ste Bolrad Sydp ad-od (Satras SSH (MU) Pp eos (4) She [Sdirad SST (SoSH worhorsss (Bergan Serdiw esr Q) 28 SYS Bergiryator ses SoS Narnos SEAS GS SHYW Siro Dir dkyd G5 SPSS SMS Josist Bergenode Powe Pp mds 06 seh @ @) @ (25) 101. 102. 103. 104, 105. SHY Gs sr. 81 wows Siro 6 obrdgy. Sorgs JF Sr, 6 cord Sirod 8 oLrDep, Grd angen GQ) bE arg8isbn Q) FOE warg8 sin (3) SQ args Sgn (4) D8Sy angshsdw ‘$8 wHIS dposo so! vim (1) ad derosse SrSHoes Sdyserosen Sros 7B Sse 2) 888 SB&ySero vd, 438 stro Srcok (3) 689 sdsen Bor 0d dodas BOGS SOS SHB BID ) vd) Soros dr wd 438 Brom 8878 FLO storm (1) Badrod Q) 488 sds (3) Sgoiren @) ore Gdos 4878 She Gd7Bs BSrd sobs (1) MP dp AP dp p L0d podowss @) MP dp AP dpm [80d Lod podowsi Bvgo 488 Kogio BH08 6873 (MP) erogho @ (4) Sho) Goh, Srd,5h Sgovd. dgonods vores () Soe 8 2) BergSryoh Sie Gio 8) 688 S8sro J8x (4) pa ody ¢| 106. 107. 108. 109. 110, (26) Under perfect competition, for a firm, the AR curve remains a @ @ @ parallel to ‘X’ axis parallel to ‘Y’ axis negatively sloped curve positively sloped curve ‘The most profitable output for a firm under perfect competition is attained at this state of equilibrium : @) MR=AR (2) MR = AR = Price (3) MR= AR = MC (4) AR = Price The unit profit of @ firm under perfect competition can be measured by () MC—ac @ TR —Te (3) AR—ac (4) AR— Price In the short run, a monopoly firm gets maximum profit at output () MC =AR @) MC =MR (3) AR = Price (4) MC = Price A monopolist gets profit always because he produces at this phase of production where Q) MR>AR (2) MR MC (4) MR=AR qu. 112. 113. 114. 115. Lu/805 Under monopoly in the long run (ARs tangent to AC (2) AR is tangent to MC ) ro) MC is tangent to price line MR = AR A monopolist discriminates price in two markets when a) there is different elasticity of the MC in the markets (2) there is different clasticity of the demand curve @) w there is different elasticity of AC curve in any one of the conditions above Which is not imperfect competition ? a @ @) @ Discriminating monopoly Duopoly Oligopoly Triopoly Which is not the characteristic of Perfect Competition ? (1) Homogeneity of the product (2) Free entry into the market (3) Lack of sel 1B cost (4 A firm is a price maker In the short period the demand for an industry under perfect competition is, a @ @) @) Perfectly elastic Comparatively elastic Perfectly inelastic Horizontal to ‘X’ axis Lw/805 106. S0PY SPSS af SYS Sos (6) & Ste oad Ip a ® @ @ X Md ShroSSorr Goes Y¥ wg ds Shrostorr soci erdysaror SE dp Srrdysaren sdp 107. Soar SEF ogso wd, HO maroddy @ O) @) @ MR = AR MR = AR = Price MR = AR = MC AR = Price 108, Sedrg atts 2k olds Sy D ward) Sorboh edarnsda a @ 3) @ Mc — Ac TR—TC AR— AC AR — && 109. Sgo) srood* D¥arghog SoH HOB repomgors 23 @ ® @) (4) MC =AR MC = MR AR = Price MC = Price 110. Agdydr OS drydogertoes rarer ABowo vs G88 Qrov ado @ @ @) @ MR > AR MR < AR ‘MR > MC MR = AR (27) qui. 112. 113. 114, 115. Egsro0d* OSd-givg Soy ins, () AR 8S Bp.AC HE Imm 40700 (2) AR && Sp. MC SF Bmw 407908 (3) MC S38 Bp So Bp% SyO7 od () MR=AR OS Agigerwe od Srd,H6" Gs Die dao Mysore @) Seer MC Sgergites axe Bhrow S8d— anges dgergiien aQyeo AC S8dp Gnky aS dgergitw Bye b we a¥ SORaS* Boh, wgss @ @) a WSOP SrT{S 520 D8 7 () dbgersys OF Hgiogdo 2) Agdgiogsv (B) SODS degingen (A) Bargdogso Sosy SrA of—o wda Da? GQ) SHH Ser Boss 2) Sra 5S Sys) BS (8) whyS Sgorren Shot (4) Sogeb $5 aYoLSy Sgegsroos" Sospg SrdSs' Soph Baro Sosry args ho drby arg Shsin S0drg arg san @ @ @ (4) X eSinh SerSodmr ahyw 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. (28) A firm under perfect competition can |121. influence (1) Price (2) Output (3) Both price and output (4) None of the above Price of an industry under _ perfect ]122, competition is determined by (1) interaction of demand and supply (2) price and MC (3) AR and MC (4) price and AR 123, What does this formula indicate ? (1) Actual rate of growth (2) Warranted rate of growth (3) Normal rate of growth (4) Take off stage growth Extension of demand means 124. (1) demand increases with decrease in price (2) demand decreases with decrease in price (3) demand decreases with increase in price (4) demand increases with increase in price 125. What is the slope of a Marshallian demand curve ? (1) Positive (2) Negative (3) Non-linear (4) Horizontal » L805 Which social accounting statement can tell us the inter-relationship between specified industries ? (1) Input-output table (2) Balance of payments @) NNP. (4) Flow of funds The difference between G.N.P. and G.D.P. is equal to (2) gross foreign investment (2) net factor income from abroad (3) net exports (4) net foreign investment If G.N.P. at market price is Rs. 120 crores, capital stock of the economy is worth Rs. 200 crores, depreciation is at the rate of 10 percent per annum, indirect taxes amount. to Rs. 15 crores, calculate the National Income. (Rs. in crores) (1) Rs. 105 crores (2) Rs. 435 crores (3) Rs, 85 crores (4) Rs. 115 crores Under the regime of gold standard, a country (2) _adopts-exchange control (2) issues inconvertible paper currency (3) limits the inflow of gold (4) has no control on the domesti¢ supply of money’ ‘An increase in the quantity of money will not affect the interest rate if (1) the demand curve for money is vertical (2) the demand curve for money is horizontal (3) the demand curve for money is downward sloping to the right (4) the demand curve for money is upward sloping to the right L805 116. 117. 118. 119. 120, Sosy kr og WerdSo Sosioria a) $8 @ @) «@) e882 $5 S Gow 6673 Bodrar PO 6 swt Soggy os SO" SF Poros ado (1) Béroc S$on dpo poss (2) 68 200% Gow Sgosso (MC) (3) G08 wHd (AR) Som adod goss (MC) 4) 8 S0aw sd osorad (AR) c= & esmin ? @ ® @) WSS SyQ deo 5085 $9 de dorso 48 do BE oS ge 4 Bdrot 2880 vbr () 88 SRF Bdrow Diséoo 2) 88 SAd ddrow SHO (3) $8 BOAT Bhrow SiHo (A) $8 BORE SSrow BIH SrgS DS0008 Shrow S8dp eH dor ods ? (1) Sr sed (2) aner dyson (8) W5-Hd0%5 (4) @80S00r" (29) 121. 122, 123. 124, 125. AGES Soko Sse ho Sowogrd Bdos Tov SovS vs osoh HSsoF CQ) 6848 sro SES (2) 238 BOowo Waso (3) 286 wr SairSy3 (N.N.P) AH) Xo warvroo gro Sard78 GNP) So gro S88 &dyHo GDP) Mss dgergdso 408 Sarbin : () gro ad8 DHad 2) O32 28S ad)B dso sora (3) 88 Atsee 288 ad2 Dpwd SBS dS Srombairdjg GNP) Ge. 120 Se, Lross Dog Gr. 200 Sep, Simro dw 10 wo Lda ss Bayo B. 15 So words eBasrcroso (SOS (Sm, 105 Sep (Se, 435 Step (3) Sm, 85 Se 8m. 115 Sg wormrt — ardrdsteo e&s00d8 ds o@so[S evs wie Tpod 2) Sr0jS HS BSH 4309 Sood Boa Bort B%&8D SOBSo Fipod Agios’, dio 3 (A) Akos Sg SBP dovo[so oowsed (683 Svso Bone SF dw erdso shod coda () (68g Bhrow HS dog 882 oowor adspeo @ (8g Bhrom do sb0seor SSS peo (8) (68s drow HE By ddk0d HAE PHBH po (Sg Garo S8dw LABS Aiiereosysypebo 126. 127, 128, 129. 130. (30) M, does not include isi. (RB notes (2) Demand deposits (8) Government bonds (4) Currency The major purpose of legal reserve |. requirement is to (2) control the money supply (2) guarantee liquidity to the bank (3) control interest rates (A) None of the above f exchange are sometimes ki Bills of exchang metimes known as | 4 ()_ near money (2) claims receivable (8) call money (4) transferable assets ‘The stock market deals in (2) long-term securities 134. (2) short-term securities (3) both (1) and (2) (4) None of the above According to Friedman, which of the following is not a key determinant of demand for money ? 135. (1) Expected rate of return on money and other assets (2) Division of wealth between human and non-human forms (3) Total wealth (4) Precautionary demand Lu/ags Cost-push inflation occurs due to (Q) increase in consumption expenditure (2) increase in the rates of income tax (3) increase in wage rates (4) increase in demand Who stated that “Money is what money does” ? (1) Prof. Friedman (2) Prof. Fisher (3) Prof. Robinson (4) Prof. Walker Reflation may be defined as (1) inflation deliberately undertaken to relieve a depression (2) creeping inflation (3) inflation in the face of stagnation (4) None of the above Bond prices and bond yields are a @ @) @ not related inversely related directly related Alll of the above ‘The “bull” speculators expect that in future the bond prices will (1) fall (2) fluctuate (3) stabilise (4) rise L805 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. M, (Sdgind* JIyosoe (1) Besteg emgo% (R.B.L) Sep @) Bhrom ddey> (8) Seg eroeh (4) 80d) Vyas Oarry vb%g4s adigin o @ 3) {658g SR Dosoyseo 2 agobo (Gdsdy mgsod 84 dh Dobos @) Bp TSS 2S we Sd) Shairg’ OF) oF adyyoed & Dgorr woerds @) Shed Bigso 2) Possns H&yeo (@) dex’ (dgdv (A) aderavosein’s wiper PE IS carddos sonoGo2sd GQ) dgso wérgode @ @) Bgoysre Dkrgoden 288 WO Bod (4) b TSS DS SH EHS wipSs sro SodmdS* (Sag Bdrods MJonod (Sinp vo%o SNA D8 ? GQ) dg HO aSS vop odo wos Sa%o dé SrSh oaks srsdss vowo Log Somes Devers Bngo Sosd Soden [is G&rods @) @ @ (31) 131. 132, 133, 134, 135. gos [OS [GSgoyerds etatw (1) ADE Seo Diese 2) vores Sk dh Didsiedo (2) 38 do wwrSo ) B&rokh Bodo sade “Sg0 wot Pe DSOodSarw () @RSE OES (2) RSE 985 8) WPS TOSS (4) WHEE ose (go DELES'gOQ@ Lr @) 298 — Srowgd, —- Bohowow Bysyodior SEBS Ss"goyeso (PHB) GS'goy eso podrovigos’a KSigoyesbo Pp wd 06 Se @ @) @ erots S8er Mot erod Browder () Sowogse B2d 2) d5% Somodern (3) GSs8 Sowogso Sod Pd edowr ae 38a (SHO dra 2) SPBSD a\w (3) B8orr och aero (4) DoS GesrQros HSgdhooo odsysrood* erodes 136. 137. 138. 139, 140. (32) Cambridge equation of exchange differs from Fisher's equation as it (1) lays emphasis on spending rather than holding of money (2) focusses on holding of money rather than spending money (3). measures aggregate income rather than for transactions purpose (4) treats money as a medium of exchange As the central bank prevents it, derivative deposits can never be () highest (2) least, (3) zero (4) None of the above Lewis thesis is based on (1) balanced growth theory (2) critical minimum effort thesis, (8) ‘Big push’ theory (4) zero marginal productivity of labour in over-populated countries ‘The basic difference between the Harrod ~ Domar model and the Neo-classical model is, a @ 3) @) causes of under-development, nature of factor combination objective of steady state growth ‘None of the above Name the economist who first defined the concept of “Shadow Prices”. (Myrdal (2) Leibenstein @) VKRY. Rao (4) Tinbergen 141. 142, 143, 144, 145. Lw/805 In Rostow’s theory, the drive to maturity (1) comes before the take-off (2) follows the take-off (8) initiates the development process (4) completes the development process Homogeneous capital, proportional saving function and @ given growth rate in labour force are the long run concerns of a @ @) w Schumpeter’s model Hansen’s model Solow’s model Harrod — Domar model Prof. Vakil and Bramhananda model of development laid emphasis on a (2) @) @ service sector wage goods sector agricultural sector capital goods sector According to whom does the rate of profit vary directly with the rate of surplus values and organic composition of capital ? (1) Ricardo (2) Malthus (3) Marx (4) JS. Mill When high rate of inflation is accompanied by high rate of unemployment, it is called a @ @) “ Hyper inflation Stagflation Creeping inflation Inflationary gap Lu/805 136. 187, 138, 139. 140. SoDE Ses Sr[Sw HAF Sr[So Hod Sgergdorr GohbS sSeay oS () B%y Dog Soh [Shy dPoIrMds (Porsgwoo {8g DDO (Porsgsawyoa @ SoS Why Dog @) Sengpo8 (A) (Gargd DNS assorr Sorfekypoo Hobos argo aed, Sag wS8os Bde~ dyir () e8sB80 SH (2) edgoyiw oH (3) ArSgSn oH (4) bp edd 6 sre BS agrowds sarergrsin () SoHdS $8 dgrodso 2) BASS SIG Boddy dr[sio 8) “DAT dgrosin 4) e888 aor Ho Seg pry SESS erdgdn LbgdopSorah MySJo Hoa sr — BOE Shurmwo Lbg Sopggs Sgergoso (1) Bmerd SIs srdarar 2) ady8 Sds© Shyeteo Sgerdsw (B) DOSS 4g O80 Ap WHS 2S St ‘RE Siar woRa) ado QSgDoDsard @ age (2) BBS HS (8) D3.06.9. 0% (4) 858g oe ddo sod SQ soroind) (33) 141. 142. 143. 144, 145. SY rod OSims* SoS eo Dirgod 6% ado @ 85 85 @ 88 05 @) ebSy9 @) edS)g S08 Swot Sorgs Dori Erdos Byvo ders SQ darn’ SerB Dyod, OAS Soy soso Hoowy OE 48 49 de» Sysro' HB oxgem fo Sirs GQ) S086 Sirs Q) SSS Sirs 3) 36° Shore A) SOE — BE Stars S85 HOw [dysotio wvh4)Q Staras* (Sqrgs SBS Sorto B80 Boro (2) SSS SHPHo Sorfo (3) Sg30% Soro (4) Sr0S% Swe Soro Dyed Ioyoiw Hoo aioe dyat BSshorr orev Ter Bidibow D40005 wo @ oss (2) Srgs (3) Sr bgy @) 2.05. BF dys To [GSyoywa, akys do DOE gnS wmNdor 3098 () PSS aSQas PRRS (3) SdoK aSQas (4) GS goy@ dorivdo C (34) 146, The technological gap model represents an |149. 147. 148, extension of the H-O model because it ao @ @ w viewed technology dynamically did not consider technology viewed technology statically any of the above Reducing the value of home currency in terms of foreign currency is called (1) Currency appreciation (2) BoP adjustment (3) Devaluation (4) Net payments National product at market prices is higher than national product at factor cost by the amount of (2) subsidies (2) indirect taxes ~ subsidies @ @) indirect taxes + subsidies indirect taxes 150. Lu/805 The last stage of development in Marx analysis is (2) Capitalism (2) Socialism (3) Imperialism (4) Communism What is market demand curve ? (1) Vertical additions of the individual demand curves (2) Horizontal additions of the individual demand curves (3) Addition of all types of demand in a market (4) Demand for a commodity of a particular firm in the market 1/805 146, 20888 Dov Shorr wSe (WES —|149. 147. 148. 2S) Share DGyero%dy doeosod wd Q) HoFBSorr, Sosresysin (2) MoFBy Sogrady SOMcsoSSS (3) FoFBE QorSydnky woo ) brds® Oa dB gob) dendst Show sody Shows (1) $Bd) wHHOLAS ardg¥oeo 2) BoP Si8e (3) Swog S800 (4) 285 Boyan Sod mod A898 SSO Gos wbairdyg BrId Jog* erboirdyg ISySrr xgo () Saye (2) SOE Siew - SDde (8) SOY Skew + SOybe0 A) SBE Skye (38) 150. rb, DKins'wdSQ ink, O80 5% @ @ @) @ srgbbdeS BRoHDAS aobootdaS Stargdedn &rI,S Shrod HS Tp OD 7 (1) Sgho Shroc H¥ Tpo Be vow eras gio Sras (8) &rd,55D wd) Bdroto ras @) 28 Gags (particular) So Sykyow S73, 55" a) Shroud @ Bkrom s8dpo S050 (36) Lu/b05, SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK

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