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LJ/806 2009 Series B S850 COMMERCE : (English & Telugu Versions) Time : 150 Minutes Max. Marks : 300 SHashiv : 150 Ddksven Avgo Sréty ev : 300 INSTRUCTIONS (2$%0e2) 1. Please check the Test Booklet and ensure that it contains all the questions. If you find any defect in the Test Booklet or Answer Sheet, please get it replaced immediately. GH, SSios* wd) Sher sBosodss IS Wroorssow. SH Sivoo wd, SSrgrs S[SavS* HD DBar SYS! wD Quisod* ITYHD Sood SHTSSTS. 2 ‘The Test Booklet contains 150 questions. Bach question carries two marks. (6% SWSns* 150 Wes. oF y4y GH Toth Sroyeo Seromownass. 3. The Question Paper is set in English and translated into Telugu language. The English version will be considered as the authentic version for valuation purpose. BWAS[SSv aofirs* Sosmeddownd Bort wras's SHbr obds. Sirgrs Swiv worg Dothdines gold (SS Sido drdvinrr SOFSacx. ‘The Test Booklet is printed in four (4) Series, viz. [D]. The Series, [D] is printed on the right-hand corner of the cover page of the Test Booklet. Mark your Test Booklet Series [AJor [B] or [DJin Part C on side 2 of the Answer Sheet by darkening the appropriate circle with HB Pencil (8% Sido Wert SYsnod* (eries) ede [c] [DB] sysnos* anposnasa. 6 < B] wd [Cc] md DB] md B% SSdo cs SH bE HSBY Srost AnOodndsS. HLOYS [Sr Sto. choy, Sov Geries) Bi md DB] md SSrg S Sho Toss SH HG C Sot wos iw Serovowads Sin wS.0. vdyss" Sgr GY doSSBL. Example to fill up the Booklet Series It your Test Booklet Seriesis A, please fil as shown below: @@oOoeo If you have not marked the Test Booklet Series at Part C of side 2 of the Answer Sheet or marked in a way that it leads to discrepancy in determining the exact Test Booklet Series, then, in all such cases, your Answer Sheet will be invalidated without any further notice. No correspondence will be entertained in the matter. D St) SSSv Bvt, SFSv (Series) SiroS HSS TeBHS IEC st MQostrour BF hQ0DS SKS [SHHS SESv wQSSwr Boxee Lws ITsswse m0 Shor 4m) wtwSod v2) SodSSvos*, Bk Newsoe Ske ab Foiswoowds SErPS HSix S8400Sn8E (invalidated). 529 W002 KvSoe asojsdgZiSvev aiwiody. (2) 1/806 Each question is followed by 4 answer choices. Of these, you have to select one correct answer and mark it on the Answer Sheet by darkening the appropriate circle for the question. If more than one circle is darkened, the answer will not be valued at all. Use HB Pencil. to make heavy black marks to fill the circle completely. Make no other stray marks G8 BAS sort ShrorSimen ahyoSSD. eorhs* Sos ware MaYS'D Shrord Sind" WHS Eeromosads SySdow SoM GO DGS. ak GOSar ISAS S)SSwow DBS, » Sdrgrbin SORoSasa. Sy SEow SYM Sor WY does wS.0. VIjss' ess. SESS Hoven Wyo. eg. : If the answer for Question No. 1 is Answer choice (2), it should be marked as follows : 6o : AGIs, (SExSoms 1 8 waren (2) womds pe GOD 6 [800 Dsdorv MQoWSO : OME JKOMIC) Mark Paper Code and Roll No. as given in the Halll Ticket with HB Pencil. by darkening appropriate circles in Part A of side 2 of the Answer Sheet. Incorrect/not encoding will lead to invalidation of your Answer Sheet. BS GBSS adgoGS S: DSc alos, SG Sond Haw 9 FS Son sirord S Soo Bw8Z_ GodASHS SG A Sots Ww5.0. BIS Soghs S)Sdvos* Som HA MQosssH. wdoaginm dhe 3S IS,20h Dasa ave Siro [Sho SOsD0SoaIe. Example; If the Paper Code is 027, and Roll No. is 95640376 fill as shown below sorte : S56 SE 027 Sak ES So. 95640376 wandS (80 Srds MSvrr Down : Paper Code Roll No. $86 85 BE Bo. ol2|7 2[5]6]4[o|3|7]« e@0Oo QDQOMVOEOOO 2OO DODOOOOO Q2@e@e@ ®@QW@OMOOOOOD Q@@O®@ ®G@OOOOeOO ORORO) ®@OOOEGOO®@ ®O® @Q@@OQDOOOO ®@O®© QOeOOLOHOOe Q2O®@ DBOODXDOOeD ®@O® ©@O® L ROROKORORORORO) Please get the signature of the Invigilator affixed in the space provided in the Answer Sheet. An Answer Sheet without the signature of the Invigilator is liable for invalidation. BErqS SSS‘ Lronods Josns" SygAyLD (Invigilator) Sok, SoS8iw Poss. S50 SogSEwd SoSSin Sdrqrs Ssdnd* SSowss' wd SO*Dosnde. Lui806 (3) B 8 9%. 10. u. To change an answer, erase completely the already darkened circle and use HB pencil to make fresh mark. Doar dS Sdrqrdind SrsySSsosy, goss swods dodS SyShv (Cirle Srgr Says Borda W5.D, BSH [FF MQossow. The candidate should not do rough work or write any irrelevant matter in the Answer Sheet. Doing so will lead to invalidation. 850 “DGSI’ Rough Work) 2 md GIBH vss DMowinew md Sirgrs SSiop [PoHore, wey [HBSS SSrqrs S[Sin SOWowHoa soserds ard Govsihyw. Do not mark answer choices on the Test Booklet. Violation of this will be viewed seriously. Sirqrdinod Shs Sinp MYodwrer. 499 VS SModSS S[Sorr SOosdosacay, Before leaving the examination hall, return the Answer Sheet to the Invigilator, failing which, disciplinary action will be taken. SOS HSK SOD Soke Skrqrs HiSiw ots am SUPHxHDS (Invigilator) adgsos. BOS Loo Bog BTSs. 1. (4) World Trade into existence on @) 6-6-2004 (2) 30-6-1991 (3) 1-1-1993 (4) 1-1-1995 Organization came Child labour, Transparency, Human rights issues were decided in one of the Ministerial Conferences listed below by WTO. Pick it up. (1) Hong Kong Conference, 2005 (2) Cancun Conference, 2003 (3) Singapore Conference, 1996 (4) Doha Conference, 2001 ‘The form of departmentation often used in the sales function is, (2) By territory (2) By process (3) Matrix structure (4) By time Which of the following statements reflects the relation between line and staff? (2) Line is superior to staff (2) Line is operational, staff is advisory (3) Staff advice has always to be obeyed (4) Line and staff are independent of each other The tendency to disperse decision making authority in an organised structure is called (1) Centralisation (2) Decentralization (3) Departmentation (4) Using power 10. 1/806 A firm producing that output at which the marginal cost curve intersects with the marginal revenue curve from down, is known as (1) Representative firm (2) Normal firm (3) Optimum firm (4) Equilibrium firm What is the main purpose of Internal Communication ? (1) Control (2) Instruction (3) Information (4) Motivation IDPL unit prepares key formulations of drugs. Hundreds of drug firms are established which take key formulations from IDPL. The IDPL comes under (Genetic Industry (2) Propulsive Industry (3) Assembling Industry (4) Pollutant Industry Integration and synchronisation of group efforts in the organisation to achieve organisational goals is called (1) Group effort (2) Team work (3) Efficiency (4) Co-ordination Which one is the main purpose of, ‘Management Information System ? (1) Assess and distribute information (2) Record and file information (3) Spy on employees (4) Keep track of the environment 14/806 1. (SSou Sg Sos 6 BBS wdsyD0D08 (6-6-2004 (2) 30-6-1991 (3) 1-1-1998 (4) 1-1-1995 2 emosrOyoer, SSsO7SS, « ArsSsrwy00 oS Beth Shogo WTO 2028 God BojGSg SAS" OVD DYoworseéo BONO. SBS Seay MQosod () Sof Sof See 2005 (2) SS SPS Sev 2003 (8) RofigpS Seay 1996 (4) SS Sey 2001 8. @&ySH DGS" adalrAod der Axtea Redrbdn [0d arsst ass @ @ @ @ Howe orgor BIOS oor Sr[BS 2038 Soke ogo 4 BS S0o% P50 ass Sowogawa BOTS rgoge Q0S03 @ BS $8 BS Apso Q) DS svgsGS Sgt, FS Howkigdrdrdy SOA doewod PS Sesto Ipdpdr asodbod BS, FGo Bowe, SHS spsos Rgerard) SON aosron @) @) 5. SgSHBHs Yoymiws" 2Yo! eBsro-d) DHOosTS BAD [808 AMSorr davdre () S685 2) dso Asda (3) Derfis8seo (4) 489 adoarnodsééo (5) 608 Seasdy, Gdr0S wad Ipw, [808 0S MY podMos", w wodSDoeys Shrosdor x e¥Svp vrh 6538. Fon BY 689d Td Soya (800 SWS Sergred (1) PARSgy SoG @) Hem Sog (3) evddos bog (A) SHBegy Sos e0S8oNS — Somrteasn edigan OD 7 (2) 2a%o [ge (control) (2) 84% (instruction) (3) S%rorSsw (information) (4) (S80 (motivation) (IDPL) Sof Srosrss Hotom Soro Sod. Soto. FB MoessoxrS Soode, 6+ Lrosrss oom 8QHd Lowhow SorHdosards MSsss*s Smrjow. S0$ (IDPL) & (808 SWE Des) GQ) Bess Sopti (2) SQ cron’ Sop (8) Sb¥o% Sopss (4) wentgcrons Soph SgdParogs Pgosrer SGosards, SeSgor Derers 0 288) Sou, Dagar Sng ox Sod SSgm> Si DSom heavgre () Brendes Syh @ SOd8yr SHs0 @) HWYgsv (&) S&¥gossn Dogines Skrandty SB wsorsdgossha 7 () SSrawrd, agooD Haw sods Foseso Sard dh hook ps Posso OBighop Dér/erd BORE Sorgdse SELES KD Gn dong @ a) @) uu 12. 13, 14. (6) Organisational technique of control can be differentiated into @ @ @ Feedback and feed forward Qualitative and quantitative Monetary and non-monetary (4) Budgetary and non-budgetary How are committees useful as a technique of co-ordination ? (1) Phey allow careful consideration of all aspects @ (3) Group decisions can be taken They allow scope for different shades of opinion (4) All of these: One of the following was not an objective of Industrial Poliey 1991 : @ @ @) To speed up liberalization measures To attain international competitiveness To attain self reliance through import substitution - (4) To” maintain sustained growth in productivity and gainful employment Vertical integration is resorted in case (2) Technical optima is smaller than managerial optima (2) Managerial optima is smaller than technical optima (3) Managerial optima is smaller than marketing optima (4) Financial optima is smaller than managerial optima 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. La/808 The job of controlling is carried out by (2) Executives specially appointed for the purpose (2) Top management (3) Operational managers (4) All managerial staff Curiosity, manipulation, power, security and status are examples of (1) Primary motives (2) General motives (3) Secondary motives (4) Non motives One of the factors below does not determine the size of the unit : (1) Level of satisfaction among workers (2) Nature of the Product (8) Size of the Market (4) Government Incentives and Regulations One of the following is not a force which determines the optimum size of the unit : (1) Technical forces (2) Financial forces (3) Marketing and Managerial forces (4) Profitability forces ‘The inner state activating and channelling behaviour towards goals is called (Attitude (2) Belief (3) Motive (4) Value Lui806 “ 11. 12. 13. 14, SSPE Doko|So Hawsows s BGorr. 26g Se GQ) B8HR Hoa SIYZ ord 2) ther 88 L0os Sodrer dys (3) GargsyS Sook WargeQdo od (&) 2Bbb Hoo agodss Bhsgoh 25 Dyas, — Sdsdprr Sado deo ddairhosseyy 7 GQ) ed) wd$om anyigm SOROS Dohards Sodio Ss yserov DEawi¥ dfokin dosed QMS eDlotro erases Sota s Baws Seoxo)z-00 ‘p SsrGod) Sinden DasOAJr—an @ @) w 1991 SOprE dors Pgokros* Byoo 28d (60d erderd* 400. MQovsod (2) $808)8 Bdge Siibosowsos (4) SsBtisho DE} SBRBDS Taw wossdg Shoo? 288 IwS sor DE sSHom aderAod 48 aod ead gers SON Godsbo; Tow whs-dsor SoHo; dart Sos ail Dforr aodbo; WOrsSA (808 DES God. HYosod (1) Gardeging Storr sowsoo Q) ddow¥or soso (3) aSFonsorr soesbo (4) SES Bor Goeébo Sogdosroak srossdg dgrossso [S08 wd Borsorr Spy LrHwod (2) wossen (2) Bgoxren (8) s&osrosves 4) ad>B 9) 26, 27. 28, 29. 30. “S8gSoHodD’, “SSS Poa, wv Sore sdarngr go dYob dpoerd) BROS WHS SO (1) OFF (2) SHGow BOS) 3) v6 4S () eS @S B05 "899 Soren” dss Doty Sos sod be (1) worobe wrg Sad (2) dod sine (3) BoorkS Sdoel (4) S38 sav Phrds Sirdrod’, Toth dtost SSSgov Gotwod. GstarS oS O98 DdSwvgo S805 8 adergds, Wego sora) GOO soc, e&S0oseehsoo SoSH — Ladhg SgbsrOFro GQ) $08g% srexby Q do& soso 8) Soyo sod» @) dH_ soso adye Sad SmSgoH Sdddo, wer nirSto w8O [800 sss Skurininct abeom Gotn0d () BE Shurdrbo 2) Sojscron Skariro (3) SoGrohss siarsvsn @) 0%) Sorin e3 Spinor asddrhod sires Dos DorsDo a) @by ga 2) s0S5Sig0 sSrsisy (3) ds Sms (4) wHSr[S Shrsvav 32, 33. (10) ‘The formula for measuring net labour [35. turnover is Total replacements, Q) NLT = “Average workforce * 10 Total replacements, @) NLT = ‘farginal workforce * Total replacements 4, (3) NUT = “Total workforee | * Total workforce 86. (4) NLT 100 = Total replacements ~ Industrial Disputes Act envisages compulsory adjudication of industrial disputes when (1) Parties fail to agree (2) Government decides by way of reference (8) Both (1) and (2) : (4) _Insistence by one of the parties Among the several methods of settlement of disputes, the best one is a @ @) ~Conciliation Adjudication ‘Tripartite agreement (4) Collective bargaining dicates the ‘The workers participation rate percentage of () Total main workers plus marginal workers in the total population (2) Total workers plus average workers in “the total population (3) Main workers to the total population (4) Marginal workers to the total population 37. Leos India adopted the code of ‘discipline’ in the year a) 1947 (2) 1956 oo (4) 1991 ‘The Systems approach to industrial relations was given by (1) DH. Robertson (2) Allan Flanders (3) Dunlop (4) Edwin Cannon Outsourcing of business operations by MNCs has led to (1) Loss in the bargaining strength of labour (2) Gain in the bargaining strength of labour (3) Reduction in the supply of labour (4) Increase in the supply of labour NEGP refers to (Q) National Emergency Guarantee Programme (2) National Employment Guarantee Programme (8) National Energy and Grid Programme “(4) National Education Guarantee Programme 1/806 31. 32. 33. 34. DES [PS eSYS DH [808 oSor Sess) Endo H.Quosen () NLT = Bie (Pas 48 x 100 (@ NLT = ==s wg (3) NLT = Sore x 100 (4) NLT = ae = 100 POprDE Dero gan (sdo DOE Deraro dos sgowrYossin (808 SOROS" Sods0d (1) athdgrean aS etiyoord8 ordoost DSORAyysso 2) esyso Dror, dos MZOHAGAIPaS ISS Tasspe (3) BSS (1) HoH Tow (2) SopwoSer (4) abdged* 28 S¥0 Sp (sdin) SgSips DB bro Des S0ays Sgdos* eG) 6SHHSO 20 7 M od (2) argosngosss (8) (Bdnm edyosso A) Peres FIrorw (hwo Ses dow srdod vsio (Sod abgoasa. HQ0odod () Avo SoS sOz%e + Sedo ware d® Gdrod priv 2) Bxgo [wha + avo wargrct thes Owe (3) Sars pHibte, Soo arer dys 4) 0S Yrbsow avgo a8 aarer8 uy 35. 36. 37. 38. wr dS Sto, D So.dod* (Sd Woo ys" Hos" BD)08 a) 1947 (2) 1956 (3) 1958 (4) 1991 PODS Sonogroh So ysyrd BOYS Bist 7 QM &25. wabys 2) egS groe65y @) 6505 (A) 28gS 8S piover8 — dogs Sy aga Sgstoros ‘TEM OOF Bodo Se (80d SOerdrSdysroo () Eriko Hsird 43 SABIo (2) prio Adard 48 dso (3) pR¥o SQ‘ Siodo Bysoo (4) Erie SBE Berd IsywHO S.a.2d. SPSS av Ardgod (1) whoh wadgS55 mgdod (ero) srOg\Sioo 2) erbob abigns mgsod srdgsivo (3) Bow 48 (AS srdgivo (4) Bob Dbg mgbod s¥giso 39. 41, 42, XN (12) Who publishes the ‘Rural Labour Enquiry Reports’? (1) Finance Department, Govt. of India (2) NABARD (3) Labour Bureau, Ministry of Labour (4) RBI One of the statements given below is true. Pick it up. (1) Workers participation in management and the presence of strong collective bargaining power of labour in a firm do not go together (2) Collective bargaining is the root cause of low labour productivity in India (3) Workers participation in management creates more distrust among workers and management (4) Workers participation in management is, possible in unorganized labour EAS refers to (2) Education Assurance Scheme (2) Employment Assurance Scheme (3) Earnings Assurance Scheme (4) Employment Assistance Scheme Government of India implemented two schemes to remove the unemployment of youth. They are (2) TRYSEM and PMRY (2) SGSY and TRYSEM (3) PMGY and PMRY (4) PMRY and SGSY 44. 45. 46. 47. Lagos" One of the following docs not come under ‘unorganized labour (1) Building and construction workers (2) Fishermen (3) Bidi workers (4) Handicraft workers Industrial relations is used to describe the nature of relationship between (1) Employers and employees (2) Workers and workers (3) Employees and middlemen (4) Government and industry Labour - Management relations is the Constitutional guarantee in one of the following countries. Which one is it ? (2) England (2) Japan (3) Malaysia (4) India Collective bargaining is (1) A process of social change (2) A peace treaty between two parties in continual conflicts (3) A system of industrial jurisprudence (4) All of these ‘The bargaining between all the trade unions of workers in the same industry through their federal organisations and the employers federation is (1) Single plant bargaining (2) Multiple plant bargaining (3) Multiple employer bargaining (4) Single employer bargaining Lu/806 39. 40. Al. 42. [erie DS Dordm dsdso dsc Bxwmoge 7 CQ) PSS ese wos vp (2) %er§ (NABARD) (8) Gab ang6', wrOS WoBay wo (#) grds darby ergosd (RBD (S00 arypgod® asd Sr[sa 40 voxss MQowod (1) srOyher Dogsras* SHSwzo, woRs Hoard prs 8 dodrkrd 2 BogS* SD Dotido Dev See @) gds Bo WDE aerysss do SRST GoSsrd8 Lwre soak (Wwe woddr Sod Hird 4g ASS Godsesy 3) SOHO digas Fersso Sy [PRBOSr, — Dysreakr — HGS edsayg sao DMB (4) RDS 48 HSH8E skow aod, (rhe Dogirms> — TE etorbdood 2.0.05. SHS Se Dorm Srdipod () Dbg Sy SBSo (2) @&gAS Sy S480 @) vd Sy Sho (4) a&ghs SeF0b SeSo POS BoHSgor, aswod" awsignsw Fohosed8 Bo Shrek veh 2OD0B Gd sod () BPH How Q) 282.053. Ook Bye @) dAS.e3. Mo .0.05.5. @) Lok (13) 43. |45. 46. 47. (800 SS aS SH S*OQHED, SgSQESo SD — Hoh Bods &Qo408 GQ) FS%, QoY!S "Rate @) dda sgarrw @) D8 wR» @) 38 Sho dso HOPE Somogres vd Sard) s (80d wd Seg Somog dgerardy SBodards wsore () cSebrd Loa sige Log 2) s0y%o8 Moar» S08 dehy (3) a&igrrod oa Serbok dy (1) BeLSgso Sodom SOpkiwo saig (PDS - dvgyirao Ledg sonore orergoth Storm ood mgtodm 2s Stos Serid wHBS'od. w Sto SH Q) aorpoe Q) aS @) BSI (4) a0do% Sd / dkorirsorr Dshrdto edd GQ) doy Srv Sasso SrDHod @) wdMHyom at Dwwowsg ei adogo ftg ef ToB edyodin DSB @) HOprDs srgosargy SYBdI Srdsyod A) PR BPGoS) Sr dipod 28 SOpkLS‘D wD sOyS dobro snsor Ergo Oberg eds Hag Btrow word, odd GQ) QBS ots BIH» voerw Q) woe Pome SIrsdo voerw @) Be ofedrwo Brow vor (4) DBE akedrd Bir rw voirds 48, 49, 51. 52. (14) Demand for labour is dependent on one of the following : (1) Demand for products made by labour (2) Number of workers available in the country (8) Number of leisure hours (4) Number of mandays worked in previous year ‘The three-man tripartite committee set up in 1954 is (1) Central Implementation and Evaluation Machinery @ @ w Committee on Conventions Steering Committee on Wages National Productivity Council NCL refers to ay @ «@) ) National Council on Labour National Committee on Labour National Commission on Labour National Central Committee of Trade Unions ILC refers to ay @ @) (4) Indian Labour Control Indian Labour Committee Indian Labour Conference Indian Labour Commission ‘The main objective of labour legislation is to (1) protect workers from exploitation (2) strengthen industrial relations (3) provide machinery for _ settling industrial disputes and welfare of workers (4) All of these 53. 55. 56. 1/896 Social security legislation acts include (1) Industrial Disputes Act, Employment Act, Trade Union Act Industrial (2) Factories Act, Payment of Wages Act, ‘Minimum Wages Act (3) Equal Remuneration Act,’ Payment of Bonus Act, Employment Exchange Act @ Act, Act, Insurance Fond Employees State Employees Provident Payment of Gratuity Act One of the statements given below is incorrect. Pick it up. (1) Indian Social Security System is based on Beveridge Plan of UK (2) Labour Management negotiations are unilateral, bipartite and tripartite as well (3) Political interference in ‘Trade Unions cannot be avoided (4) ESI Act is not applicable to private sector employees ‘The.other name for unfair labour practice is (1) Trade Union Vietimisation (2) Unfair Labour Vietimisation (8) Labour Discrimination (4) Unfair Trade Practice Which of the following is not a measure of efficiency ? (2) Input-Output Ratio (2) Profitability Index (3) Capital Employed (4) Labour Productivity Lu/806 48. 49. 50. 51. (POLE Shrow ($0 TS ak GIY EGOS Gomwod SBS Sivgrsin Jods Poboa (D prbSen Soir Bb dipHowsy B&rod (2) S4od* Gy [HIho Somg (3) Hor Iowhorr SHS Kobe (4) B& So, Sod Dd SrSesere SdH v Seo Song 1954 6 SPOs'er aS (BSvp Sddd Dory Fobadod. wh (1) ZoHoh wer, SHYo osolerorsn Q) SopSarobo svg 3) Sdmop Hogg SM /Sososn 4) wbob dery6ss odd IS.P.OS, GISS OW dr-Osoesos () woh pry Losd (2) er8o% [ribs Sood (3) eBo% ROY SDaS (4) 828 Sop erBoh Sojboh save 2.052. wot (1) eSB Ws sds (2) erSbob pms Se%xy (8) er88oh RE SSS 4) 88S (DE dososo (PDE Wigdo ors aBigin Dod () srOyo% BBA H0d sachoo Q) HOME Sonogre vosssso (8) HOHE Iwcrow Sowyootaadés, s*OQ8 BogSrdy Srderds, obojerormdy Dd ySseéo (4) pS ArdodSSsd) (5) 53. 54. B ows SSS -wSS SOSIS* (S08) Syren Ads sosran HQosod (1) S0PaE docro Bods, Sows @EENS Shiv, s0yS Sosro Sysv @ soymro Sysw, .dswo, , Bo%H Sgbv, 505 ddro Sosy @) S&S FOSS Sysw, SSS BQH Sgho, sé'gro Doha Sedo @) AB sire wh} HS Body, ad'givo BO Ao ody, (wars BDH Sys" < (808 argagod* 288. 5p. OQ0K0d (1) PSS POPs SSS SYB of. 3.5°D 8808 Pop esas. Q) (wb, Dvgirmo Bag Hopsaciye Ddvporr Ogkopor, Bkoporrér otron @) S08 Sosres', pabos . S*¥gsv wdsrdgho @) 2.28.0. gio pyle _dortost* STS BBigroH SQose C&DS PE somo WOH (1) S*Oy8 Bows SYSGosy" 2) eHdS pRO¥ ¥¥ HGH @) Ds d3k0 (4) eHO8 S65 wore (808 FHS a8 SvoorgD wdowy 3 Svirho st. HQos0d () BerySS - S580 d%B 2), oreforooss ford, B) DaPADS Srosssy A) OS Gerysss 57. 60. (16) ‘A group of firms, carrying on similar types of activity is called (1) Industry co) a) ) Business Firm Plant Which of the following is an example for industry's goods ? (1) Raw grapes (2) Rice (3) Paddy (4) Potatoes SAIL was established in 1973 as a (1) Holding Company (2) Private Company (3) Public Limited Company (4) Multi Unit Enterprise A firm, in which existing condition of technique and organising ability, has the lowest average cost of production per unit i called (2) Small sized firm (2) Optimum sized firm (3) Big sized firm (4) Moderate sized firm 61. 62. 63. A small disproportionate Lug0s results “in EBIT; other change in sales change in things being equal, is called a @ @) Co) Operating leverage Financial leverage Combined leverage Fixed leverage Clientele effect is relatively more associated with a @ (3) @ Capital structure decision Asset structure decision Dividend decision Investment decision Which one of the following is not a motive for holding cash ? a (2) 3) @ Profit motive Precautionary motive ‘Transaction motive Speculative motive model is an approach that provides for cost-efficient. cash balances. w (2) @) w Miller-Orr model Baumol model MM model Lintner model Luye06 87. 58, 59. darks Sor ad OSB Gogow SSrnod Sd, Sogo Sars (Bod Dgorr deogreo @) So 2) wgdSSo (@) Soy From (80d was! ddd SHopras spYor BESDOBY ? (BQ) wE SoH (2) Dokgo ) g%so (4) wometooten / sentigen SAIL & 1973 6 & (808 dgorr Poorw (1) Qf SoBe (2) pyles Sowder (3) 425 OBE Sopdmr (A) abe Sogo Sgbiger D S0$8d, adgndd Sodas Sogrsir, SSeS drgg SOQBOS', SS. ODES 48)B Sgotin Shed 0d S&ydr sobos!, v Sod s aXor deagre (D8) Sodray So @) sdoieos Sodrmyy Sos @) BY Sodraiy bog (4) dordo Sosray S08 a7) 61. 62. Diier dhatrod* Arh) TSS, ekyrod SOY Oh dehy dg .D.0.8, SF weeds vdsor Srv) Homose ody St OSorm degre (D sr8ghBS Ode eoerty 2) 998 d8b2 wotrw (8) ¥ 3088 BOS OSTF woerH (4) Q8 OSdE Bort SerSSw [80d dYosip oysrr aot0d (1) Bross doyws dYoxio (2) 88 D028 2Yosso (B) BdBods> DYosv (4) Dyed dYosiov Sitio wF Dsards [SISdws-Dd (808 ede! S008. MQo%0d oe bos Q) Swow wits Hosdo (8) Sgdstore [sso (A) sAdtoys (ByErgSSS) (SdsSo (808 SS! ak Shorax, Sgohduoyg BN Dogow Ioryerdizpod (des - ¥6 Sore @ Phd Sire @) AS.d. share A DBS Sora 65. 67. (18) ‘Factoring’ as a financial service is associated with (2) Cash (2) Inventory (8) Account Receivable (4) Bank Balances In a JIT environment, the flow of goods is controlled by (1) Push approach (2) Both pull and push approach (8) No stock approach (4) Pull approach A firm in which lower level of current assets is supporting a given level of output is pursuing (1) Conserv: ‘e working capital policy (2) Moderate working capital policy (3) Aggressive working capital policy (4) Net working capital policy A policy that involves matching of assets and liability maturity is called (1) Conservative policy (2) Aggressive policy @) @ Highly aggressive policy Hedging policy 69. 70. m1. 72, 73, Ly/806 ‘The ratio that measures the ability of the firm to make committed payments is called (1) Debt equity ratio (2) Net profit ratio (3) Debt service coverage ratio (4) PWV ratio Break-even point and margin of safety can be determined by using (1) Liquidity ratio (@) PN ratio (8) Stock turnover ratio (4) Solvency ratio HMT Ltd. is an example of a/an (1) Firm (2) Plant (3) Industry (4) Service organization One of the following is not a measure of size. Identify. (2) Capital employed (2) Profit (3) Number of workers (4) Power consumed in units Which of the following has government ownership, control and participation in business decisions as an essential feature ? a @ @) 4) Public sector organization Monopoly organization Joint stock company Cooperative society L806 65. 66. 67. ‘PYOoR (SsEsIa) ak QS BY (§08 Tse Sonos» SOA oOo (1) Steho 2) a®gowd 8) rer Sireey (aveitigoen) (4) aro% Degen SON Sor SOsM'ady CIT) Sow, SOPHO, Soto arimdy God wast BS HDS DowoBosaco6oO (1) D80E SySyehv 2) 88S Sow D8HPE S)¥ GEO Dotkrir (3) Bowe 5)8yHo (A) e88S BSS D S0g ward, amd por Bi~s vipost Begodds G58 Frovd PBosaas ss Apr, vihwadipsos, vw soy Dgraryd S Dorr Sagres (1) BS FHojiarah dvgirw ross dg 2) Hordes Dgirm Loss Iordio 8) BBSS dyiro Lrogs Iorsiv (4) DEE Dbgires Soros HO, hyo SOSySkr Odea Deady [GOO BHI dev}. MQorsod () BS Sopsaras Dorks 2) RGSS driv (3) ©8 8685 dosso (A) S5n0b/SB0% (Goh) Dorsin a9) 72. 69. 70. in. Bog, er dpb) BQoige, Bodie 4G) Soswds adoirhods 24789 (800 Dorm beaded GQ) ammo - S8geh dB Q) dS D438 3) anakso Sgoird) 3 domwoayg er glS0Sro (B/9.) d%8 B&pods Dod, so ArgSe% (god DABD asairhodiso ogo Agovosseyy GD) Bdg8y 248 2) erglSodre (PV) 243 8) S&H wSYS d4yB 688 BS diyB WOH.4.D [800 TSS aS Gd ears Saor BSySiyy, MQorsod a) s0g @) Foe (3) S0[%% 4) te Soy (808 WSS 288 “Hodrminw” Sodards Bosrsio sd, KQosos (2) darACdS Saroesssn @) owxin (3) 0780 Song @) Bog DIawNDS 48 orde God ws atords* Sadsy agiogho, Dobo[se, Doris DYosros* aso, Sung O¥5R Sotnod MQorsod ) QS Sort Sos 2 DS geg Sos (@) eronod HE Sond (4) Sirs dog 74. 5. 76. 71. 78. (20) ‘The concept of joint sector was introduced by Govt. of India on the recommendations of oo) @ @ w Narasimhan Committee Dutt Committee Rangarajan Committee Rajindra Sachar Committee Indian Railways is an example for @ @ @) (4) Statutory Corporation Government Company Independent Corporate Authority Departmental Undertaking ‘A company in which not less than 51 percent of paid-up share capital is held by the Central Government or State Government or partly by the Central Government and partly by one or more State Governments is a (1) Statutory Corporation (2) Government Company (3) Public Limited Company (4) Departmental Undertaking ‘The process of withdrawing one’s stake either in full or part by the government is called (1) Disinvestment (2) Sale (3) Lease (4) Privatization ‘Changes in technology illustrate @ @ @) Erratic changes Seasonal changes Cyclical changes (4) Permanent changes 79. 81. 1/806 Internal diseconomies of scale happen (2) When a decrease in the scale of production leads to a lower cost per unit (2) When an increase in the scale of production leads to a higher cost per unit (3) When a decrease in the scale of production leads to a higher cost per unit (4) When an increase in the scale of production leads to a lower cost per unit Returns to factors refer to (1) Output generated as a result of change in one or more factors, other things remaining the same (2) Inputs lowered as a result of change in one or more factors, other things remaining the same () Inputs generated as a result of change in one or more factors, other things remaining the same (4) Output lowered as a result of change in one or more factors, other things remaining the same The problem of labour absenteeism in India was first brought out by : (2) The Royal Commission (2) Baldev and Sharma (3) Panakal and Rao (DM. Butani 1/806 74. 15. 76. 77. 78. {aSyS Sorin’ erdsio eds [Sebsguv, aS Sdbd SPS shew S07. w SHd bo 98 7 (1) S8bosS Sood Q) 68 sod (8) SottreS sng A) wtog do sod “qr6Bo% Boge” S08 SES asords SOwrSmorr BSySwy. HYoros Bessy Sod 2) RySols SES wrod (3) Darth SOBs SoS A) wSTRS dog D Sonds* word dos werergo’, So orgy eergds Tar S8¥or sos Waser, H¥sorr orgy Wessgiar Sor (eegorsNd, Sof BOCDS arer Brogiind 51 T8ho SfSor were SOA dod, edrdo Sood [S08 dgorr beng (1) whrsQy SOAS 2) [Bwdg Food (3) 5Q5 ORBE Sowd (4) Dart SEBS SoSs BPSgio, a SoHS'D SS UHH Sor 5, &8sorr “md, sdSosrd0uss BIE [808 Dgorr SgbsroJres. GQ) Bgad asSosSe @ says @) Sea ® peSdsseo Bolas — Srdyyen Srdzron Q) edo Srdyoo 2) aw Sryev (3) S(80b Srteyeo 4) PAS Sree (G08 Srvyow (21) 79. 80. 81. SSSLHVOD CoSYS SYorosisrer (80d BopHos* Bdyerow. 48S Skrqrdin MQos08 a @ @) @ SEESESOOD G3)B Pon Si{o Se, aad 28,08 — dgorbo SNS pH S8SEHSOOD, G8)B Qo Bowddo So, oirdF aByosd —Sgorbo DONS pe SEBSHHVOD, «HB row SHoOSSpt, oGPDT 2804'S Sgosso wONES pe SSHSHSVOD, «SJB ray DoDsspeo obrd 28,088 Ssoso SISSY SESOSWSGOD wad vod a 2) @) @ Dif Ddolros* Srwye Tsp, 288 da wos BS sdsros*D Bro) Sg Soados, ed Die doiros' drs Tso, a8 dar soSh DDS sSsros*d Srtyy Se Sod aeryssro Sifvo Dte Dhotrod* — SrtyySso pe, 288 da woSH os sdswrod® Srdyby, seryisrer adydousdo Die Dhotros' SrWy SSS yeh, 288 Sor vosHbods sdsrod* Srty by, o878 sho eC eS BioS' SvgSndo 88 SHeOys OSH 7 GQ) robs SSS @) @) w aSdS Soot» 402 DOES HOH or% 8.08. werd (2a) ‘The average rate of absenteeism of all |86. industries during 1980s was (10-73% 2) 16-73% (8) 20-73% (4) 26-73% ee ‘The disguised unemployment refers to ())_ persons with no jobs (2) more persons employed for a job which a few can accomplish (3) unemployment among disabled ba (4) highly qualified people working in low aid jobs The credit for forming the first industrial union in 1918 goes to (1) _N.M. Lokhande 89. 2) BP. Wadia (3) Lala Lajpat Rai (4) NM, Joshi Prime benefit accruing to the employees are usually 90. (2) Wage supplements (2) Non-wage benefits (3) Bonus (4) Fringe benefits LW/R06 ‘The report of the first National Commission on Labour was submitted in a) 1959 (2) 1969 7 (3) 1949 (4) 1979 The ‘structure of workforce involved in manufacturing activity is () 87% 2) 107% (3) 111% 4) 92% During the recent Period nearly 50 percent of GDP is being contributed by (2) Agricultural sector (2) Services factor (3) Manufacturing sector (4) External sector ‘The pace of employment growth in the manufacturing sector during the post-reform period has (2) slackened from 2-06% to 1.73% (2) increased from 2-06% to 3.0% (3) remained constant at 2-06% (4) increased to 4% There is a consistent decline in the mode of employment in (2) Casual labour 2) Self employment (3) Regular employment (4) Private sector employment L/806 82. 83, 1980 of wd) SopboS"r, ehSys Shes Geo Bod Mor soda. 35 de> MHQosod @ @ @) a) 10-73% 16-73% 20-73% 26-73% Bayo SHEKgrid» vos () a&igren Shou Sirs Goesho (2) 58 M08 og Dovsons 2¥ 498, 28yS Hod Lisdvow Iairnosdo workBbogin BodsarOe* aLATNS 08 dS eYse sdyrs, eB Shy dood Srdobso @ ) arts — Shod' — EngEndo —«1918* POPE ahrDoHK FDS sss SOT Boereod 25.0%. Sto Dd. rao oe ofS8 mob 25.0%. sta a @) @) @ ago Berd Sors [Salraddn SSSorr 2 () ek w0s Share 2) S8S8S Barer @) SSS @) e&8ons Saracen (23) 86. 87. 88, 89. edd Biod* SvgQsnds woh pris SOAS DIOL D So.os* SHOjo~re 7 @ @ @) CO) 1959 1969 1949 1979 (PDS 48 N02BS', SPSasrb segs" HES TO wHT Si Dos 7 @ 2) @) @ oe wdg soos edd go er Bow GS)BE HEror 50 PSO SH SS Sod wodssy Sorféo (1) SgS30% Soro (2) ba» Sorin 8) SPSarrd Soro 4) 288 Sodio 81% 10-71% 111% 92% 4Qs — Sotj8mo wdodS POST SipSoxrd Sorfos* aS'gns Sg deo (1) 206% S08 1-73% % SHO (2) 2:06% S08 3:0% H BOACE (3) 206% Sf BSF God 4) 4% & BORD [S08 S8HS aSsASS', Ss Kggsroos', Dowd SiS Sbatiod. 40 vor SSrgrerdy oQosod (2) ofes)Dy¥ [Sse (2) Sga%bo ado @) SS asigns (4) pyle dors aaigns a1. 92, 93, 94, 95. (24) ‘The ratio that indicates what proportion of| Earning Per Share has been used for paying dividend is called (1) Coverage ratio (2) Payout ratio (3) Yield ratio (4). Solvency ratio Return on Investment (ROI) is a (1) Decision criterion (2) Performance criterion (8) Solvency criterion (&) Liquidity criterion ‘The Liquidity Ratio is satisfactory when it is a) 2:1 @ 1:2 (3) 1:4 @ as. ‘Core Working Capital’ is more or less of a (2) Fluctuating nature (2) Fixed nature (3) Both fixed and fluctuating nature (4) Cyclical nature Yield on share is equal to DPS 7a a Market price of share 100 EPS 2 BPS __ a9 ©) “Market price of hare * 70° DPS © ws @ a Total investment 96. 98. 100. 1/806 ‘The earning power of the company depends upon (1) Debt equity ratio (2) Capital gearing ratio (8) Net profit to capital turnover ratio (4) Liquidity ratio Cash flow in capital budgeting decision means (1) PAT + Cash items (2) PAT + Depreciation (8) PAT + Non assets (PBT One of the following is not a source of funds. Which is that ? (2) Short term borrowings (2) Sale of fixed assets (3) Decrease in deferred payment liabilities (4) Depreciation + In capital budgeting decisions, the time value of money is considered in case of (1) Payback (2) ARR (3) NPV (4) IRR Cost of capital serves as rate for capital investment. (1) Internal (2) Moderate (3) Expected : @) Cutoff Luigo6 91. 92. 93. 94, 95. (25) wer 28,088 Sod B08 wQero wd |96. DoS wh Sin Addoyg GDowwrds GdErRows Ardods dB [803 Dgom Sade 1) 96 dass ake 2) BQo% 2498 (3) BBO D248 @ ane ho $8 dB wyod P ovwd (ROD oS (1) dgo% Pasos (2) D8gsH [Ssos @) BS dYow HBSS (4) (Gidgesg Grasas (God wrSSt a8 Chg DY OMosB [(PSraSSho-W SoIpod 98. @ ® @ @ 4: (Oe Dogivw LarogSSv' Bod Sgerardy BOA Bot (1) adhteehotoe Sgersiso 2) BO Sgerdiw (8) BO Sgerdie, echeochtbo gorse Bode (4) Bio Srtyy dgerrtion wip ornd/O%Hd9 Ashowtehy 4.28. © Se mae ge <1 a.d.08, eee 100) Se SRS GS 97. sae (808 XSore @) @ 100. SoBd wQd 48 G08 GIP worisereood (1) anestin, S8gdo 243 2) Sess oof d%p8 (3) DES ergrd& Soros wsYs O48 (4) (SSg8g DB Brogs Goh dYowsud* — Se (arinie’ H Bod. Bor Mehosisugy (1) 3.0.8. + Sx Core QQ) d.aB. + SHI @) d.d.G. + GRSS vore dB..s. (808 we. ae BOsiehosadds HQosod (SSgirokorr (1) SgoysrOS eneren @) BB wo wiysy dod @) dod BPoh erdpsos* Sipe (4) S&IsO SPSS vGWoH dotrer SiwAS peo, aS SZBS —Brlewsy— HODEns SOKaS!E Shwoers. v SFBO () BOA BQo% @) 9.86.05. (3) - aS... @ 0.06.06. Lrogs vyad FIZ dross dgovinw Sor abesrnossi. Q) wodsony eo Q) Hose de @) vtods der 4) 8s deo 101. 102, 103, 104, 105. (26) According to traditional approach the cost of capital is affected by (1) Debt equity mix (2) Equity capital (3) Asset structure (4) Preferential shares Substitution of home-made leverage into corporate leverage is highlighted in capital structure theory of a @) @ a) Lintner Gorden Modigliani and Miller Alexander Barges ‘Trading on equity implies a debt, equity ratio. a @) (3) «@) Low High Medium Very low ‘The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) was developed by a @ (3) @) Eugene Fama William Sharpe Markowitz Dow Jones Depreciation is included in costs in case of (1) Payback method (2) Profitability index @ ) Average rate of return Internal rate of return 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. Luis06 Operating Profit means a) @ @) @ Birdi Profit before interest, tax and depreciation Profit before tax Profit before interest and tax Profit after tax hand theory of dividend was advocated by a @ @) @) Gorden and Lintner Litzenberger David Durand ‘Modigliani and Miller ‘The financial transaction wherein an investor purchases a security only for the dividend and sells it after recei a (2) @) ) ing the same is called Dividend stripping Dividend transaction Security transaction Dividend yield Projects which compete with each other in capital investment decisions are called a) () @) @) Independent projects Mutually exclusive projects Contingent projects Long-term projects Which one of the following is not a capital budgeting decision ? a (2) @) ) Diversification Expansion Investment in current assets Replacement 806 101. 102. 103. “w 104, 105. Hopes yo Sysg Hares Sgoio 80d ass’ aS GdS Gerdsiv wHyBWod (1) axed diSgeh ayhosv (2) S85 Srogsso (3) 8 2028 ) ebSs%) weren Ky 90S OSH SoS HHS OSI Bergbr0H S80, Sswoss 0028 DeroSos* GD [Srdwmgtso NSBE BOYS HSS [GOO TH IFw Boersod 8085 @) gS (8) BrAfoyed How DoS @) eBroess arg Gag SGSSn woh awmiy-cedgdh Diyg [0d Bforr aosibo QQ 8&yr 2) dys (3) dors wer 88h Bross wQ GS dYob Sixra (CAPM) BIFOodSH0 SH () ohend der Q) DdxH ay (3) Sr DF Gy @ BS) SHdom Sgotvos* 49 God, Aross agioh Fb FYB MQorsod @) 80n Bdow Saga (2) oe wrobss dvb Sgd @) Ste wd deo Sa @) e0d85 oad doo SB (27) 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. stg 88S orxio vod () 84, SS, SHMBoo\ — Snoe ren Seyseimods oregon @) 8, Shy BowBswots rein A) BBO Stars orgie» BS" 53 Bdd0ek dprowrdy. (SBHBODS THIS bO () AQS, D085 @) OBSagé @) BOE boE (A) BrSQoxd Ld BLS SSeo Bddoe Hosards Sms were Sd, 0d Pod sobs eo sreros emyrds Sb Qs Sgditrdy [800 dYorr Sadr. () BdB0e% Stripping) BdBoeH Syosessw 3) DErgod SesstoSn (&) B2Bor Broad Bross Bod dYoiro hash e8 Has 28S asd SELoH [80d ASorr degre GQ) RySoS VHev Q) S8dy8 WSstov0% [BBL @) whos BHn A) Og508 Bho God rds" B88 Sods DGoros's ore QoS () Bdxgho 2) 2880 @) SHS v—ost vyws wgso (4) Baws @ wOdoawe (Dividend @ agaoh qu. 112. 113. 14, 115. (28) The cost of depreciation generation funds is, equal to () Cost of equity (2) Cost of debt (8) Overall cost of capital (4) Cost of retained earnings ‘The interest rate that equates the present value of the expected future cash flows to the initial cost outlay is (ARR @ NPV (3) IRR (4) Payback ‘The most important variable while calculating the cost of debt is 2) Earnings (2) Dividends (8) Investment, (4) Tax rate Which one of the following will take place when a fair return is not realized as capitalization ? (1) Under capitalization (2) Moderate capitalization (3) - Over capitalization (4) No capitalization ‘The ratio that indicates a firm’s commitment to meet short-term liabilities is called (1) . Proprietory ratio (2) Tarnover ratio (3) ROL (4) Current ratio 116. 117. 118. 119, 120. L806 Sales value variance is the difference between (2) Standard sales and Actual sales (2) Budgeted sales and Actual sales (3) Standard sales and Budgeted sales (4) Industry sales and Firm's sales When margin of safety is 20 percent and P/V ratio is 60 percent, the profit will be (1) 30 percent 1 2) 334 percent (2) 835 percen (3) 12 percent (4) 16 percent The difference between fixed and variable cost has a special significance in the preparation of (2) “Master budget (2) Flexible budget (8) Cash budget (4) Functional budget The time normally taken in replenishing inventory after the order has been placed is (2) Gestation time (2) Operating time (3) Lead time (4) Replenishing time Market risk is measured by (1) Beta co-efficientt (2) EBIT (3) Degree of leverage (4) Degree of freedom

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