The Kinds of The Text

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The Kinds of the Text

1. The definition of descriptive
Descriptive text is a text which describes a particular thing, place or
2. The purpose of descriptive
The purpose of descriptive text is to describe what something is like.
3. Generic structure of descriptive:
a. Identification
b. Description
4. Language features of descriptive:
 Using the simple present tense,
 Using the attribute verb, such as be (am, is, and are).
5. The example of descriptive

Anne is my close-friend. She is from America, but she is here now.
She enjoys staying in Indonesia. But she sometimes complains about the
weather in Indonesia. She feels hot here, because she usually feels cold in her
country. But she doesn’t mind about it.
She is absolutely very adorable. She is very pretty. She makes me laugh a
lots, she often tells me funny stories. I like the way she tells them. When I her
singing in the morning, I love it. She is a fun person to be with.
1. The definition of procedure
Procedure text is a text which describes how to make or do something
through series of events or steps.
2. The purpose of procedure
The purpose of procedure text is to tell how to make or do something.
3. Generic structure of procedure:
a. Aim/goal
b. Materials
c. Steps
4. Language features of procedure:
 Using the simple present tense, likes the form of an imperative sentence,
 Using the temporal conjunction, such as first, second, then, next, finally and
so on,
 Using the action verbs, for example: turn on, stir, cook, etc.
5. The example of procedure

Aim/Goal How to Make Nasi Kuning


 2 ½ teaspoons turmeric powder

 1 teaspoon salt
 Water
 400 ml coconut milk
 4 kaffir lime leaves, crumpled
 1 stalk lemongrass, bruised and tied into a knot
 1 bay leaf
 3 cups rice, washed

 Egg omelet, cut into ribbons

 1 small cucumber, peeled and cut into circles
 Fried shallots

1. Dissolve the turmeric and salt in 125 ml warm water. Then add the coconut
2. In the rice cooker, combine the turmeric-coconut milk mixture and the
remaining ingredients. Add enough water to reach the 3-cup line in the pot.
Stir to mix.
3. Turn the rice-cooker on and let it cook.
4. When the rice is done, remove the lemongrass and leaves. Scoop onto a
serving plate and garnish with the omelet ribbons, cucumber slices and
Serves: 6 portions
1. The definition of report

Report text is a text which describes something or things generally.

2. The purpose of report

The purpose of report text is to tell something in general.
3. Generic structure of report:
a. General classification
b. Description
4. Language features of report:
 Using the simple present tense, except if any subject was extinct, it will use
the past tense,
 Using the action verbs, for example: surround, make, begin, etc.
5. The example of report

General Classification:
An amphibian is an animal that has moist, hairless skin.


Amphibians are cold-blooded, which means they cannot make their own
body heat. They get warm in the sun and cool off in the shade.

The three main groups of amphibians are frogs and toads, salamanders
and Caecilians. All amphibians have backbones. The three kinds of amphibians
look very different from each other. Frogs and toads have legs but do not have
tails. Salamanders have short legs, and long bodies ending in tails. Caecilians
do not have legs. They look a lot like big earthworms.
1. The definition of narrative
Narrative text is a text which tells a story of animals or anything we find in
our daily life or tells an imaginative thing.
2. The purpose of narrative
The purpose of narrative text is to amuse or entertain the readers.
3. Generic structure of narrative:
a. Orientation
b. Complication
c. Resolution
d. Re-orientation
4. Language features of narrative:
 Using the past tense,
 Usually started with adverbs of time, for example: long time ago, once upon a
time, in a faraway land,
 Using the conjunction, such as then, after that, before.
5. The example of narrative


Once upon a time, there were 40 thieves who put their stolen money and
treasures in a cave saying to the cave entrance “Open Sesame!” A poor person
saw them while they were doing that, so he heard the opening word. After they
left he went towards the cave and opened it. Suddenly he found a very large
quantity of money and golden treasures. He took some of it and went back
After that he became a rich man and his brother wanted to know how he
became rich.
One day his brother followed him to solve the mystery. Next day the
brother went back to the cave and opened it. He found a lot of money but when
he tried to get out he could not. After a few minutes the thieves came in and
saw the brother.
The boss asked him how he knew about the cave so he told them the
story. They killed the brother and went to find Ali Baba’s house.
Next morning the thieves hid in big jars and went to Ali Baba’s house. The
boss and two of his men pretended that they were the merchants. Ali Baba
invited them to lunch.
After lunch they took a rest. The housemaid went out and found 40 thieves
in the jar, so she boiled hot oil and poured it on their heads to kill them.
After that Ali Baba lived happiness forever.
1. The definition of recount
Recount text is a text which tells ‘what happened’ in the past, usually
about the experience of author’s private.
2. The purpose of recount
The purpose of recount text is to document or retell a series of events and
evaluate their significance in some ways.
3. Generic structure of recount:
a. Orientation
b. Events
c. Re-orientation
4. Language features of recount:
 Using the past tense,
 Using the conjunctions, such as then, before, after.
5. The example of recount

It was my grandpa birthday last Sunday. On Friday, my sister and I went
shopping at the mall to buy a present. Then, we wrapped it in a blue paper.
On Saturday morning, my brother and I helped my sister to make a
birthday cake in the kitchen.
On Sunday evening, my uncle and aunt came to my house. Then, we sat
together in the living room. Finally grandpa blew the candle and cut the cake
while we were singing a “Happy Birthday” song for him.
After giving each of us a piece of cake, he opened the present. He told us
what he liked the present, and he was very happy.

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