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Belarma, Tricia Lyka

International Development Studies 41

Subject: International Political Economy
Professor: Jumel G. Estrañero

UN says Africa faces unprecedented food crisis, with 3 in 4 people unable to afford a
healthy diet

A. News Tidbits
The U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization jointly released a report. It was found that a
startling 3/4 of Africans can’t afford a healthy diet, according to the Economic Commission for
Africa, the World Food Program, and the African Union Commission. With 1.4 billion people
living in Africa, the continent is experiencing an "unprecedented food crisis," which is being
made worse by world events like the COVID-19 pandemic's aftereffects, African conflicts, and
Russia's war in Ukraine. The report alerts people to the possibility that millions of people's
hunger may worsen in the near future, especially in East Africa where farmers are threatened by
climate change and in West and Central Africa where armed conflict has uprooted millions of

B. Analysis
Africa has an abundance of natural resources, but it’s also home to hunger and
malnutrition. The report emphasizes that the only rapidly growing region where poverty is
increasing is Africa. The number of Africans experiencing severe food insecurity in 2022 was
342 million, which accounted for 38% of the global hungry population. 30% of children under
five have stunted growth as a result of malnutrition, making their group the most affected by the
crisis. The state of food security has dramatically worsened, particularly in the years 2019 to
2022, reversing the gains made between 2000 and 2010. Nigeria, the most populous country in
Africa, stands out because nearly 93% of its 210 million residents cannot afford a nutritious diet.

C. Policy Recommendations
Global organizations such as The U.N. emphasize how urgently nations must intensify
their efforts in order to eradicate hunger and malnutrition by 2030, this is even included in their
SDGs. They stress the necessity of improving the energy, health, and education sectors in
addition to transforming the agrifood systems. The report raises indirect questions about African
governments' priorities by citing countries such as Nigeria, wherein millions of dollars are set
aside for presidential perks in the face of mounting economic hardship. A comprehensive
strategy is demanded to address food security as well as associated systems for increased
production, better nutrition, a healthier environment, and an all-around higher standard of living
for all its citizens. The findings are intended to provide impetus for legislative modifications and
other initiatives that can significantly improve the lives of the millions of people experiencing
food insecurity throughout the continent.

ASADU, C. (2023, December 7). UN says Africa faces unprecedented food crisis, with 3 in 4 people
unable to afford a healthy diet. ABC News.

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