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1. Translate into Romanian:

1. I saw a movie yesterday. ___________________________________________________________
2. I didn't see a play yesterday. ________________________________________________________
3. You called Debbie. _______________________________________________________________
4. Last year, I traveled to Japan. _______________________________________________________
5. Last year, I didn't travel to Korea. ___________________________________________________
6. Did you call Debbie? ______________________________________________________________
7. Did you have dinner last night? _____________________________________________________
8. She washed her car. _______________________________________________________________
9. He didn't wash his car.____________________________________________________________
10. You did not call Debbie.__________________________________________________________
11. I finished work, walked to the beach, and found a nice place to swim.
12. He arrived from the airport at 8:00, checked into the hotel at 9:00, and met the others at 10:00.
13. Did you add flour, pour in the milk, and then add the eggs?
14. I lived in Brazil for two years. ______________________________________________________
15. Shauna studied Japanese for five years. ______________________________________________
16. They sat at the beach all day. ______________________________________________________
17. They did not stay at the party the entire time.
18. We talked on the phone for thirty minutes.
19. A: How long did you wait for them? ________________________________________________
20. B: We waited for one hour. _______________________________________________________
21. I studied French when I was a child. ________________________________________________
22. He played the violin. ____________________________________________________________
23. He didn't play the piano. _________________________________________________________
24. Did you play a musical instrument when you were a kid?
25. She worked at the movie theater after school.
26. They never went to school, they always skipped class.
27. She was shy as a child, but now she is very outgoing.
28. He didn't like tomatoes before. ____________________________________________________
29. Did you live in Texas when you were a kid?
30. People paid much more to make cell phone calls in the past.
31. I paid her one dollar when she answered my question.
2. Complete the tables with the past forms of the English auxiliary verbs:

Positive Negative Question

I had. I did not have. Did I have?
You You you ?
We We we ?
They They they ?
He He he ?
She She she ?
It It it ?

Positive Negative Question

I was. I was not. Was I?
You were. You were not. Were you?
We. We we?
They. They they ?
He He he?
She. She she ?
It. It it?

Positive Negative Question

I did. I did not do. Did I do?
You You you ?
We We we ?
They They they ?
He He he ?
She She she ?
It It it ?

3. Make the passive form as in the example:

Example: Tom repaired the car.
The car was repaired by Tom.
1. Mother made supper. _____________________________________________________________
2. He read the book in two hours. _____________________________________________________
3. They washed the car yesterday. _____________________________________________________
4. My sister saw Mary in front of the cinema. ____________________________________________
4. Pronounce correctly the following verbs:

When the final sound in the simple present is T or D, the ED ending is pronounced

Added Accepted Painted

Commanded Elected Predicted
Decided Elected Repeated
Ended Graduated Started

When the final sound in the simple present is F, L, S, SH,

CH, P, K the ED ending is pronounced /t/

Stuffed Erased Expressed

Fixed Danced Cooked
Brushed Reached Helped
Released Pushed Typed

When the final sound in the simple present is V, L, M, N, B, Z, G, Y, or W, the ED

ending is
pronounced /d/

Called Arrived Explained

Robbed Lived Answered
Followed Used Changed

5. Fill in the blanks:

1 I ___________ to the mall after school.

2 My brother _____________ a bear an hour ago.

3 ____________ Mike visit his grandmother last night?

4 Alex did not ________________ last weekend.

5 ______________ Judy and Liz at last month's meeting?

6 We ________________ not happy after the sad ending.

7 _______________ you see Jody's new dog yesterday?

8 Sorry, I ________________ hear you at the door.

9 I ___________________ English for two years.

10 What ________________ you eat for lunch yesterday?

6. Put the verbs in brackets at the right form:

Yesterday Mrs. Hubbard (have) ____________ a very rough day. In the morning,
she (go) _____________ to the kitchen and (look) _________________ in the cupboard
for some food for her dog, but the cupboard (be) __________________ empty. Her
poor dog (stare) ______________ up at her with its hungry eyes, and she (know)
________________ she had to do something quickly. She (hurry) _________________ to
the grocery store to buy some dog food, but unfortunately the store (be)
____________ out of her dog's favorite brand, so she had to catch a bus downtown.
After buying the food, she (wait) _______________ for a half hour in the rain to get a
taxi. When she finally (get) _________________ home, her dog (be) ____________
sound asleep on the living room sofa.

7.Change the verbs in the following sentence into past tense.

1. Yesterday, I (go) ___________ to the restaurant with a client.
2. We (drive) __________ around the parking lot for 20 minutes in order to find a parking
3. When we (arrive) ______________ at the restaurant, the place was full.
4. The waitress (ask) _____________ us if we had reservations.
5. I (say) ____________, "No, my secretary forgets to make them."
6. The waitress (tell) ___________ us to come back in two hours.
7. My client and I slowly (walk) ____________ back to the car.
8. Then we (see) __________ a small grocery store.
9. We (stop) __________ in the grocery store and (buy) _____________ some sandwiches.
10.That (be) _____________ better than waiting for two hours.

8. Study the rules in the table then give the vb+ed form to the following verbs:
Verb ending in... How to make the simple past Examples

live - lived
e Add -D
date - dated

try - tried
Consonant + y Change y to i, then add -ED
cry - cried

tap - tapped
One vowel + one consonant (but NOT w or y) Double the consonant, then add -ED
commit - committed

boil - boiled
[anything else] Add -ED fill - filled
hand - handed

1. to stop 13. to agree 24. to add

2. to ask 14. to step 25. to
3. to type 15. to nod argue
4. to try 16. to wash 26. to
5. to fill 17. to cancel enter
6. to like 18. to drop 27. to
7. to play 19. to free obey
8. to study 20. to cry 28. to
9. to live 21. to listen travel
10. to regret 22. to refer 29. to talk
11. to walk 23. to hand 30. to wait
12. to occur

9. Choose the right variant:

1. What did they think about the lecture yesterday? They ____________________ it was interesting.
A though C thinked
B thought D thank
2. Where did you buy that bracelet? I __________________ it at Nordstrom's.

A buyed C bought
B bawt D buied

3. What did he say? He just ____________________ "Hi."

A said C sought
B sayed D saed

4. Where did you read that article? I __________________ it in the newspaper.

A read C readed
B red D raided

5. How many gifts did they choose? They _____________________ 3 gifts.

A choosed C chought
B chosed D chose

6. How high did the water rise during the 1962 floods? It _________________ about 10 feet.

A rise C rase
B rised D rose

7. How long did the soldier stand at attention? He ___________________ at attention for an hour.

A stand C stode
B standed D stood

8. How did he break that lamp? He __________ it by accidentally knocking it over with his elbow.

A broke C broked
B brake D breaked

9. How did they send the letter? They __________ it by airmail.

A saint C sunt
B sent D suit
10. What did you know about Japan before you went there? I ________ that the language would be hard
for me to learn.

A knew C knowed
B knaw D know

11. What did the diplomat mean when she said "We had a frank discussion.?" She ___________ that
they shouted at each other.

A mint D meant
B meaned
C mought

12. How many paragraphs did you write for your essay?
I ___________________ eight paragraphs.

A wrote C wrate
B wrought D writed

13. How late did your brother sleep yesterday morning?

He ___________________ until 10:30 AM.

A slipped C slebbed
B sleeped D slept

14. How many library books did she take last week? She __________________ five books.

A toke C tight
B taked D took

15. When did the lake freeze? It _________ last week when the temperature went down to 0 degrees.

A freezed C fraze
B freize D froze

10. Translate into Romanian:

Yesterday Mrs. Hubbard had a very rough day. In the morning, she went to the kitchen and looked in the
cupboard for some food for her dog, but the cupboard was empty. Her poor dog stared up at her with its
hungry eyes, and she knew she had to do something quickly. She hurried to the grocery store to buy some
dog food, but unfortunately the store was out of her dog's favorite brand, so she had to catch a bus
downtown. After buying the food, she waited for a half hour in the rain to get a taxi. When she finally got
home, her dog was sound asleep on the living room sofa.
11. Complete the table with the missing forms:
Regular Verb (to work) Regular Verb (to work) Short Short
Statements Statements Questions answer answer
affirmative negative + -
I worked. I Yes, I did. No, I didn't.

He He didn't work. Yes, he No, he

She worked. She Did she work? Yes, she did. No, she

It It didn't work. Yes, it No, it didn't.

You worked. You didn't work. Yes you did. No, you

We We Did we work? Yes we No, we didn't.

They They didn't work. Yes they did. No, they

12. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences:

1. Last night, Samantha have pizza for supper.
2. My pet lizard was died last month.
3. Yesterday I spend two hours cleaning my living room.
4. This morning before coming to class, Jack eats two bowls of cereal.
5. What was happened to your leg?

13. Say what you did yesterday as in the model. Remember to use past tense simple.
Model: Yesterday, I went to the mall. I bought some shorts and a baseball cap. I spent almost $20.

14. Say what you did last weekend as in the model. Remember to use past tense simple.
Model: I stayed home and cleaned my room. I didn’t do anything fun.

15. Tell about a childhood experience as in the model.

Model: One day, when I was about 7 years old, there was a knock on our door. When I opened the
door, I saw that nobody was there. I felt something was wrong, so I called my mother. . .

16. Give the right form of the verb in past tense:

1. Tom ________________________(buy) a new 9. I _____________________ (want) to buy that
house last month. computer, but it was too expensive.

2. When _______________________ (they/arrive) last 10. Why ______________________ (they/not/come)?


3. She _______________________ (not/understand)

the question yesterday.

4. Fred _____________________ (take) a lot of

pictures on his holiday last summer.

5. What ______________________ (you/get) for your


6. They ______________________ to get the bread this


7. Alice ______________________ (play) tennis this


8. Where _____________________ (you/go) last


17. Complete the table with the missing forms:

Infinitiv Past Past

e Simple participle
1 be
2 beat
3 become
4 begin
5 bend
6 bet
7 bite
8 blow
9 break
10 bring
11 build
12 burst
13 buy
14 catch
15 choose
16 come
17 cost
18 cut
19 deal
20 dig

18. Choose the correct variant:

1. The day .......... terribly. b) announced

a) took care of c) finished
d) began a) sang
2. My alarm .......... b) whistled
a) didn't get up c) shouted
b) didn't begin d) called
c) didn't wake up 11. I .......... my coffee quickly
d) didn't go off a) spat
3. and I .......... the house with only 1 hour to b) drank
spare c) sang
a) left d) looked for
b) entered 12. too quickly in fact as I .......... some on my
c) quitted shirt.
d) goodbyed a) spilled
4. before the plane .......... due to take off. b) dropped
a) didn't go c) spread
b) wished d) smiled
c) became 13. I .......... the sign to the departure gate
d) was a) looked after
5. Luckily there .......... very little traffic b) followed
a) was c) discussed
b) existed d) ran after
c) had 14. and .......... through passport control.
d) turned over a) went
6. and I .......... at the airport with 30 minutes to b) discussed
spare. c) smiled
a) went d) went under
b) terminated 15. I .......... down in the departure lounge.
c) reached a) hurried
d) arrived b) came
7. I .......... in at the gate c) went
a) checked d) sat
b) stood 16. It .......... full of teenagers, obviously a school
c) waited trip.
d) stamped a) was
8. and .......... for a coffee. b) happened
a) started c) suggested
b) shouted d) disappeared
c) went 17. They .......... a terrible noise.
d) whistled a) were happening
9. Just as I .......... down , b) were smoking
a) went c) were doing
b) sat d) were making
c) jumped 18. And then I .......... that terrible
d) drank announcement, the one you don't want to hear.
10. the announcer .......... my flight. a) heard
b) listened
c) felt
d) spoke
19. There .......... a problem with the engine.
a) arrived
b) happened
c) were
d) was
20. I .......... around for a place to get another
a) saw
b) looked
c) had
d) was
21. I .......... a drinks machine so I .......... over to
get some.
a) looked over / went
b) saw / fell
c) saw / went
d) looked over / fell
22. I .......... in my money and .......... the button
for black coffee.
a) put / pressed
b) put / pulled
c) threw / pressed
d) threw / pulled
23. When I .......... up the cup,
a) took
b) pushed
c) pulled
d) picked
24. it .......... only water.
a) went in
b) got up
c) filled
d) contained
25. At that moment, the hostess .......... that the
plane was delayed because of bad weather.
a) announced
b) called
c) spoke
d) mimed
19. Write the negative in the table below.
1. They swam on Saturday but they ______________ on Sunday.
2. I went to work on Monday but I _______________to work on Tuesday.
3. He bought a new car. He __________________ a second-hand car.
4. She learnt French in high school. She _____________ French in primary school.
5. We got up early this morning. We ________________ early yesterday.
6. They did Science at school but they _________________ Science at University.
7. He slept well last night but he ___________________ well the night before.
8. I ate spaghetti for dinner but I ________________ anything for lunch.
9. You saw Helen but you ___________________ Celia.
10. They lived in Fairfield. They ______________ in Cabramatta.

20. Complete the table with the missing forms:

Past Past
Simple participle

1 do
2 draw
3 drink
4 eat
5 fall
6 feed
7 feel
8 fight
9 find
10 fly
11 forbid
12 forget
13 freeze
14 get
15 give
16 go
17 grow

21. Write the correct answer in the table below:

d ed ied

1. I ______________ (walk) to work last week.

2. He ______________ (study) computers for five years.
3. They ______________ (arrive) late for the party.
4. We _______________(marry) in a church.
5. It _______________ (end) at 6 pm.
6. Ellen _______________ (wait) for an hour.
7. You _______________ (like) the movie. I didn't.
8. Bob _______________ (need) that book yesterday.
9. They _______________ (use) my new pen.
10. The teacher ________________ (help) the students after class.

22. Complete the following table with the missing parts:

To be To be
Statements Statements Questions ?
affirmative negative
I I wasn't.
He He Was he?
She was. She wasn't.
It was. It Was it?
You You weren't. Were you?
We were. We
They They weren't.

23. Complete the table with the missing forms:

Infinitiv Past Past
e Simple participle
17 lose
1 hang
2 have
3 hear
4 hide
5 hit
6 hold
7 hurt
8 keep
9 know
10 lay
11 lead
12 leave
13 lend
14 let
15 lie
16 light
24. Complete the sentences with was or were.
1) I ___________late. 7) You ___________at school.
2) You _____________in the bathroom. 8) They ____________in the park.
3) He _____________in New York last month 9) The horses _____________ in the
4) She ____________on holiday for the summer. barn.
5) It _____________foggy and it rained. 10) The plate _____________on the
6) We ____________at the mall.

25. What is the past form of the verbs below:

1. find 2. stand
3. catch 4. write
5. bring 6. do
7. tell 8. leave
9. see 10. speak
11. fall 12. sell
13. lose 14. hear
15. meet 16. build
17. go 18. win
19. sleep 20. say

26. Change the sentences below into questions as in the model:

Model: He went to the market yesterday. Did he go to the market yesterday?
1. They saw the movie last week. ______________the movie last week?
2. Anna wrote him a letter. ______________him a letter?
3. George and Ilsa had dinner at the ______________dinner at the Maya
Maya Restaurant on Friday. Restaurant on Friday?
4. They got up at 7 o'clock to go to ______________at 7 o'clock to go to
work early. work early?
5. He bought a new car last year. ______________a new car last year?
6. I arrived late for class. ______________late for class?
7. It rained all night? ______________all night?
8. We sat near the front. ______________near the front?
9. He walked to work yesterday. ______________to work yesterday?
10. She spoke to him about that. ______________to him about that?

27. Complete the following table with the missing forms:

Infinitive Past Past
Simple participle
20 shoot
1 make 21 show
2 mean 22 shrink
3 meet
4 pay
5 put
6 read
7 ride
8 ring
9 rise
10 run
11 say
12 see
13 seek
14 sell
15 send
16 set
17 sew
18 shake
19 shine
28. Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple:
1. Shakespeare (to write) ________________ many plays.
2. He really (to set) ____________ an example.
3. They (to go) _____________ to Greece last year.
4. He really (to run) __________ with his dog that day.
5. My car (to break) ____________ down.
6. She (to bring) ____________ me flowers, yesterday.
7. He (to tell) _____________ you a lie.
8. They (to split) ________________ the money between them.
9. He (to drink) ____________ too much.
10. The police (to catch) _____________ the thief.

29. Change the order of the words below. Don’t forget to put a full-stop at the end of the
example I / yesterday / saw / him
I saw him yesterday.
1. passed / Donna / the driving test

2. from me / borrowed / $100 / Celina

3. in Sydney / Frank / was born

4. didn't go / last week / I / to school

5. my bag / I / the day before yesterday / lost

6. chicken / on Monday / had / for dinner / we

7. the party / enjoyed /very much / he

8. we / at the supermarket / yesterday /met

9. a lot of housework / mum / did

10. at Jill's house / we / on Saturday /arrived

30. What is the past form of the verbs below?

1. buy 2. have
3. pay 4. think
5. come 6. read
7. get 8. drink
9. take 10. break
11. make 12. begin
13. eat 14. fly
15. run 16. ride
17. sing 18. drive
19. swim 20. fight
21. cut 22. ring
23. forget 24. give

31. Pronunciation of simple past tense ed:

1. How is the "ed" in the word "looked" 10. How is the "ed" in the word "hopped"
pronounced? ___________ pronounced? __________
2. How is the "ed" in the word "dropped" 11. How is the "ed" in the word "slipped"
pronounced? ___________ pronounced? __________
3. How is the "ed" in the word "headed" 12. How is the "ed" in the word "chased"
pronounced? ___________ pronounced? __________
4. How is the "ed" in the word "changed" 13. How is the "ed" in the word "finished"
pronounced? ___________ pronounced? __________
5. How is the "ed" in the word "grounded" 14. How is the "ed" in the word "ripped"
pronounced? ___________ pronounced? __________
6. How is the "ed" in the word "admitted" 15. How is the "ed" in the word "pointed"
pronounced? ___________ pronounced? _________
7. How is the "ed" in the word "jumped" 16. How is the "ed" in the word
pronounced? ___________ "scratched" pronounced? ________
8. How is the "ed" in the word "bothered" 17. How is the "ed" in the word "listened"
pronounced? __________ pronounced? _________
9. How is the "ed" in the word "colored" 18. How is the "ed" in the word ""tagged"
pronounced? __________ pronounced? _________
19. How is the "ed" in the word "picked" 20. How is the "ed" in the word "glued"
pronounced? __________ pronounced? __________

32. Translate the following text into Romanian:

Hello everybody! My name is Harry Doyle. I am very nostalgic and I always talk
about the past. This is an old picture of me. I was eighteen in this picture. It was thirteen years ago. I
studied at University at that time. I lived with my friends Paco and Choo in a big and old flat. We didn't
study much and we enjoyed our life. Every weekend we went to the disco and met new girls. I remember
I had a girlfriend called Margarita. She was Spanish. I finished my studies in 1995. A year later I
started to work as a Language teacher in a Secondary school. Life is not too bad, but those days were

33. Complete the following table with the missing forms:

Past Past
Simple participle
11 stand
1 shut 12 steal
2 sing 13 stick
3 sink 14 sting
4 sit 15 stink
5 sleep 16 strike
6 speak 17 swear
7 spend
8 split
9 spread
10 spring
34. There is a mistake in every sentence. Find it and write the sentence right.

1 I didn't celebrated New Year's Eve

2 My friends organize a fancy dress party

3 but they didn't invited me

4 So, I were very sad and lonely

5 My best friends didn't were with me

6 My cousin visite me in the afternoon

7 but then she go to a party

8 Did you danced on New Year's Eve?

9 I didn't watched TV because there was a horrible programme

10 Everybody laughed and sing and was very happy

11 But I were not happy, I didn't have a good time

35. Choose the correct pronunciation for each verb

1. Cried /t/
/d/ 4. Liked
3. Enjoyed /t/
/d/ /id/
2. Celebrated /t/
9. Worked
7. Played /d/
5. Laughed /id/
/d/ /id/

8. Decided 10. Watched
/id/ /d/ /d/
/t/ /t/
6. Started
/d/ /id/ /id/

36. Complete the following table with the missing forms:

Past Past
Simple participle
12 wear
13 win
14 write

1 sweep
2 swim
3 swing
4 take
5 teach
6 tear
7 tell
8 think
9 thrown
10 understan
11 wake
37. Put the words in order to form correct questions:
1. arrive When you did ?
2. wait long for she How did me ?
3. phone night last Why you did me ?
4. meet days two ago Did you her ?
5. party? see the Who did you in
6. concert start When did the ?
38. Answer using "Yes.... " and the past form of the verbs:

01. Did the concert begin on time? _Yes, it did.___ 11. Did it cost a lot? ________________

02. Did Mr Jones lose his temper? _______________ 12. Did the student do his work? ______________

03. Did Mrs Jones go to the supermarket? _____________ 13. Did the steak smell good? _____________

04. Did they come early? ______________ 14. Did you find your book? __________

05. Did you drink tea every day? ________________ 15. Did Mr Jones ring? _________________

06. Did the plane fly low? _________________ 16. Did Mary throw the ball? ______________

07. Did the student learn English? ______________ 17. Did Mrs Jones make a cup of tea? _____________

08. Did he run quickly? ______________ 18. Did you feel ill? __________________

09. Did she tear her coat? _____________ 19. Did you write the letter? __________________

10. Did you wake up early? ________________ 20. Did you stand a long time? ______________

39. Write the correct form of the verb

to be into past:
1. Mary and I ________happy.
2. I ___________a student. 40. Write the correct form of the
3. Miss Thatcher __________a teacher. verb to be into past:
4. Bob and Ted ___________young. 1. Tony ___________a good friend.
5. You ___________tall. 2. I ___________at the movies.
6. The dog _____________brown. 3. We ____________in the building.
7. He ___________at home. 4. They _______________under the
8. They _____________sad. bridge.
9. Daniel _______________a soldier. 5. I _______________the boy's friend.
10. You _____________my best friends. 6. You ________________on the desk.
7. Rhoda ________________here yesterday. 10. It ________________working last
8. They ______________in room five. night.
9. She _______________a janitor.
41. Fill in using wasn’t or weren’t:
1. I ___________happy. 6. It _____________brown
2. I ___________a student. 7. He ______________at home.
3. She ____________a teacher. 8. They _____________sad.
4. They ________________young. 9. We _______________happy.
5. You _____________tall. 10. You _______________my best friends.

42. Choose the correct tag to finish the sentence:

1) Sabine was an actress,___?

was she? wasn't she?

didn't she? She wasn't?
2) I was very tired,___?

did I? was I?
weren't I? wasn't I?
3) Alexander was a factory owner,___?

he wasn't? he was?
wasn't he? didn't he?
4) Monika was here, ___?

she was? didn't she?

was she? wasn't she?
5) Hanna and Alicia were students, ___?

weren't they? wasn't he?

were they? wasn't they?
6) Mario was at work yesterday, ___?

weren't they? was he?

wasn't he? were he?
7) I was late, ___?

wasn't I? was I?
were I? were I?
8) You and I were busy last week, ___?

weren't I? we weren't?
weren't we? were you?
9) It was windy today, ___?

was I? wasn't it?

weren't they? wasn't he?
10) Richard was your neighbor, ___?

was he? weren't you?

didn't you? wasn't he?
43. Write the correct past verb in the box in the following sentences:

1. to build 6. to bleed

2. to break 7. to bite

3. to be 8. to bet

4. to become 9. to begin

5. to blow 10. to burn

44. Write the correct past form in the box in the following sentences:

1. Tony (work) in Berlin last week.

2. Tony (walk) to university this morning.

3. Tony (live) in Toronto last summer.

4. Tony (wait) on the staircase for the past five


5. Tony (need) a book yesterday.

6. Tony (watch) your game last night.

7. Tony (expect) to shop last weekend.

8. Tony (prefer) the yellow bubble gum at


9. Tony (use) an eraser ten minutes ago.

10. Tony (talk) to my mother over the weekend.

45. Write the correct past verb in the box in the following sentences:

1. to eat 6. to cut

2. to drink 7. to come

3. to dream 8. to catch

4. to do 9. to dig

5. to drive 10. to cost

46. Put in the correct verb forms and the nouns into the gaps. Use Simple Past.
Example: ____________ their friends? (they/to meet) Answer: Did they meet
their friends?

1) after the cat? (the dog/to run)

2) photos when you were on holiday? (you/to


3) to music yesterday evening? (Steven/to listen)

4) a cup of tea in the café? (the ladies/to have)

5) text messages during the lesson? (Nancy/to


6) pullovers last Friday? (Melissa and Ruth/to

7) hello to people in the street? (your brother/to

8) the windows in your classroom? (the teacher/to


9) chess two weeks ago? (the girls in your

class/to play)

10) breakfast last morning? (your mother/to


47. Write the correct past form in the box in the following sentences:

1. Lily (try) to visit Berlin last week.

2. She (stay) at our house last night.

3. They (muddy) up my truck in Thunder Bay yesterday.

4. I (play) on the staircase for the past five hours.

5. Tony and Lily (carry) a book last week.

6. We (study) your lesson last month.

48. Write the correct past verb in the box in the following sentences:

1. to hang 6. to find

2. to hit 7. to hide

3. to hear 8. to freeze

4. to feed 9. to find

5. to go 10. to hurt

49. Choose Did or Made:

1. She ___ her homework last night. 7. She ___ a good job helping us.
a. did b. made a. did b. made
2. Tom ___ the dishes after dinner. 8. I felt really bad when I ___ that mistake
a. did b. made in class today.
3. My mother ___ the beds this morning. a. did b. made
a. did b. made 9. The man ___ the phone call at around
4. I rang the dentist and ___ an appointment for 6:00.
Saturday morning. a. did b. made
a. did b. made 10. He ___ the ironing and she washed the
5. The children got up early and ___ breakfast for me. children.
a. did b. made a. did b. made
6. I ___ the exercises for homework. 11. I ___ dinner for 6:00 not 8:30.
a. did b. made a. did b. made. made

50. Write the correct past verb in the box in the following sentences:
1. to lose 7. to learn

2. to know 8. to lie

3. to leave 9. to lean

4. to meet 10. to mean

5. to lead
6. to make

51. Select the correct past form for each of the following:

1. She writed/wrote/written many letters. 6. John saten/sit/sat in this seat.

2. He buyed/bought/buied many books. 7. He ate/eat/eated lunch in the cafeteria.

3. I read/red/readed the newspaper. 8. I get/getted/got up early every morning.

4. She drank/drinked/drunken milk . 9. He speaking/spoke/speaked English well.

5. She haved/had/have four pencils. 10. I always stood/stand/standed near the


52. Write the correct past verb in the box in the following sentences:

1. to pay 5. to shoot 9. to ring

2. to shut 6. to ride 10. to rise

3. to sell 7. to shake

4. to see 8. to shine

53. Is it have, has or had?

1. Mary and I _________pencils yesterday. today.

2. I ___________a pen right now. 7. He ____________a home before
3. Miss Thatcher _____________a car in the earthquake.
1978. 8. They ____________erasers in
4. Bob and Ted ____________cats at the their hands.
moment. 9. Daniel _____________a bicycle
5. You _____________tall brothers last December.
10. You _______________my papers
last night.
6. The dog _____________brown eyes

54. Write the correct past verb in the box in the following sentences:

1. to sink
6. to swim
2. to stick
7. to steal
3. to spit
8. to spend
4. to split
9. to sit
5. to spend
10. to speed
55. Put in the correct verb form into the gap. Use Simple Past.

Example: ___ they ______ their friends? (to meet) Answer: Did they meet their friends?

1) you the door? (to close)

2) Claire the housework? (to finish)

3) he a bath yesterday? (to have)

4) the boy into the lake? (to jump)

5) Ronald the Tower of London? (to visit)

6) Peggy and Olivia after the baby? (to look)

7) she the invitation cards herself? (to make)

8) the girl the ketchup bottle? (to drop)

9) Tim the green T-shirt last Monday? (to buy)

10) he karate this morning? (to practise)

56. Do, Does or Did?

1. I don't like ice-cream, but he ___. b. does

a. do c. did
b. does 7. I don't know her very well, but my
c. did friends ___.
2. You don't need glasses, but I ___. a. do
a. do b. does
b. does c. did
c. did 8. This car doesn't go as fast as my old one
3. Sally didn't enjoy the movies, but everyone else ___. ___.
a. do a. do
b. does b. does
c. did c. did
4. Dave doesn't want to go out tonight, but his girlfriend ___. 9. I don't type very well, but my boyfriend
a. do ___.
b. does a. do
c. did b. does
5. My parents don't live in England, but I ___. c. did
a. do 10. He said he would do it and he ___.
b. does a. do
c. did b. does
6. She doesn't smoke, but he ___. c. did
a. do
57. Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Use the Simple Past. Watch the punctuation and form
sentences or questions.

Example: ____ she ____ the Internet? (to surf) Answer: Did she surf the

1) I my Maths homework yesterday. (to do)

2) Susan to England by plane? (to go)

3) They a farm twoo weeks ago. (to visit)

4) Jenny and Peggy their brother. (not/to help)

5) The children at home last weekend. (not/to be)

6) When you this wonderful skirt? (to design)

7) My mother into the van. (not/to crash)

8) The boys the mudguards of their bicycles. (to take off)

9) you your aunt last week? (to phone)

10) He milk at school. (not/to drink)

58. Write the correct past verb in the box in the following sentences:

1. to write 6. to think

2. to tell 7. to wind

3. to tear 8. to understand

4. to wake 9. to take

5. to win 10. to teach

59. Negate the first sentence in each task. Write the negative verb forms (sometimes with a
preposition) from the first sentences into the gaps. You can use long or short (contracted) forms
of the auxiliaries.

Example: Frank turned on the radio. - Frank ______________ the radio.

Answer: Frank turned on the radio. - Frank did not turn on the radio. or Frank didn't turn on the radio.

1) Peter woke up at seven. - Peter at seven.

2) The children ran home. - The children home.

3) I forgot to take the book with me. - I to take the book with

4) We turned off the computer. - We the computer.

5) My friend looked after the baby. - My friend the baby.

6) Anne dropped a bottle of cola. - Anne a bottle of cola.

7) The boys jumped into the water. - The boys into the water.

8) He finished his homework. - He his homework.

9) They brushed their teeth. - They their teeth.

10) The lady sent invitation cards. - The lady invitation cards.

60. Don't-Doesn't-Didn't?
1. Tom likes curry, but his family ___.
a. don't 6. I went, but he ___.
b. doesn't a. don't
c. didn't b. doesn't
2. My sister works in a bank, but I ___. c. didn't
a. don't 7. They bought it, but we ___.
b. doesn't a. don't
c. didn't b. doesn't
3. John and Mary went to the movies last night, but I c. didn't
___. 8. I want to go to Paris for my honeymoon, but she
a. don't ___.
b. doesn't a. don't
c. didn't b. doesn't
4. Mr. Jones eats meat, but his wife ___. c. didn't
a. don't 9.He said he would ring, but I ___ think he will.
b. doesn't a. don't
c. didn't b. doesn't
5. He wants to, but they ___. c. didn't
a. don't 10. My wife needs glasses now, but her mother still
b. doesn't ___.
c. didn't a. don't
b. doesn't
c. didn't

61. Fill in each blank with the SIMPLE PAST form of the verb. These are IRREGULAR
1. He ___________his wife to the concert. (to bring)

2. She __________alone. (to come)

3. I __________a great time yesterday. (to have)

4. My cousins __________ to India during the summer. (to go)

5. My sister ___________beautifully when she was younger. (to sing)

6. The police ___________the thief. (to catch)

7. She ___________at home all evening. (to be)

8. My friend _____________ seven bottles of beer. (to drink)

9. I _____________ her an email. (to write)

10. My husband ____________ me flowers for my birthday. (to give)

62. What Mr. Smith did yesterday?

Yesterday Mr Smith _____________ (wake

up) at 6.00 am.

He ________________ (get up) at 6.15 am,

and ______________ (go) to the bathroom.

He ___________ (have) a shower,

then he____________ (have) a shave

and____________ (brush) his teeth.

He ________ (eat) breakfast at about 7.00 am.

After breakfast he _____________ (read) the


At 7.30 am he _____________ (go) to work.

63. Simple Past gap-fill exercise. Fill the gaps with the correct form of the verbs (in brackets).
1) When he ___________ (be) a boy he _____________ (like) his job, it
_______________(be) fun.
2) They _____________(live) in a small flat 10 years ago.
3) She _____________ (study) history last year.
4) I ____________(eat) breakfast at 6.00 am this morning.
5) I _______________(cycle) home from work.
6) We _____________(go) to the cinema last night.
7) They _____________(be) very good students, they always _____________(do) their
8) When he ___________(be) the boss he never _______________(walk) to work, he
always _______________(drive).
9) When I _____________(begin) teaching I _____________(teach) for a language school.
10) When they started this course the students only ______________(speak) a little English.

64. Negate the first sentence in each task. Write the negation of the verbs in bold into
the correct gaps. You can use long or short (contracted) forms of the auxiliary.

Example: Jack wrote a text message. - Jack ______________ a text message.

Answer: Jack wrote a text message. - Jack did not write a text message. or Jack didn't write a text

1) Andy bought a new shirt. - Andy a new shirt.

2) They went shopping last Friday. - They shopping last


3) She had a bath in the morning. - She a bath in the morning.

4) We felt like a big ice-cream. - We like a big ice-cream.

5) The students sat down. - The students down.

6) Marie ran home. - Marie home.

7) The managers shook hands on the deal. - The managers hands

on the deal.

8) William rode a horse. - William a horse.

9) The nurse took Peter's temperature. - The nurse Peter's


10) I understood what the teacher said. - I what the teacher


65. Rewrite the following positive sentences into negative sentences.

I read the newspaper. ____________________________________
They flew to Toronto.____________________________________
I watched television._____________________________________
We visited the Learn English web site. _____________________________________
Mr Bean taught English yesterday.________________________________________
I left work._____________________________________
I had a bath._____________________________________
She went to the shops._______________________________________
I got up at 5am._____________________________________
The dog barked._____________________________________

66. Put the correct forms of the verbs into the gaps. Use the Simple Past in the statements.

Example: She ______ her mother in the kitchen. (to help) Answer: She helped her mother in the

1) They something to drink. (to order)

2) Last summer I to Stuttgart. (to go)

3) She her homework in the afternoon. (to do)

4) He to 10. (to count)

5) Our cat a big mouse.(to catch)

6) In 2001 our class a trip to Norwich. (to make)

7) The weather really nice. (to be)

8) The secretary the file yesterday. (to delete)

9) Paul nothing to me. (to say)

10) The people something to each other. (to whipser)

67. Fill in the gaps to form questions from the words in brackets (...).

1. Why _________________(they not come) to the yesterday?

4. _______________________(Mark play)
2. Where __________________(you go) last weekend? tennis last Saturday?

3. What ___________________(you do) at work 5. When _____________________(they arrive)

at work this morning? 8. When ________________________(it
start) to rain?

6. ______________________(he work) in Paris 9. __________________________(you

last year? see) 'The Lord of the Rings' at the
7. Why ______________________(you not pass)
the English test? 10. What
_________________________(you eat)
for breakfast?

68. Use the given words to create past simple sentences. All the verbs have irregular past forms.
1. Mike / throw / the car keys / and Tina / catch / them

2. Who / win/ the Cup/ last year?

3. What / you/ do/ last weekend?

4. We /buy/ Elena some perfume / for her birthday

5. We all /feel ill/ after the meal

6. Where / your father / live/ when / he / be/ a child?

7. He /not understand French very well / the first time he / go / to/ Paris

69. Choose the right sentence:

1) Which sentence is in the Simple

She has read a book.

Did you saw her?
She read a book.
Did you see her?
She reads a book.
Have you seen her?
2) Which negative sentence is in the
Simple Past? 4) Which question is in the Simple
We did not speak Russian.
When did Anne find the keys?
We not spoke Russian.
When found Anne the keys?
We spoke not Russian.
5) In which sentence is the Simple
3) Which question is in the Past used correctly?
Simple Past?
Steven forgetted his homework. Steven forgot his homework.

Steven forgots his homework.

70. Form questions in the Simple Past.

Example: when / he / to visit / his uncle When did he visit his uncle?

1) what / he / to have / for lunch 4) why / the teacher / to check / the computer
__________________________________________ _____________________________________
2) when / you / to watch / the film
__________________________________________ 5) why / Julia / to ask / questions
3) where / your father / to repair / the kite ____

71. Use the verbs in the Simple Past.

1) he tries - he
4) they play - they

2) you enjoy - you

5) we arrive - we

3) they work - they

72. Negate the given sentence.

Example: He walked to the park.
He did not walk to the park.
2) It rained yesterday.

3) Phil talked to his parrot.

4) She was late this morning.

1) Lee drew a picture. 5) We ran to the tree house.

73. Put the correct forms of the verbs into the gaps. Use the Simple Past in the statements.
Example: I ______ to the teacher. (to talk) Answer: I talked to the teacher.

1) Jane a film. (to watch)

2) He a box. (to carry)

3) They their father. (to help)

4) John and Amy things. (to swap)

5) I to Andrew. (to talk)

6) Susan with Peter. (to dance)

7) The boys basketball. (to try)

8) We a trip. (to plan)

9) She her hair. (to wash)

10) The car at the traffic lights. (to stop)

74. Negate the first sentence in each task. Write the negation of the verbs in bold into
the correct gaps. You can use long or short/contracted forms of the auxiliary.

Example: Tom wrote a letter. - Tom ______________ a letter. Answer: Tom did not write a letter.

1) He played handball. - He ________________________ handball.

2) Susan waited in the kitchen. - Susan _____________________________in the kitchen.
3) I made the beds. - I ___________________________ the beds.
4) They cleaned the classroom. - They ____________________________ the classroom.
5) She asked a lot of questions. - She ____________________________ a lot of questions.
6) The friends got new computers. - The friends ____________________________ new computers.
7) I was in Sofia last weekend. - I _________________________ in Sofia last weekend.
8) You built a house. - You ___________________________ a house.
9) Christian bought a new guitar. - Christian __________________________ a new guitar.
10) We went shopping. - We _________________________ shopping.
75. Choose the right variant:
Q1 - There ____ many people at the show. Q3 - They ____ late.

was was

were were
Q2 - ____ you tired? Q4 - I ____ very annoyed.

Was was

Were were
Q5 - She ____ there.
were Q12 - How many ____ there?
Q6 - Everybody ____ pleased.
Q7 - There ____ no trouble at the party. Either could be used here.
Q13 - We _____ too late.
Q8 - ____ there any difficulty in finding it? were

Was Either could be used here.

Q14 - It ____ ours.
Q9 - Who ____ at the meeting? wasn't

was weren't
Q15 - It ____ impossible.
Q10 - It ____ no bother. was

was were

were Either could be used here.

Q11 - How much ____ they? Q16 - It ____ the boys who took it.



76. Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Watch the punctuation and form sentences or
Example: The children ______ their sandwiches. (to forget)
Answer: The children forgot their sandwiches on Monday.

1) When __________________________you in London? (to be)

2) We ___________________________in a flat when we were in Paris. (not/to live)
3) What ___________you _________________yesterday? (to lose)
4) He _____________________magic tricks at the party. (not/to do)
5) Mandy ______________________her room on Thursday. (not/to tidy up)
6) ___________Frank _______________ a room with Henry when they ______________
in Rome? (to share) (to be)
7) I ________________________ Physics at school. (not/to like)
8) __________ the shop assistant _____________________ 10 percent off the price?
(to take)
9) She __________________________ the correct word in the exercise. (to use)
10) Why _________________________ the baby ________________________this
morning? (to cry)

77. Rewrite the complete phrases into Simple Past. Watch the example.

1) we visit – we visited 2) they like –

3) she dances – 12) I arrive –

4) I play – 13) they destroy –

5) you carry – 14) you hurry –

6) he stops – 15) she elects –

7) you change – 16) you marry –

8) we enjoy – 17) we plan –

9) she uses – 18) he discovers –

10) you try - 19) they travel –

11) we wash – 20) I prefer –

78. The following words end on -ed. How do you pronounce this ending correctly? Write the
words into the correct column:

worked, rained, finished, lived, listened, asked, looked, arrived, laughed, helped
sound 1 sound 2 [ ] sound 3 [ ]
[ ]

79. Put in was or were into the gaps.

1) I in Canberra last spring.

2) We at school last Saturday.
3) Tina at home yesterday.
4) He happy.
5) Robert and Stan Garry's friends.
6) You very busy on Friday.
7) They in front of the supermarket.
8) I in the museum.
9) She in South Africa last month.
10) Jessica and Kimberly late for school.

80. Complete the blanks with the past simple form of the verbs in brackets.

Once upon a time... there ...............(live) an unhappy young girl. Unhappy she ...............(be), for her
mother ...............(be) dead, her father had married another woman, a widow with two daughters, and her
stepmother ...............(not like) her one little bit. All the nice things, kind thoughts and loving touches ...............
(be) for her own daughters. And not just the kind thoughts and love, but also
dresses, shoes, shawls, delicious food, comfy beds, as well as every home

All this was laid on for her daughters. But, for the poor unhappy girl,
there ...............(be) nothing at all. No dresses, only her stepsisters' hand-me-
downs. No lovely dishes, nothing but scraps. No nice rests and comfort. For
she ...............(have) to work hard all day, and only when evening ...............(come)
was she allowed to sit for a while by the fire, near the cinders.

That is how she ...............(get) her nickname, for everybody ...............(call) her Cinderella. Cinderella ...............
(use) to spend long hours all alone talking to the cat. The cat ...............(say), "Miaow", which really meant, "Cheer
up! You have something neither of your step sisters have and that is beauty." It ...............(be) quite true.

Cinderella, even...............(dress) in rags with a dusty grey face from the cinders, ...............(be) a lovely girl. While
her stepsisters, no matter how splendid and elegant their clothes, ...............(be) still clumsy, lumpy and ugly and
always would be.

81. Put in was not or were not into the gaps.

1) They ill.
2) You tired.
3) The children quiet.
4) Max in Helsinki last week.
5) She home for dinner.
6) The water cold.
7) There a good film on TV yesterday.
8) We in Brazil last winter.
9) Betty and Florence at school this morning.
10) I happy when I heard about the accident.

82. Put the verbs into Past Simple:

1. Jack often goes out for dinner, yesterday he (go) to an Italian restaurant.

2. Sue never wears jeans, yesterday she (wear) a yellow skirt and a multicoloured T-shirt.

3. (play/Sam) games at school?

4. Grandma often makes cakes, last Sunday she (make) a delicious apple-pie.

5. Jim always brings souvenirs when he goes abroad, from Scotland he (bring) some haggis.

6. Kathy eats eggs for breakfast but this morning she (not/eat) any.

7. Mum drinks a lot of tea, yesterday she (drink) a dozen cups in the afternoon.

8. Sally does a lot of crossword puzzles, she (do) seven of them last evening.

9. Grandfather can't swim a long time now, but when he was young he (can) swim for
10. Simon usually comes home by bus, but last night he met a friend and

(come) back in his car.

83. Read the text and do the exercise:

Linda: Oh, I liked the movie very much! Did you like it too?
Brian: I tried to understand it, but I could not!
Linda: Yes, they used many slang words. The actors were really good though!
Brian: By the way, I saw your sister, yesterday, after the match.
Linda: Yes, she was at the match too. She liked it a lot.
Brian: But afterwards, it started raining! What did you do then?
Linda: I hurried home. What did you do afterwards?
Brian: Hahaha....We played darts! Your sister´s boyfriend is very nice!
Linda: I preferred my sister´s last boyfriend. He was also an actor.
Brian: The actors´ achievements were really great, but the leading actor’s accent
was terrible! Hahaha...
Linda: You are right. I particularly liked the end of the film, but the seats at the
cinema were, however, somewhat uncomfortable.
Brian: That’s why I already look forward to my own couch. Hahahaha!
Linda: Yes, it is certainly more comfortable. I already look forward to seeing your
Brian: I’ll pick you up tomorrow from your office!
Linda: Great! See you tomorrow! Oh, it is raining again.

Fill in the correct past form of the verb. Choose from this box:
could did did Did hurried liked liked played saw started tried used was were

Linda: Oh, I ________ the movie very much! ________ you like it too? Brian: I
________ to understand it, but I ________ not! Linda: Yes, they
________ many
slang words. The actors ________ really good though! Brian: By the
way, I
________ your sister, yesterday, after the match. Linda: Yes, she
________ at the
match too. She ________ it a lot. Brian: But afterwards, it ________
raining! What
________ you do then? Linda: I ________ home. What ________
you do
afterwards? Brian: Hahaha....We ________ darts!

84. Complete the gaps with an irregular verb in the past tense simple. Choose from:

be, break, buy, come, drive, eat, feel, find, get, give, go, have, hear, hold, know, let, lose,
make, put, read, ring, run, say, sleep, take, think, tell, write
Note: you will need to use some verbs more than once:

Dear Ethel

I’m writing to tell you about something that happened yesterday. I __________ up at the usual time –
about 10 am – __________ a shower and __________ breakfast. I __________ a big bowl of cereal and
some toast and watched TV for a while. Then I __________ into the kitchen where I __________ a
funny noise. I __________ it __________ from behind the cooker. I __________ my tool box and moved
the cooker out of the way.

The noise __________ louder but I couldn’t see anything. I __________ my uncle to ask his advice. He
__________ that he __________ it could be a gas leak. When I __________ this I just panicked! I
__________ the phone down, __________ outside, __________ in my car and __________ to the local
police station. I __________ them about my gas leak but the constable __________ his patience with me.
He __________ that I should have phoned the gas company. He __________ his report, then
__________ the gas company for me.

Then I remembered that my house doesn’t have gas – only electricity! I __________ really stupid and
__________ that the constable would be angry with me for wasting his time, so I __________ out of the
police station while he __________ still on the phone. I __________ home to try to find out what the
noise __________. On the way I __________ a newspaper and I __________ about an escaped llama
that __________ out of the city safari park last Wednesday.

When I __________ home I __________ my key in the door, turned it, __________ inside and straight
away __________ that funny noise again. I __________ my breath and opened the door slowly. Guess
what? I __________ the llama hiding in my cupboard! I __________ him stay and he __________ in my
garden last night. The snoring __________ so loud! This morning I __________ him back to the safari
park. They __________ really pleased to see him again and __________ me a reward of £50!

Hope you are well. Write soon and let me know how you are. Your friend,

85. Complete the table with the irregular forms:

GROUP I: verbs that have the same form in infinitive, past and


Bet Bet Bet

86. Write the “ED” form of the following verbs.

Show _____________ Permit _____________ Bathe _____________

Rely _____________ Play _____________ Fail _____________
Trap _____________ Marry _____________ Share _____________
Depart _____________ Achieve _____________ Admire _____________
Advise _____________ Bake _____________ Believe _____________
Blame _____________ Call _____________ Clean _____________
Continue _____________ Describe _____________ Disagree _____________

87. Complete the table with the irregular forms:

GROUP II: Verbs that have the same form in past and participle,
but different infinitive form.


Bend Bent Bent
Get *

88. Rewrite the sentences in the negative.

They collected postcards. They did not collect postcards

You jumped high. ________________________________________________________________
Albert played squash. _______________________________________________________________
The teacher tested our English. _______________________________________________________
Fiona visited her grandma. ___________________________________________________________
He washed the car. ________________________________________________________________
You were thirsty. ________________________________________________________________
He had a computer. ________________________________________________________________
I bought bread. ________________________________________________________________
You saw the house. ________________________________________________________________

89. Complete the table with the irregular forms:

GROUP III: Verbs that have different infinitive, past and participle forms.


Be Was/were Been

90. Write questions in simple past.

Anna / the window / open Did Anna open the window?

she / home / walk ________________________________________________________________
you / in the garden / work ____________________________________________________________
you / a song / sing ________________________________________________________________
she / on a chair / sit ________________________________________________________________
you / the castle / visit ______________________________________________________________
Jenny / the door / lock _____________________________________________________________
she / happy / be ________________________________________________________________
Greg / the ball / kick ________________________________________________________________
the car / at the corner / stop __________________________________________________________

91. Complete the table with the irregular forms:

GROUP IV: Verbs that have the same form in participle and infinitive.



92. Put the verbs into the correct form (simple past).

Last year I (spend) spent my holiday in Ireland.

It (be) ____________ great.
I (travel) ___________ around by car with two friends and we (visit) ________ lots of
In the evenings we usually (go) ____________ to a pub.
One night we even (learn) ____________ some Irish dances.
We (be) ____________ very lucky with the weather.
It (not / rain) ____________ a lot.
But we (see) ____________ some beautiful rainbows.
Where (spend / you) ____________ your last holiday?

93. Have a look at James's last week's diary and answer the questions in complete
sentences. Put the time expression at the end of the sentence. Look at the example.

Monday Tuesday Wednesd Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Football Shopping Meeting Ring Jane Buy Concert Sailing
Cinema Tennis English Italian

When was his English course? His English course was on Thursday.
When did he go shopping? __________________________________________________________
When did he buy flowers? __________________________________________________________
When was his meeting? __________________________________________________________
When did he play football? __________________________________________________________
When did he go to the Italian restaurant?
When did he ring Jane? __________________________________________________________
When did he go to the cinema? ______________________________________________________
When did he play tennis? __________________________________________________________
When was the concert? __________________________________________________________
When did he go sailing? __________________________________________________________

94. Forming the Simple Past Tense (Regular Verbs). Write the correct form of each

My grandfather had a very exciting life. When he was young, he ____________ (live) on a
farm in the country.
His parents ____________ (raise) cattle, and he ____________ (look) after the cows. When he
was eighteen, he
went to university, where he ____________ (study) Philosophy. He also ____________ (play)
the trumpet in a
jazz band. When the war started, he ____________ (try) to join the Air Force, but he
____________ (end) up in
the Navy. In the Atlantic, a German torpedo ____________ (rip) a hole in the side of his ship,
and the ship sank.
Only five men ____________ (escape). They ____________ (sail) in a lifeboat back to England.
Then he met
my grandmother, and they ____________ (marry) after only three weeks. He says now that
he ____________
(want) to marry her very quickly in case he ____________ (die) in the war.

95. Forming the Simple Past Tense (Regular and Irregular Verbs). Write the
correct form of each verb.

Emily Carr, British Columbia's most famous artist, ____________ (be) born in 1871. Her
parents ____________
(die) when she was still a teenager. She ____________ (study) art in San Francisco and Paris,
but when she
____________ (come) back to Victoria, she ____________ (keep) a house called "The House of
All Sorts",
where she ____________ (be) the landlady. Many years later, she ____________ (begin)
painting again. To find
subjects for her paintings, she ____________ (take) trips into the forests of British Columbia,
and she often
____________ (meet) with the First Nations people and ____________ (paint) them too. Emily
Carr also
____________ (write) several books, and she ____________ (win) the Governor General's
Award for one of them.

96. Write affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences in the PAST SIMPLE.

a. Alison went to the cinema yesterday.

b. Did you buy a new CD last week?

c. Kevin didn’t find his book in the classroom.

d. Did you sing with your friends at the party?

e. The police didn’t catch the thief.

f. Anne and Thomas didn’t review for their test.

g. Were you at the dentist’s yesterday evening?

h. I wasn’t at home last night.

i. My brother and I were very hungry.

j. Was Sarah after tired after the match?

k. Did they bring their notebooks with them?

l. She sent some e-mails last month.

97. Write questions for the following answers.

a. ______________________________________? He got up at 8.20 am

b. ______________________________________? She bought a present.
c. ______________________________________? No, we were at the disco.
d. ______________________________________? They went to the cinema.
e. ______________________________________? Because it was very hot.
f. ______________________________________? They had lunch in a restaurant.
g. ______________________________________? I saw John in the park.
h. ______________________________________? Yes, because I was sick.
i. ______________________________________? No, they didn’t
j. ______________________________________? Yes, we were.

98. Change the text into the PAST SIMPLE

James lives in Suances. He gets up at 7.30 am, has breakfast and gets dressed. He goes to school by bus. He
arrives at 8.20 am. He finishes school at 2.25 pm. After school, he goes home and has lunch with his family.
Later he does his homework, sends e-mails or watches TV. Then, he leaves home and goes to the sports
centre. He swims, does karate or plays football. Does he meet up with his friends? Yes, he does. He also
learns German, teaches chess and buys food for his pets.

99. Complete the following sentences with the past simple of the verb in brackets:

1. Maria and Lucy __________________ (to visit) the party last night.
2. They __________________ (to take) the boat to the island on Friday.
3. Will __________________ (to make) us laugh yesterday.
4. The train __________________ (to leave) the station in the morning
5. I __________________ (to try) to fix it long ago.

100. Negate the following sentences:

1. They married four days ago.

2. Paul and Carla met last Saturday.

3. He opened the door one hour ago.

4. You wanted to read the book in the evening.

5. Tina pressed the alarm button yesterday.

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