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Proposal on Upgrading HSE Management System (ISO 45001) for

selected Ugandan Enterprises



Submitted by: Sunmaker Energy (Uganda) Limited

Address: Plot 1A-10/12, Nyondo Close, Bugolobi, P.O. Box 5210, Kampala-Uganda

Tel: +256 788 061 001


Contact Person: Ma Bo

28th July, 2021

Proposal on Upgrading HSE Management System
/ ISO 45001 to local Ugandan Enterprises
Client : TOTAL E&P Uganda Limited
Prepared by : Sunmaker Energy (Uganda) Limited


Cover Letter...........................................................................................................................................1
1. Introduction...............................................................................................................................................2
1.1. Background information on HSE MS (ISO 45001) in Oil and Gas, Uganda....................................2

1.2. Challenges and Gap in HSE Management System in Ugandan Local Enterprises..........................3

1.3. Objective : Upgrading HSE Management System practices and standards in selected Ugandan oil
and gas related companies..............................................................................................................4

2. Company Profile........................................................................................................................................6
3. Four (4) core principles of HSE Management System..............................................................................7
4. Scope of work............................................................................................................................................9
4.1 Selection of the selected enterprises with key criteria................................................................9

4.2 Conduct Preliminary Audit of enterprises.................................................................................10

4.3 Delivery of training..................................................................................................................11

4.4 Coaching and mentoring support for identified and selected enterprises..................................12

5. Expected Key Deliverable and project schedule.....................................................................................15

6. Budget & Project Assumption.................................................................................................................16
7. Reference.................................................................................................................................................18

Proposal on Upgrading HSE Management System
/ ISO 45001 to local Ugandan Enterprises
Client : TOTAL E&P Uganda Limited
Prepared by : Sunmaker Energy (Uganda) Limited

Cover Letter

To :
5th Floor, Course View Towers,
21 Yusuf Lule Road, in Kampala

Subject: Cover Letter of the Proposal on Upgrading HSE Management System (ISO 45001) for
selected Ugandan enterprises

We are pleased to present our Proposal titled “Upgrading HSE Management System (ISO 45001) for
selected Ugandan enterprises” for your review.

For the past years, we have completed several high-profile construction projects and achieved great
success. As one of the leading training firms in Uganda, Sunmaker Energy (Uganda) Limited has been
at the forefront in execution of a wide array of training projects for individuals, government, and
large corporations.

Some of our clients include; CNOOC Uganda Limited, TOTAL E&P Uganda, Ministry of Education and
Sports Republic of Uganda, KPMG East Africa, The World Bank Group and Victoria Engineering.

Thank you for the opportunity to present the proposal. If you have any questions, please don’t
hesitate to get in contact with me directly.

Jerry Ma

On behalf of Sunmaker Energy (Uganda) Limited

Proposal on Upgrading HSE Management System
/ ISO 45001 to local Ugandan Enterprises
Client : TOTAL E&P Uganda Limited
Prepared by : Sunmaker Energy (Uganda) Limited

1. Introduction
1.1. Background information on HSE MS (ISO 45001) in Oil and Gas, Uganda

Uganda will be experiencing a significant development towards its oil and gas sector where the
Tilenga and Kingfisher projects for the Lake Albert oilfield development has gone the closing on its
final investment decision and lucrative engineering, procurement and construction awards the
governments of the land-locked nation and neighbour Tanzania signed key oil deals last April 2021.

The Tilenga project will include development of Central Processing Facility (CPF) with capacity to
process 190,000 barrels of oil per day, drilling over 426 wells which will be drilled on 31 well-pads,
over 160 km of flow-lines which will transport crude oil and water from wells to the CPF, 95km
feeder pipeline and other supporting infrastructure including Victoria Nile Crossing, Temporary and
Permanent Operation Support Base camps and a Lake Water Abstraction Station.

While for the Kingfisher project, it will include the development of a Central Processing Facility (CPF)
with capacity to process of 40,000 barrels of oil per day, drilling over 31 wells which to be drilled on
four (4) well pads, nineteen (19) kilometres of flow lines to connect the field to the CPF, 46km 12
inch feeder pipeline from CPF in Buhuka to the export hub and Refinery in Kabaale, Hoima District,
water abstraction station, supporting infrastructure such as temporary and permanent camps, a
material yard, a jetty and several access roads, among others.

This development of oil and gas project, starting for the construction works, drilling undertakings
and other services, will inherent number of high-risks activities, and exposing the workers and
installation to potential harmful and hazardous environment. Oil and gas operations are governed by
strict operational guidelines in order to avoid quality failure that can turn into damage to people or
environment or heavy financial loss. Thus, the HSE MS should be strengthened at its base prior to
undergo the development project related to oil and gas in Uganda including developing
understanding and leadership on HSE Management System.

The Uganda’s Petroleum (Exploration, Development and Production) Act 2013, (EDP Act 2013),
besides of regulating the standards and requirement of the petroleum exploration, development
and production, it is also to regulate standard for efficient and safe petroleum activities. Petroleum
Authority Uganda (PAU) has also mentioned on the aspiration on preserving human health and
installation throughout this oil and gas development, with six (6) strategic objectives of has been
emphazised which clearly reflected on the needs to enhance the elements in HSE Management
System, as per below ;
 Preventing incidents, hazards and accidents and limit their consequences to human health
and the environment
 To prevent and reduce the number of accidents among employees that are likely to result
into loss of time for work, disability or fatality to the employees
 To ensure that occupational safety and health in all petroleum activities is satisfactory for
the health of employees and the environment
 To ensure that economic value which the facilities and vessels represent include operational
 To ensure that the level of safety and health is at all times concurrent with technological
 To comply with the requirements under the Occupational Safety and Health Act, 2006

Proposal on Upgrading HSE Management System
/ ISO 45001 to local Ugandan Enterprises
Client : TOTAL E&P Uganda Limited
Prepared by : Sunmaker Energy (Uganda) Limited

With regards to this, the oil and gas players in Uganda including the local enterprises who will be
expecting to involve in this development, need to be certified in several disciplines, including in
safety and health management system of their organization in order to receive an accreditation or
approval, allowing them to undertake specific operations.

This proposal will offer the scope of upgrading HSE Management system for local Uganda
enterprises which will be specifically involved in petroleum activities, besides of seeking on the
understanding of current gap and challenges of their HSE Management System.

Due to lack of study on the HSE management system on local enterprises or organization having
businesses related to oil and gas from the previous year, the challenges and gap mentioned here will
look on HSE Management System of enterprises from general sectors in Uganda which has been
reported in the website, studies and by authorized organization as mentioned in Section 6.

This local enterprises, have potential progress to move from general sectors not related to
petroleum activities, to involve with petroleum activities in years ahead thus it is significant to
understand the challenges and gap from this basis.

1.2. Challenges and Gap in HSE Management System in Ugandan Local Enterprises

EDP Act 2013, Section 125 under Provision of goods and services by Uganda entrepreneurs,
emphasizes in sub-section (3)(a) that “ the licensee, its contractors and subcontractors shall ensure
that the entities referred to in subsection (1) are notified of the quality, health, safety and
environment standards required by the licensee” where subsection (1) mentions that “The licensee,
its contractors and subcontractors shall give preference to goods which are produced or available in
Uganda and services which are rendered by Ugandan citizens and companies”.

However, the challenges in the Ugandan companies, in the area of HSE management system or
Occupational Safety and Health, still required attention and improvement. In Uganda, the Ministry
of Gender, Labour and Social Development (MoGLSD) through the Department of Occupational
Safety and Health is responsible for administration and enforcement of the Occupational Safety and
Health Act, No 9, 2006. in local industry. It is crucial to understand that, those Ugandan companies,
earlier governed under OSH Act 2006 only and expecting to involve from non-petroleum activities to
petroleum activities required to comply with EDP Act 2013, which include them to enhancement
their capability and competence specifically in HSE Management System field.

MoGLSD has mentioned about the needs in conducting research in the areas of accident reporting
and investigation, occupational diseases in the flower industry, accident and injury prevention in the
construction industry, OSH issues in the oil and gas downstream operations and effectiveness of the
safety committees at workplaces to educate and create awareness among all players in HSE MS(1)

Although Uganda’s economy has registered a number of achievements, various aspects of health,
safety and environment management system (HSE MS) have not been adequately addressed.
Management of the HSE MS issues at workplaces continue to be left unattended to by different
sectors of government and private sector.(1)

Many workers in Uganda are not aware of their rights to a safe and healthy working environment
and have remained exposed to unhealthy working conditions, faulty plants and equipment,
dangerous civil works and constructions leading to ill health and death.(1)

Proposal on Upgrading HSE Management System
/ ISO 45001 to local Ugandan Enterprises
Client : TOTAL E&P Uganda Limited
Prepared by : Sunmaker Energy (Uganda) Limited

Based on the report published by Department of Occupational Safety and Health of Uganda in 2016,
it was mentioned on the gap of HSE MS and non-compliance with occupational safety and health
requirements as; The compliance rates across the country stand at 30% whereas in government
institutions compliance stands at 45%(1)

The other challenges and issues as mentioned by the report in 2016 (as it is the latest report publicly
published by DOSH, Uganda);

i) Many workers in Uganda are not aware of their rights to a safe and healthy working
environment and have remained exposed to unhealthy working conditions, faulty plant
and equipment, dangerous civil works and constructions leading to ill health and death.5
As a result, when they are injured or fall sick due to the poor conditions at the
workplace, or die on duty, employers take advantage of their ignorance of the law and
do not compensate them (1).

ii) due to inadequate awareness and sensitization on OSH standards, limited personnel
and logistics, enforcement of the OSH legislation has not been effective. For example
while the ILO standard of inspector to worker ratio is 1:500, in Uganda, the population
employed is estimated at 7.9 million as compared to the 18 inspectors, which implies an
inspector to worker ratio of 1:438,889 (1).

iii) Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development indicated that 1,520 people were
injured at various workplaces in Uganda from 2006 to 2008 and 856 workers contracted
various occupational diseases and illnesses in the year 2007 alone. Also to note is that
from 2008 to 2009, over 40 buildings collapsed killing and injuring many workers in
Uganda (1).

Reflecting to this general overview on HSE MS towards all sectors in Uganda as reported by
Department of Occupational Safety and Health in 2016, we would like to conclude on the needs for
local enterprises venturing into the field of gas and oil, to develop a framework for strengthening
their HSE MS by emphasizing leadership, commitment, responsibilities, training and awareness at all
levels, to train and to sensitize employers, workers towards their activities specifically related hazard
and risk in oil and gas field.

1.3. Objective: Upgrading HSE Management System practices and standards in selected Ugandan
oil and gas related companies

The overall objective of this proposal is to increase the Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE)
Management system standards and practices at selected Ugandan enterprises that is potent to
become contractor and sub-contractor for the oil and gas market. It is also to enhance their
capability to an internationally recognized level to participate in bids and tenders in Uganda.

The three main objective is mentioned below;

i) To develop reasonable HSE Management System

ii) To ensure commitment from leadership position on HSE Management System

Proposal on Upgrading HSE Management System
/ ISO 45001 to local Ugandan Enterprises
Client : TOTAL E&P Uganda Limited
Prepared by : Sunmaker Energy (Uganda) Limited

iii) To ensure HSE Manager responsibilities towards leadership of HSE MS

HSE Management system will provide a framework to increase safety, reduce workplace risks and
enhance health and well-being at work, enabling an organization to proactively improve Health,
Safety and Environment system performance.

Key potential benefits from use of the HSE management system standard for Ugandan enterprise
specifically focusing in oil and gas sector, include below:

 Reduce and prevent of workplace accident and incidents

 Provide measure on mitigation and recovery to reduce and eliminate impact from the
incidents and accidents
 Increase motivation and morale amongst staffs with with the present of safe working
 Reduced the impact of severity of the accident’s consequences and cost of insurance
 Creation of a health and safety culture, whereby employees are encouraged to take an
active role of themselves and others at the workplace toward safety, health and well-being
at work place
 Reinforced leadership commitment to proactively improve HSE management system
 Ability to meet contractual, legal and regulatory requirements for local and international
 Enhanced company reputation and increase competitiveness

Proposal on Upgrading HSE Management System
/ ISO 45001 to local Ugandan Enterprises
Client : TOTAL E&P Uganda Limited
Prepared by : Sunmaker Energy (Uganda) Limited

2. Company Profile

Sunmaker has been dedicated to skilling, training, coaching, and consulting in Uganda and East Africa
in various sectors including construction, manufacturing, energy, agriculture, management, and so
on. Sunmaker sits on 3 acres of land in Bugolobi, Kampala (Uganda); Sunmaker Training Institute has
more than 80 workshops, classrooms, fully equipped and specializes in providing training and
consulting in management and technical skills of various sectors. Sunmaker has a dedicated pool of
qualified Local and International Trainers, Coaches, and Consultants with over 10 years of experience
in training and coaching East Africa. As a practical oriented training provider, Sunmaker is dedicated
to equipping East Africans with skills and knowledge in management and various technical skills.

Figure 1 : Sunmaker Oil and Gas Training Institute

Sunmaker Training Institute has a specialty in Online Training and Coaching, Offline Training and
Coaching, SME Business continuity and survival training, crisis Management, Curriculum
Development, Coaching, Training Material Development, Adaptation and Localization, Equipping of
Trainers, Skills, and Knowledge Development, Skills Applications and Market & Industry linkages.
Sunmaker Training Institute provides a comprehensive range of training curricula, offering courses
such as Financial Management, Soft Skills, Human Resource Management, Risk Response and
Management, Local Content, Leadership and Management, Digital Marketing, Business and
Management, Technical Skills, and many other courses. These courses are of high value for various
organizations especially under the pandemic situation of the COVID-19. Our trainees are trained by a
combination of international and local highly qualified experts.

Under the supervision of the Ministry of Education & Sports as well as other various Ministries of
Uganda, Sunmaker Training Institute has successfully trained more than 2,000 Trainers and trainees
in various disciplines including Management and Technical Skills.

The details of Sunmaker’s company profile can be referred to Appendix 1

Proposal on Upgrading HSE Management System
/ ISO 45001 to local Ugandan Enterprises
Client : TOTAL E&P Uganda Limited
Prepared by : Sunmaker Energy (Uganda) Limited

3. Four (4) core principles of HSE Management System

The HSE management system is a part of the total management system. It helps risk management
with health, safety and environment related issues on matters of business for the organization. The
system includes the organization structure, HSE plan, HSE responsibility, HSE procedure, process and
resources needed for the establishment and implementation of health, safety and environment
policy. Generally, this HSE system is summarized in Table 1.

Table 1 : Four (4) core principles of HSE Management System

HSE system Detailed Description

Leadership The top management of the enterprises provides powerful leadership and explicit
and commitment for the establishment, implementation and continuous improvement
Commitment of the health, safety and environment management system.
The detailed obligations of the top management on HSE include:
a) Informing the organization of the importance to implement the laws;
b) Establishing health, safety and environmental policy;
c) Insuring the establishment and realization of health, safety and
environmental targets;
d) Managing the audit;
e) Insuring the availability of the necessary resources

Structure of In the organization’s HSE management, the issues related to structure of

Organization, organization, resources and documents consist of ;
Resources a) The structure and responsibility of organization;
and b) The representative of the president;
Documents c) Resources;
d) Training, consciousness and ability;
e) Consultation and communication;
f) Documents;
g) Document control

HSE Plan The HSE plan of in each organization should be covering on :

a) The identification of health,safety and environmental hazards, risk
assessment and risk control;
b) The laws;
c) Targets;
d) health, safety and environmental management plans.
HSE In the HSE management system, the procedures and processes are related to the
Procedure issues of system implementation, HSE inspection, and HSE improvement.
and The system implementation covers:
Process a) The integrity of facilities;
b) Contractor and/or supplier;
c) Customer and product;
d) Community and public relations;
e) The control of operations;
f) The management of modifications; and
g) Emergency response.
The HSE inspections and improvements include:

Proposal on Upgrading HSE Management System
/ ISO 45001 to local Ugandan Enterprises
Client : TOTAL E&P Uganda Limited
Prepared by : Sunmaker Energy (Uganda) Limited

a) The monitoring for performance;

b) Non-conformance, modification and prevention;
c) Accident, report and investigation;
d) The management of records; and
e) audits.

Proposal on Upgrading HSE Management System
/ ISO 45001 to local Ugandan Enterprises
Client : TOTAL E&P Uganda Limited
Prepared by : Sunmaker Energy (Uganda) Limited

4. Scope of work

The proposal of this project will include on the pre and post training phase for the selected Ugandan
enterprises having potential to become contractor or sub-contractor for the oil and gas sector. The
pre-training phase is inclusive of advertising the training, establishing a data base on the interested
enterprises, selection and screening of the enterprises.

The post training phase is inclusive of scope coaching and mentoring phase where enterprises will be
receiving the hands-on support to implement the necessary changes and improvement actions in
their workplace to have comprehensive HSE Management system which will support them for being
locally certified, for example, by Uganda National Bureau Standard (UNSB).

4.1 Selection of the selected enterprises with key criteria

a) This project will select 100 enterprises to fulfil internationally recognized HSE
Management System and facilitate them for ISO 45001.
b) Every enterprises to nominate two employees from top management and HSE
department in their organization to participate in this project
c) The selection of the companies for this project shall be based on the transparent
selection criteria.
d) The selection criteria will be developed and each of the criteria will be rated as per

 Company must be registered in Uganda, preference is for local Ugandan

 Having experience in supplying and providing potential material, equipment
and tools related to oil and gas sector
 Previous experience in dealing with (inter)national supply, service and works
contracts will be considered a plus.
 Company must prove business growth (in turnover and employment) over
the last 3 years and show potential for further growth once HSE knowledge
is improved and applied.
 Proven need of support measures (expected effectiveness of this training) to
increase the chances in tender procedures.
 High proven motivation to participate in the training
 Active in participating in various bids locally or internationally

Table 2 below proposes set of ratings to be used in selected the participating enterprises;

Table 2 : Proposes selection criteria for Upgrading HSE MS for local enterprises

No Criteria Rating
1 Company must be registered in Uganda, preference is for local Ugandan companies 15 %
3 Having experience in supplying and providing potential material, equipment and tools 15 %
related to oil and gas sector
4 Previous experience in dealing with (inter)national supply, service and works contracts 15 %
will be considered a plus.
5 Company must prove business growth (in turnover and employment) over the last 3 10 %
years and show potential for further growth once HSE knowledge is improved and

Proposal on Upgrading HSE Management System
/ ISO 45001 to local Ugandan Enterprises
Client : TOTAL E&P Uganda Limited
Prepared by : Sunmaker Energy (Uganda) Limited

6 Proven need of support measures (expected effectiveness of this training) to increase the 10 %
chances in tender procedures.
7 High proven motivation to participate in the training 10 %
8 Active in participating in various bids locally or internationally 10 %
Total Rating 100 %

e) Sunmaker will develop Selection Procedure for potential applicants to involve with
the training services where the involvement in selecting participants will include
TOTAL E&P Uganda Limited. This Selection procedure will cover, but not limited to;
i) setting specific objectives,
ii) advertisement activity
iii) setting selection criteria as per requirement from the scope of work,
iv) selection process(venue or platform, advertisement, applicants registration,
due diligence, interview, assessment, screening, and shortlisting of
applicants), and recruitment procedure.

Setting Specific Advertising Selection
objectives Criteria

Recruitment Selection
procedure Process

Figure 2 : Sunmaker’s General Selection Procedure

f) Sunmaker will take the full responsibility of running the advertisement to encourage
the participants to attend the training and coaching session. The advertisements will
be posted in Sunmaker’s website, PAU’s website, TOTAL’s website, Facebook,
Linkedin, newspaper, and related District notice boards.

g) The participants can apply by downloading the form via Sunmaker’s website, PAU’s
website, TOTAL’s website, Facebook, Linkedin and also by emailing to representative
of the project management team (Sunmaker) and also to representative from TOTAL

h) During the selection process, Sunmaker will invite representative from TOTAL E&P to
evaluate and provide input for final decision prior to the recruitment of the selected

4.2 Conduct Preliminary Audit of enterprises

Proposal on Upgrading HSE Management System
/ ISO 45001 to local Ugandan Enterprises
Client : TOTAL E&P Uganda Limited
Prepared by : Sunmaker Energy (Uganda) Limited

a) Sunmaker will select 10 companies from the identified 100 companies registered for
the training project.
b) The selected enterprises will be visited for a preliminary audit to measure its current
gap and challenges for the implementation of HSE Management system / ISO 45001.
c) The preliminary audit will be conducted within 30 days , where the selected
companies will be assessed in the area of, but not limited to ;
- Leadership and commitment
- OSH Roles & Responsibilities
- Incident Management and Reporting, Corrective Action
- Risk Management System
- HSE Policy and Procedure
- Legal and Requirement
- Training and Competency
Note : Sunmaker will use checklist form as per attached in Appendix 3, for guiding
the scope in Preliminary audit.

4.3 Delivery of training

a) Sunmaker will deliver the training course related to HSE Management system / ISO
45001 for 5 days
b) Each of the participating companies will send two (2) representatives
(representative of top management and from HSE department) to the training
c) Sunmaker will organize the training based on the decision from TOTAL, either online
or face-to-face. The options for online training or face-to-face training will impact on
the commercial proposal.
Note : Sunmaker will provide two budgetary options for i) online training and ii)
face-to-face training, please refer Section 6.
d) The training session will arrange 25 students per each session. This requires 8
session in order to cater 200 students coming from 100 companies. Two session will
be organized in one week , and each session will be facilitated by one trainer and
assisted by one co-trainer (HSE consultant).
e) If the training to be conducted online, Sunmaker will prepare the online platform
with digital solution to ensure the training sessions, the learning session is aided with
additional innovative and ICT supports.
f) The training programme should equip the participants with in-depth understanding
of HSE Management system including leadership, responsibilities, policies, process
and procedures.

Below is the summary of the training for Basic and Lead Implementer Course for HSE
MS / ISO 45001

Basic HSE Management System / ISO 45001 Foundation Course ( 1 Days )

This course will enable the participants to understand the different modules of an
OH&S MS, including the OH&S MS policy, procedures, performance measurements,

Proposal on Upgrading HSE Management System
/ ISO 45001 to local Ugandan Enterprises
Client : TOTAL E&P Uganda Limited
Prepared by : Sunmaker Energy (Uganda) Limited

management commitment, internal audit, management review, and continual


They shall further understand the elements and operations of an HSE Management
System and its principal processes, acknowledge the correlation between ISO 45001
and other standards and regulatory frameworks and understand the approaches,
methods, and techniques used for the implementation and management of an HSE
and elements of ISO 45001.

HSE Management System Lead Implementer Course / ISO 45001 Lead Implementer
Course ( 4 Days )

The ISO 45001 Lead Implementer training shall enable participants to develop the
necessary expertise to support an organization in establishing, implementing,
managing and maintaining an Occupational Health and Safety Management System
(OH&S MS) based on ISO 45001.

During this training course, participants shall gain a thorough understanding of the
best practices of an OH&S MS and be able to apply them to continually improve the
organization’s OH&S performance and ensure the well-being of employees by
providing a safe and healthy workplace.

The course content will cover on ;

 Planning an OH&S implementation

 OHS Management System Requirements – Context, Leadership, Support,
Operation, Performance & Improvement (including principles and concepts of an
 Legal frame work
 Performance evaluation, monitoring and measurement of an OH&S
 Exercises and case studies

The training outline can be referred to Appendix 2 .

g) Sunmaker will conduct assessment after the 5-days training session. The questions
and assessment mark will be developed to assess and evaluate the understanding
from the participants.

4.4 Coaching and mentoring support for identified and selected enterprises

a) After training of the selected companies, 50% of the companies will receive coaching
and on-site support to implement or adapt an HSE management system according to
the latest ISO standard 45001:2018.
b) Sunmaker will suggest key coaching and mentoring areas for the participating
companies based on the assessment of understanding during the training and also
the preliminary audit conducted during the pre-phase of the training.
c) Sunmaker will ensure the Implementation of the standard is necessary for rules,

Proposal on Upgrading HSE Management System
/ ISO 45001 to local Ugandan Enterprises
Client : TOTAL E&P Uganda Limited
Prepared by : Sunmaker Energy (Uganda) Limited

policies, processes and procedures needed to meet the requirements of ISO

45001:2018, and to meet the needs of each company.
d) Sunmaker will propose key coaching and mentoring areas for participating
companies. The methodology of selecting the key coaching and mentoring areas will
be based on the assessment rating and also will be based on the actual gap coming
from each companies.
e) Sunmaker will propose the method for coaching and mentoring is referring to the
GROW model by John Withmore method as per shown in Figure 3 below ;

Figure 3 : Proposed GROW Model for Coaching and Mentoring

f) After the coaching and mentoring session, Sunmaker will support the process of the
companies going for certification.
g) The support shall encourage the companies to undertake the international certification
for ISO 45001 : HSE management systems through a third-party. The company who will
be going to ISO 45001certification will be facilitated by their own effort to be certified
locally and internationally.

Note : The support will ensure the compliant with HSE standards (particularly ISO 45001)
and to be able to present those skills in tender opportunities based on individual
company needs.

h) In order to support the certification, Sunmaker will have to ensure areas to be

completed within each company before the external auditors can perform the
certification. The coverage area should support on ;
• OHS Policy
• Understanding Organizational context, needs and expectation of interested
parties, strategic directions,
• Identification of Risk and Opportunities.

Proposal on Upgrading HSE Management System
/ ISO 45001 to local Ugandan Enterprises
Client : TOTAL E&P Uganda Limited
Prepared by : Sunmaker Energy (Uganda) Limited

• OHS Objectives and Targets.

• Hazard Identification and Risk Management.
• Consultation, awareness, communication and participation.
• Operational Controls.
• Monitoring and continuous improvement.

i) Sunmaker will plan for the internal audit review for the identified company which will be
going for certification. The internal audit will be conducted based on the ISO 45001
elements by including documentation review to ensure that it meets the requirements
of the standard.
j) Sunmaker will support the companies by ensuring that the required process for
certification within the HSE MS / ISO 45001 are in place. The support roles will cover as
per below ;
- To guide the companies on the document development
- To provide checklist and sample of the document to be developed
- To guide the companies on the internal audit process to be done by
- To empower their ability to conduct internal audit
- To provide sample of document such as checklist and report to be used for
internal audit.

k) Sunmaker also will guide the companies by highlighting the elements to be made ready
for HSE MS / ISO 45001 as mentioned in Appendix 3. This checklist can be used during
the preliminary audit to understand existing gap and also to be used for internal audit to
evaluate the improvement area and reference for further action.

Proposal on Upgrading HSE Management System
/ ISO 45001 to local Ugandan Enterprises
Client : TOTAL E&P Uganda Limited
Prepared by : Sunmaker Energy (Uganda) Limited

5. Expected Key Deliverable and project schedule

The training programme will expect below deliverables with proposed number of days mention in
the table 3 below ;

Table 3 : Expected key deliverables and proposed duration

Bil Description Duration (days)

1 Kick of meeting and Inception report 5 working days
2 Selection criteria development 30 working days
Advertising, screening, finalization and registration for 100
3 Preliminary audit report detailing key challenges, risks and 30 working days
opportunities for setting up/ improving HSE Management
system standards within participating companies
4 Review and developed on the Training Module for ISO 45001 30 working
5 Comprehensive ISO 45001 training (5 -day training course) for 20 working days
local companies designed and carried out for a minimum 30
companies, two representatives for each company
6 Post-training coaching and mentoring for 50% of companies on 45 working days
ISO 45001 standards incl. 1 follow-up workshop
Engagement / round table with TOTAL, Contractors, 2 working days
Stakeholder/Partner for discussion on findings and
7 Progress report submission Every two weeks during
the project execution
8 Final report submission 5 Working days
Total days 117 working days

The expected duration to complete this project is 117 working days within 6 months.

Please refer to Appendix 4 for for details work schedule on each project’s deliverables

Proposal on Upgrading HSE Management System
/ ISO 45001 to local Ugandan Enterprises
Client : TOTAL E&P Uganda Limited
Prepared by : Sunmaker Energy (Uganda) Limited

6. Budget & Project Assumption

Option 1 – Face-to-Face Training

1. The overall cost for this option is UGX 615,270,200.00

2. The cost has included on the expenses for project management (including overhead,
advertisement, selection activities, round table meeting, accommodation, transportation,
other consumables) and consultancy services (professional fee training session to be done
face-to-face, coaching, mentoring and support services) for the whole scope.
3. The expenses covered on the accommodation of expected 200 students at Sunmaker Oil and
Gas Training institute where the students to be provided as per below;
a) Accommodation for 5 days, 6 nights and hiring venue
b) Meals including breakfast, lunch, dinner and two tea breaks per day for
each person
c) Two bottle of mineral water per day
d) Training material one set for each student
e) Insurance / Medical cost
f) Covid 19 test upon arrival
g) Transport allowance upon arrival and upon leaving the training center
4. The expenses for the round table meeting for 2 days for expected 25 delegates to be
participated in the round table meeting ( including the representative from TOTAL E&P
Uganda and other stakeholder, nominated by TOTAL ) includes :
a) Hiring venue for 2 days discussion
b) Meal for breakfast, lunch, dinner, two times tea break per day
c) Transport allowance for delegates upon arriving and leaving
5. The cost for this option, covers on the professional consultancy fees for training for 5 days, 8
session to cover 200 students where this includes training, mentoring, coaching and
supporting of the said scope mentioned in section 4.
6. The consultant involved is two lead consultant with 10 years of experience and two HSE
consultant with minimum 5 years of experience in HSE training and consultancy.
7. However, it is to emphasize that this budgetary is not including the cost of ISO 45001
certification with third-party since the cost will be facilitated by the company themselves.
8. This cost has not inclusive of tax and any reimbursable for any arising matters during the
project execution.

Proposal on Upgrading HSE Management System
/ ISO 45001 to local Ugandan Enterprises
Client : TOTAL E&P Uganda Limited
Prepared by : Sunmaker Energy (Uganda) Limited

Option 2 – Online Training

1. The overall cost for this option is UGX 419,653,000.00

2. The cost has included on the expenses for project management ( including overhead,
advertisement, selection activities, round table meeting, transportation, online training
support and other consumables) and consultancy services (professional fee training session
to be done face-to-face, coaching, mentoring and support services) for the whole scope.
3. The expenses to support the online training support includes the data support/internet for
200 students.
4. The expenses for the round table meeting for 2 days for expected 25 delegates to be
participated in the round table meeting ( including the representative from TOTAL E&P
Uganda and other stakeholder, nominated by TOTAL ) includes :
d) Hiring venue for 2 days discussion
e) Meal for breakfast, lunch, dinner, two times tea break per day
f) Transport allowance for delegates upon arriving and leaving
5. The cost for this option, covers on the professional consultancy fees for training for 5 days, 8
session to cover 200 students where this includes training, mentoring, coaching and
supporting of the said scope mentioned in section 4.
6. The consultant involved is two lead consultant with 10 years of experience and two HSE
consultant with minimum 5 years of experience in HSE training and consultancy.
7. However, it is to emphasize that this budgetary is not including the cost of ISO 45001
certification with third-party since the cost will be facilitated by the company themselves.
8. This cost has not inclusive of tax and any reimbursable for any arising matters during the
project execution.

Proposal on Upgrading HSE Management System
/ ISO 45001 to local Ugandan Enterprises
Client : TOTAL E&P Uganda Limited
Prepared by : Sunmaker Energy (Uganda) Limited

7. Reference

(1) : Enforcement of Occupational Safety and Health Activities at Workplaces by the department
of Occupational Safety and Health Under the ministry of Gender Labour and Social
Development, A report by Auditor General, December 2016
(2) : ISO 45001 : What it means for the oil and gas industry, CHERYL SAVAGE, SENIOR
(3) : Health and Safety Hazards Management in Oil and Gas Industry, Sundaram Haridoss,
Assistant Professor, Department of Petroleum Engineering, AMET UNIVERSITY
(4) : Petroleum (Exploration, Development and Production) Act 2013, (EDP Act 2013)



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