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y d that the wo, Weed me to cong i d th ary agi oy Sto : mecaime at he wag Very dei tld be weiner’ that he sere dead F (6 an said, “Iam ite g Med to mae wie oF me, said, Oh! Tam ruin SUPE | y ble said, « onstal } “Whe; spt oy said,“ will walls i claimed with gri He $ W jred anguish 12 Tie: Said to Haider. « F pe 020 J pis arandfather said to p51" AY have 9 Fe to Nawaz, “who ate yo } che said to me,” why iq you 4 yay 1DOFTOW your book jo" ade tt2nd my oy § your manners are atrocigy + WY OF tw & ynat @ beautiful buildir, 1 fy father said to me,” Do not hy; “ ' rt ‘ B teacher Said “Let him come Tt 8" 9 yy father said to him, «pg 10. » Tem; Ng it!” saig YOU TOW the nutes of cricket?" Jution > Sol ® is grandfather advised him D tasked Nawaz who he was w, she asked me why I had not attended her Wedding reception. . Naila asked me if she might borrow my book for a day or two ‘ The stranger remarked that hig manners were atrocious, 7, Heexclaimed with wonder that it was beautiful building, 4, My father advised me not to in rurt anyone/ g, The teacher told me that he might be allowed to come in ‘er he knew the rules of cricket, Grammatical Errors & Correction of Sentences Subject-Verb Agreement us had come late to the class again. ‘At he must save for the rainy day. aiting for, ii and Ahmad are friends. | . ites and Asif have completed the task. sentence Structures ‘and’ refer 10 the same pers, °% oy fl ¥y Comprehending. d by Rule 2: When two singular nouns are pone thing, the verb will be singular. Examples: * The captain an + Bread and butt iectives (my, your, his, her or the Explanation dl . ssive a eee ae or pesson thing is intended thus ,the verb mygy iY is used before only one noun, one singular. sore j oe ite TV is not watched these days. (Singular ve o The black and whi just arrived. (Singular verb) 5 has ® The dotorand house ove! Bae Star verb © My uncle and doctor y . When the article “A, An or The” or possessive adjective (ee your, B is, be or thei is used before both the nouns, two different ppersons/ things intended any hence the verb must be plural. Examples 6 The doctor and the house owner have just arrived. (Plural verb) © My uncle and my doctor visit me weekly. (Plural verb) © The captain and the coach of the team have been sacked, d coach of th ¢ team has been sacked. er is not easy & earn in this era of inflation, tb) Rule 3: When the subjects are joined by ‘either or’ or ‘neither nor’ and they are of different persons, the verb will agree in person and number with the noun nearest to it. Examples: © Neither she nor your friends know how to behave. © Neither the books nor the bag is there in the room o Either you or | am going out today. Rule 4: If connectives like along with, together with, as well as, accompanied by are used to combine two subjects, the verb agrees with the subject mentioned first. Examples: © The faculty members as well as the principal are invited to the Mad o Mr. Adnan ac nied forest. . be si % Competitive English Préci & Composition gxamples + The teachers in the staf + The books which were gi library. ple 6: (One of & one of -Who, ne of + Plural Noun + Single Verb, Example: One of ‘00m are waiting for the bell to ring ited by Mr. Prime Minister are still there in my the boys is waiting outside. One of + Plural Noun + Who + Plural Verb. Example: Aliya is one of the girls who respect and obey their parents. ule 7: When Gerund, infinitive, phrase and clause function as a subject, use single Verb. samples © Teaching is a noble profession. (Gerund) © To paint the walls is his hobby, (Infinitive) Strolling on the track along the lake is a refreshing act. (Phrase) What he says is a white lie. (Clause) Rule 8: When Amount, Distance, Quantity, Time or Period occur as @ unit, use single verb Examples o Twelve feet is the distance between these two walls. o Fifty thousand dollars was a handsome amount to tempt the newly couple. © 500 kg of sugar was sold for five thousand rupees. Rule 9: (Fraction, Percentage as a Subject}: When there is fraction or percentage of any noun, use verb according to the noun. rg the noun is singular, use singular verb. If the noun is plural, use plural verb. Examples © Fifty percent of the book has been read by me. > Half of the boys are ready to go to Murree on College Tour. - Rule 10: (Indefinite Pronouns) “ on (@) Comprehending Sentence Structures 2. Noun Pronoun Agreement | Noun and Pronoun agree on the following terms: Number (Singular & Plural) The boys are going to their houses. Incorrect: Everybody must bring their own lunch, Correct: Everybody must bring his or her own lunch, Gender (Male and Female) Ali is going to his own house. Case (subjective, Objective, Possessive or Reflexive) Kashif has painted his house himself. Rule 11: When any of few, many, several, both, all, some’ is used with a Countable noun, the verb is plural. Example: Somemenare needed for the battle. Rule 12: When any of little, much, enough , some'is used with an uncountaby noun, the verb willbe singular. Examples: Some milk is spoilt. It would be appreciated if some tea is offered. Enough courage is required to face the challenge Much money has been wasted e000 Rule 13: A number of/ the number of ‘A number of (some countable noun)’ is always plural. Example: © Anumber of students are going on the trip. ‘The number of (some countable noun)’ is always singular. fiers, Competitive English Précis & Composition {| m’ The 6 scenery of Kashmir is enchanting. ; Some nouns are rm. ee users, scissors, cae sed in a plural form and always take a plural lay es, ‘ranks, tidings, annals, chattels cles, stockings, shorts, goods, alms, premis le o Where are my spectacles? ule 17: Some eee such as News, Measles, Physics, Economics, Ethics, Innings, Mathematics, and Statistics are extremely deceptive. They end in -s and appear to be plural but are really singular and require singular verbs © Physies is a fascinating subject. Je 18: After ‘many/a great many/a good many, etc,,’ the noun is always plural, hich is followed by a plural verb, Example: A great many students are following fashion trends these days. Rule 19 - Tas Subject and Object © Maria and I joined the sports club. (Here, ‘Maria’ and 1’ are the subjects of the sentence.) o Ahmad took Maria and me to the sports club. (Here, Maria’ and ‘me’ are the objects of the sentence.) Similarly, in case of comparison, ‘I’ is used with the other subject. o E.g. He is shorter than I am Rule 20 Collective nouns may take either a singular or a plural verb, dep in the sentence. J collective nouns are acting as a unit, use a singular verb. If ending on their use the sentence implies that the individual members are taking up different actions, we use a plural verb. > Sentence 1:The committee is discussing the issue of safety at NOA. o Sentence 2: The committee have failed agreeing on a single ree Comprehending Sentence Structures Note: In case of superlative degree, the person/thing compared is included in the rest of the class. E.g. Jamil is the strongest of all men Rule 2 7 r attent In some cases, the comparison is subtle and must be given prope attention n Islamabad (Incorrect) of Islamabad.(that = ‘The climate of Murree is better tha The climate of Murree is better than the climate of) (correct) 4. Subjunctive mood ‘The verb in the subjunctive mood always takes the plural verb, even if the subject is singular in nature.The plural verb ‘were’ replaces ‘was’ in sentences that express an unfulfilled wish, desire or condition. These sentences are build using if, as if, as though, I wish, etc. = IfIwere you, I'd be careful = Ifhe were rich, he'd buy ten cars. * Saima wishes she were tall 5. Modifiers Modifier: A modifier is a word or phrase that qualifies (modifies) or describes a word, phrase or clause. For example Incorrect: At eight years old, my father gave me a watch on my birthday. Correct: When I was eight years old, my father gave me a watch on my birthday + Types of modifiers Grove & P Al octiveg: pis which modify nouns and pronouns. E, stay in the red house across the street. In this ‘red’ i Se igine noree In this ‘red’ is the adjective Adverbs: They modify verbs, adjectives a very good book. The boy ran q and ‘quickly’ are adverbs. Competitive En lish P, ee / ri dk Composition ysition __—«s RS she wore the hat on her hy d, Bees woraithe HiLeh id, which she bought yesterday. (Incorrect) She wore the hat which she bought yesterday, on her head. (Correct) pngine MoaiTler Dangling means hanging or unattached « Waiting for the train : + While I was waiting f @ brick fell on my foot. (Incorrect) for the train, a brick fell on my foot. (Correct) ples of Sentence Correction: , Incorrect:She picked up the sc gifted byher friend « Correct: She picked up the sc it around her head IncorrectThe boy was riding the elephant who broke his leg, Correct: The boy who broke his leg, was riding the elephant Incorrect:I almost listened to the whole album Correct: | listened to almost the whole album Incorrect:We read that Uzma was married in her last letter Correct: In her last letter, we read that Uzma was married Incorrect: Pleased with their conduct, it was decided by her to honor them Correct: Pleased with their conduct, she decided to honor them. Some Important Sentences We are staying here for the last two decades. ( Incorrect) We have been staying here for the last two decades. (Correct) Aslam, Ahmad and I am going to school. ( Incorrect) Aslam, Ahmad and I are going to school. (Correct) My brother has and is doing exercise (Incorrect) My brother has done and is doing exercise (Correct) He saw that clock has stopped (Incorrect) He saw that clock had stopped. (Correct) He speaks bad. (Incorrect) He speaks badly. (Correct) If anyone seems suspicious, take their detail. (Incorrect) If anyone seems suspicious, take his/her detail. (Correct) * Redundancy Error 1 which was ‘arf and tied it around her H arf, which was gifted by her friend and tied a oo ‘ shending Sentence Structures {@\ Comprehe nding Se + In Pleas ree departments into one, | 2 s into correct:Please combine the three departn ‘0 ont nts Correct: Please combine the three departmen Bocca * Incorrect:Would you please repeat again wha ty s Correct: would you please repeat what you sai " Using If conditionals * Incorrect: If will visit Lahore, | will meet you. * Correct: If I visit Lahore, I will meet you. Rule: Use Simple Present Tense to refer to the future after conjunctions like When, Gfter, if, as soon as. : Examples: * Iwill talk to him when I see him in the next two days. ‘+ Iwill call you as soon as I arrive at the airport. = Married with/married to * Incorrect: She is married with an engineer * Correct: She is married to an engineer. Rule: To is a correct preposition to use with married. * Every with (singular noun)/ Every with (plural noun) * Incorrect: Every students are intelligent in the class. Correct: Every student is intelligent in the class. Rule: A Singular noun is used with every, * Us But and althoi toy er Incorrect: Although it was raining, but we went to market * Correct: Although it was raining, we went to market, ci with although, don't use but with that. i er i & OMposition + Where is your ce}j * You're responsible + Its/it's + Incorrect: Its Sunday m * Correct: It's Sunday moe u8 Phone? for this Project. pale: “It'S” is 2 contraction for itis, «1g pxamples: * The floor looks Sreat with its new mat, «It's raining outside, , There/their/they’re * Incorrect: Parents wo; "Correct: Parents wor} ‘sive pronoun for things. rk for there children. ‘k for their children, Rule: There is generally used for a place Their refers possession, something belonging to them They're is a contraction for They are. Examples: Children are playing with their toys. There are many shops. * Unique/most unique * Incorrect: This is the most unique dress. " Correct: This is the unique dress. Rule: Adjectives like unique, ideal, entire, extreme, and perfect do not admit ent degrees of comparison. 5 Comprehending Sentence Structures * Then/than Incorrect: She is beautiful thet Mr * Correct: She is beautiful . Then is used for planning @ Schedule oy Rule: Than is used for a compariso to indicate instructions. Examples ! * He is clever than her. Neer = First I will go to Lahore then Peshaw: * Amount/number , = Incorrect: A greatér arfount * Correct: A greater number 0! Rule: Amount is used for uncountable commodities: Number is used for countabip things. x of people are visiting the stadium people are visiting the stadium, Examples: * A large amount of Sand isneeded for the project. * We can watch a nurbeyof TV shows = Fewer/te: “4 * Incorrect: There-are legh dresses. * Corfect: There are fewer Presses. Rule: Fewer is used for countable items. Less is used for unpountable, Spmnpbelities Examples: i e Thete was a les3 Fain Késbycar. { * There are fewer stixdents fr the class. = Did not a x * Incorrett: I did nét Saw Rint yesterday. . Correct: thi nblige Rit yesterding , se base form of the verb with did, a4 ge pis used before nouns, ples: « I don't have enough time The ring was too small, Gerunds » Incorrect: We enjoy to ° 80 for walk Correct: We enjoy going for walle a er. _agerund is a verb form which pole: de from a functions as a noun. In oth ds, a gerund i . bs ich are always followed by a gerund, | | » We enjoy going f i ee) going for a walk. (The gerund always follows the verb » [love eating ice cream. » Every das " 4 + Incorrect: He need a car for his activities * Correct: He néed a car for his everyd6¥ activities. Rule: Everyday is an adjective that means commonplace or happening every day. | gery day is an adverbial phrase that means etch day or daily. It can be replaced with each day or all days. . x Examples: = [meet him every day. «He goes to college every day. * need a laptop for my everyday work. . : It is Nasir’s and Ali’s car. It is Nasir and Ali’s car. , only after the name of the second person MA: Comprehending Si vender of an animal. Rule: Use “it” if you don't know the g Example: dog shows. It has won many prize, «His dog participates in many * Well/good (happin: * Incorrect: He feels well. * Correct: He feels good. ing happiness Rule: se good when expre Examples: + She feels good after attending a concert. * He feels good by working for the company " Well/good (quality) * Incorrect: She cooks good. * Correct: She cooks well. Rule: Use well when expressing a quality of someone or something. Examples: * The machine works well. * She sings well. = Each is/ Each = Incorrect: Each of the cars are fast. * Correct: Each of the cars is fast. Rule: Use singular verb (is) with indefinite pronouns (such as each, none, neither) Example: * Each of the students is fast. of them is my classmate. “se Plural form ‘ares, “word ‘police’ is q We aderegete na ot on i iples: ” A9Gregar, 9 Poli UNS hayes © Noun, referring to a single Person o, + The police are biog, + The polie, eng the g ‘The p oeeP Aten ig Stet yh, the robb ten omer ofthe an ey Sure ‘ * Incorrect; He almost y, * Correct: He washed alm: Shed all of all of the og ' SS all of the cat pute: Modifiers are useq Adjacent tg - : One another The omission of Second Stt of comparison * Incorrect: Ali likes Mat fematicsmore ¢ * Correct: Ali likesMatha han English ™aticsmore than he likes English. + Anja = Incorrect: It is a old television set * Correct: It is an Old television set of the word sounds like g like a vowel, we use an. We he, consonant, we use a. If it sounds ‘Gr @ vowel sound at the beginning of uncle and a consonant sound at the beginning Of university (you-ni ver-sity) Examples: * AHorse * An Hour * A University * Alternative /alte: e ite. ct: The salad is a healthier alterna : ee, ‘The salad is a healthier alternative. ernate: Occur in turn repeatedly. as another possibility or choice. t alternate between the two parties. ti eainses for resolving disputes. ive g Sentenct Structures ‘d pea or settlements agreed peacefyy, jements Y by ly people Amiable: used to describe kind, gentle and friendly P' Examples: \ * The amiable young man greeted me. t * The meeting was amicable. " Among/between a i * Incorrect: She could not decide among the two shirts. " Correct: She could not decide between the two shirts. Rule: Use ‘between’ when the comparison involves only 2 choices. ‘Among’ is used when there are 3 or more choices. Examples: } * They had to choose the winner between the red and the blue teams k * They had to choose the winner among the 5 competing teams |" Beside /besides * Incorrect: Ask him to sit besides me. * Correct: Ask him to sit beside me. t Rule: Beside means next to. Besides means in addition to Examples: The bride was sitting beside the groom at the reception. * Besides her famous cupcakes, she will donate cookies and a pie to the bake sale. Competitive English Pri écis is used for expressing possipitin, - y. & Composition yay ples * Team talk to her as It may rain tomorro . Deadly/Deathly \ * Incorrect: A bee stin Can be * Correct: A bee sting can te deaae” pale: Deadly: Causing or able to cause death peathly: Resembling or suggestive of death pxamples: + Itis a deadly weapon + His face was deathly pale. . r /further he is my friend w * Incorrect: We will drive no further tonight * Correct: We will drive no farther tonight, Rule: Farther refers to physical distance. Further refers to moreover; in addition; to a greater extent. Examples: * We had to walk farther than the map indicated. * Lahore is farther from Peshawar than from Islamabad. * We need to discuss this further. ye been in America aigee 3 months. aan en in America for 3 months. y fan, i i se Structures & Comprehending Sentence St * On/in r * Incorreet:in January 13th, I will be twelt y * Correct:On January 13th, I will be twenty. t takes pl ch an event takes Rule: On: Indicating the day or part of a day during which an a 7 ason, year: In:is used for unspecific times during a day, month, 8 Examples: * He will report on September 26 On a very hot evening in July. * She always reads newspapers in the morning, * In the summer, we have a rainy season for three weeks. ‘The new semester will start in March. * Iwas born in 1990. = No one/anyone * Incorrect: At the party, I didn't meet no one. * Correct: At the party, I didn’t meet anyone. Rule: The sentence becomes a double negative with the inclusion of both didn't and nobody. Examples: 1 don't talk to anyone in the evening * like no one in their family = Iflwas/IfI were * Incorrect: If I was going to the movies... * Correct: If! were going to the movies... Competitive EF glish Pre ‘& Composition 4 Incorrect: I felt Very fantasy, Correct: I felt really fantasy, jn many sentences both ‘ro, pe mar ile Fas like. Really is used to o sales? [really want to go * [really think s ‘ally and y mphaee, ery’ can be used but there are 7 Phasize a statement or opinion he is beautiful Very cannot be used in the above two sentences. superlatives + Incorrect: She is more tall than Uma » Correct: She is taller than Use Comparative adjectives describe a n another person or thing. Many ad ing -er to the word (softer, nicer, taller) samples: = She is shorterthan Ali * He is smarterthan Jamal. wy + Inmy point of view/From my point of view Incorrect: In my point of view, the NOA classes re Correct:From my point of view, the noun as having more of a certain quality djectives take the comparative form by ally help, NOA classes really help. either ‘from my point of view” or ‘In my view’ In my point of view is from my point of view, she has taken a good decision. She studied for the football game. e studied during the football game. ; ¥ jcouldn * Could be be + Incorrect: It could pe better than that. (whe : Correct: It couldn't Be tter than (ha! {when it is the best) Rule suldn't be be used when the thing is the best. 4 be better th room for improvement. + Awhile /@ while * Incorrect * Correct: I'll stay ! for awhile while phat is for a short tin we cannot use ‘ ‘awhile Tl stay in Islamabad Islamabad for # me, ans ‘for a while. while: Adve sentence, af time.’So in the above a repetition of ‘for * t of ‘run’ is ran; Past partici ple o eee eens Se perfect So past participle (run) has to bene "wT The above semen «She runs every day. » She ran yesterday. « They have run every day this week, + gapposs to/supposed to m suppose to write assignments. : I'm supposed to write assignments. ‘O Wait on her Ing for their parents is an irregular verb ule: Suppose is a verb. Its past participle form is -ed. With a helping verb, its past yariiiple form is used Examples: * [am supposed to call her. = 1am supposed to help her. + Let he/iet him ‘* Ancerrect:Let he go there. Cperrect:Let him go there et pronoun is used in the objective form. a whom we met yesterday was Ali's uncle. ‘who we met yesterday was Ali's uncle, ofa sentence. jerb or preposition. sentence Structures then who is corr answer is hin alled me is the right option the Comprehending If the answer is he whom is correct. So, who c Examples: "Who is the team leader? (He is) * Who ate my sandwich? (He has) * Whom should I call? (Call him) We, you, they = Incorrect: You, they and we committed the crime * Correct: We, you and they committed the crime sthing bad has done, use person pronoun Ist, followed by hird person pronoun. If something bad has done, use 3rd pert’ wed by 2nd person pronoun and 3rd at the end. sin uw and I helped the poor = Each other/ one another * Incorrect: They both love one another. * Correct: They both love each other. Rule: Each other is used for two persons. ‘One another is used for three or more people. * The two brothers love each other. His family members love one another. “agree with the singular subject Mathemates e plural but in actual they are singular. Fi » They know how to She knows how tg eee & Subordi; récis & C, S& Composition letter, past tense i Incorrect: She » Correct: She g, Succeede, ‘ause bec ies Use | Seeded because shew Works hard main clause ig forked hard Followed by a past tense ule: A Past tense in the ause- pxample: = Lvisited the rest * He tried my nu; + Universal truth in a subordinate aurant as | liked it mber because he felt helpless. = Incorrect: My fath * Correct: My fathe: pule: In the case of a univ, followed by a present tense Example: sal truth, a past tense in the main clause can be ina subordinate clause Our teacher said the sun rises in the east * Present perfect continuous te: * Incorrect: * Correct hours. am waiting for you in the office for the last two hours have been waiting for you in the office for the last two Use Present Perfect Continuous Tense when an action began in the past and ‘Still going on at the time of speaking. Generally, it is used with adverbs of time nce, how long) will i their work, ct: it for them, till they will finish t I il wait for them, till they finish their work. Tense is used in the clause of time, place and position. 5 not used in this case. eted my project yesterday. project yesterday. @. ince Structures \ “ng Sente t &) Comprehending, Sente Examples: asterday. = My mother bought 4 gift for me yesterda’ | We visited Islamabad last week * Some/any * Incorrect: Can I * Correct: Can I borrow 0! Rule:‘Some’ is used in questions for something.‘Any’ is generally used in negative borrow any money’ me money? making a requ sentences or for offer, 9 Examples: ou like some milk? (offering) (negative) gative) = Would y * [don't have any friends. «There isn’t any food left. (ne * Comparing two qualities of the same erson. + Incorrect: Jamal is wiser than strong, * Correct: Jamal is more wise than strong. Rule: The comparative in -er is not used while comparin = ng two qualitie: ee iparing two qualities of the same Example: = Ali is wiser than brave. « Senior than/senior to * Incorrect: She is senior than me. * Correct: She is seniorto me e: To is the right preposition to use with senior inal Number 1 fourth, last, inal numb anordinal or NOUS Precedes 1, hing, such as first je: e psamp! “number that = Incorrect; wy, = We notice afterwards, teed the man lying * Correct: We R Seriously il noticy afterwards, Sed the man tyin, B Serious) y ill and he died shor Rule: The subject was missing gj complete the sentence. 9 After the conjunction ‘and’. So, add subject he t « Neither nor er for the position of a stenographer. Rule; Neither nor makes a statement negative. So, we use of not is extra, Example: " leat neither chocolate nor ice cream Habit to/ habit of Incorrect: She has the habit to arrive late. Correct: She has the habit of arriving late. ie Word habit is followed by of + ing. the habit of going to bed early. the habit of biting nails. The number are i the road. st: The number of vehicles are increasing on Be ofgebiccs i increasing on the roed ingular, so singular verbjis) should follow it.A Fa 3 spiral verb (are) should follow it € Structures a ee ra ‘ Comprehending Sentenc' Superfluous errors (Re! etition of words havin: the same meanj, ment. ‘omplete your assign! e to © ee signment, = Incorrect: You mus' ‘0 complete your as = Correct: You have te ne same meaning Rule: Either use must or have to because both have ¢! Examples: = You have to be more © = You must call him. autious, = As well as = Incorrect: The ring as well as n' * Correct: The ring as well as nec! Rule: As well as follows the primary subject. The primary subject ‘the ring’ i singular so singular verb (is) should be used. Emphasizes/emphasizes on = Incorrect: Our teacher emphasizes on the nee’ = Correct: Our teacher emphasizes the need for a lot of practice ecklaces are available at the shop, iclaces is available at the shop .d for a lot of practice. Rule: The word emphasizes means features. So, the preposition on is unnecessary after emphasizes. = Admission for/admission to af Incorrect: The ticket grants admission for the show. “* Correct: The ticket grants admission to the show. Tois the right preposition after admission. It to work on computer. rk on computer. «He is responsible for his b ehavior. + One should realize one's responsibilities | yas [hardly » Incorrect: It is a hardly job Correct: It is a hard job. ple: Hardly means rarely ¢, correction of Sentences - Practice Exercises + Exercise 1 1 2. 8. 4. : 6. He went to work despite of his illness Ahmad, who he is my best friend, is a writer, No matter what that I do, I can't make her happy: She is busy at the work and won't be home before 10.30. Thave decided to quit my job a week ago. You should complain of if you are not happy with the service you receive. You had better not to wake him up when get home. You should tell to me exactly what happened there He is clever but he lacks of experience. _ She does not resemble to either of her parents Thave written to every my friend | have. J don't speak of either French or German. na cooks the food yesterday. mes to my house tomorro sit me yesterday. ny friends were absent today. are here at the moment. playing with their dog, nce Structures ‘ rehe y Sente Comprehe nding a Exercise 3 Both did not come: Both of them did n Bach of these girls sing We all did not go We all had not been inv ited. He should love his country at home?’ Yes, | think ot pass the te very well Is he We enjoyed during the holidays The boy who works hard he will get the prize He is waiting for you from 10 o'clock. This man is sitting here for the last two hours: We are staying here since 1980. [am going to school by bus We are playing tennis every day I said him to go. She told that she would be coming They discussed about the whole matter As soon as he got the telegram, at once he started Neither Jamil is intelligent nor hardworking Though he is fat but he runs fast As he is fat so he runs slowly. Unless you do not apologize, you will not be admitted to class. Hardly the sun had risen when we set out Not only she speaks English but also Chinese. This is my house, I live here. He has not answered to me. Let us go by walk. We went to Karachi and enjoyed very much. Competitive English Précis & ( ompo: a pose, if you an ie. Suppose i Wve late, you will miss the show 18. She speaks good English 19, Myhairs are grey. 20. TL availed of this opportunity gxercise 5 1 1 enjoyed during the re Ai. Heis guilty, isnt ip 3 The gold is a precious metal 4. It is raining for four hours 5, Work hard lest you may fail 6. Please describe us your wife. 7 Could you suggest me a good dentist? 8. He is cleverest of the four brothers 9. Choose the best of the two options. 10. She likes to feed the poors 11. He is working for the blinds I told these news to my father. The teacher gave us some advices. I saw many deers in the jungle Bring me some bloating. ‘The boy is in the boarding Please put your sign here. She is my cousin sister ‘The car either dashed against a goat or a donkey. Neither he would eat nor allow us to eat He enquired that where was the office. He asked that what was my name. ‘Amna is as tall if not taller than Maryam. h he was poor but he was happy. ; dly I had reached the station when the train steamed out. sked had we taken our food. sked that where I was sand to she was ani r te i after his wife died. va found that the bag was disappeared. se he went out before I arrived, Structures * e fl y Comprehending Sentenc itely | fin | 20. Toattack is better than walt indefi | * Exercise 7 a ‘it ited me to arac! 1 friend has Just invite . | 2. iat to lose ones temper when one is criticized | 3. How is that your brother? 4. vill do it in myself's way . , | 5: Taal a ina ood mood. It’s just had it's Lie © The teacher told the children to ope their boo! 7. Other people’s lives always seem more interesting than one's, 8. ‘She had a much. ‘shocked expression 0” her face 9. She looked much frightened. 10. That is Jamal, unless I am very mistaken . 1L She is a very known writer. 12. He is very admired by his followers 13. He behaved cowardly. 14. He laughed silly 15. He lives miserly. 16. Just I had gone when he came 17. Still [ove you. 18. He asked a holiday. 19. Due to illness, I could not go to school. 20, He was prevented to come. « Exercise 8 I met with your friend. She insisted to pay. Let's go for riding. We went a walk. He is taking his food. I take your leave. He knows to swim. Do you know to cook? Students should not cut jokes in class. He cut his pencil. i Should I cut this word? PEnansene the prize winners present at the meeting 7 Competitive English P, Sh Pré, cis & C, a. They insisted on my, & ¢ Omposition 3. Lam thinking to yr, "°8ighing thy — The clever gir} ya. © MY ay Post 4. Sil was conga Piogtaphy 5. 1am hopeful to secure Mt to win they 6 Todie with hope A oan ty yt HER meda 4. Alice likes sin, S bette; my house. 8. 9. ig T than jj . ging, living wi . There is no hen” “anci 18 With dishonor Neing and ope B to paint, . The car either dashed 8 lilting yo. Neither he woud ae ® goat or a donkey 11. Though he was poor bur quow US t9 eat 12. He asked that what was my wa BAPPY 13 Neen ages ane 14. pe aerial lest you may not make a mistake. 15. He climbed up a tree suet ; 16. He asked had I finished my work 12°! View of the procession 17, He asked that what are you doing 18. He asked to Asif wi ‘hy your father is an, 19. He said that his father died last year 20. I did not see him because he went out before | arrived » Buercise 10 He got angry before I said a word There I met a man who was my classmate 20 years ago. I will call you when dinner will be ready. We live in village She works in pub He is best player in the team She is fastest runner The Paris is big city 1 live in the Islamabad The iron is a useful metal The gold is yellow. We should not make noise. ve an urgent business ese sell eggs by kilo or by dozen? x bitter cold. 10. 1 2. A 4. 5. 6. 7 8. 9. PORES SEIS 5 Tha Both men h Both answers One should fave you a pen? 't got aad ne holidays ot waste ; 9° q haven't Bot as t he did not lend me. He enjoyed ta prize Lasked for his book, bu! F who does best he will ge! The boy ; win Wtpever works hard he wil ‘the phone she was polite answered 1h her they work well The girl who eee s whe I shall see the brakes ey von oflce He has got a new friend who sI He asked had we taken cour food. at was he doing She asked him wh ‘al why their father is angry. Jalal asked to Jam: He asked that what am I doing He does not care for my words: No one cared for the children after their mother died. He does not care for money When we went there we found that the lion was disappeared, He said that his father died last year. 1 did not see him because he went out before I arrived He got angry before I said a word I met a man who was my classmate 20 years ago. It was bitter cold. I couldn't help not overhearing their conversation. Lever remember having seen a more interesting film. ‘The sto.y was too interesting. She hasn't got no children. This hardly won liberty cannot be lightly abandoned. f Competitive English Pré é ci / The child resemble 5 & Composition 1 He is intelligence ee other : ie 1 What is the tiy ime 8 of &) | fs: We traveled in ca eour Watch>. “Perience poi He is angry upon me Tam pleased at you 15- | He was trembli | 16- F ing in rage 17, Who is in the phone? itis J 18, There was an interesting « jamal 39, She washed her face in an at TV, bo. The snake was killed by a stone F - ise 14 : 1 go to school by foot. I congratulated he 4 er for her s 3 _ Just I had finished the lesson. 4% He plays good : 3 Never I have seen such a mess. 6 Hardly I have had any rest since morning. 7 Really speaking the movie isn’t very good 8 It is a very good novel; | liked it on the whole 9 She was deadly injured in the accident | 40. I haven't been to the theatre much late | 11, _ He wondered how was it made | 12, He asked if | am coming 13, _ He choosed a book 14. _ He loosed his keys. 15. _ She is very much beautiful. 46. _ He is very much sorry. 17, _ He was very kind enough to help me 18, _ The story is too interesting. 19, _ He behaved cowardly, 20. They live miserly + Exercise 15 He denied to go- All day I was putting on @ sweater. I shot the deer but missed. stood first in his class. steam engine. ave Engl The child reg M1, Heis intetigence $019 its 32, What is the time in ot Be lacks of a 33, We traveled in train? °U Watehp ““Petience ya He is angry upon mr, fo pleased at you 6 He was tremblin, Ee Who is in the phones 38° 18, There was an interegtiy, | 08™4l- Fi, She washed her face in ek oy, 20, The snake was killed by eer, _sersise 14 1. _1.g0 to school by foot, 2 I congratulated her fo 3, Just I had finished the lesen oe8® 4, _ He plays good. 5, Never I have seen such a mess 6 Hardly I have had any rest since morning. 7, Really speaking the movie isn't very good 8. It is a very good novel; I liked it on the whole 9, She was deadly injured in the accident 10, I haven't been to the theatre much late ll. He wondered how was it made 12. He asked if I am coming. 13, He choosed a book 14, He loosed his keys. 15. She is very much beautiful. 16. He is very much sorry. 17. He was very kind enough to help me. 18, The story is too interesting. 19. He behaved cowardly. 20. They live miserly He denied to go. fee All day I was putting on a sweater. I shot the deer but missed. He stood first in his class. ce Structures Comprehending, Senten Lasked my maid to bring water: 4 aS I told the master to excuse me: 16. My foot is paining: 17. My tooth is paining 18. She gave a speech 19. She made a lecture. 20. She gave her examination Exercise 16 1 He puts his money in a silver box. 2 He asked had we taken our food 3. 1am not sure will [have time. - 4. I asked whether had she any letters for me 5 He said that he saw her last year 6. I could not meet him because he went out before | arrived au He got angry even before I said a word. 8. ‘There I met a man who was my classmate ten years ago 9, ‘This was going on for a long time 10. I will call you when dinner will be ready. 11. I will write after I returned 12. When I will go to New York I will meet him. 13. If I would have done this | would have been wrong 14. She knows to knit 15. We live in city. 16. He is best player 17. She is a most intelligent girl in the class 18. The Lahore is big city. 19. I live in the Kohat. The gold is yellow. Everybody should do go; Iron is mate won 9 SO oF of Winston Churchill ig great) ther meta her work. eat a Ok at six Page. of King Geor, you, Be the sixth. tT than a car he will get a prize Picture? Myself Iwith my friends watched the show is carelessness 8 , psssise 38 Ff He came a 3rd time, 2, — Heis in class eighth x He opened the bo, 4, This is a portrait 5. He is worst than 6. Multan is hot than Lahore 7. Ahorse is usefulle; 8. The boy who works 9. Whoever does best 10. Who painted this 11. Land he are brothers 12. 13. He himself hurt due to hi 14. He is taller than me. 15. None of us have seen him. Exercise 19 People starve when he has no money. My car is better than my friend. The size of the shoe should be the same as this shoe. His teaching was like Budd None but I turned up. They are all wron; g but | Each of these girls sing well. None of my student attended the class today One of my servant has gone on leave. Some of my servants has gone on leave. ; _ Some of ay friends has decided to go on a picnic. did not come. ould respect his parents plaaeuptis hard please fill. er than any other British politicians Structures Comprehending Sentenc s superior than you in strength 9. 10. ides in a cycle 11 He rides on a car 12. He sat ina table. 13, The cat is in the roof. 14. There was a match between team A against team B. iS The meeting will be held between 4 pm fo © pm * Exercise 21 1 The First World War was fought during 1 2 There was a fight with John and Peter 3. England grew prosperous between Queen Victoria’s reign. 4. He has stole my pen. 5. John has often beat me at tennis 6. 8. 9. 914-18 They didn’t invited us. He did came. Neither he came nor he wrote Seldom I go to the hills 10. Never I have seen such a mess. ll. He said that he saw him last year 12. If I shall do this, I shall be wrong. 13. _If did this, | shall be wrong. 14. He had to leave his rights. 15. I take my food. I take your leave. They cut Charles I’s head. He told her that he will come He told me that honesty was the best policy. we cher said hat the earth revolved around the sun. Dap Competitive En Slish Précis & Composition She is busy at wo: I decided to quit You should com receive You had better not rk and won't be home before 10.30 my job a week ago. Plain if you are not happy with the service you wake him up when get home You should tell me exactly what harreved dene He is clever but he lacks experience She does not resemble either of her parents I have written to every friend I have : I don’t speak either French or German » Exercise 2 i. y Meena cooked the food yesterday. / Meena cooks the food every ay. He comes to my house every day. / He will come to my house tomorrow. He will visit me tomorrow. / He visited me yesterday One of my friends was absent yesterday None of them is here at the moment Manu and Maya are playing with their dog. What have you been able to find out? Does he know what he is doing? Ihave no interest in politics She does not want to go. Mathematics is my favorite subject. Meena ate a chocolate yesterday isture to germinate. Sees al not came yesterday. / She cannot come tomorrow of these girls sings very well it. US had been invited one’s country. ink so. Structures fee, ag sentence (@\ Comprehend! ing Se the two hour 11. This man has been sit} iB pore 1980. 12, We have been staying here es s that starte a s and situations arte past ¢ Bplanaion:To tlk abou Acre use he prevent ene! COMMONS tere ave continued up to sent, 13, 1 go to school by us: 14, We play tennis every day: co . 7 5 ange to talk about routines and h, Explanation:We use the simple present te cn to ta Pratl about hy Note that the present continuous tenst the moment o} situations that are going on at 15. I told him to go 16. She said that she woul 17. They discussed the whole matter f speaking, id be coming, Explanation:Discuss is one of those verbs that are not followed by a prepositie, 18. As soon as he got the telegram, he started. OR He got the telegray and started at once. 19. Jamil is neither intelligent nor hardworking, 20. Though he is fat, he runs fast. OR He is fat, but he runs fast 21. As he is fat he runs slowly. OR He is fast so he runs slowly 22 Unless you apologize, you will not be admitted to class. OR If yu do not apologize you will not be admitted to class. 23. Hardly had the sun risen when we set out. OR The sun had hardy risen when we set out. 24. She speaks not only English but also Chinese. 25. This is my house where I live. OR This is my house. I live here. 26. He has not answered me 27. _ Let us walk. Or Let us go on foot. 28. We went to Bangkok and enjoyed our stay very much. Or We west to Bangkok and enjoyed ourselves very much. verb enjoy requires an expressed object. If there is no object, opriate emphatic pronoun. ie ee Or She is thirty-five He has given up smoking. you to refer to the prestt It does not have 0 the word furniture does n ot hay eg aspect of the noun, you can a Plural form in English, To denote the seu © ‘an article of furniture’ or a ‘piece of 5. The machinery wag eral TY does not rote? singular verb. have a plural form. it is uncountable rakes 6. The scenery here ig and beautiful, 7. Do not carry heavy - 8. He conveyed thi 7 ¢ 18828° during travel 'S to his relatives, qothave a plural form. 9. There is no room in this com 10. Have you read this poem? besten 11. _ Iwent to watch a play 12, He has gone abro: ad. Or He has f ; | 13. She is my cousin gone to foreign countries. yote:The pronoun she itself indicate: nention the noun sister, 14. All that he said is true, 15. What he said is true 's the gender, and hence there is no need to Note:All can mean ‘everything’ in the structure ‘all that’, 16. Suppose you arrive late; you will miss the show. Or if you artive \ late, you will miss the show. 1 | 17. He did well. 18. She speaks good English. Or She speaks English well. Wote:Good is an adjective. It goes before a noun. An adjective cannot be used to “modify an adverb. Well is an adverb. It usually goes after the verb or verb + 29. Bee My hair is grey. iris an uncountable noun in English and as such it does not often (@) : sentence Structure ) i Comprehending Sentence Structures Note:Material nouns are used without articles. 4 It has been raining for four hours. Note:To talk about an event that started in the past and has been continuing , to the present, we ‘use a present perfect continuous tense p S. Work hard lest you should fail Note:The only auxiliary verb that can be used after lest is should. 6. _ Please describe your wife to us. 7 Could you suggest a good dentist to me? Note:The verbs explain, suggest and describe cannot be used with , structure indirect object + direct object. 8. He is the cleverest of the four brothers. Note:We use the article the with superlative adjectives. 9 Choose the better of the two options. Note:When a group has just two members, we use the comparative instead of the superlative. 10. She likes to feed the poor. 11 He is working for the blind. Note:Expressions like the poor, the blind, the deaf etc., are always plural. We don’t have to make their plural forms by adding -s to them. 12. I told this news to my father. Note:News is a singular uncountable noun. Therefore, it has to be used with a singular determiner. 13. The teacher gave us some advice. Note:Advice is an uncountable noun. It does not have a plural form. The determiner many is only used with plural countable nouns. 1% olig Competitiv i on petitive English Précis & Composition gxercise 6 Am: Though fe a8 Maryam, if not taller. happy. ‘8S Poor, he was happy. OR He was poor but he was Hardh ly had I reached the station when the train steamed out. yotes:‘The _correlatives either...or, neither...nor, both...and, not only...but aisoshould go immediately before the words they ‘relate toThe relative pronoun that cannot be used before interrogatives like what, where, when, Ns ea” eave words ee bent, scarcely and no sooner follow the inverted word order. That means the auxiliary yerb comes before the subject. Peper 6. He asked if we had taken our food. 7. He asked where I was going, 8 He asked her why she was angry. 9. No one took care of him after his wife had died 10. When I went there I found that the bag had disappeared. 11, I'did not stop because he had gone out before I arrived. 12. When I go to Lahore I will see him 13. They insisted on my resigning the post. 14. They objected to Ali’s playing for the team. Note:A noun or pronoun used with a gerund should be in the possessive case 15. There is no danger of the roof crashing. Note:The possessive case should not be used with the gerund when the noun denotes a lifeless thing. 16. Lam thinking of writing my autobiography. 17. The clever girl was confident of winning the gold medal. 18. 1. am hopeful of securing a loan to build my house. 19, To die with honor is better than to live with dishonor. 20. To attack is better than to wait indefinitely. | Note: In structures like this, the infinitive should be used in both clauses. Exercise 7 ei i io Comprehenaing’ Note:The possessive form of myself is mY own. mood. It’s just had jon for it is / it has. its breakfast. 5, The cat is in a good F It’s is the contract! Note:it is the possessive form of it heir books. children to open t 6. The teacher told the jormal ective, we do not m ly use a singular noun, Note:After a plural possessive adj e interes 7 Other people's lives always seem mor sting than one’s own, pronoun. Instead we use one’s own Note:One’s cannot be used as a non her face s. She had a very shocked expressio 9. She looked very frightened. dable adjective, it can usually be Note:When a past participle !s : ; modified by very. Much cannot be ‘used in this case. Past participles referring to reatal states, reactions and feelings 4° ‘usually used in this way- 10. That is Jamal, unless | am much mistaken. OR That is Jamil, unless am very much mistaken. 11. She is a well-known writer s to the rule given above sed with very: Note:These are exception: e. Certain past participles like mistaken and known are not u: 12. He is much admired by his followers. admired by his followers. OR He is very much Note:When a past participle is used a5 part of a passive verb, we Bee much or very much to modify it.With some adjectives referring to emotional states and reactions (e-8- amused), all of these degree modifiers can be used. * was very amused by her performance. = [was much amused by her performance. passe ac amused by her performance. . He behaved in a cowardly manner. OR He b ike a coward. ee le behaved like a coward. 15. He lives in a miserly way. Note:In the sentences given above th silly teh : .e words cowardly, silly and mis adjectives which cannot be used to modify verbs. And aes Fa = adverbs for these meanings we hat manner’ and ‘in a miserly way’ to ae to use adverb phrases like ‘in a cowardly i seit % 20. He was prevented from coming :Prevent cannot be followe joud noise prevented me from 5 . Exercise 8 2 I met with your friend. Note:Meet means ‘come face to fa meaning it is used without with. by to. It is followed by from + -ing form. The leeping. ce with somebody or something’. With this * Meet with means ‘experience’ + He met with misfortune. (NOT He met misfortune. ) 2. She insisted on paying. Note:Insist cannot be followed by to. It is followed by on + -ing form. 3. __Let’s go riding. Note:Go is used with an -ing form in a number of expressions referring to sporting and leisure activities. No preposition is used in this structure. 4, We went for a walk Note:The structure ‘go for a / come for a’is used in a number of fixed expressions referring to sporting and leisure activities 5. He is having his food Note:Taking his food is not wrong, but native English speakers rarely use this ‘expression. 6. te: take your leave’ is not wrong, but it is extremely formal. : He knows how to swim. 8. Do you know how to cook? Beara cca) sig Kost I must say goodbye. We use the structure met Structure 13. Thave a pain in my back 14 My tooth is aching. / Note:Pain is a transitive verb. It must have an expressed object. When there j, no object, use other words like ache or hurt 1 The news is too good to be true. 6. Politics is a dirty game singular in meaning. They should by -

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