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Soal-soal TOEFL dan pembahasan kunci jawabannya kini sedang gencar dicari oleh para pelajar

yang ingin mengikut tes TOEFL. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan ini maka melalui tulisan ini kami
akan membahas terkait soal TOEFL structure dan pembahasan.

Soal TOEFL Structure

1. Amanda Way's career as a social reformer____ in 1851 when, at an antislavery meeting in

Indiana, she called for a state woman's rights convention.
(A) begin
(B) began
(C) have begun
(D) to have begun

2. The celesta, an orchestral percussion instrument, resembles___.

(A) a small upright piano
(B) how a small upright piano
(C) a small upright piano is
(D) as a small upright piano

3. Thomas Paine, _____, wrote Common Sense, a pamphlet that identified the American
colonies with the cause of liberty.
(A) writer of eloquent
(B) whose eloquent writing
(C) an eloquent writer
(D) writing eloquent

4. Although beavers rarely remain submerged for more than two minutes, they can stay
underwater ___fifteen minutes before having to surface for air.
(A) as long
(B) as long as
(C) so long
(D) so long that

5. Protein digestion begins in the stomach ____ends in the small intestine.

(A) while
(B) and
(C) how
(D) because

6. When natural gas burns, its___ into atoms of carbon and hydrogen.
(A) hydrocarbon molecules, breaking up
(B) broke up by hydrocarbon molecules
(C) hydrocarbon molecules break up
(D) broken up hydrocarbon molecules

7. _____ ballet dancers learn five basic positions for the arms and feet.
(A) All of
(B) Of every
(C) All
(D) Every

8. Some colonies of bryozoans, small marine animals, form ___with trailing stems.
(A) creeping colonies
(B) which colonies creep
(C) creeping colonies are
(D) colonies creep

9. Ruth Bader Ginsburg argued six women's rights cases before the United States Supreme Court
in the 1970's,____
(A) of five winning them
(B) five winning of them
(C) of them five winning
(D) winning five of them

10. Natural selection is defined as the process ___the course of evolution by preserving those
traits best adapted for an organism's survival.
(A) to which directs
(B) of which directs it
(C) directs it
(D) that directs

11. ____ 363 miles between the cities of Albany and Buffalo in New York State, the Eric Canal
helped link the Atlantic Ocean with the Great Lakes.
(A) The extension of
(B) The extension
(C) Extending
(D) Extends

12.The chief sources of B12, a water-soluble vitamin ____ stored in the body, include meat, milk
and eggs.
(A) is not
(B) that is not
(C) not that is
(D) that not

13. ____ is rooted in experiments in iron and steel conducted in the nineteenth century.
(A) While the history of twentieth-century architecture
(B) The history of twentieth-century architecture
(C) That the history of twentieth-century architecture
(D) Both twentieth-century architecture and its history

14.The primary source of energy for tropical cyclones is the latent heat released when ____
(A) does water vapor condense
(B) condensed water vapor
(C) water vapor condenses
(D) the condensation of water vapor

15. Maufacturing is Canada's most important economic activity, ____17 percent of the
(A) engages
(B) and to engage
(C) that it engage
(D) engaging

Kunci jawaban dari soal TOEFL structure di atas yaitu: BACBB CCADD CBBCD. Di bawah
kami telah berikan pembahasan terkait soal-soal TOEFL tersebut. Semoga dapat membantu
kecakapan Anda dalam menajwab soal-soal TOEFL ke depannya terutama pada hari ujian.

Pembahasan Soal TOEFL

1. Jawaban (B) began.

Kalimat tersebut terdiri dari dua clause:
1. Amanda Way's career as a social reformer____ in 1851 when
2. she called for a state woman's rights convention.
Anda bisa lihat bahwa clause pertama kehilangan verb (kata kerja) olehnya yang harus kita cari
yaitu verb yang bisa mengisi clause tersebut. Jawaban A salah. Clause ke dua menggunakan kata
kerja bentuk past (called) jadi begin yang berbentuk present tidak paralel dengan clause ke dua
tersebut. Kalimat harus paralel. Jawaban C berbentu past perfect. Ingat past perfect tak akan
menggunakan kata keterangan waktu yang pasti seperti pada kalimat ini. Kata keterangan waktu
yang pasti pada klaimat ini yaitu in 1851. Jawaban D lebih jelas tak sesuai.

2. Jawaban (A) a small upright piano.

Kalimat ini membutuhkan objek dari kata kerja resemble = mirip.

3. Jawaban (C) an eloquent writer.

Di antara ke dua koma stelah subject itu membutuhkan appositive yang menjelaskan terkait
identitas subject Thomas Paine.

4. Jawaban (B) as long as.

as long as = and.

5. Jawaban (B) and.

dua kata kerja begins dan ends. jadi dibutuhkan kata penghubung and untuk menghubungkannya.

6. Jawaban (C) hydrocarbon molecules break up.

Kata its membutuhkan Noun (phrase) setelahnya. Phrase hydrocarbon molecules sesuai dengan
persyaratan in, sementara kata break up menjadi verb dari its hydrocarbon molecules.
7. kunci jawaban (C) All.
Jika menggunakan jawaban A maka seharusya all of the ballet dancers. Jawaban D salah. Kata
every harus bertemu noun singular sementara dancers berbentuk jamak.

8. Jawaban (A) creeping colonies.

Kata kerja form membutuhkan object.

9. Jawaban yang benar yaitu (D) winning five of them.

Hanya saja saya kurang yakin bagaimana cara menjelaskannya. Kalau saya lihat-lihat bentuk ini
masuk di reduction (adverb clause). Jadi winning five of them itu merupakan phrase yang
direduksi (hasil reduction) dari adverb clause. Hanya saja yang saya lihat di buku referensi saya
-Betty semua contoh Phrase hasil reduction dari adverb clause posisinya di depan kalimat. Jadi
itulah mengapa saya kurang yakin dengan penjelasan terkait soal ini. Menurut saya inilah soal
TOEFL. Kalau kita perhatikan di buku-buku akademik tingkat advanced banyak kalimat yg
menurut kita agak aneh.

10. Jawaban yang sesuai adalah (D) that directs.

Jawaban soal ini terkait penggunaan adjective clause yang menjelaskan kata the process.

11. Jawaban yang benar yaitu (C) Extending.

Pelajari tentang reduction dalam adverb clause.
Extending 363 miles between the cities of Albany and Buffalo in New York State. merupkan
hasil reduction dari the Eric Canal extends 363 miles between the cities of Albany and Buffalo in
New York State.

12. Jawaban yang tepat ialah (B) that is not.

Ada dua clause:
1. The chief sources of B12 include meat, milk and eggs.
2. a water-soluble vitamin ____ stored in the body.
Clause ke dua menjelaskan subejct dari clause pertama. Clause ke dua tersebut membutuhkan

13. Jawaban yang benar yaitu (B) The history of twentieth-century architecture.
Kalimat ini membutuhkas subject.

14. Jawaban yang benar yaitu (C) water vapor condenses.

Sudah jelas

15. Jawaban (D) engaging.

Mirip dengan bentuk soal no. 9
Jenis soal test TOEFL di bawah ini merupakan soal tes TOEFL ITP yang umum diselenggarakan
di Indonesia. Tes TOEFL teridiri dari tiga sesi: listening comprehension, structure and written
expression, dan reading comprehension.

Untuk sesi listening comprhension, Anda akan menemui 50 nomor soal. Ke 50 soal itu dibagi
dalam 3 part, yang dikenal sebagai part A yang terdiri dari 30 conversation pendek antar 2 orang.
Setiap conversation diikuti 1 pertanyaan. Jadi ada 30 pertanyaan dalam listening part A.
Listening part B terdiri dari 2 conversation panjang. Setiap conversation diikuti 4 pertanyaan.
Jadi, ada 8 soal di sesi ke dua ini. Untuk sesi terakhir, listening part C terdiri dari 3 talk
(semacam perkuliahan dengan speaker monolog). Lihat di sini untuk Contoh Tes Listening
TOEFL Beserta Audio MP3 Kunci Jawaban.

Sesi structure and written expression terdiri dari 40 soal. 40 soal itu terbagi dalam dua bagian.
Nomor 1-15 merupakan sesi structure dan 16-40 masuk kategori sesi written expression. Anda
mempunyai waktu 25 menit untuk mengerjakan soal pada sesi ini.

Sesi terakhir yang Anda akan temui pada tes TOEFL ITP yaitu sesi reading comprehension. Pada
sesi terakhir ini, Anda harus menjawab 50 soal reading dalam waktu 55 menit.


1. The gray scale, a progressive series of shades ranging from black to white, is used in computer
graphics ---- detail to graphical images.
(A) added
(B) to add
(C) are added
(D) and add
Kunci & Pembahasan:
Kunci jawaban: B
The gray scale, a progressive series of shades ranging from black to white, is used in computer
graphics ---- detail to graphical images.
"a progressive series of shades ranging from black to white" merupakan appositive yang
menambahkan informasi untuk subject "the gray scale". Untuk memudahkan menganalisa soal,
appositive ini dihilangkan saja.

The gray scale is used in computer graphics ---- detail to graphical images.
Analisis soal:
The gray scale = subject
is used = verb
Subject dan Verb sudah lengkap jadi kita tidak butuh lagi subject atau verb. Yang kita cari ialah
pelengkap kalimat yang tidak terdapat subject atau verb.
Pilihan C dan D sudah jelas salah karena masing-masing terdapat verb. Untuk pilihan A, added
bisa jadi verb II (Past Form) atau sebagai adjective (Past Participle) yang menjelaskan noun
sebelumnya; jika sebagai Verb II sudah jelas pilihan ini salah karena kita tidak butuh verb. Jika
dia sebagai adjective yang menejelaskan graphic maka added seharusnya ditambahkan to
menjadi "graphics added to ...."
Pilihan paling tepat ialah pilihan B = the gray scale is used to add ....
2. By ---- excluding competition from an industry, governments have often created public service
(A) they adopt laws
(B) laws are adopted
(C) adopting laws
(D) having laws adopt
Kunci & Pembahasan:
3. .... skeleton of an insect is on the outside of its body.
(A) Its
(B) That the
(C) There is a
(D) The
Kunci & Pembahasan:
Kunci jawaban: D
is = verb
skeleton = subject (belum lengkap)
Yang kita butuhkan ialah yang bisa melengkapi subject "skeleton".
Pilihan C sudah pasti salah karena terdapat verb (kita tidak butuh verb lagi).
Pilihan B salah karena terdapat conjunction "That". Jika terdapat 1 conj. maka kalimat terdiri
dari 2 clause. Kalimat di atas cuma terdiri dari 1 clause (ditandakan cuma 1 verb "is").
Pilihan A salah karena "its" menandakan kepemilikan sementara "of" juga menandakan
Pilihan paling tepat ialah pilihan D.
4. Lenses ---- are used to correct imperfections in eyesight.
(A) are the forms of glasses and contact lenses
(B) in the form of glasses and contact lenses
(C) glasses and contact lenses which form
(D) glasses and contact lenses may be formed
Kunci & Pembahasan:
Kunci jawaban: B
are used = verb
Lenses = subject
Jadi, yg kita butuhkan ialah pelengkap (TIDAK terdapat Subject atau Verb).
Pilihan A salah terdapat verb "are".
Pilihan C salah terdapat conjunction "which" and verb "form"
Pilihan D terdapat verb "may be formed"
Pilihan yg tepat ialah pilihan B.
"in the form of glasses and contact lenses" ialah pelengkap prepositional phrase.
5. In eighteenth-century North America, printed engravings provided ---- of rococo style.
(A) the most manifestation widespread
(B) manifestation widespread the most
(C) the widespread manifestation most
(D) the most widespread manifestation
Kunci & Pembahasan:
Kunci Jawaban: D
Soal ini masuk dalam kategori "Word Order" atau susunan kata.
the + most (most selalu setelah the)
Adjective + Noun = Noun phrase.
Urutan yg lengkap = Adverb + Adjective + Noun

Dari pilihan jawaban kita ketahui:

the most = adverb
manifestation = noun
widespread = adjective
Jadi, urutan kata yang tepat ialah "the most widespread manifestation".
6. In the Arctic tundra, ice fog may form under clear skies in winter, ---- coastal fogs or low
status clouds are common in summer.
(A) because of
(B) whereas
(C) despite
(D) that
Kunci & Pembahasan:
Kunci jawaban: B
Terdapat dua clause
Clause 1:
Subject = ice fog
Verb = may form

Clause 2:
Subject = coastal fogs or low status clouds
Verb = are

Untuk menghubungkan dua clause kita butuh 1 conjunction.

Pilihan A salah karena "because of" bukan conjunction tapi preposition.
Pilihan C salah karena "despite" bukan conjunction tapi preposition.
Pilihan D salah karena "that" merupakan conjunction yang digunakan jika clause 2 menjelaskan
noun sebelumnya sementara dalam soal clause dua "coastal fogs or low status clouds are
common in summer" tidaklah menjelaskan noun "winter". Selain itu "in winter" menandakan
waktu. Ini berarti mesti menggunakan conj. "when" jika clause 2 memang menjelaskan "in
Jadi pilihan paling tepat ialah B. Clause 2 masuk dalam kategori adverb clause.

Jika conj. penanda adverb clause berada di depan kalimat, ke dua klausa dipisahkan oleh tanda
koma (,). Jika letak conj. sebagai penanda adverb clause di tengah kalimat maka tidak ada koma
Terkhusus untuk kata "while" dan "whereas" yang bermakna "contrast" maka koma selalu
7. On attaining maximum size, ---- by drawing itself out and dividing into two daughter
amoebas, each receiving identical nuclear materials.
(A) the reproduction of the amoeba
(B) the amoeba, which reproduces
(C) reproducing the amoeba
(D) the amoeba reproduces
Kunci & Pembahasan:
Kunci jawaban: D
On attaining maximum size, ---- by drawing itself out and dividing into two daughter amoebas,
each receiving identical nuclear materials.
"On attaining maximum size" = prepositional phrase (keterangan tambahan) --> hilangkan saja.
"by drawing itself out and dividing into two daughter amoebas" = prepositional phrase
(keterangan tambahan) --> hilangkan saja.
"each receiving identical nuclear materials" = adjective yang menjelaskan noun sebelumnya
"amoebas" --> hilangkan saja.

Kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris mesti terdiri dari Subject & Verb. Dari analisi soal di atas kita
ketahui bahwa tidak terdapat subject atau verb. Olehnya, di pilihan jawaban kita membutuhkan
Subject & Verb.
Pilihan yang mempunyai subject dan verb ialah pilihan D.
"the amoeba" = subject
"reproduces" = verb
8. For the advertiser, one of the greatest appeals of radio is ---- an audience all day long.
(A) that it has
(B) that to have
(C) to have it
(D) having it
Kunci & Pembahasan:
Kunci jawaban: A
Soal ini terkati noun clause yg letaknya sebagai complement (pelengkap) setelah be (is).
Bentuk lain (pola sederhana):
You are what you read.
Ingat 2 clause butuh 1 conjunction.
9. Charles Schulz’s comic strip, “Peanuts,” features children who make --- about life.
(A) funny, wise statements that
(B) which funny, wise statements
(C) statements are funny but wise
(D) funny but wise statements
Kunci & Pembahasan:
Kunci jawaban: D
Terdapat dua clause + 1 conjunction:
Clause 1 (main): Charles Schulz’s comic strip features children
Clause 2 (adjective clause) = who make

Dapat kita lihat bahwa ke dua-dua klausa di atas sudah lengkap Subject dan Verb nya + 1
conjuntion. Olehnya kita TIDAK butuh lagi subject atau verb JUGA conjunction.

Pilihan A salah karena terdapat conj. "that".

Pilihan B salah karena terdapat conj. "which".
Piliha C salah karena terdapat verb "are."
10. One of the major rivers of the western United States, ---- flows for some 1,500 miles from
Colorado to northwestern Mexico.
(A) it is the Colorado River
(B) the Colorado River which
(C) and the Colorado River
(D) the Colorado River
Kunci & Pembahasan:
Kunci jawaban: D
My friend, Ali, is kind.
Ali, my friend is kind.
Subject = My friend.
Verb = is.
Ali = appositive (keterangan tambahan).

Pola contoh ini sama dengan pola soal di atas:

One of the major rivers of the western United States = appositive
flows = verb
Jadi, yg kita butuhkan ialah subject kalimat.
Dari pilihan jawaban, hanya pilihan D yang memenuhi syarat sebagai subject.
11. In art, the tendency of gouache colors to lighten on drying makes ---- a wide range of pearly
or pastel-like effects.
(A) it is possible
(B) possible
(C) possible to be
(D) it possible the
Kunci & Pembahasan:
Kunci Jawaban: B
Soal pola penggunaan "make" selalu ada dalam ujian TOEFL.
Pola sesuai soal di atas: Make + adj + noun

Ingat polanya lengkapnya:

1. Make + sth + sth
2. Make + sth + adj.
3. Make + adj + sth.
4. Make + adj + that
5. Make + it + adj (for sb) to do
sth = something (noun)
sb = somebody
12. Isabel Bishop was one of many American artists ---- by the government during the
Depression years on various federal art projects.
(A) employed
(B) whose employment
(C) to employ
(D) had been employed
Kunci & Pembahasan:
13. Outbreaks of diseases in trees commonly occur ---- stressed because of drought or other
environmental factors.
(A) as forests that become
(B) in forests become
(C) that become forests
(D) when forests become
Kunci & Pembahasan:
Kunci jawaban: D
Analisis soal:
Subject: Outbreaks
Verb: occur
Dengan melihat secara cepat (scan) pilihan jawaban, bisa kita identifikasi bahwa soal ini terdiri
dari dua clause. Ingat dua clause membutuhkan 1 conjunction.
Jadi, yang dibutuhkan untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas menjadi dua clause ialah "Conj. +
Subject + Verb".
Dari pilihan jawaban yang paling tepat ialah pilihan D.
when = conj.
forests = subject
become = verb
Clause ini masuk dalam kategori adverb clause.
14. To break thick ice, an icebreaker boat moves fast enough to ride up on the ice, ---- under its
(A) so then breaks
(B) when breaks it
(C) which then breaks
(D) for which then breaks
Kunci & Pembahasan:
Kunci jawaban: C
Analisis soal:
Subject: an icebreaker boat
Verb: moves
Dengan melihat secara cepat (scan) pilihan jawaban, bisa kita identifikasi bahwa soal ini terdiri
dari dua clause. Ingat dua clause membutuhkan 1 conjunction.
Jadi, yang dibutuhkan untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas menjadi dua clause ialah "Conj. +
Subject + Verb".
Berbeda dg soal no. 13 yang membutuhkan adverb clause, soal 14 ini membutuhkan adjective
Cara mengetahuinya ialah dengan melihat tanda koma (the ice, ...). Ingat jika adverb clause maka
tidak ada koma jika conj. terletak di tengah kalimat.
Jadi, dapat kita identifikasi bahwa clause di atas ialah adjective clause yang menjelaskan noun
"the ice".
2 pola adjective clause:
1. Noun, Conj. + Subject + Verb (ketika noun sebagai object pada clause ke dua)
2. Noun, Conj/Subject + Verb (ketika noun sebagai subject pada clause ke dua)
Dairi soal di atas dapat diuraikan kalimat lengkapnya.
Clause 1: An icebreaker boat moves fast enough to ride up on the ice
Clause 2: The ice breaks under its weight. (the ice sebagai subject)
Ketika digabungkan (dengan menggunakan adjective clause), maka hasilnya
An icebreaker boat moves fast enough to ride up on the ice, which breaks under its weight.
Karena noun yang dijelaskan berposisi sebagai subject, pola yang digunakan ialah pola ke 2
(Noun, Conj/Subject + Verb)
Pilihan jawaban yg sesuai ialah pilihan (C) which then breaks.
15. Cholesterol is present in large quantities in the nervous system, where ---- compound of
(A) it a
(B) a
(C) being a
(D) it is a
Kunci & Pembahasan:
Kunci jawaban: D
Ingat 1 conj. menghubungkan dua clause.
Di soal di atas kita lihat terdapat conj. "where". Olehnya dapat kita ketahui bahwa soal di atas
terdiri dari dua clause.
Clause 1: Cholesterol is present in large quantities in the nervous system,
Clause 2: where .... compound of myelin.
Clause yang ke dua belum lengkap. Clause ke dua nampak kehilangan subject dan verb. Dari
pilihan jawaban hanya pilihan D yang mempunya verb.
Jadi pilihan paling sesuai ialah pilihan D.

Clause 2 di atas masuk dalam kategori adjective clause.

"where it is compound of myelin" sebgai adjective clause yg menjelaskan "the nervous system".
16. Painters of the early twentieth century who were known primarily for they colorful
landscapes, the Group of Seven changed is name to the Canadian Group of Painters in 1933.
Kunci & Pembahasan:
Kunci jawaban: They --> their
Pola: adjective + noun
their = adjective
colorful landscapes = noun
17. Most animals have nervous systems, sense organs, and specialized modes of locomotion,
and are capable of securing ingesting, and to digest food.
Kunci & Pembahasan:
Kunci jawaban: to digest --> digesting
Parallel Structure= Gerund + gerund
securing = gerund
to digest = to infinitive
digesting = gerund
18. The cork oak tree has a layer of cork several inches thickness that can be stripped every ten
Kunci & Pembahasan:
Kunci jawaban: thickness --> thick
19. Inflation, interest rates, and overall economic active can be governed by the United States
Federal Reserve’s decision to adjust the supply of money to the economy.
Kunci & Pembahasan:
Kunci jawaban: active --> activation
Pola: Adjective + Noun
economic = adjective
active = adjective
activation = noun
20. Free radicals of oxygen, which common by-products of metabolic processes in the body,
are capable of causing tissue damage.
Kunci & Pembahasan:
Kunci jawaban: which common --> which are common
"which common by-products of metabolic processes in the body" merupakan adjective clause yg
menjelaskan noun sebelumnya "free radicals".
Ingat dalam adjective clause mesti ada conj., subject dan verb. Kita lihat bahwa adjective clause
dalam soal di atas kehilangan verb. Olehnya "which common" seharusnya menjad "which are
21. By 1830 the glass industry in the United States had become too well established that the
country no longer needed to depend on imported glass.
Kunci & Pembahasan:
Kunci jawaban: too --> so
Pola yg mesti Anda ingat: so + that
22. Free land, cheaply transportation, and powerfully persuasive railroad advertising all helped
flood the western part of the United States with farmers in the nineteenth century.
Kunci & Pembahasan:
Kunci jawaban: cheaply --> cheap
Pola: Adjective + Noun
Cheaply = adverb
Cheap = adjective
transportation = noun
23. Coral formations have known as fringing reefs are located close to shore, separated from land
only by shallow water.
Kunci & Pembahasan:
Kunci jawaban: have known --> that have been known
Analisis soal
Subject: Coral formations
Verb (utama) = are located
Subject dan verb utama sudah lengkap olehnya "have known" seharusnya bentuk adjective
clause yang menjelaskan "coral formations".
Keganjilan yang lain, jika "known" berbentuk active maka seharusnya polanya "known + object
(tanpa preposition "as").
Preposition "as" menandakan bahwa known seharusnya berbentuk passive --> "been known".
24. For a seagoing, cargo-carrying sailing vessels, the clipper ship was remarkably fast.
Kunci & Pembahasan:
Kunci jawaban: vessels --> vessel
"a seagoing, cargo-carrying sailing vessels" merupakan appositive / keterangan tambahan
terhadap noun "the clipper ship". Perhatikan yang dijelaskan ialah ship (cuma 1 ship) jadi vessels
(jamak) seharusnya vessel (tunggal).
Selanjutnya: terdapat article "a" pada phrase "a seagoing, cargo-carrying sailing vessels" yang
menandakan "vessels" seharusnya "vessel".
25. Visibly only through large telescopes, Pluto has a yellowish color, which indicates that there
is very little atmosphere.
Kunci & Pembahasan:
Kunci jawaban: visibly --> visible
"Visibly only through large telescopes" merupakan penjelas terhadap noun "Pluto". Ingat yg
menjelaskan noun ialah adjective bukan adverb.
Jadi, visibly (adverb) seharusnya menjadi visible (adjective)
26. Diamond is the hardest known substance, so diamonds can be cut only by another diamonds.
Kunci & Pembahasan:
Kunci jawaban: another --> other
another = singular
Diamonds = plural
27.The International Monetary Fund was created in a effort to stabilize exchange
rates without interfering with the healthy growth of trade.
Kunci & Pembahasan:
Kunci jawaban: a --> an
Article "a" ketemu noun yang huruf pertamanya dibaca (pronounced) hidup.
Article "an" ketemu noun yang huruf pertamanya dibaca (pronounced) mati.
28. Butterflies and moths undergo complete metamorphosis, then changing from caterpillar to
adult via one intermediate stage, the pupa.
Kunci & Pembahasan:
Kunci jawaban: complete --> a complete
"metamorphosis" merupakan countable noun yg berbentuk singular.
Ingat jangan meninggalkan singular noun yang countable noun tanpa ada article atau determiner
Pola sederhana:
I have nice book. (salah - book berbentuk singular dan book merupakan countable noun)
I have a nice book. (benar)
29. Thousands of meteorite hit Earth each year, but most fall into the sea or in remote areas and
are never recovered.
Kunci & Pembahasan:
Kunci jawaban: meteorite --> meteorites
Thousands + plural noun.
30. Alaska became the forty-ninth state in 1959, and Hawaii became the fiftieth state lately that
Kunci & Pembahasan:
Kunci jawaban: lately --> later
31. A sponge feeds itself by drawing water through tiny pores on its surface, filtering out
food particles, and then expel the water through larger vents.
Kunci & Pembahasan:
Kunci jawaban: expel --> expelling
Parallel structure: gerund + gerund
drawing + filtering + expelling
32. Toward the end of his life, john Singer Sargent returned to the painting of landscapes and the
use of watercolors, of which he excelled.
Kunci & Pembahasan:
Kunci jawaban: of --> in
Excel + in (bukan of)
33. Pythons differ than most other snakes by having two well-developed lungs rather than a
much smaller left lung or no left lung at all.
Kunci & Pembahasan:
Kunci jawaban: differ than --> differ from
Differ + from (bukan than)
34. Weighing among two to five kilograms in adults, the skin is the largest organ of the human
Kunci & Pembahasan:
Kunci jawaban: among --> between
35. Rodents dwell in various habitat, some species being aquatic, some terrestrial.
Kunci & Pembahasan:
Kunci jawaban: habitat --> habitats
Various + plural noun
36. The nectar of flowers are ingested by worker bees and converted to honey in special sacs in
their digestive systems.
Kunci & Pembahasan:
Kunci jawaban: are ingested --> is ingested
Singular subject membutuhkan singular verb.
Subject = the nectar (singular)
Verb = is ingested (singular)
37. Lucid dreaming, the ability dreamers to become aware of and to control their dreams
while dreaming, is the focus of some current psychological research.
Kunci & Pembahasan:
Kunci jawaban: ability dreamers --> ability of dreamers
38. The sensation of sound is produced how vibrations transmitted through the air strike the
Kunci & Pembahasan:
Kunci jawaban: how --> when
yang dimaksud ialah waktu kapan "The sensation of sound is produced".
39. The musical tone of an electric guitar is created not by the resonance of the body of the guitar
but by electronically amplification.
Kunci & Pembahasan:
Kunci jawaban: electronically --> electronic
Pola: Adjective + noun bukan adverb + noun
Electronically = adverb
electronic = adjective
amplification = noun
40. Considered one of the most beautiful of the fine art, ballet is a combination of dance and
mime performed to music.
Kunci & Pembahasan:
Kunci jawaban: art --> arts
Pola: one of + plural nouns
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Good Luck (y) :).

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