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Name:- Kesis Ayalew Belachew

I.D. No ; W-0021/2014 (Weekend)

Spirituality Assignment

1. what are something’s that makes us fearful?

eights and flying. Social interaction and/or rejection. Snakes, rodents, spiders and
other animals. Death and dying.
2. What sort of activities can we engage in to fight this fear?

 5 activities that help kids overcome fear. Facing those learned fears head-on is the best way
to conquer them. ...

 Tree climbing. Conquered fear: Heights. ...

 Wild swimming. Conquered fear: Open/deep water. ...

 Fire building. Conquered fear: Fire. ...

 Rope swing. Conquered fear: High speed. ...

 Whittling. Conquered fear: Sharp objects.

3. What are the sources, consequences and types of fear?

the sources of fear:-

What makes us fearful

 Darkness or loss of visibility of surroundings.

 Heights and flying.

 Social interaction and/or rejection.

 Snakes, rodents, spiders and other animals.

 Death and dying.

the consequences of fear:-

Fear weakens our immune system and can cause cardiovascular damage, gastrointestinal
problems such as ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome, and decreased fertility. It can lead
to accelerated ageing and even premature death. Memory.

types of fear:-

These domains of fear are (1) fear of the body/fear for the body, (2) fear of significant
others/fear for significant others, (3) fear of not knowing/fear of knowing and (4) fear of
taking action/fear of inaction, and they represent the bodily, interpersonal, cognitive, and
behavioral features of fear, respectively. What is the fear of God spirituality?

4. What is spiritual fear?

It is a sense of reverential awe. It is a fear that allows us to see our place in the order of
creation. In many ways, it is a reminder of our smallness. It is a fear that moves us to love
God for God's sake and to avoid anything that will separate us from that love.

5. How do we develop the fear of God?

1. Seek God daily through the reading of Scriptures and the Spirit of
Prophecy writings.
2. Earnest Prayer for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit
3. Close the door of the heart against evil
4. Be a Witness
6. How can we heal from enslaving fear?
If only we were to let go of that. That thing which is keeping us enslaved. The truth is that
it can be many different things. It can be fear of failure.

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