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Teaching English Language Construction

Full name: Trần Nhật Cẩm

Student ID: 2190914

Peer Teaching Evaluation

Brief information about the activity
∙ Date: 6/6/2023

∙ Teacher student: Đào Thanh Hà Giang, Trần Ngô Minh Thư

∙ Language Focus: Pronunciation: Past Simple Tense (-ED ending)

∙ Age level: 13-14 years old

∙ Language level: B1


This writing will provide my personal opinion as a peer on Miss Hà Giang and Miss Minh
Thư’s demo teaching presentation. First and foremost, I want to congratulate them on their
informative and interesting teaching demo class. Both did a really good job of presenting an effective
pronunciation class for children from the age of 13-14. Additionally, the presentation consists of the
three basic stages of a lesson, which are presentation, practice, and production. For the PowerPoint
slides, I was amazed by the way they arranged the ideas, the slides were colorful and attractive for
gathering the students’ attention. In the practice stage, they tried their best to create many exciting
activities such as filling-in-the-blank, multiple-choice questions which helped the students to apply the
new knowledge to their pronunciation development process. Lastly, they utilized a freer practice in the
production stage which is reasonable for students to further improve their pronunciation by working in
2 teams.


From my perspective, Hà Giang and Minh Thư both have their strengths and weaknesses in the
way they deliver the new lesson to the students. However, I can feel that they did try their best to
make the lesson as simple as possible to help the students to understand the -ED sounds easier, and I
truly appreciate their effort. Firstly, the demonstration has a suitable strategy for teaching methods,
they managed to utilize the benefits of controlled practices as much as possible, and the activities are
meaningful for the purpose of improving students’ cognition of -ED sounds. Secondly, the lesson is
attractive which allowed all the students to productively participate in the lesson. However, there are
several weaknesses that need to be improved. For instance, the lesson is teacher-centered, and the
teaching method is deductive, I think that it should be modified into an inductive teaching session
where students have a chance to critically thinking before learning. Moreover, at the beginning of the
class, there are no warm-up activities and the teacher’s voice is quite monotone which can be
uninteresting for young learners. Despite the instructions of the activities being clear and
straightforward, the voice was quite small which discourages students to join in the activities. In
Giang's performance, she had an enthusiastic attitude toward the students, and it makes me feel joyful
listening to her instructions. On the other hand, Thư seemed a little bit quiet, when she checked
students’ answers on the board, she mainly focused on the answer sheet, I hope that she would be
more outgoing with the students and have more interactions with them throughout the lesson. Overall,
although having some minor mistakes in the presentation slide, in the end, they succeeded in
delivering the new lesson to the students. Additionally, I was personally impressed by their time
management skills, they took turns to demonstrate the lesson and it worked perfectly well, I think that
they must have practiced a lot at home in order to perform so well on the teaching demo day.

In general, the demonstration was educational and interesting for young students; there were a
lot of things I could think about and learn from. I am aware that teacher-student interactions have a
significant role in increasing students' enthusiasm to learn. It is unprofessional for a teacher to instruct
on the board without considering the requirements of the pupils, and in my opinion, a supportive
teacher is more crucial than how many lessons are covered in a lesson.

(Word count: 581)

Assessment Criteria Marks

Evidence of good observation 30%

Depth of analysis 30%

Thoroughness of reflection 20%

Language Use 20%

Total 100%

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