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1 and 2 Information from the NFPA indicates that these extinguishers were de-listed for

several reasons. One was the diminishing availability of replacement parts and recharge
materials necessary to maintain the extinguishers in a safe and reliable operating
condition. Another reason was explained in NFPA's Fire Protection Handbook (18th
Edition, 1997 pp. 6-377, 6-378), which provides information on obsolete extinguishers.
According to this reference, the manufacture and testing of all inverting-type
extinguishers — soda acid, foam, and cartridge-operated water and loaded stream —
was halted in 1969 due to: (1) after 10 to 15 years, many inverting type extinguishers
failed to meet the minimum test pressure requirements, and (2) container failures due
to blocked discharge elbows or hoses resulted in serious injuries to operators.
4. t was used in the production of refrigeration fluid and propellants for aerosol cans, as
a pesticide, as a cleaning fluid and degreasing agent, in fire extinguishers, and in spot
removers. Because of its harmful effects, these uses are now banned and it is only used
in some industrial applications.
Breathing Chlorobromomethane can irritate the lungs causing coughing and/or
shortness of breath. Higher exposures can cause a build-up of fluid in the lungs
(pulmonary edema), a medical emergency, with severe shortness of breath. * Exposure
can cause you to become confused, dizzy and lightheaded, and to pass out.

5.According to PD No. 1185, the Fire Code of the Philippines, the use of vaporizing
liquid extinguishers of less than one kilogram of extinguishing agent is prohibited. This
restriction is in place for several reasons:
1. Inadequate Fire Suppression: Extinguishers with a small capacity of less than one
kilogram may not contain a sufficient amount of extinguishing agent to
effectively suppress or extinguish a fire. They may not be able to generate
enough agent to control the fire, potentially leading to its spread or re-ignition.
2. Limited Duration: Smaller extinguishers tend to have a limited duration of
operation. Once the extinguishing agent is depleted, there may not be enough
time for responders to escape safely or for additional firefighting measures to be
3. Increased Risk: Depending on the type of fire, attempting to extinguish it with an
insufficiently sized extinguisher can put individuals at greater risk. They might
not have the necessary reach or capacity to effectively combat the fire,
potentially exposing themselves to danger.
6. According to the Fire Code of the Philippines (PD No. 1185), the use of glass bulb,
"grenade" type, or "bomb" type vaporizing liquid extinguishers is prohibited. This is in
line with the safety regulations outlined in the code to prevent potential risks and
hazards associated with these types of extinguishers.

According to PD No. 1185, the Fire Code of the Philippines, Thermotic special hazards
single station extinguishers with an extinguishing capability of less than four and a half
(4.5) cubic meters are prohibited. This restriction is in place to ensure that the fire
extinguisher used is appropriate for the size of the hazard it is intended to protect.
Fire hazards vary in size, and it is essential to have extinguishing equipment that
matches the potential scale of the fire. If the extinguisher has a limited capacity, it may
not be sufficient to effectively suppress or control a larger fire. Inadequate
extinguishing capability can lead to the fire spreading further, causing more damage
and endangering lives.
By prohibiting Thermotic special hazards single station extinguishers with extinguishing
capability below 4.5 cubic meters, the Fire Code aims to promote the use of
extinguishers that are appropriate for the specific hazards they are meant to address.
This helps ensure better fire safety and protection for individuals and properties.
1. Removing inspection tags attached to fire extinguishers is prohibited because:
2. Verification: The tags show that the extinguisher has been regularly inspected.
3. Compliance: It helps demonstrate compliance with fire safety regulations.
4. Safety: Regular inspections ensure the extinguisher is in working condition.
5. Accountability: Tags provide a record of maintenance history for traceability.
By keeping the tags intact, authorities ensure proper inspections, compliance, safety,
and accountability for effective fire extinguisher use.

2.Refilling a discharge extinguisher with an extinguishing agent other than what the
unit was designed to contain is prohibited to ensure its proper functionality and
effectiveness. Using the wrong extinguishing agent can compromise its ability to
suppress fires, potentially leading to inadequate fire control and increased risks to life
and property. Following manufacturer specifications and guidelines for refill agents
ensures that the extinguisher operates as intended and provides the appropriate level of
fire protection.
3.Selling fire extinguishers that are not appropriate for the specific fire hazard is
prohibited to ensure effective fire suppression. This restriction aims to prevent the use
of inadequate extinguishers that may fail to control the fire, potentially leading to more
damage and endangering lives. By selling appropriate fire extinguishers for specific
hazards, fire safety is improved, and the likelihood of successful fire suppression is

Using/installing two or more thermotic special hazard vaporizing liquid units in rooms
with a volume greater than the capability of one unit is prohibited. This is to prevent
inadequate fire suppression in larger rooms where a single unit may not be sufficient.
The restriction ensures that fire extinguishing systems are properly sized and capable of
effectively controlling fires in larger spaces, promoting better fire safety.
This regulation ensures that fire extinguishers have reliable pressure readings for
effective maintenance and operation.

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