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IHE Integration Statement

Vendor Product Name Version Date

Adaptive TechSoft CareWare 3.5 2/9/15

This product implements all transactions required in the IHE Technical Framework to support the IHE Integration
Profiles, Actors and Options listed below :
Integration Profile Actor Integration Profile Option

Audit Trail and Node Authentication Secure Application None

Audit Trail and Node Authentication Secure Node None

Consistent Time Time Client None

Consistent Time Time Server None

Healthcare Provider Directory Provider Information Consumer None

Patient Demographics Query Patient Demographics Consumer None

Patient Demographics Query Patient Demographics Supplier None

Patient Demographic Query HL7 V3 Patient Demographics Consumer None

Patient Identifier Cross-referencing for Patient Identifier Cross-reference

MPI Consumer

Patient Identifier Cross-referencing for

Patient Identity Source None

Sharing Lab Report Content Consumer None

Sharing Lab Report Content Creator None

Cross-Enterprise Document Sharing Document Consumer None

Cross-Enterprise Document Sharing Document Source None

Cross-Enterprise Document Sharing

Imaging Document Source PDF Report
for Imaging

Cross-Enterprise Document Sharing

Imaging Document Source None
for Imaging

Cross-Enterprise Document Sharing

Content Consumer None
of Scanned Documents

Cross Enterprise User Assertion X-Service User None

Internet address for vendors IHE information :

Links to Standards Conformance Statements for the Implementation
Link to general information on IHE

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