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Our view: The attendance of a TC

mayor at an anti-occupation
event is trivial
By CM: Our View  August 5, 2023 9 Comments
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Turkish Cypriot Famagusta mayor, Suleyman


The politics of outrage and

negativity, which are an integral part
of the Cyprus problem, were
displayed this week, after it was
revealed that the Turkish Cypriot
mayor of Famagusta, Suleyman
Ulucay had been invited to
Saturday’s anti-occupation event.
Edek led the chorus of outrage,
backed by its fellow travellers of
Elam and some individual Diko
deputies, while some newspaper
columnists also expressed their
strong disapproval.

The invitation of the “pseudo-mayor

of occupied Famagusta” was
“unacceptable from every point of
view” said Edek in a fiery statement
accusing the real mayor Simos
Ioannou of “downgrading the event
from anti-occupation to
bicommunal, sending the wrong
messages to occupying Turkey,
abroad and domestically.” Not
wanting to participate in the sending
of the wrong messages, Edek
decided to take a principled stand
and boycott the event.

After all the fuss, Ulucay announced

that he would not be attending the
event, at which President Nikos
Christodoulides would be the main
speaker. The presidential palace has
refused to be drawn into this Edek-
generated silliness, although
anonymous sources quoted by
Phileleftheros said the reaction was
excessive and the noise unnecessary.
The same sources pointed out that
Ulucay would not have been at the
event as representative of the
occupation regime or as mayor, but
as a representative of the Turkish
Cypriots of Famagusta.

The fuss and noise were

unnecessary, but this rhetoric of
outrage is what the hardline parties
and commentators have traded in
for 50 years. They have nothing to
o!er on the Cyprus problem except
unrelenting negativity and alarmism.
Everything must be given a negative
spin, viewed as unacceptable, a
threat, a provocation, an injustice, an
attempt to harm Greek Cypriot
interests. Only maintaining the
status quo, keeping everything as it
has been since 1974 seems to satisfy
Edek and its followers, because
anything else is considered a risk.

Even trivial matters such as the

attendance of a Turkish Cypriot
mayor at an anti-occupation event is
seen as an opportunity for
expressions of outrage and
indignation. What would have been
the harm of Ulucay attending
Saturday’s event? None, which is
why Edek came up with the
nonsensical claim that his presence
would send the wrong messages.
The truth is that these messages
only exist in the imagination of the
paranoid patriots of Edek, Elam and
Diko. In the real world nobody would
take any notice of who attended the
event, and why would they?

As for the downgrading of the event

from anti-occupation to
bicommunal, what can we say? Is
the label given to the event of any
significance to anyone except the
negativity peddlers of Edek and
Elam, who have become the self-
appointed guardians of the status
quo, despite their avowed opposition
to the occupation?


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AnnBD − ⚑
A 4 minutes ago edited

The more I read this sort of OXI news, the more I

question myself if there is an occupation of
Cyprus in a traditional sense.

There is the TRNC with all the governmental

institutions and judiciary/legislative branches
since 1983. That's 40 years.
While the ROC is locked in the OXI mentality since

Two countries exist on the island. The presence

of the Turkish troops in the TRNC is no different
from the presence of the US troops in Germany.

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Gui Jun An − ⚑
5 minutes ago

The president is expected to attend the event,

having wisely ignored the naysayers, unlike the
House President, Mrs Anita Demetriou, who gave
them 'a right telling off'!
The president's speech at this 'ant-occupation
event' will hopefully con^rm his support of the
House President, unless the forest ^res re-ignite,
in which case his attendance will be cancelled.

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CyprusOilMan − ⚑
an hour ago

We want a solution. We need a solution. Can we

have a solution? Do we really want a solution?
Actually, we don't want a solution !!!

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K Yerli − ⚑
… CyprusOilMan
an hour ago

Turks say the problem was solved back in

1974, and point out to the fact that there have
been peace on the island since then.

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Frustrated >
… K Yerli − ⚑
an hour ago

Nobody can argue with that.

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Frustrated − ⚑
an hour ago

This editorial yet again emphasizes the childish

reaction of the usual suspects, DIKO, EDEK, ELAM
and their camp followers. It's indeed a pity that
every ^ve years candidates feel the need to suck
up to these harbingers of gloom and doom in
order to get elected to the presidential throne. O
for the time when they can all be consigned to
the dustbin of history and spare us having to
listen to their 'patriotic' claptrap.

As Bagehote has written, all they ever voice is

'OXI' to all and everything and never, ever propose
anything that is achievable and pragmatic. Both
these adjectives are anathema to them. The rest
of us are as much a prisoner of the rhetoric of
these minnow Parties as the presence of the
Turkish army north of the Green Line, something
which they continually trumpet they want to eject.

The reality is that they like things just as they and

don't want a settlement. They want to keep the
refugees as refugees ad in^nitum in order to
point out how hard done to they are. They care
not a jot for the actual refugees and only use
them to cement their worthless dogma.

I'm afraid I see no way out of this other than the

north/Turkey taking unilateral action. Bring it on, I
say, and put us out of our collective limbo misery.

10 0 Reply • Share ›

Bagehote − ⚑
B 2 hours ago edited

- '' Our view: The attendance of a TC mayor at an

anti-occupation event is trivial''

A well written CM view which is spoiled by its

misleading headline above. To be blunt - the
attendance of a TC mayor at an anti-occupation
event is FAR from trivial. It is an important event
since this genuine Cypriot is projecting his
solidarity with his fellow Cypriots and in effect is
supporting their demands for the return of
Famagusta to its rightful owners. Effectively one
of the (perceived of course) ''enemy'' is actually
crossing the line and is supporting them.

The reaction of the pseudo super patriotic front

and their rejectionist supporters was predictable
and expected. More ''heroic'' OXI, OXI, OXI. Their
racism, xenophobia, rejectionism and
schizophrenia on grand display. The maintenance
of the status quo is their top priority. Since in
reality, these racist little people cannot imagine
anything else than a pure hellenistic and orthodox
island which has no place for TC minorities.
Effectively the Grivas and EOKA B mantra. Even
the foolish priest had such secret tendencies and
actively supported ''enosis'' in his early years.

What does take the proze for supreme irony and

hypocrisy is the following from the so called
''socialists'' of EDEK:

- '' Not wanting to participate in the sending of the

wrong messages, Edek decided to take a
principled stand and boycott the event.''

How can a party such as EDEK take a ''principled

stand'' when its leader, Sizopoulos, the prominent
fake botox peddler and tax evader (he always
participates, two so far, in tax amnesties
announced by the inept governments of the day -
after all in order to participate in such tax
amnesties one has to effectively admit he/she
wants to legitimise previous illegal and untaxed
earnings not disclosed to the tax authorities and
as such is a tax evader- is just about the most
UNPRINCIPLED and dishonest cheat? One needs
high intellectual powers to reconcile EDEK and
Sizopoulos with principles. Let us not forget that
under their dinosaur leader Lyssarides, EDEK was
a Gadha^ puppet and a conduit for evading
sanctions imposed on Libya when under that

All in all, with the TC mayor now not attending

due to the furor created over his attendance, a
real opportunity at projecting solidarity between
the two communities has been missed. The
''heroic'' OXI's and the mindless, short sighted
opportunists and professional pseudo super
patriots have once again prevailed. Rejectionism
has won. An agreed settlement to rid the island
of this toxic saga, the Cyprob, is as distant as
Sizopoulos is from taking a ''principled'' stand - on

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almostbroke >
… Bagehote − ⚑
an hour ago edited

A brilliant observation . Would Sizo forwhom it

would appear is alleged to be a tax evader as
well as importer of amongst other things ‘
dodgy ‘ Botox , a Dermatologist business and
an MP . Sizo would de^nitely be one ofthose
people who embraces the status quo with
gusto. As a ‘triple ‘ jobber would he even have
time to attend an anti occupation event . In
fairness he has a neck of iron and gets away
with this pseudo patriotic BS not that he has
any greater love for the country that anyone
else but it would be dihcult to ^nd another
country where you can make a fortune , evade
tax , ‘triple ‘ job , spouting pseudo
Patriotic rhetoric and get away with it . This is

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Olcay − ⚑
O 4 hours ago

I am Very Happy for the Roc, OXSIDENTALS.

HAVE TO HAVE, Two A Two States Solution.
Because That Is What The Roc Really Wants, and
That Is Why They Created It For.
Thank You Very Much Dear OXSIDENTALS.

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