Sales Manager Job Profile

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Sales Manager Job Profile

A legwork ac vity plan is essen al for a Sales and Marke ng Manager in an educa onal ins tute to
engage in direct, on-the-ground efforts to promote the ins tu on and a ract poten al students.

This legwork ac vity plan is designed to create a strong physical presence for the educa onal ins tute
within the local community. It emphasizes face-to-face interac ons and hands-on engagement to
establish personal connec ons and build trust with poten al students and stakeholders. Adjust the
mings and ac vi es based on the local context and the specific goals of the ins tute.

Daily Rou ne:

Site Visits

 Visit local high schools, community centres, and libraries.

 Distribute brochures, flyers, and promo onal materials.
 Engage with school counsellors and administrators.

Campus Walkabouts

 Tour the ins tute's campus to interact with current students.

 Encourage students to share their experiences and success stories.
 Distribute informa onal materials to students and staff.

Networking Lunches

 Arrange mee ngs with local businesses, community leaders, and influencers.
 Discuss poten al collabora ons and partnerships.
 Build rela onships that can enhance the ins tute's visibility.

Community Events and Fairs

 A end local community events, fairs, and exhibi ons.

 Set up a booth or table to showcase the ins tute's programs.
 Engage with a endees and collect contact informa on for follow-up.

On-site Informa on Sessions

 Organize on-site informa on sessions for prospec ve students and parents.

 Conduct tours of facili es and provide program-specific details.
 Collect inquiries and contact informa on for admissions follow-up.

Local Mee ngs and Associa ons

 A end mee ngs of local business associa ons or educa onal forums.
 Deliver short presenta ons about the ins tute's offerings.
 Network with professionals and educators.

Evening Workshops or Seminars

 Conduct workshops or seminars on relevant topics.

 Invite local professionals as guest speakers.
 Use the opportunity to promote the ins tute's programs.

Targeted Outreach: Focus on areas where your target demographic is likely to be present.

Collabora ve Efforts: Collaborate with local businesses and community organiza ons to maximize

Interac ve Engagement: Engage in conversa ons rather than simply distribu ng materials.

Feedback Collec on: Gather feedback from the community to understand their needs and concerns.

Flexibility: While a rou ne is essen al, be flexible to adapt to unexpected tasks or opportuni es.

Con nuous Learning: Encourage ongoing learning and skill development within the team.

Team Collabora on: Foster a collabora ve environment where team members share insights and

Qualifica ons:

 Bachelor’s degree in marke ng, Business, or a related field (MBA preferred).

 Strong leadership and team management skills.
 Excellent communica on and interpersonal abili es.
 Ability to analyse data and make data-driven decisions.
 Crea ve thinking and problem-solving skills.

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