Field Report 01.

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I LEONARD B. MICHAEL do here by declare that this field report with great pleasure has been
generated out of my truthful struggle, contribution as well as my effort specifically for academic
purposes and with an original transcription of my field practical training activities during my placement
at Mlimani SACCOS. It has never at any one moment been presented by anyone to any institution for
academic award.

This field report should not be reproduced by any means, in full or part, except for short extracts in fair
dealing, for studies, critical scholarly review or discourse with an acknowledgement, without the written
permission of the author or office of the University of Dodoma on the behalf.

The undersigned declare that he has read the field practical training report and found to be the original
work of the bearer which has never been presented for similar award. He therefore recommends to the
University of Dodoma College of Business Studies and Economics (COBE) as a replacement for partial
fulfillment for the award of Bachelor of Business Administration.

Name of External Supervisor: ………………………………….

Signature: ………………………………………………………

Date: …………………………………………………………….

This report has been completed with the help of many people who devoted their time and financial
resources to assist in reaching this final report writing stage. I would like to thank God for everything
that he has done to me up to this moment; I have nothing to return apart from thanks.

I would like to extend my highly appreciation to board members of Mlimani SACCOS leading by its
chairman Dr. Cuthbert Msuya and his assistant Eng. Majili S. Killo who were also my internal
supervisors. Also Mr. Mwinyichande Haji who helped me to know the background of the organization
and miss Sylivia Petro who was the record keeper also miss Tufurahi and miss Jackline who were my
team and we work together and they help me a lot to get experience and working spirit in team works.
Without forgetting auditors Mr. Amos and Mr. Fredy who were there always to help me whenever I
need help.

I will be ungrateful if I won’t acknowledge my external supervisor Madam Gift Mushi who sacrifices
most of her time despite of being disturbance to some instructions for her wonderful and helping advices
and opinions that I always get from her about everything concerning FPT.

Also, the University of Dodoma (UDOM) for their help with the placement where I could practice my
FPT and the humbly appreciation to the field coordinator Dr. Mussa and Mr. Norman who generally
organizes the whole overall process of pre field practical training instruction that helped us to be aware
with the overall process of FPT.

The last but not for importance is to my beloved brother Mr. Amdani Rajabu who help me financially
and his advice on how to work on new environment. So, his wisdom and views help me to archives the
whole of FPT.

This work has carefully been collected directly from the experience and exposure got from the field
practical training at Mlimani SACCOS. Hence the views reflect what reality matters so far. It has been a
long path towards the achievement of this work and the main objective was to have exposure on how
the working field tastes in terms of work in relation to what was taught in class.

As this report is all about what I learnt and trained to be at Mlimani SACCOS it consists of six (6)
chapters and every chapter tends to have its components as shortlisted in the table of contents.

The first chapter is all about the introduction of the study, historical background of the organization,
statement of the problem, vision, mission and core values, organization objectives, organization growth,
organization structure and department, purpose of the study and significant of the study.

The second chapter explains placement in the organization, different specific duties and activities
performed within the area of placement and working environment.

The third chapter describes about the problems identification that means the challenges facing an
organization and personally in executing the tasks with their respective solutions during FPT.

The forth chapter explains about discussion the new thing learnt, gaps between theory and practice and
relevance of the attachment.

The fifth chapter is about conclusion and recommendations concerning improving the gaps between
teaching theory, practice and the placement process.

The sixth chapter is about consistence of FPT with the theoretical learning and the overall interrelation
between the FPT and theoretical learning.





EXECUTIVE SUMMARY…………………………………………………………………

TABLE OF CONTENT…………………………………………………………………….

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS………………………………………………………………

CHAPTER ONE……………………………………………………………………………


1.0 Introduction to the study……………………………………………………………….

1.1 Historical background of the organization……………………………………………

1.2 The map of Mlimani SACCOS ……………………………………………………….

1.3 The aim and objectives of organization………………………………………………

1.4 Organization growth…………………………………………………………………

1.5 Organization administrative structure……………………………………………….

1.6 Purpose and significance of the study……………………………………………….

1.7 Research questions and hypothesis………………………………………………….

CHAPTER TWO………………………………………………………………………...

DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS…………………………………………………………….

2.0 Overall placement……………………………………………………………………

2.1-2.6 List of activities done…………………………………………………………….

2.7 Working environment………………………………………………………………...

CHAPTER THREE………………………………………………………………………

PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION…………………………………………………………

3.0 Problem facing the organization…………………………………………………….

3.1 Problems that I face during my FPT…………………………………………………

3.2 personal effort in addressing these problems………………………………………..

CHAPTER FOUR……………………………………………………………………….


4.0 Relevance……………………………………………………………………………

4.1 My expectation………………………………………………………………………

4.2 New things learnt……………………………………………………………………

4.3 The gap exists…………………………………………………………………………

CHAPTER FIVE …………………………………………………………………………


5.0 Conclusions……………………………………………………………………………

5.1 Recommendations to the organization………………………………………………..

5.2 Recommendations to UDOM…………………………………………………………

CHAPTER SIX……………………………………………………………………………


6.0 Consistence……………………………………………………………………………



FPT – Field Practical Training.

UDSM – University of Dar Es Salaam.

UDOM – University of Dodoma.

DUCE – Dar es salaam University College of Education.

MUCE – Mkwawa University College of Education.

SACCOS – Saving And Credit Cooperatives Societies.

AGM - Annual General Meeting.

SCCULT – Saving and Credit Cooperative Union League of Tanzania.

CRDB – Cooperative Rural and Development Bank.

NBC – National Bank of Commerce

Dr. - Doctor

Mr. - Mister

Eng. - Engineer

PV book – Payment voucher book

HRM – Human Resources Management

https – hypertext transfer protocol secure

www – worldwide weber


1.0 Introduction to the study.

Field practical training carried out on 16th August 2021 to 24th September 2021 that comprises of almost
six weeks at Mlimani Saccos that’s within University of Dar Es Salaam (UDSM).

This field report covers all activities with connection to the theoretical learning of how the obtained
knowledge obtained in University of Dodoma is utilized and beneficially used efficiently and effectively
for further progress.

The field practical training was carried out in accounting and finance during the audition of organization
the core activity that was held in the office for the whole time when I was in organization at Mlimani
Saccos. All other departments were deactivated so as to allow the audition for the benefits of

The practical training was under the control of internal supervisors who assign and allocate the tasks and
roles to the trainee. They provide guidance and basic instruction of what to be done in a specific day and
they make sure that the duties are done efficiently and effectively so as to make sure that the trainee
acquire the desired knowledge. They aimed at giving experience in all units of business audition.

The field practical training was necessary in order to equip the UDOM student with the practiced
knowledge. In other hands for the University of Dodoma to be sure that the student is really learning and
practicing effective they sent the external supervisors who is going to see if the student is at the work
place and practicing.

The aim of this study is to give the prior connection between what the student learns in class that is
theoretical learning and how to apply practically in office or in field. So, this means that the field
practical training is for bringing the reality of theoretical learning in class so as to be aware and
understand well what was taught in class.

1.1 Historical background of the organization.

Mlimani Saccos is the cooperative society formed in 11th May 1967 by the workers in university of Dar
Es Salaam (UDSM). It is registration number is 1768. To be the member of this cooperative society the
person should be the worker at university of Dar Es Salaam, retired from university of Dar es salaam
who is registered by Mlimani Saccos ltd, worker at any institution within the university of Dar es

This cooperative society is located within the University of Dar es salaam where by its headquarters are
in university of Dar es salaam. In past years it has also branches in MUCE and DUCE as parts of
university of Dar es salaam. But for now, it operates within the range of university of Dar es salaam only
main campus.

The vision of organization;

‘To be the best SACCOS in our country which can provide continuous banking services to its

Consistent with the development and growth vision Mlimani SACCOS by 2025 should be imbued with
the four main achievement’s;

 To help its members to archives a better life.

 To be stable and able to help society around the cooperation through financial services.
 To mobilize its members to deposit and to save more in order to increase the working capital.
 To develop and encourage the business activities that’ll bring more income to the organization.

The mission of organization;

To archive the vision Mlimani Saccos has adopted the following mission statement, that is generally
focused on modernizing its services;

‘To grow up the cooperative society to provide its quality services in effective and efficient way,
cheap and easy loans to its members’.

This promote the conducive environment for its members due to their central role of prioritizing its
quality services to its members and to perform well in the society.



1.3 Aims and objective of the organization.

The organization has one main aim or objective; that is,

 To improve the life of its members so as to be stable economically and socially so as to encounter

Through the following ways;

 To provide loans with cheap interest that members may afford.

 Receiving savings and deposits for its members as a way of increasing the capital and shares of
individual members.
 To improve or increase the Saccos capital by motivating and facilitating members to increase
deposits and saving.
 To increase the number of members by registering more members.
 To provide education about cooperatives society and entrepreneurship to its members.
 To save the reserve requirements in central bank that’ll save during withdrawal of Saccos.
 To design and to develop the business projects that’ll help to archive the organizations goals.

1.4 Organization growth.

For the successive years the organization has been growing in all sectors including capital, interest
earned and no of loans provided to its members.

All of these are easily or clearly well through

 Tables
 Pie chart and
 graphs


2015 TO 2020

interest earned






FROM 2015 TO 2020


Amount of loans in tshs



2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020


Series 1 Column2 Column1

1.5 Organization administrative structure.

The organization structures of Mlimani Saccos is not much different from all other Saccos since it
consists of chairman and vice chairman of the board then comes the member of the board then manager
and below manager, we found the head of departments;

Diagrammatically it looks like;



Chairman and Board

members Internal auditors


Finance and accounting

Credit department.

1.6 Purpose and significance of the study.
o Purpose of the study;
To evaluate whether the cooperative society aim at changing the life of its members to
better life.
To understand the real importance and advantages of cooperative society in community,
e.g. provision of loans to its members
Pin point the problems facing the cooperative societies in our country taking example of
Mlimani Saccos.

o Significance of the study;

The study would help the student to know the importance of cooperative society in
The study will help the student to experience and share views with experienced workers.
It adds new knowledge and fill the gap between what student learn in class and how to
apply in in office.

1.7 Research question and hypothesis.

 Research questions;
 How does cooperative society manage to operate its expenses and still provide the quality
 How does the internal auditing being interfered with the management and how do the board fix
the problem?
 How do the members elect the board members and how it operates without the delay of
 What are the problems that face the organization and how do the board and management solve

 Research hypothesis;
 The effective practical training will enable the student to understand the difference between
what is taught in class and how to apply it!
 There should be the goal congruence between the board and the management of the
 The purpose of the external auditing is to help the board to know the actual performance and
real financial position of the organization!
 The interest obtained in loans can be used as dividend as payment of invested capital by


2.0 Overview placement in organization.

The University of Dodoma allocated me to conduct my field practical training in SCCULT but
fortunately, I luckily posted to do it in Mlimani SACCOS where I learn a lot of tasks and knowledge
including assisting in audition through different tasks that I was assigned by internal supervisors
during the audition. The following are the general briefly description of what I have done in my
field practical training;

2.1 Recording payment voucher in Microsoft excel.

In my first week I was assigned with the task of recording the payment voucher from 2016 January
to December. Recording these transactions helped me to understand how these payments were done
and who were the responsible for signing the cooperative transaction. And on the whole process of
recording the books help to simplify the process of audition basing on the transactions in the PV
books because it will be time consuming to record each transaction in each page but instead if the
data will be grouped together in simple way in Microsoft excel it will save time and simplify the
whole process.

2.2 Recording petty cash in Microsoft excel.

In second week, I was assigned to record the petty cash book in Microsoft excel from 2016 from
January to December. These transactions were based on small expenses that are incurred by the
office during their daily operations for example fares from one place to another or the office tea for
the workers and sometimes even stationary expenses, but the aim of recording these books in
Microsoft excel is to simplify and reduce the whole time taken for the audition and in order to
totalize the minor expenses incurred by organization. By the way any audition can’t ignore the
minor transaction that are completely valid like paying these small expenses.

2.3 Recording of a bank charges in Microsoft excel.
In my third week I was assigned with the task of recording the bank charges from CRDB and NBC
in 2016 from January to December. In assigning the true or exactly cost of transactions the audition
must include the whole process of totalizing the bank charges so as to get the total value or cost of
all transaction in the operation of organization that include the bank. These charges are not exactly
large amount of money but in real sense if they are summed together its amount of money that it’s
impossible to ignore.

2.4 Recording the ledger cards in Microsoft excel.

The aim of inspecting the ledger cards of members is to know the exact transaction that each
member did paid within these five years in other words we can just say that its to make sure that all
transactions were valid and to validate it there must be the exact reason for performing transaction.
For instance, basing on loans the organization should document type of loan provided, the reason
for the loan, interest to be paid for the loan and duration taken for the loan to be paid. And on that
ledgers not only the loans were recorded but also deposits and savings were also recorded and to
some extent penalties given to members are clarified.

2.5 Serving at reception.

The most of the time that I work in front office for the members who visit the office or customers I
learn how to interact with the customers and how to welcome the guest at the office and more is to
learn how to tackle the customers emotions and to win over his or her confidence and to take that
confidence by satisfying him/her through the happy and smile fully conversation. By winning
through the customers confidence it gives chance for the customer to be open and to respond
positively on how the services was and they’ll give feedback on what to improve more and what to
modify. Working at the front office is the serious and vital position where by it determines the whole
image of organization within the society. Many businesses fail due to the facts that they ignore the
front-line workers duties by just employing any one with out considering the vital role of
encountering with the customers.

2.6 Assisting auditors to search and carry for some documents from records.
Most of my field practical learning is based on assisting and helping the auditors when some of the
documents are missing so with my fellows when a certain document is needed and we have to find
it, we cooperate together with the records keeper who always help us to get these documents and
carry them sometimes from main store {container} to the auditors’ office.

2.7 Working environment.

The working environment at Mlimani SACCOS was very inspiring, motivating and easy to adapt. The
first impression I received from management, staff and auditors was more than welcoming and they had
a great pleasure for me to work with them, to train me and allow me to learn from all of them.

Cooperation, understandings and teamwork are considered as the pillars of success and the essential
ingredient for fulfillment of organization goals at maximum levels. The team work within the
organization make the work easier and reduce the work stress. Generally, the main thing that make me
interested with the working environment of Mlimani SACCOS is the way the duties flow from top to
low levels within the organization and that motivates the more people to join and wish to work with
Mlimani SACCOS.


3.0 The problems that faced organization.

For the whole time I conducted my FPT at Mlimani SACCOS I observed the various problem that
faced the organization and some of challenges I observe when recording the documents. A lot of
problems that are incurred by the organization are based on the management that is composed of
employed staffs. The following are some of the problems that I observed while conducting my FPT at
Mlimani SACCOS;

a) Weak management and governance.

Poor managerial skills among managers and high rates of bad loans contribute mainly to bad
performance that lead to weak governance and failure of overall management to achieve the goals and
objective of the Mlimani SACCOS. Also, the goal congruence between the managers and board lead to
low performance of Mlimani SACCOS since the managers should meet their interest with the
organization interest or objectives. So, by prioritizing their interest the organization performance become
below the standard.

b) Poor computerized and database management system.

At Mlimani SACCOS this was just normal thing because most of its documents are still in form of the
books, blinded ledgers cards and most of important documents are in hard copies for instance bank
statements and meeting records. These records are very important and when are only kept in hard copy
sometimes can be lost. So, many organizations modernize their documents to main server where all
documents can be accessed in software records. This sometimes simplify the whole process of
collecting documents for audition when needed.

c) In adequate record managements.

Personally, I observe this when we’re looking for bank statement and some missing PV books in
generally the essential records like bank statement and PV books re supposed to be kept in orders and
are required to be also recorded in the software form but that’s missing thing in the organization so we
ended up going to estate main store to look for these missing documents and sometimes ended up
without getting it.

d) A lot of office expenses and some imprest with no evaluation.

The office incurred unnecessary expenses for the period of nearly five years. For example, sometimes in
petty cash its authorized amount of money for stationary while office has printers and photocopying
machine so it’s impossible for one month to spend more than 1 million in stationary expenses also
imprest that lacks evaluation for example 15 million for meeting with no evaluation how it was spent.

e) Delay in repayment of loans.

Some of the loans were paid in time but some are not paid in time the majority of loans that are
prolonged or take time to be paid so it lowers or reduces the performance of organization to provide
more loans on a specific duration of time. For instance, a member borrows 20 million for the duration of
1 year and delay it to 3 years even if that member will pay the penalty still it won’t cover the value of
time that was taken in delaying the loan.

3.1 The problems that I face when doing my FPT.

When I join the University of Dodoma, I thought that its my responsibility to find the organization
where I could conduct my FPT but luckily the University of Dodoma help its student to get where they
can practice so I was placed at SCCULT Dar Es Salaam. The followings are the problem I face during
my FPT;

a) Misunderstanding between UDOM and SCCULT.

At the beginning I dedicate my letter to SCCULT where by in reality I was supposed to dedicate that
letter to Mlimani SACCOS. At SCCULT office they directly told me that I was supposed to change the
letter and officially write it to Mlimani SACCOS something that was hard because to get the official
stamp from principal of our college I am supposed to go back to UDOM to get the official stamp of
principal. Thanks to Dr. Cuthbert A. Msuya the chairman of Mlimani SACCOS. He accepted me even
with that letter.

b) The long distance and traffic jams in the morning.

Because I live a little far from the Mlimani SACCOS I wake up early in the morning about 6:00 am and
start my journey that takes 2 hours till to reach the office where I took two buses one from Mbezi
Africana to Mwenge and another from Mwenge to UDSM. Therefore, the jam between these points
took more time that lead to arriving late in office some days. Thanks to the management of the Mlimani
SACCOS they understand it.

c) Knowledge gap.

At the beginning I thought that my duties will base on administration of organization but I found out it
wasn’t that way. Thanks to our Almighty God I learn new knowledge based on audition of the
organization. Anyway, I learn to convert problems into opportunities the knowledge I desired wasn’t
obtained but in exchange I learn or obtain new and essential knowledge.

3.2 My personal effort to address the problems.

Because these problems are divided into two parties’ individual problems and organization problems so
even to address them there are those, I can solve by myself and those I can advise and those I’ll just
address because sometimes are beyond my capability and ability to solve and to just advice. It was like
expressed bellow;

a) Organization problems.

In case of problems like poor management of organization in terms of governance the organization is
working on it since the board should look forward to materialize and be assured with the performance of
its staff, incase of poor computerized and database management I advise the organization to utilize the
available resources like computers in storing and collect in one server all information so that it may be
accessed when members need the information and on the problem of inadequate record management
the only solution to this is to store the documents in good arrangement and to take action on the missing

b) Personal problems.

The personal problems are all beyond my capability so it was just to report them but for the time being
there wasn’t any solution for it. For the problem like misplacement and dedicating letter to SCCULT
instead of Mlimani SACCOS I just advice the field supervisor Dr Mussa that next time it will be better
to address directly field letter to the organization that the students are going to take field. And the
problems like long distance and traffic jam I advise the University of Dodoma to just look forward and
give the choice to student to directly write the near location for example within the Kinondoni municipal
council from Bunju to Magomeni is approximately three hours journey in the morning due to traffic jam
from tegeta to Africana and to Mwenge and still it takes lot of time. And the problem of knowledge gap
this can’t directly solved but instead the organization have to try to its best to provide a lot of task so that
the student acquires a lot of knowledge.


4.0 Relevance.

In reality some of my expectation were met but most wasn’t because there was eighty percent relevance
of what I experienced. For example, theoretically I learn that the books of accounting are closed every
year and the financial report that include balance sheet and statement of financial position can be used to
determine the actual performance of organization but in reality, things don’t go that way that’s why the
board members are required to employ the external auditors to know the exactly position of the

Being within the organization, acting responsibly as a real employee and observing the codes of
conducts bearing in mind the FPT objectives, made the field attachment to have great relevance.
Integrating theory and practice provide opportunity to understand the already taught theories and
concepts in case of misunderstandings and confusions existing. Also because of the tight nature of
university's schedule, field attachment is appropriate place to ponder the new and already acquired
knowledge. The FPT was helpful at sharpening my human relations skills, problem solving skills,
analytical skills and creativity. Practicing of organizational culture such as punctuality, discipline,
dressing codes and accountability for six weeks has been useful in refining my attitude.

On the other hand, the theoretical objective is to prepare the student to face the different reality from
what was taught in class and what is done out here so apart from blaming the system for that difference
its best opportunity for the student to combine these knowledges in modifying the view of learning from
different objectives and different angle.

In generally the way management was structured the way they perform their duties and the way they
operate organization it is not different from the theoretical learning from class so in totalizing it we can
say that the system that our university is through it’s the best since out here there is not much specific
duties only few but many duties are performed in team work only few like accounting and managerial
decision are done specifically so the system of teaching different knowledge apart from core courses is
much pretty in upgrading and producing best student that will match the needs of employment market.

For the student to be competent with the FPT should well study the theoretical learning because the
difference is just observed on the point that not all the things learned in the class are applicable in
working place or office. So, by considering that little difference we just come with the idea that to be the
good manager or staff the student must study well theoretical basis.

4.1 My expectation before going in training.

Before going to FPT I expected that it would give a lot of exposures to opportunities that could lead to
development of my managerial skills. Most of the expectations within this belief were met and some
were not met.

Among of these expectations I have are as follows;

 Applying my accounting skills into practice and to acquire new accounting knowledge to help in the
whole process of audition.
 To be positive toward daily activities of the organization and to take all duties given and to perform
it in the best way.
 To work with experienced staffs and other professionals so as to expand the knowledge base and
gain valuable new insight from them.
 Understanding how people behave, communicates, work as team and on how they manage their
daily activities.
 To make new friends of different background, education level and different carries also knowledge
that include wisdom and organization norms and values.
 Understanding more about the labor market specially to analyze my strengths and weaknesses.

But it’s impossible for organization to meet every person’s expectation because every human has his/her
own desire and ambition. By considering that it’s true that some of my expectation were not met but that
doesn’t make any difference by considering what was offered by organization within that time.

4.2 New things learnt.

My FPT helped me to learn a lot of new things and help me to acquire new skills and knowledge that
without it I couldn’t get that knowledge. Some of things are not learn in class until the student go to
practice it directly in the FPT. The following are some of the new thing, skills and knowledge I learnt;

To use Microsoft, excel to record and to simplify mass data into the simple and understandable way.
How PV books are written and who are responsible and which transaction are required to be
recorded in PV book.
How petty cash books are written and which transaction are to be recorded in these books and who
are responsible to officialize these transactions.

The essential documents that are used by auditors when are inspecting the organization like
How to write the ledger cards and the importance information to be recorded in the members ledger
And finally, I learn how to work in team work and to cooperate positively with other staffs for the
benefits of organization.

4.3 A gap between theoretical learning and FPT

Basically, Theory and Practice are the same things, with the same contents but different in format
interrelated together to accomplish similar objectives. Theory normally tends to build the way for
practice to undertake because one cannot practice something without knowing its theoretical aspects.
Similarly, theory without practice is of no use because it a bit of theory. In that sense theory and practice
complete each other. During my FPT there were several gaps between the theory and practice which I
have come along with.

The following are the things that from my point of view are supposed to be added in theoretical

 From my point of view for the organization to succeeds it don’t need machine and robots but
instead it needs the skillful and creative workers who can develop and come up with new ideas not
the students with best memory.
 Many of the organization fail to archive their goals and objective because they employ the
workers based on their performance that include memorizing and cramming the theoretical
 Most office expect to get the creative and innovative managers from the best students from
universities and education system most of the best student are those with high memorizing
capacity not creative thinkers because our system was bound more to theoretical memorizing.
 Fail to be confident with FPT due to the lack of experience and the short time. The confidence
come with experience and that experience is obtained by doing something more than once.


5.0 Conclusion.

Mlimani SACCOS is the cooperative society organization that conducts its activities legally and with
the permission of the government it aimed at providing the services to its members and to the whole
community of UDSM. FPT is an enhancing program designed for students to learn and understand the
challenges necessary for their career. Most things taught theoretically are put in really world situation
during FPT.

The generosity that Mlimani SACCOS has showed for the entire time while I was conducting my FPT
can’t just be upraised since they are already important part of my carrier especially, I learnt a lot on
professional activities which could hardly be taught in the lectures.

Basing on this study it was clearly shown that, through SACCOS has been playing the significant role
in the provision of financial services to its members i.e. saving and credit for investment in income
generating activities to its members, more needs to be done for better outcomes.

The evidence show that the SACCOS will only perform better if members are encouraged to increase
their deposits and savings, the major source of capital for the SACCOS. The services and products
offered by SACCOS to its members helped them to improve their productivity leading to increase in

The increased in income was instrumental in improving the members level of wellbeing and poverty
reduction. Therefore, it’s quite possible that membership to SACCOS could increase the leading to
increased saving and credit access opportunities that will allow beneficiaries to invest in economic

Generally, such a diversification enables reduction in income poverty and the general improvement in
the beneficiary households’ well being through expenditure and consumption of goods and services that
were unaffordable before.

5.1 Recommendations to the organization.

 The organization to employ skilled managers who can help in modifying the organization

Weak governance is caused by employing a manager with low or poor performance due to lack of
managerial skills so the best solution to this problem is to train the existing one in the way that they can
meet the needs of organization and to solve the existing problem or another alternative is to employ the
skillful one with desired experience.

 To reduce the office expenses and to put strict laws on unauthorized imprest.

These will help to reduce the amount of income that are used in spending only for nothing for example
instead of using 300000 Tshs per month for stationary if the office buys the stationary equipment’s in a
year with 5 million is great save for the organization. And some of unnecessary allowance and imprest
should not be accepted since are extra spending’s that causes loss to organization.

 Record should be well managed.

The organization records should be well managed in the way that when the document is needed in
immergence its stored in the specific place and not just in store. By the organization try a lot to keep its
documents but due to irresponsibility of some staff some of the documents gone missing. For example,
at the beginning it was shown that the bank provides the statement at the end of each month but in store
some of them gone missing.

 All office important data should be set in database like server or to improve the computerized
system of the organization.

Since with the help of technology the backup solution is organization to record all its data or information
in its server that is to simplify the accessibility of information when needed. For example, I failed to
complete the graphs because the data were incomplete. But if the organization store its data in electronic
form it doesn’t mean that the organization doesn’t need the books and other document’s they do but it’ll
serve as back up when the main system collapse.

 The duration for loans should be improved to increase flexibility.

Some loans are of short time but with the imposed interest it takes time to repay hence it block the
chance for the same amount of money to be in circle and hence less profit generated and by that amount
of money but penalty and the increase in interest won’t solve the problem. Instead it’s advised to extend
durations of loans so as to speed up the circle of income generated and to let more members borrow
loans from organization.

5.2 Recommendations to UDOM.

 The letters should directly dedicated to specific SACCOS organization and not to SCCULT.

This will help the next class who will do their FPT with SACCOS to be directly aware with which
SACCOS are the student directly going to. There will no misunderstandings between these
organizations by the time when its not easy to get another letter from the University of Dodoma. And by
solving that the student will directly go to their respective organization after the placement.

 In placement the university have to try to let student participate in selection of organization so
as to solve the problem of long distance and traffic jam.

It’s buddhas’ says that ‘what comes easy won’t last long and what last long won’t come easy’ and my
wise man once told me ‘if you want to know the value of the drop of water carry your own water from
the well’ but all of these tries to explain something that the process of university to look for the
organization where student want to practice FPT is enough help and the process of giving chance to
student to choose where to do field is good for those who really want to study but sometimes far
organization from home can lead to minor problems that can be solved by good student and a wise
manager but vice versa is true so to avoid that Kinondoni is too large and too wide so exactly spot will
be the best solution.

 To increase the FPT time.

Despite of the good structure of the FPT program there are still some aspects which should be put in
consideration. The duration of FPT was too short compare to things we have learnt in the class and at
the time the student gains some experience then the FPT comes to an end leaving student with unsolved
aspects. There should be more time for the students to practice what they learnt from the class by
extending practical training to be done on both first year and second year. This will help the students to
cope with the working environment efficient and effectively. Also, there should the increase in the
number supervisors from the University to visit the student during their FPT.

 Restructure of the system used in teaching to fill the gaps existed.

The subject like IT (Information Technology) is very important in case of modern office activities
because many activities are done electronically and computer is the base of all data either to get
information from the computer or to store the data in computer. It is inevitable so to prepare the student
to face the environments like these and to be well trained this can’t be complete in only one semester
course instead at least put it in two courses that comprises one subject i.e. IT 1 & IT 2


6.0 Consistence.

The interrelation existed between theory and FPT is what called the consistence and these gaps brings
positive advantages that is to say as Aristotle once said ‘the best student is the one who learn what the
teacher taught but the best learner is the student who learn beyond what teacher taught’ in reality most
of the thing that we practiced are what we learn in classes.

By considering different courses that we learn theoretically like accounting, managerial skills and
business communication these are essential knowledge that the student should have in order to be well
fit in modern organization that is to say to some extent its eighty percent of what I learnt in class really
consist of what I did practiced and many office want a person where they can get different knowledges.

By looking on that sometimes someone can ask help in finance or accounting department since the
student has knowledge of both accounting and finance department can help a lot in simplifying the task
since become helpful.

At large percent we can say not every thing that we theoretically learn are practiced in modern office
most of the offices are trying to minimizes cost so on maintaining that comes the idea of professionalism
where by organization employ one person who can offer more than one role and specialty in reality the
process of teaching HRM student accounting and accounting student to learn HRM that is to offer
different knowledge to different student and in all ways the aim of UDOM is to provide student with the
required knowledge that can help the student to be well trained and to constituent of the required
knowledge by the market.

Therefore, to be honest the consistence of FPT is exactly what we learn but not all we learn consist in
Field Practical Training so the student won’t be the best in his FPT if didn’t study theoretical learning
well. In addition, the FPT depends well on the foundations of theoretical learning.


Masharti ya Chama, Mlimani SACCOS. retrieved at 27th September 2021 at 21:40
www:// retrieved at 29th September 2021 at 10:30 retrieved at 1st October 2021 at 15:21



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