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Experiment 8

Dr. Y. Eren Kalay


Traditional manufacturing methods depend on cutting and molding technologies to create a
limited number of structures and shapes having the need to be formed from a number of parts
assembled together. Shaping and forming processes are performed through different stages,
ranging from casting to cutting at various stages depending on the complexity of the component
being manufactured. The traditional method of shaping is through material removal, which is
referred to as subtractive manufacturing (SM). Examples of SM processes include milling,
drilling and grinding. Manufacturing plastic and metal objects in particular is generally a
wasteful process with a lot of surplus materials and chunky parts. However, Additive
Manufacturing (AM) technologies transform this process by building near-net shape components
one layer at a time using data from 3D CAD (computer aided design) models. These 3D models
can be very complex figures, being confined only by a person’s imagination with higher
structural integrity and more durability. According to their first standard, ASTM F2792-10, AM
is defined as ‘The process of joining materials to make objects from 3D model data, usually layer
upon layer, as opposed to subtractive manufacturing technologies. Creating a similar object with
the use of additive manufacturing not only utilizes less energy, but also minimizes waste. In
addition to these, 3D printing helps companies save up to 70% of their manufacturing cost [1].
Creating a 3D object from a digital model using a 3D printer has been one of the largest
innovations of the recent years. The idea is to build the object layer by successive layer until it is
complete. Each of these printed layers is a thinly-sliced, horizontal cross-section of the eventual
object. In the conventional fabrication methods, the final shape is achieved by following the
steps such as cutting, extrusion, grinding and welding from a bulk structure. This sequence of
processes results in loss of the original material and loss of energy during production. 3D
printing technology, on the other hand, do not need any sequential steps for the final shaping and
thereby it is easier to achieve new forms and optimize the shapes without being restricted by
capabilities of the conventional methods. Printing begins with a digital file in which the final
shape has been coded and the computer software slices the design into multilayers. These layers
are then printed on top of each other until the 3D object is created.
As the 3D printing has become less expensive, more accessible and new materials have become
available, the technology has quickly gained momentum. With the market entry of
compact open-source desktop 3D printers, the application areas of 3D printers have broadened
from small-scale commercial or educational purposes to household use.
3D printing is most commonly used for rapid prototyping of new products. The ability to rapidly
produce new prototypes for testing, often in less than 48 hours after a design revision, greatly
accelerates the prototyping process. However, 3D printing technology has now reached the point
when it can be applied to manufacturing processes as well. It is no surprise that first applications
came from cash-rich industries, such as medical aids, aerospace and car-making. Today, the 3D
printer technology is used for accessories, shoe design, industrial and architectural design,
building works, defense and automotive industry, medical industry, education, aerospace
industry, biotechnology is used in many areas of scientific studies in the field. 3D printed aircraft
components are 65% lighter; but as strong as traditional machined parts, representing huge
savings and reduced carbon emissions. For every 1 kilogram reduction in weight, airlines save
around US$35,000 in fuel costs over an aircraft’s life. Although expensive, titanium is light,
strong and durable and ideally suited for aircraft manufacturing. In traditional manufacturing, it
wears easily during cutting step of the production. This problem is eliminated via 3D printing.
NASA engineers are also 3D printing parts that are structurally stronger and more reliable than
conventionally crafted parts, for its space launch system [2]. Scientists are also exploring the use
of 3D printers at the International Space Station to make spare parts on the spot. What once was
the province of science fiction has now become a reality.
The use of additive manufacturing started as in rapid prototyping (RP) during the late 1980s and
early 1990s. The first commercial 3D print technology, stereolithography, was invented in 1984
by Charles Hull. Although imperfect, the machine provided manufacturing of highly complex
parts overnight. The first lab grown organ is implanted in humans at the end of 1990s and this
innovation opened a door for advanced medical use. The technique is mainly useful for creating
artificial organs of patient-specific models, produced human tissue-compatible implants. Today,
biocompatible human tissue veins that are millimeters in size are produced by 3D printers [3, 4].
Beyond the use of 3D printing in producing prosthetics and hearing aids, it is also used to treat
challenging medical conditions, and to advance medical research, including in the area of
regenerative medicine. The breakthroughs in this area are rapid and extraordinary.
The first selective laser sintering machine became feasible in 2006. This machine uses a laser to
fuse the materials into 3D products. The idea of mass customization and on-demand
manufacturing of industrial parts started with this invention. Combining different raw materials
isn’t always possible with mass production methods due to the high costs. This problem is
eliminated with the 3D printing technologies. However, additive manufacturing is relatively
slower than the traditional mass production processes. In order to compensate with the slow print
rate, several fused filament machines now offer multiple extruder heads. These can be used to
print in multiple colors, with different polymers, or to make multiple prints simultaneously. This
increases their overall print speed during multiple instance production, while requiring less
capital cost than duplicate machines since they can share a single controller.
At the end of 2000s, 3D printers were placed on market that allows the customers to print their
3D products. Companies have created services where consumers can customize objects using
simplified web based customization software and print unique objects. This now allows the
consumers to create custom cases for their mobile phones, print accessories as well as many
other household items.

A number of 3D printing techniques including stereolithography (SL), fused deposition modeling
(FDM) and selective laser sintering (SLS). Some of these techniques involve melting or
softening layers of material, others involve binding powdered materials and yet others involve
jetting or selectively-hardening liquid materials.
3D printers use a variety of very different types of additive manufacturing techniques. According
to the additives used in printing, 3D printing techniques can be divided into 3 groups.
Recent advances in 3D printing technology have enabled tissue engineering applications in
which organs and body parts are built using inkjet techniques. Biocompatible materials, cells and
supporting components are printed into complex 3D functional living tissues to address the need
for tissues and organs suitable for transplantation. As of 2013, scientists began printing ears,
livers and kidneys with living tissue. Compared with non-biological printing, 3D bioprinting
involves additional complexities, such as the choice of materials, cell types, growth and
differentiation factors, and technical challenges related to the sensitivities of living cells and the
construction of tissues. Addressing these complexities requires the integration of technologies
from the fields of engineering, biomaterials science, cell biology, physics and medicine. 3D
bioprinting has already been used for the generation and transplantation of several tissues,
including multilayered skin, bone, vascular grafts, tracheal splints, heart tissue and cartilaginous
structures. Other applications include developing high-throughput 3D bioprinted tissue models
for research, drug discovery and toxicology [5].
Today’s 3D printing technology is mainly based on polymers as they can be easily processed.
Polymers can be processed at low temperatures relative to metals and ceramics. The most
commonly utilized polymer based composites are high performance, lightweight materials that
are produced by dispersing strong additives/fibers in a polymer matrix [6]. These additives may
vary from graphene to nanotubes, nanowires and nanoparticles. The additive ratio can be as low
as 2% or as high as 60% depending on the application [7].
In metallic based 3D printing, parts are manufactured by a laser fusing together high
performance metals, layer by layer directly from a 3D digital data. Created objects are strong and
lightweight with complex internal features, such as undercuts, channels through sections, tubes
within tubes and internal voids. It’s an accurate and cost-effective method for the production of
prototype components and the economical manufacture of small series parts for testing purposes
or as final production components for use in many different environments, without the
investment in time and money of conventional tooling. Metal 3D printing is mainly used for
applications such as automotive and aerospace industry. It is predicted that the market for metal
powders for additive manufacturing (AM) applications will take off over the next five years with
new applications in the aerospace, oil and gas sectors, exponentially increasing the demand for
powered materials [8]. In addition, metal 3D printing is also used in dental sectors for implant
and prostheses manufacturing.
In this experiment, Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) also known as Fused Deposition Modeling
(FDM) technique will be used to produce 3D objects. In this technique, different types of
materials can be used. Filaments become semi-molten state above a certain temperature to satisfy
required viscosity during printing. After these filaments are deposited they immediately return
their solid state. Mostly, thermoplastic polymers and copolymers are preferred as a filament such
as Polylactide (PLA) and Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS). Because they can be melted at
relatively lower temperatures compared to metals and they easily return to their solid state after
deposition. These polymer filaments are deposited layer by layer. Individual layers adhere to
each other during printing.
Printing process has three main steps (Figure 1). In the first step, a certain amount of filament is
extruded from the heater zone. Following this, the filament is heated up to a semi-molten state.
Then this semi-molten filament is forced out from a heated nozzle and deposited on the pre-
deposited layers.
Figure 1: Working principles of fused filament fabrication technique [9].
In this experiment, a MakerBot Replicator Mini 3D-Printer will be used. The main components
of the 3D printer are shown in Figure 2. Gantry moves in X and Y direction, where build plate
moves in Z direction.

Figure 2: Schematic view of MakerBot Replicator Mini [10].

In this experiment, you will print a complex solid object.
Please follow the following steps:
 Use openscad ( to draw the solid object given by your TA. Use
the appropriate commands given in cheat sheet.

Cheat Sheet

 Use slic3r ( to generate the g-code of your engineering drawing and
simulate the 3D printing procedure.
 Upload your g-code to 3D-printer and print your object.

The printer generates high temperatures. Do not try to reach inside the printer before
extruder cools down.
Do not try to reach inside the printer during operation.
Do not look directly at the operating LED component.
In case of emergency disconnect the printer from the wall socket.
Please Note That

"The members of the METU community are reliable, responsible and honourable people who
embrace only the success and recognition they deserve, and act with integrity in their use,
evaluation and presentation of facts, data and documents."

3) Gander, K., 3D Printed Pelvis Helps Man with Rare Bone Cancer Keep Walking, The
Independent Newspaper (2014,Şubat 10).
4) Laurance, J., Splint Made by 3D Printer Used to Save Baby’s Life, The Independent
Newspaper (2013, May 23).
5) Sean V Murphy, Anthony Atala, 3D bioprinting of tissues and organs, Nature Biotechnology,
32, 773–785 (2014)
6) Keller, T., Recent all-composite and hybrid fiber reinforced polymer bridges and buildings,
Prog. Struct. Eng. Mater. 3 (2001) 132.
7) Ramanathan T.,, A.A. Abdala, S. Stankovich, D.A Dikin, M. Herrera-Alonso, R.D Piner, D.H.
Adamson, H.C Schniepp, X. Chen, R.S. Rouoff, S.T. Nguyen, I.A. Aksay, R.K. Prud’Homme,
L.C. Brinson, Functionalized graphene sheets for polymer nanocomposites, Nature
Nanotechnology, 3 (2008), 327.
10) MakerBot Replicator Mini Cpmpact 3D printer Reference Guide

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