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Our world is not alone.

There are unknown worlds that are not ours, that appeared maybe only once or twice in ancient
records, in places that we do not see, perhaps deep in the sea,up in the sky, and even in the cracks
between ancient buildings.

They are called "Lost worlds".

Children may have told adults that these strange, fantastical worlds may be within the strange places
they have accidentally wandered into, as the watchers who guards the gates connecting these worlds
would occasionally fail to notice them and let them slip into places they should not be.

Very few of the children who returned to their original worlds will recall this magical experience, as if
their slate of memory had been roughly erased. Perhaps some may vaguely remember where they
have been, but no adults will really believe them when they are told.

Hence, the existence of the lost World remains a secret from here.

Time after time, stories are lost and found in our world as it continues, but that’s how fairy tales are
born from it, weaving in and out, floating towards who believed.

Perhaps you’ve seen it once or twice. Perhaps you never really noticed. That dark shadow whom was
outside of the window, in a moment, appeared and disappeared without a trace. The rustling noises
of bushes was unmistakeable, yet when you finally got to it, there was nothing left but some dead
leaves falling onto the ground.

Subtle. Very subtle. The shadowed creature rolled his eyes sarcastically, annoyed at the noise that
rattled with the motion of traversing through the bushes, while the wind swept some more leaves
into the air. It’s yet another sweltering afternoon, the rays of sun blasting away at high intensity into
this university.

Arcant was sitting at his place, where the president of the book club does his thing,file documents,
repair books, checking in for late returns, all that ordinary stuff. He groaned a little, clutching his head
with his feathers before answering the blaring phone call that was there for a while now. Even with
the air conditioner on full blast, the heat is still getting to him and the ringtone just made things even

”Hello? Arcant here, President of Fantasy University book club.” He said in a tired, yet professional
sounding tone.
He wasn’t really sure how he got to this position either. Books had always been his thing, but to be
directly elected by the past council as the heavy lifter always kind of puzzled him. Is it because of his
age? In his resume he did say that he worked as an office worker for 5 years straight, and the
credentials of being an expert on data sorting might had came into play, but everything was a blur
from there on out when he submitted his resume, and… here he is, landed in the middle of a
conversation about something. Something, really. It’s really something.

”Yeah, I’ll get back to you with that in a jiffy, hm? Alright, sounds good, bye.”
The decidueye breathed a sigh of relief as he placed down the phone. Far less stressful than his usual
9 to 5 routine, but it’s something to deal with anyway. Lots of odd ends that needs to be tied up,
relations with other clubs with future plans ahead, there’s even a cart full of old books that needs to
be re-purposed one way or another.
Arcant glanced at his clipboard. With most things out of the way, there’s still one thing that needed to
be addressed. *The theater play.*
This year, the book club and other various clubs will be collaborating with each other to make the
grandest, more elaborate stage play that the university had ever seen, at least for this year. Or, as the
ol decidueye stated himself, “try” to. It will be big, on the central theater stage, one night only. It’s
either go big, or go home.

He pulled on his hoodie strings out of stress. How did he get here? He was never a theater kid at all,
at most he participated in some poem recite competitions back in middle school and that’s the end of
it. First time, his beak was way too far from the mic, second time, he fell down with an illness and the
third time he just missed the deadline completely. It was the end of that, he never got to participate
again. And now he’s going to have to orchestrate an entire stageplay?

“Ugh, good heavens. This is going to be a long haul.” He thought to himself, a flash of thought, a
momentary plan of quitting appeared into his mind before him waving it off.
*No. Can’t give up just now. Vendel needed this.* Thinking to himself, he realized that he cared more
and more towards the banette that he was linked with. The dreaded feeling of loneliness, the cursed
feeling of bitter , lost sensations pulsing through his body. He can’t just leave him alone. Seeing
himself in the abandoned doll, he had to get this right. Giving up isn’t an option.

* The situation, even if it is out of our control, is going to not gain the trust of the people.*
*They needed to believe.*
*As the sands of time buries deeper, all will be lost but a memory for the death of the world that was
once held alive by its guardian.*

Not only the people of fantasy Galar needs to believe, but… In the real world as well. Even for just a
moment, the power of faith in someone can lead to something. What is that something? He had no
ideas for now. But he needed to hold on to that thought. If they believed, through the play, for the
briefest of moment.. He could, bring Vendel out of the tangles that held him back, and fulfill his quest
as a hero to others.

“...This is for you, Vendel.”


Plot synopsis : The main character is introduced to the lost world, and met his companion.

Opening :

Arcant screamed out , as the stage lit up in focus, onto him. He looks out of breath, clearly has been
chasing someone for a some time now. He turned to the right, and the sight of a young zorua pops
into view - innocent looking, yet incredibly mysterious. The zorua boy was only dressed in a plain
white T shirt and shorts, the white fox mask with streaks of red covering most of his face. He was
standing on top of a fountain , holding onto a delicate pinwheel. His left hand, held an ancient looking
lantern , which illuminated his frail figure.

The fountain was rather old, and the water had became stagnant over time. It would appear that this
location, is a public park that haven’t been maintained for some time now. It once used to be a lively
place, but as time went by its age started to shown , gradually morphing into such sad state that is

The wind blew, with the alluring figure’s hair quietly flowing in the wind. He gave the main character a
blank stare, eyes only visible through the void of his mask. The stage is filled with a strange feeling
aura - one that draws all the attention onto the figure.
”Look, I’ve been chasing you all day, and I don’t even know who you are!” Arcant exclaimed with a
frustrated tone, gasping for air with his wings on his knees.
”Do you know how dangerous it is , a little kid all by yourself running around especially here, where
you can injure yourself-”
Arcant was about to scold the figure again, his expression is more full of concern for the kid’s well-
being than anything, really.
”I’m going to take you back to your parents, you’re coming with me, and -”

The little boy simply put his finger on his lip, and shushed Arcant. He pointed forwards, looking into
the distance.

Faint thumping noises came from behind. *Something’s coming.*
Before he knew it, while he was distracted momentarily the boy dived into the seemingly shallow
fountain, and disappeared.

Arcant didn’t think too much about it as he chased after the kid, diving into the fountain as well as
both disappeared in a flash, with the stage fading to black again.


(Stage fades to black, with the sound of rushing water surrounding the theater. It sounded so real, the
crashing of waves with the distorted muffles of submersion, bubbling briefly before everything comes
to a halt. Silence. More silence for about 15 seconds or so.)

“Is that a new face?”

“Looks like something was brought in..”
“This is incredible…”
More whispers seeped around before the stage light shone onto them, as they dissipated.

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