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* English as a Spoken Language.

* English Speakers (Native and Non-native Speakers).

* English as an official Language.

* Major and Minor Varieties of English.

* English as a Global Language.

* Result of Being a Global Language.

English-Speaking World
• Over 2 billion people speak English, making
English the largest language by number of
speakers (native and non-native), and the third
largest language by number of native speakers.
• With almost 330 million native speakers, the
United States of America is the largest English
speaking country.
• Most native speakers of English are Americans.
English-Speaking Countries
1- The United States of America is the largest English
speaking country (330 million)
2- The United Kingdom (67.5 million)
3- Canada (37.5 million)
4- Australia (25.3 million)
5- The Republic of Ireland (4.9 million)
6- New Zealand (4.8 million)
Majority English-Speaking Countries
(Six countries)
The United States of America, The United Kingdom,
Canada, Australia, The Republic of Ireland and New
Zealand have the majority of native English speakers
that are grouped under the term Anglosphere.
Anglosphere is a term used to refer to a group of
English–speaking nations
Major Varieties of English
❑British English
❑American English
❑Canadian English
❑ Australian English
❑ Irish English
❑ New Zealand English
South Africa, India, The Philippines, Jamaica, and Nigeria
have millions of native speakers of dialect ranging from
English–based creole languages (a language that
develops from simplifying and mixing of different
languages within a fairly brief period of time) to
standard English.
Countries where English is the Official Language:
➢In some countries where English is not the most
spoken language, it is an official language, e.g.
❑India (the largest number of second language
speakers of English)
❑Eswatini (Swaziland)
❑Hong kong
❑The Philippines
❑Pakistan (second official language after the Urdu).
Pakistan is the only Islamic country in which English is
Native Varieties Non-native Varieties
(Major Varieties) (Sub-Varieties)

Sub-varieties are related to countries such as:

1) British English 1) Jamaica

2) American English 2) Nigeria

3) Canadian English 3) South Africa

4) Australian English 4) Ghana

5) Irish English 5) Uganda

6) New Zealand English 6) The Philippines

7) India/Pakistan
English as a Global Language
❑English is so widely spoken, it has often been
referred to as a “world language”, the lingua franca
of the modern era.
Lingua franca: a language that is adopted as a
common language between speakers whose native
languages are different.
1) It is currently the language most often taught
as a foreign language.
2) It is, by international treaty, the official
language for aeronautical and maritime
3) It is one of the official languages of the United
Nations and many other international
organizations including the International
Olympic Committee.
4) In the European Union, English is one of 24 official
languages and is widely used by institutions.
5) It is one of two co-official languages for astronauts
(besides the Russian language) serving on board
the International Space Station.
6) Books, magazines, and newspapers written in
English are available in many countries around the
7) English is the most commonly used language in
science magazines; as early as 1997, 95% of
scientific articles were written in English.
8) In publishing, English literature predominates
considerably with 28% of all books published in
the world and 30% of web content in 2011.
This increasing use of the English language globally
has had a large impact on other languages. It led to
language shift, language death and claims of linguistic
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