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4, APRIL 2019 789

An Overflow Problem in Network Coding

for Secure Cloud Storage
Yu-Jia Chen , Member, IEEE and Li-Chun Wang , Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—In this paper, we present the overflow problem of a network coding storage system (NCSS) when the encoding parameters
and the storage parameters are mismatched. The overflow problem of the NCSS occurs because the network-coded encryption
yields extended coded data, resulting in high storage and processing overhead. To avoid the overflow problem, we propose an
overflow-avoidance NCSS scheme that takes account of security and storage requirements in both encoding and storage procedures.
We provide the analytical results of the maximum allowable stored encoded data under the perfect secrecy criterion. The design
guidelines to achieve high coding efficiency with the lowest storage cost are also presented.

Index Terms—Cloud storage, network coding, data security


N ETWORK coding is attractive for its capability of achiev-

ing the unconditional security. In principle, network
coding simply mixes data from different network nodes
user can recover the entire original file, but an eavesdrop-
per in only one cloud database cannot decode the original
symbols [4].
based on the well-designed linear combination rules. As When encoding parameters (such as the size of encoding
long as partial network-coded data are protected, an eaves- matrix) are not jointly designed with the storage parameters
dropper cannot decode the entire plaintext even with infi- (such as the storage size per node), a secure network coding
nite computing power and time [1]. Another advantage of storage system may encounter the following issue. The
network coding is that no bandwidth expansion occurs stored coded data size in the cloud database can be longer
compared to the cryptographic approaches. than the original data size. This issue occurs when network
In recent years, network coding is introduced to enhance coded data are represented in the format of digits and is
the security of cloud storage in which customers outsource called the overflow problem in this paper. It is notable that
their data to multiple clouds [2]. Though offering many the above works [2], [3], [4] on secure cloud storage will
advantages, cloud storage inevitably poses security threats face the overflow problem.
on the outsourced data. In [3], the problem of checking the Table 1 is an illustrative example of the overflow problem
integrity of network coded data in a secure cloud storage in the case of binary digits. A is the network encoding
system was investigated. In [4], it was shown that network matrix in Galois field GF(23 ) constructed with the primitive
coding can be used to prevent eavesdropping in distributed polynomial P ðxÞ ¼ x3 þ x þ 1, bi ’s are the original data, and
cloud storage. However, from the aspect of implementa- ci ’s are the network-coded data, where i ¼ 1; 2; 3. Assume
tion, the performance issues of network coding for secure that c1 ð0Þ and c3 ð101Þ are stored in the first database and
cloud storage remains open. This motivates us to explore c2 ð11Þ is stored in the second database. In this example, the
how to practically and cost-effectively store coded data in bit length of ci is larger than that of bi . We consider that the
multiple clouds. number of bits required to represent a single codeword (i.e.,
Fig. 1 illustrates a secure cloud storage scenario consid- code length) is fixed for all the coded data stored in the
ered in this paper. A network coding storage system con- same database. In this case, the code length used in a cloud
sists of the following three procedures: splitting, encoding, database is the maximum bit length of the stored network-
and distributing. In this figure, an original file is split into coded data. Hence, it requires three bits code length to store
smaller chunks of symbols. These symbols are encoded by c1 and c3 and two bits code length to store c2 in the respec-
Vandermonde matrix [5] and then stored to different cloud tive cloud databases. In principle, network coding should
databases. With network coding protection, a legitimate not incur more bandwidth, i.e., encoded bit length should
be equal to the plaintext bit length. In this example, the bit
length of b is three, while the bit length of c is extended to
 The authors are with the National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
300, R.O.C. E-mail:, six. We call it the overflow problem in this paper.
Manuscript received 16 July 2017; revised 5 Sept. 2018; accepted 13 Sept.
In overflow problem, bandwidth expansion and redun-
2018. Date of publication 17 Sept. 2018; date of current version 13 Mar. 2019. dant computation occur if the data representation formats
(Corresponding author: Li-Chun Wang.) of the original data and the coded data are mismatched.
Recommended for acceptance by M. Smith. This is mainly because the existing encoding process (e.g.,
For information on obtaining reprints of this article, please send e-mail to:, and reference the Digital Object Identifier below. splitting the original data) does not consider i) how to place
Digital Object Identifier no. 10.1109/TPDS.2018.2870890 the coded data among multiple clouds and ii) the risk of
1045-9219 ß 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See ht_tp:// for more information.

An Illustrative Example of the Overflow
Problem in the Case of Binary Digits

A b c
2 3
1 1 1
41 2 35 ð1; 1; 0ÞT ð0; 3; 5ÞT =ð0; 11; 101ÞT
1 4 5

nodes are combined and regenerated at the intermediate

nodes according to algebraic encoding. In addition to
throughput enhancement [6], [7], [8], [9] and data robust-
ness [10], the other advantages of network coding are reli-
ability and security.

2.1 Network Coding for Data Recovery

Network coding can make data recovery process more
Fig. 1. An illustrative example of network coding based secure cloud
storage systems.
efficiently, especially in the distributed storage systems. In
contrast to erasure coding [11], the repaired data fragments
in network coding are mixed in the intermediate nodes.
being decoded by the eavesdropper. Clearly, the extended
Hence, network coding can recover data with smaller amount
coded data would waste storage space and degrade coding
of information communicated during a repair process. As
proved by [12], the data recovery problem of distributed stor-
To solve this overflow problem, we develop a systematic
age systems can be translated to the routing problem of multi-
design method to calculate the appropriate parameters of a
casting networks. A new class of storage codes based on
network-coded cloud storage system, such as the size of
network coding namely Regenerating Code was proposed in
encoding matrix. The key idea of the NCSS scheme is to
[12]. For coding complexity reduction, the authors of [13] pro-
take dynamic-length alphabet representation of network
posed a low-complexity regenerating code using a new form
coded data. The original data are regrouped before the
of coding matrix with a small field size.
encoding process. A complete encoding procedures and
As in the distributed storage systems, recent studies [14],
data distribution scheme are jointly designed for secure
[15], [16] demonstrated the feasibility of storing coded data
cloud storage. Our contributions are described as follows.
to multiple clouds even with multiple node failures. The
Formulate the overflow problem of a network-coded authors of [14] applied network coding to optimize the reli-
cloud storage system. To our best knowledge, the ability performance of frequently accessed data in cloud
overflow problem for a network coding storage sys- storage systems. To simplify the repair procedures, network
tem has not been investigated in the literature yet. coding with network structure based on the general erasure
 Propose an overflow-avoidance network coding based codes was shown to reduce the repair traffic significantly
secure storage (NCSS) scheme. [15]. A new type of regenerating code that can reconstruct
 Analyze the minimum storage cost subject to differ- coded data from multiple failures in batches rather than
ent security levels and derive the upper bound of the separately was proposed in [16].
amount of encoded data that can be stored in cloud
databases to achieve perfect secrecy. 2.2 Network Coding for Data Security
 Provide the design guidelines for the appropriate Network coding can prevent data from being eavesdropped
size of the encoding matrix so that the network cod- in a wiretap network where a wiretapper can access any
ing process can be accelerated. one of subsets of wiretap channels [17]. The goal of a secure
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, network coding scheme for a wiretap network is to ensure
we give a literature survey on the related works of network a wiretapper obtains no information about the original
coding storage systems. In Section 3, the overflow problem message, while all the legitimate receivers can decode the
of a network-coded cloud storage system is formulated. In message. A network coding system was built so that a wire-
Section 4, we analyze the overflow problem. We present the tapper cannot obtain any information [18]. The construction
overflow-avoidance NCSS scheme in Section 5. In Sections 6 of a secure linear network code for a wiretap network was
and 7, we analyze the security and storage performances presented in [19].
of the proposed scheme, respectively. Section 8 shows For network-coded distributed storage systems, the
the experimental results. Finally, we give our concluding secrecy capacity was used to quantify the secure storage
remarks in Section 9. capacity [20], [21], [22], [23]. The secrecy capacity is defined
as the maximum amount of data that can be securely stored
2 RELATED WORK under the perfect secrecy condition. Perfect secrecy means
Network coding is a generalized store-and-forward net- that the eavesdropper cannot obtain any information of
work routing principle. Messages from different source source data. In other words, perfect secrecy requires that

the entropy of the plaintext is equal to the conditional entropy repair bandwidth can be achieved. The most relevant one to
of the plaintext given the eavesdropped data. A network our work is [34]. It investigated how to store data reliably in
coding scheme for approaching the storage upper bound multiple clouds and provided the optimal amount of data
under the perfect secrecy was proposed in [20]. Different to be stored in the clouds. The storage cost is shown to be
secure regenerating codes to achieve perfect secrecy against highly affected by the potential number of colluding cloud
eavesdropping were reported in [21], [22], [23]. databases. However, the number of colluding cloud data-
For secure storage over multiple clouds, the authors of bases in [34] is assumed to be known, which is impractical
[4] proposed a security protection scheme to prevent eaves- in many applications. Compared with these previous
droppers from decoding any symbol. In [24], a link eaves- works, our proposed methodology has the following unique
dropping problem was investigated in a network-coded features.
cloud storage system in which transmission links between
the local datacenter and its remote backup site are eaves-  We investigate the overflow problem in chunked
dropped. In the considered link eavesdropping problem, network coding. Through analyses, we show that the
the security level is defined as the probability that coded number of bits to represent a symbol is an important
data cannot be decoded correctly. In addition to eavesdrop- factor related to the overflow problem.
ping attacks, some recent works [25], [26] investigated how  Different from the previous work [33] considering
to detect when the coded data are modified. binary operation, we extend the performance charac-
terization of chunked network codes using a general
finite field.
2.3 Performance Issue of Network Coding  The encoding process and the data placement are
Two major challenges for designing a practical network jointly designed in the proposed network coding
coding system include i) the computational cost of encoding framework in consideration of the storage cost as well
and decoding and ii) the storage cost of coded data. The as security requirements. Extending [34], we consider
destination node can decode the received packet if and only a probabilistic security model of a network-coded
if the coefficient matrix of the packet is full rank. To cloud storage system. Our results provide a compre-
decrease the probability of receiving linearly dependent hensive understanding for finding the best combina-
packets, the coding parameters including the field size and tion of coding and storage parameters.
the encoding matrix size are assumed to be large. However,
larger value of coding parameters will lead to higher 3 SYSTEM MODEL AND PROBLEM SETUP
computational cost [27]. In addition, to decode a received Now we discuss the coding scheme and define the overflow
codeword, the destination node requires the coding vector problem.
which results in additional packet overhead. Especially, the
computation and storage costs would be severe for a huge 3.1 System Model for NCSS
number of input packets [28]. Consider the original base-d data vector b ¼ ðb1 ; . . . ; bn ÞT ,
To overcome the above issues, it is proposed to separate where elements bi are independent discrete uniformly dis-
a large file into a number of small chunks to which the net- tributed integers over f0; . . . ; d  1g. To securely store b to
work coding is applied [29]. This design is also used in the multiple cloud databases, network coding scheme that enc-
network coding storage system in which the information odes symbols by linear transformation is considered in this
bits are divided into groups (chunks) before encoding. paper [4].
However, it is still an open issue to jointly optimize the Let an n  n Vandermonde matrix A be the encoding
design of chunked network codes and chunk transmission 
matrix, where Ai;j ¼ ðai1 j Þ and ai are distinct nonzero ele-
scheme [30].
ments over a finite field Fq for q ¼ 2k > n. Then a cloud
user encodes data c ¼ ðc1 ; . . . ; cn ÞT ¼ Ab and splits the
2.4 Objective of This Paper encoded data into p segments. It is assumed that the cloud
In this paper, we focus on the performance issue of network user can arbitrarily store any piece of the encoded data to
coding when applying network coding in multiple untru- any cloud database. Let ~ci ði ¼ 1; . . . ; pÞ be the encoded data
sted clouds. The objective of this work is to develop a sys- vector stored in the ith cloud database. A legitimate user
tematic design methodology of a network-coded cloud can collect ~ci from the cloud databases and obtain the origi-
storage system. Similar methodology for the joint coding nal data by performing A1 c.
and placement problem can be found in [31], [32], [33], [34]. We consider the security threat from an eavesdropper
The authors of [31] considered the relations among the having infinite computing power and the knowledge of
clouds during the encoding process and proposed an encoding matrix, but access less than half of the cloud data-
encoding-aware data placement scheme to achieve through- bases [4]. The objective of the eavesdropper is to guess the
put gains of encoding operations. An adaptive network cod- original data. The considered cloud storage system can sup-
ing storage scheme was proposed in [32]. The encoding port different security levels in different databases [35].
strategy is adjusted according to the transmission condi- Define Pei as the probability that the ith cloud database is
tions (e.g., packet loss rate). However, the storage cost of the compromised. Also, the cloud user specifies a security
coded data is not considered. In [33], the authors proposed requirement Pu , which represents the maximum probability
to encode chunks using binary addition and bitwise cyclic that an eavesdropper can guess the original data. Next, we
shift in order to reduce encoding complexity. It is shown will show the overflow problem when distributing encoded
that the optimal tradeoff between storage capacity and symbols to multiple cloud databases.

Example of the Definitions for Overflow Problem

A b c ~
c1 ¼ ðc1 ; c3 Þ ~
c2 ¼ ðc2 Þ strictly non-overflow 3-bounded non-overflow
2 3
1 1 1
Case1 41 2 35 ð1; 0; 0ÞT ð1; 1; 1ÞT ð1; 1Þ ð1Þ Yes Yes
1 4 5
2 3
1 1 1
Case2 41 2 35 ð1; 1; 0ÞT ð0; 11; 101ÞT ð0; 101Þ ð11Þ No Yes
1 4 5

3.2 Overflow Problem Theorem 1. Let si be the number of digits in the base-d plaintext
Although network coding scheme can prevent eavesdrop- bi and 2k be the Galois field size of encoding matrix A. Then,
pers from obtaining the information of the original data [1], the NCSS system is strictly non-overflow if si ¼ s ¼ logk d.
the length of encoded data in digital format may become k
larger than the length of the original data. This phenomenon Proof. First, we assume that si < log 2 d. Then, we have
is called overflow in this paper and is formally defined as k
follows. ¼ k log d 2 ¼ log d 2k : (1)
log 2 d
Definition 1 (Strictly Non-overflow). Let ld ðaÞ be the num-
Because the coding process deals with integers, we have
ber of digits that represents a in base d. A piece of encoded
si  log d ð2k  1Þ. Since ci is distributed over f0; . . . ;
data c ¼ ðc1 ; . . . ; cn ÞT is strictly non-overflow if and only if
2k  1g, the maximum number of digits used to represent
ld ðci Þ  ld ðbi Þ for each i. Note that the length of the encoded
an encoded element is ld ðci Þmax ¼ log d ð2k  1Þ. Further-
data is equal to that of the plaintext for a strictly non-overflow
more, the number of digits in bi can be represented as
encoding process.
ld ðbi Þ. Thus, we have
Definition 2 (a-bounded Non-overflow). Let j~ci j denote
the number of elements in ~ci . A piece of encoded data c ¼ si ¼ ld ðbi Þ  log d ð2k  1Þ ¼ ld ðci Þmax : (2)
ðc1 ; . . . ; cn ÞT is a-bounded Non-overflow if and only if
As a result, the length of encoded data can be larger than
the length of the original data, and the overflow problem
j~ci j
ld ðcj Þ  j~ci jald ðbi Þ; occurs.
j¼1 Second, we assume that si > logk d. We take exponentia-
2 k
tion with base d on both sides and we have dsi > dlog d 2 ¼ 2k
for 1  i  p.
Assume the encoded data are stored in cloud databases Notations in this Paper
randomly. The increasing cost of storage or computation
resources can be measured by the extension degree a ¼ lld ðc iÞ
. Notations Descriptions
d ðbi Þ
Table 2 shows an example for the two different overflow b Original data array
cases with d ¼ 2 and p ¼ 2. The extension degree is bounded d Base of bi
by 3 in case 2, compared to the strictly non-overflow case 1. ld ðaÞ Number of digits that represents a in base d
Note that all the coding operations in the example are per- A Encoding matrix
k Use Galois field size 2k for A
formed in Galois field GF(23 ), constructed with the primitive n Matrix size of A
polynomial P ðxÞ ¼ x3 þ x þ 1. Table 3 summarizes the nota- p Total number of cloud databases
tions used in this paper. c Encoded data vector
ci Encoded data vector
4 OVERFLOW-AVOIDANCE NCSS SYSTEM that stored in the ith cloud database
ci j Number of elements in ~ ci
4.1 Overflow Analysis si Number of digits in bi
Now we analyze the conditions that cause the overflow b0 Regrouped data array
problem of a network-coded cloud storage system. Then we r Size of b0
Pei Probability of the ith
show how the overflow problem can be avoided by select-
cloud database being compromised
ing the proper data length in encoding process. We investi- Pg Probability that an eavesdropper
gate the conditions of distributing coded data for achieving can guess the original data
various security levels. Based on the above analysis, we Pu Security requirement: Maximum probability
describe the system design methods of the NCSS scheme. that an eavesdropper can guess the original data
The encoding parameters in NCSS is related to the over- l Amount of encoded data stored at
flow problem. To avoid the overflow problem, the encoding a local machine for every encoding operation
m Length of the original message
parameters can be designed according to the following a Number of encoding operations

from (1). Since bi ¼ dsi contradicts the fact that the maxi-
mum value of bi is 2k  1, si ¼ s ¼ logk d. u

Theorem 2. The NCSS system is a-bounded non-overflow if

si  a1 log d ð2k  1Þ for every i.
Proof. Since si ¼ ld ðbi Þ and ld ðci Þmax ¼ log d ð2k  1Þ, we have

j~ci j
ld ðcj Þ  j~ci jlog d ð2k  1Þ
1 (3)
¼ a  j~ci jlog d ð2k  1Þ
 aj~ci jsi
¼ aj~ci jld ðbi Þ:

Theorems 1 and 2 provide the criteria of selecting the
length of the plaintext. Next, we discuss the relation between
the security requirement and the amount of encoded stored
Theorem 3. The NCSS system satisfies the security require-
ment Pu if
Fig. 2. System flow of the overflow-avoidance NCSS scheme.
j~ci j X
ld ð~
ci ðjÞÞ  ld ðct Þ þ log d ;
j¼1 t¼1
Pei The field size must be larger than the maximal value of the
data array element d  1. Otherwise, some data elements can-
for 1  i  p. not be represented in the field. After that, a proper length of
data elements si can be decided according to Theorems 1 and
Proof. Without loss of generality, we consider an eavesdrop-
2. This is called dynamic length alphabet representation. We
per that can access only one of the two cloud databases.
then regroup b to b0 ¼ ðb1 . . . bs1 ; bs1 þ1 . . . bs1 þs2 ; . . . ; bs^r1 þ1 . . . bs^r Þ
Thus, the probability that an eavesdropper can guess the
original data (denoted by Pg ) is the product of the intru- based on the value of si , where s^r ¼ ri¼1 si . Next, we gener-
sion probability of the cloud database and the probability ate an n  n encoding matrix A with the following condition:
of guessing the remaining encoded digits. It follows that Condition 2.
P P 
n j~ci j n < 2k (6)
 l ðc Þ l ð~
c ðjÞÞ
t¼1 d t j¼1 d i
Pg ¼ Pei d
(4) and
 Pei dlog d Pu log d Pei
¼ Pu : n  r: (7)

t Since matrix A is constructed from n distinct elements
over the Galois field, we have n < 2k . In addition, the
4.2 Proposed Scheme matrix multiplication cannot be operated if the size of
Now we present our proposed overflow-avoidance NCSS encoding matrix is larger than the size of regrouped
scheme with the required security level Pu . Our proposed data array. We then encode b0 with A and obtain the
scheme is executed in three steps. First, a dynamic-length encoded data array c ¼ ðc1 ; . . . ; cn ÞT . Finally, c can be
alphabet representation of network-coded data is adopted regrouped to ~c by Theorem 3, which specifies the maxi-
based on Theorems 1 and 2. Second, the original data are mum amount of encoded data that can be stored in a
preprocessed and regrouped. Third, the regrouped data are cloud database according to user’s security requirement.
encoded and distributed to the distributedly located cloud Finally, the elements of ~c are distributed to the corre-
databases. sponding p cloud databases.
Fig. 2 shows the system flow of the proposed overflow- Table 4 shows an example of the proposed overflow-
avoidance NCSS scheme. Assume that a cloud user wants avoidance NCSS scheme in the strictly non-overflow case.
to store a single-digit data array b ¼ ðb1 ; . . . ; bm ÞT with base Assume that the original data are b ¼ ð0; 0; 1; 0; 1; 1; 1; 0; 1Þ
d to the p cloud databases. We first choose a power k for the and the encoded data are stored to two cloud databases with
field characteristics according to the following condition: Pe1 ¼ 0:5, Pe2 ¼ 0:25, and Pu ¼ 64 . According to Theorem 1,
we have s ¼ 3. Hence, the original data are regrouped to
Condition 1. ð001; 011; 101Þ in the dynamic length alphabet representation
process. The resulting coded data is ð111; 011; 001Þ. Next,
2k  d: (5) from Theorem 3, we can calculate the maximal numbers of

Example of Adopting Overflow-avoidance NCSS Scheme in Storing Encoded Data to Two Cloud Databases

b d k s b0 r n A c ~
2 3
1 1 1
ð0; 0; 1; 0; 1; 1; 1; 0; 1Þ 2 3 3 ð001; 011; 101Þ 3 3 41 2 35 ð111; 011; 001Þ ð1110; 11001Þ
1 4 5

digits that can be stored in the first and the second cloud from the ith to the jth position of vector e. The set of rows
database are four and five, respectively. As a result, the from the ith to the jth position of matrix D is represented
coded data stored in the first and the second cloud database as Di:j . In addition, bi are independent random variables
are 1110 and 11001, respectively. uniformly distributed over Fq with entropy Hðbi Þ ¼ HðbÞ.
For simplicity, without loss of generality, assume that
5 SECURITY ANALYSIS t contiguous components of the encoded data cpþ1:pþt are
stored to the clouds. Then we can obtain
In this section, we analyze the proposed overflow-
avoidance NCSS scheme in terms of security level and stor-
HðbðwÞ Þ
age cost. First, we discuss the issue of enhancing security (9)
level from a system design aspect. Then, we derive the ¼ HðbðwÞ jcpþ1:pþt Þ  HðbðwÞ jcÞ
upper bound on data size that can be stored in the cloud ¼ IðbðwÞ ; cÞ  IðbðwÞ ; cpþ1:pþt Þ
with unconditional security.
To begin with, from (4) we know that the lower bound of ¼ HðcÞ  Hðcpþ1:pþt Þ  HðcjbðwÞ Þ þ Hðcpþ1:pþt jbðwÞ Þ
the security requirement Pu is  HðcÞ  Hðcpþ1:pþt Þ:
P Pj~ci j  (10)
 l ðc Þ ld ð~
ci ðjÞÞ
t¼1 d t j¼1
Pei d  Pu : (8) In the above equations, (9) holds because of the perfect
secrecy criterion and due to the fact that the secret infor-
Since ld ðct Þ is proportional to the size of Galois field, a larger mation can be reconstructed if the entire codewords are
encoding matrix size n and a large value of power k of the given. In (10), we have Hðcpþ1:pþt jbðwÞ Þ  HðcjbðwÞ Þ  0
field characteristics can result in higher security levels. since
However, enlarging encoding parameters causes higher
coding complexity. Next, we show that the security level HðcjbðwÞ Þ  Hðcpþ1:pþt jbðwÞ Þ ¼ Hðcpþtþ1:n jbðwÞ ; cpþ1:pþt Þ:
can be enhanced to unconditional security level by storing
a certain amount of encoded data in the local machine. Since bi are i.i.d random variables, it follows that
In the considered NCSS with eavesdropper, unconditional
security is equivalent to perfect secrecy, which means that HðbðwÞ Þ ¼ H bqð1Þ ; bqð2Þ ; . . . ; bqðwÞ ¼ wHðbÞ; (11)
the eavesdropper can get no information from the original
message [36]. where qðjÞ is the jth element of a random integer
sequence ranged from 1 to n. Because the encoded data
Definition 3 (Perfect Secrecy Criterion [37]). Denote S as vector c contains the entire information of b at most, we
the random variable associated with the secret data fragments can obtain
and E as the random variable associated with the encoded frag-
ments observed by the eavesdropper. The perfect secrecy requires HðcÞ  nHðbÞ: (12)

HðSjEÞ ¼ HðSÞ;
Moreover, an n  n Vandermonde matrix A is non-
where H(X) represents the entropy of a random variable X. singular [5]. Thus, the eavesdropper can apply Gaussian
elimination to obtain the reduced row echelon form of
In the worst case, an eavesdropper can access the the submatrix S, whose elements are ½Si;j  ¼ ½Ai;j  for
encoded data of all the cloud databases. The following theo- p þ 1  i; j  p þ t. The Eavesdropper Reduced Matrix M
rem can be applied to specify the maximal amount of can be obtained as
encoded data fragments that can be stored in the cloud, 2 3
while keeping the rest of data in a local machine to ensure mp1 . . . j j . . . mpn
perfect secrecy. 6 .. .. . .. 7
Mpþ1:pþt ¼ 4 . . j It j .. . 5; (13)
pþt1 . . . j j pþt1
. . . mn
Theorem 4. Assume that w-digit secret information is encoded m1
with (n  w)-digit data b. For both strictly non-overflow and
P non-overflow schemes, a cloud user can store at where the other element of M are the same as A. Hence,
most nj¼1 ld ðcj Þ  w digits of encoded data to the cloud under the eavesdropper have t equations to solve n unknown
the perfect secrecy criterion. elements. It implies that
Proof. Let eðhÞ represent a subset containing any h compo- Hðcpþ1:pþt Þ ¼ tHðbÞ: (14)
nents of vector e. We denote ei:j as the subvector formed

Fig. 3. An illustrative example of a user keeping a certain amount of

encoded data at the local site in order to enhance security protection.
Fig. 4. Optimal parameter setting for encoding matrix size versus mes-
Substituting (11), (14) and (12) into (10), we obtain sage length under different Galois field sizes 2k .

tHðbÞ  nHðbÞ  wHðbÞ: (15) cloud databases have the same probability of being compro-
mised (i.e., Pei ¼ Pe ) and the security requirement is Pu ,
The above equation shows that we can store at most the which specifies the maximum probability that an eaves-
n  w components of encoded data to the clouds under dropper can guess the original message. In addition to the
perfect secrecy criterion. For the strictly non-overflow encoded data, the encoding matrix is stored at the local site.
scheme, we have only one digit in each P component of Let m and a be the length of the original message and the
encoded data. Thus, we can store at most nj¼1 ld ðcj Þ  w number of encoding operations, respectively. In addition to
digits of encoded data to the clouds, while keeping the the encoded data, the user needs to keep the encoding
remaining w digits in the local machines. However, we matrix for decoding. In case of strictly non-overflow storage,
may have multiple digits in each component of encoded the storage cost at the local site is the function of encoding
data for a-bounded non-overflow scheme. Let eðhÞ repre- matrix size n and the amount of stored encoded data l. As a
sent a subset containing any w fragmentary components result, the storage space used to store the encoded data and
of vector e. With at least n unknown digits, knowing cðwÞ~
the encoding matrix at the local site is
cannot help solve b. As a result, it follows that
  fðn; lÞ ¼ n2 s þ al: (19)
I cðwÞ
; b ¼ 0: (16)
Subject to the security requirement Pu , the storage cost mini-
Note that we still have t equations to solve n unknown mization problem can be expressed as
elements. That is,
min fðn; lÞ (20a)
p al
Hðb ðwÞ
jcpþ1:pþt ; c ðwÞ
Þ ¼ Hðb ðwÞ
jcpþ1:pþt Þ: (17) s.t. ð1  Pe Þ d 4 Pu (20b)

Finally, we obtain 2 4n 42 k
    l 4n (20d)
I cpþ1:pþt ; cðwÞ
; bðwÞ ¼ I cpþ1:pþt ; bðwÞ : (18) ans¼m (20e)

Consequently, we can select w digits of encoded data n; l 2 Zþ ; (20f)

from different w components, i.e., select one digit for
where s is defined in Theorem 1. An eavesdropper can
each component. These w-digit encoded data can be
guess the original message only if he/she can intrude all the
Pn in the local machines, while the remaining
cloud databases and guess the encoded data in the local
j¼1 l d ðc j Þ  w digits are stored to the clouds. u
machine. It is observed that the optimization problem is
nonconvex even if we relax the noncovex constraints
6 STORAGE ANALYSIS n; l 2 Zþ . The complete algorithm for solving this optimiza-
We here analyze the amount of stored encoded data with tion problem is given in Appendix.
the security requirement in terms of the probability that Fig. 4 shows the optimal parameter setting for encoding
an eavesdropper can obtain the original data. This is matrix size n versus the original message length m for d ¼ 2,
because only a certain amount of encoded data fragments Pe ¼ 0:5, p ¼ 3, and Pu ¼ 106 . As the message length
are stored in the local machines to enhance the security increases, the size of the encoding matrix increases. A smaller
level, as shown in the previous section. As the required encoding matrix size is preferred if Galois field size is large.
security level increases, the amount of encoded data Due to the integer constraints in the optimization problem,
stored at the local site increases. the encoding matrix size increases in a step-like function.
Let a cloud user keep the length-l encoded data in each Fig. 5 shows the storage cost fðn; lÞ versus message
encoding operation and store the remaining encoded data length m for d ¼ 2, Pe ¼ 0:5, and p ¼ 3. Intuitively, we need
to p cloud databases as shown in Fig. 3. We assume all the more storage for lower Pu . However, the storage cost with

Parameter Setting

Parameter Value
Original file size 2 MB
Base of bi (d) 2
Galois field size (k) 8 to 16
Number of cloud databases (p) 2 or 3
Probability of the cloud databases 0.5
being compromised (Pe )
Security requirement (Pu ) 106

reliability level. This can be achieved by using a ðn þ zÞ  n

Fig. 5. Storage cost versus message length for different Galois field coding matrix A in the proposed network coding scheme.
sizes 2k and security requirement Pu .

various Pu are the same when m exceeds a certain threshold. 7 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
This is because the considered system is in the case of lower Since the encoding process is performed at local machines,
bound cost (i.e., l ¼ 1). Noteworthily, a larger k can yield a processing delay may be the performance bottlenecks.
smaller lower bound when m > 1000. In general, k 2 ½8; 16 Thus, it is of importance to investigate the impacts of the
[38]. For m < 1000, it is suggested that k ¼ 8; otherwise, system design parameters of a secure network coding
k ¼ 16. scheme on its delay performance. To implement the user
The amount of stored encoded data l is another impor- application and cloud storage, we develop the coding layer
tant design parameter for the proposed NCSS. In practice, and storage layer of NCSS. Each original file is associated
the NCSS system with large l requires a large memory to with the metadata which includes the coding information
store all the coding coefficients. Fig. 6 shows the required l (e.g., encoding coefficients). The goal of our experiments is
under different Pu . To achieve a higher security require- to explore the encoding performance of the proposed NCSS
ment, the user needs to store more encoded data in the local in terms of the file encoding time and the storage cost. Our
site. In addition, l can be reduced up to 80 percent if a large experiments are conducted on a commodity computer with
file is encoded. It is observed that the file size plays a bigger an Intel Core i5 processor running at 2.4 GHz, 8 GB of
role in determining l compared to the Galois field size. RAM, and a 5,400 RPM Hitachi 500 GB Serial ATA drive
Noth that we consider a secure network coding system with an 8 MB buffer. Table 5 shows the parameters setting
with no redundancy as in [1], i.e., n input symbols are for experiments. Note that, in our setting, different cloud
encoded to n coded symbols, and we need all the n coded databases are geographically separated. Hence, the pre-
symbols to recover the data. As shown in [12], network sented results are equivalent to those with p clouds, each
coding can achieve optimal storage-bandwidth tradeoff in having numerous databases.
erasure coded-distributed storage systems. The proposed We begin by estimating the cost of basic field operation.
scheme can be applied to those with redundancy, such as Fig. 7 shows the multiplication processing time of the net-
erasure codes [31] and regenerating codes [33]. In these work coding storage system with different sizes of Galois
cases, n input symbols are encoded to n þ z coded symbols, field. Although the complexity for the network coding is
where the amount of redundancy z depends on the required Oðn2 Þ modular multiplication, we find that the field size
only affects the processing time slightly, which supports
our design methodology of selecting k. Specifically, it

Fig. 6. The amount of stored encoded data l versus security requirement Fig. 7. Processing time versus the multiplication times for different
Pu for different message lengths m. Galois fields 2k .

Fig. 9. Comparison of processing time between the strictly non-overflow

Fig. 8. Comparison of processing time between the strictly non-overflow and the a-bounded non-overflow schemes versus power of Galois field
and the a-bounded non-overflow schemes versus matrix size n with p ¼ 2. characteristic k with p ¼ 2.

indicates that the security level can be enhanced signifi- optimal encoding and storage parameters was provided to
cantly by selecting an appropriate value of k at a small solve the overflow problem and minimize the storage cost.
computational cost. Furthermore, we derived an analytical upper bound on the
To evaluate the computational efficiency of the proposed maximal allowable stored data in the cloud nodes under per-
NCSS scheme, we conduct an encoding test using the pro- fect secrecy criterion. We demonstrated that encoding effi-
posed network coding scheme. Fig. 8 shows the processing ciency in terms of processing time can be improved by
time between the strictly non-overflow and the a-bounded jointly designing the encoding and the storage system
non-overflow schemes for 2 MB file with p ¼ 2, where parameters. More importantly, we suggested the design
a ¼ 5. The processing time is longer for a smaller n or k guidelines for NCSS to optimize the performance tradeoff
since the numbers of encoding times increase. As a result, among security requirement, storage cost per node, and
the system spends more time in I/O operations and fetching encoding processing time. This work can be extended to
data between the kernel and user [10]. Compared to the incorporate user budgets and file recovery, which is an inter-
strictly non-overflow scheme, the a-bounded non-overflow esting topic to study further in the future.
scheme requires more computation cost. The a-bounded
non-overflow scheme costs more than 11 times and 22 times APPENDIX
of the processing time than that of the strictly non-overflow
scheme when k ¼ 16 and 8, respectively. Finally, the best Here we first show that the original storage cost minimiza-
performance is achieved when n > 100 for both non- tion (20) is not convex even when the integer constraint is
overflow schemes. Because increasing n results in a larger relaxed. Then we give the algorithm for solving the optimi-
cost than increasing k, we suggest adjusting k to meet the zation problem by minimizing over separated variables.
security requirements under the condition n ¼ 100. Theorem 5. The objective function of the original storage cost
Fig. 9 compares the processing time of the strictly non- minimization (20) is not convex.
overflow and the a-bounded non-overflow schemes versus
the power of Galois field characteristic k. In the figure, the Proof. We consider the case of strictly non-overflow
strictly non-overflow scheme is preferable to the a-bounded scheme. Substituting si ¼ s ¼ logk d into (20), the original
non-overflow scheme. Noteworthily, k negligibly affects the storage cost minimization is equivalent to
processing time of the strictly non-overflow scheme, but do
impact the processing time of the a-bounded non-overflow k mlog 2 d 1
min fðn; lÞ ¼ n2 þ n l (21a)
scheme. log 2 d k
We note that it is shown in [33] that k ¼ 8 is preferred k Pu
s.t.  log d n 4l 4n (21b)
from the viewpoint of low computational cost in the case of mlog 2 d ð1  Pc Þp
m ¼ 4 KB with no eavesdropper. This is consistent to our
observation from Figs. 4 and 8. On the other hand, if storage 2 4 n 4 2k (21c)
cost is the primary concern, k ¼ 16 is recommended based
n; l 2 Zþ : (21d)
on our results.

Then we prove Theorem 5 by showing that the

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causes more storage spaces and increases encoding time. We 2a þ 2bln3 bn2
HðfÞ ¼ ; (22)
developed the overflow-avoidance network coding based bn2 0
secure storage scheme. A systematic approach for the

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the IEEE.

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