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Article 1: (Baihaqi, 2016)

Baihaqi, Y. (2016). the Effectiveness of Using Task Based Language Teaching (Tblt) in Teaching the
Students’ English Speaking Ability At the Eleventh Grade of Smk Penerbangan Aag Adisutjipto
Yogyakarta. PREMISE JOURNAL:ISSN Online: 2442-482x, ISSN Printed: 2089-3345, 5(1).
A. Introduction
1. Learning process is done to improve students’ communicative skill.
2. English teacher should be creative to create good atmosphere.
3. TBLT is focus on the task and the language as the instrument.
4. With TBLT, teachers have a lot of opportunities to develop various activities.

B. Method
1. Quantitative with true-experimental design.
2. Using test and questionnaire as the instrument.
3. Population: eleventh grade students of SMK Penerbangan AAG Adisutjipto Yogyakarta
4. Sample: 2 intact classes with total number of 63 students.

C. Result
This study is aimed to find out the TBLT method is effective to improve speaking ability at the
eleventh grade students of SMK Penerbangan AAG Adisutjipto Yogyakarta 2012/2013.
1. The average of pretest for EG is 37.13 and for CG is 37.71
2. The average of post-test for EG is 69.13 and for CG is 37.94
3. TBLT is more effective than other method because in the lesson in TBLT is based around the
completion of a central task and language studied is determined by what happens as the students
complete it, teachers can use fun activities with familiar topics to the students that makes students
enjoy, and also it focuses on the meaning, the teacher can help the students to pick the words.
4. While the conventional method may be less effective because it restricted to express students’ idea
because the teacher is as a controller, not as a facilitator.
5. To be fair, some memorization is required in school, but the idea of immersing students in facts,
and then expecting them to do well on a test is absurd. More active and hands-on learning methods
are required. Students need activities that require thinking skills.

D. Discussion
There is no discussion part. It is clearly explained in Result and Findings part.
Article 2: (Marlinton et al., 2023)

Marlinton, M., Syahri, I., & Mayasari, S. (2023). The Efficacy of Task-Based Learning and Learning Motivation on Student’s
Reading Comprehension: A Wholistic Study. Elsya : Journal of English Language Studies, 5(2), 250–269.

A. Introduction
1. Many students face difficulties in comprehending the texts because of intrinsic and extrinsic reasons.
2. One of barrier preventing students from achieving reading comprehension is the teacher-centered, so the students feel
less motivation.
3. By examining the teaching methods and approaches currently used at this school, it is possible to identify potential
areas for improvement and suggest more effective strategies to enhance students’ comprehension.
4. This study not only investigated the efficacy of each variable, which are the TBL approach and learning motivation on
reading comprehension but also examined whether the two variables have a meaningful interactive effect on students’
ability in reading comprehension.

B. Method
1. Quantitative with experimental design, especially factorial design is used to examine the direct and indirect effects of
the independent variables on the dependent variable.
2. The population consisted of 327 eight-grade students from SMPN 36 Palembang.
3. The sample of 64 students was selected using convenience random sampling.
4. The instruments used in this research are reading comprehension test included 20 multiple-choice and 14 motivational
survey questions.

C. Result
1. EG (pretest: 40.94); (posttest: 69.38) it showed significant improvement.
2. CG (pretest: 28.59); (posttest: 45.63) it showed smaller increase in mean scores.
3. The motivation level from EG (High: 21 students 65.6%; Low: 11 students 34.4%) and from CG (High: 15 students
46.9%; Low: 17 students 53.1%)
4. The effect size (Cohen's d) for the experimental vs. control groups was 0.74, indicating a large effect size. This
implies that TBL significantly enhances reading comprehension compared to traditional instruction. Additionally, the
effect size for highly motivated students vs. those with low motivation was 0.52, indicating a moderate effect size.
5. Highly motivated students who were instructed using the TBL approach and those who were instructed using the
traditional approach showed substantially distinct reading comprehension accomplishments.
6. Reading comprehension skills were noticeably different between low-motivation students who got instructed using the
TBL approach and those who received instruction using the traditional approach.
7. Students who were instructed utilizing the TBL approach and had high or low motivation showed substantially
distinct reading comprehension achievement. Students who were instructed utilizing the traditional approach and had
high or low motivation showed substantially distinct reading comprehension achievement.
8. The obtained significance value of 0.847 indicates that the interaction effect between TBL, learning motivation, and
reading comprehension was not statistically significant. This suggests that the impact of motivation on the relationship
between TBL and reading comprehension was not substantial. While both TBL and learning motivation individually
influenced reading comprehension, their combined effect did not show a significant interaction. Therefore, the
improvement in reading comprehension achieved through TBL was not significantly influenced by students’

D. Discussion
1. The results indicated that students’ reading comprehension abilities are influenced by their motivation to learn and the
specific learning approach utilized.
2. Notably, the interaction between task-based learning and learning motivation does not significantly impact students’
reading comprehension capacity, suggesting that TBL remains effective regardless of varying motivation levels.
3. These findings significantly contribute to the research field by highlighting the robustness and practical applicability of
TBL in enhancing reading comprehension skills.
Article 3: (Farizka et al., 2020)

Farizka, N. M., Santihastuti, A., & Suharjito, B. (2020). Students ’ Learning Engagement in Writing Class : A Task-
Based Learning. JELTL (Journal of English Language Teaching and Linguistics), 5(2), 203–212.

A. Introduction
1. Meaningful learning activities will make students develop engagement through their participation in the
2. Most of students were difficulties in developing and organizing ideas. In other cases, the result of the
observation presented that only no more than half of the students were active in the writing class.
3. TBL comes to overcome those problems because TBL provides supporting materials to help students
developing ideas and reduces the students’ passiveness.

B. Method
1. Quantitative research method (to verify a theory of TBL from Nunan (1989) and theory of Learning
Engagement from Bloom (1959)) with using CAR approach.
2. Subject of this research is VII E students of SMPN 2 Jember 2017/2018
3. Observation: to see the students’ engagement during the teaching-learning process.

C. Result
1. The first indicator of the students’ engagement was the students’ participation in the pair work section. In
this stage, students were doing pre and during-task activity. From the field note collected, it could be seen
that almost all of the students identified the text correctly and completely.
2. The second indicator of the students’ engagement was the students’ participation in the group discussion
section. In doing during-task activity, all of the students indicated their interest and involvement that could
be seen from their behavior that all of the students mastered the group discussion session that was based on
the task-based instruction.
3. The third indicator of the students’ engagement was the students’ participation in giving a friend’s work
feedback. In doing during-task activity, almost all of the students involved in giving precious suggestions
as their ability in writing achievement to their friend’s descriptive text writing.
4. The forth indicator of the students’ engagement was the students’ participation in sharing the topic in the
class. From the students’ way in doing the post-task activity, almost all of them shared their ideas or
arguments in the whole class discussion. They were confident in delivering their opinion on their friend’s
work, asking their difficulty, expressing their opinion without feeling shy, and gave suggestions regarding
the error together.

D. Discussion
1. The research result indicated that Task-Based Learning (TBL) activities allowed students became active
participants that got students engaged in the meaningful activities as they had a chance to have a discussion
with their friends, deliver their ideas, present their work, ask and answer questions, and give some
comments or feedback.
2. In terms of students’ interactions, a researcher found that there was a positive higher behavioral engagement
in students’ interaction both in pair work section and group work discussion after they understood the
instruction stated in each task.
3. In the process of learning writing, a researcher has discovered that positive advice, kind words or
reinforcements and rewards could develop students’ enjoyment, interest, and satisfaction in the process of
learning through Task-Based Learning (TBL).
4. During the process of learning writing, both researcher and the English teacher pointed out that the use of
supporting materials encouraged students to become interested in the topic appeared and helped them in
gaining a deeper understanding of the processes better writing.
5. After conducting this research, it was convinced us that all the activities in Task-Based Learning (TBL)
through pre-task activity, during-task activity, and post-task activity required the students to actively engage
in the tasks and to complete the task.
Article 4: (Amsori et al., 2023)

Amsori, H., Nugraha, M. A., & Sibarani, J. (2023). The Effect of Task Based Learning Method Using Anchor
Podcast Application on Students’ Speaking Ability. ELTIN JOURNAL: Journal of English Language
Teaching in Indonesia, 11(1), 67–76.

A. Introduction
1. Students are faced with a short learning time during Covid-19: students have difficulty absorbing or
understanding the material.
2. 3 bases in giving students speaking tasks: (1) Practice; (2) Feedback; (3) Engagement
3. TBL focuses on familiarizing students to speak English with tasks.
4. Disadvantage of TBL is time-consuming, need good time management.
5. English and technology are important tools to support language learning and encourage social
6. Anchor podcast application as the media to create task; podcast is effective media because can be used
as a variety of learning, the students can do their task with the creativity and knowledge they get
during learning process.

B. Method
1. Mixed Method; quantitative with the quasi-experimental design.
2. Population was tenth grade students of TKJ and TKR with total of 55 students at SMK Gina Abidin
3. Sample of this study is 18 students from TKJ and 17 students from TKR; using quota sampling.
4. Instrument used in this research are questionnaire and observation sheet.

C. Result
1. Based on the statistic result, there is an effect of task-based learning method (anchor podcast
application) on students’ speaking ability.
2. The difference between the values is quite significant between the pre-test and post-test scores. And
there is a difference in the increase in the means value of the experimental class which shows a mean
value of 14.666 which is greater than the increase in the mean value of the control class which is only
3. In general students give statements indicating that students’ effectiveness such as motivation, students’
interest in learning to speak English using the TBL method has a positive effect.
4. Based on the result of the observation, students improve speaking ability by using TBL method using
anchor podcast.

D. Discussion
1. There is a significant effect of the use of task-based learning methods using anchor podcast application
on students’ speaking ability.
2. In the student response questionnaire, it was found that each indicator representing the student’s
response to students’ speaking ability showed very good results, especially from the affective aspect
which showed a percentage of 91%, cognitive aspect showed 82%, means result of increase students’
grammar mastery is 58.5%, and behavior aspect showed 62%.
3. There is a positive response from students who use this method than those who do not, with increased
motivation, willingness and ability of students in learning to speak English. Students can increase their
learning independence by practicing in a fun way.
Article 5: (Putri, 2022)

Putri, W. M. (2022). Exploring Students’ Experiences of Task-Based Language Teaching (Tblt) in Vocabulary
Learning: a Narrative Inquiry. Journal of Languages and Language Teaching, 10(2), 302–308.

A. Introduction
1. Vocabulary as one of the supporting components of language skills is very important to learn because it
affects the meaning and message that the person wants to convey.
2. Students had difficulty when asked to remember or memorize previously learned English vocabulary. They
further said that they often find it difficult to arrange or choose the right English vocabulary in a sentence.
3. Several indicator obtained by the researcher: (1) students tend not to pay attention to the material; (2)
students feel nervous; (3) the smarter students dominate in the classroom.
4. To overcome the problem, the researcher make the student-centered classroom, and chose TBLT as the
approach. Because it is considered to provide convenience for learners to master the material learning.

B. Method
1. Qualitative research method; narrative inquiry.
2. Subject of the study: 3 students at 1st grade Junior High School in Karawang, Jawa Barat.
3. Interview sheet and documentation (reflective journal) are the instrument used in this study.

C. Result
1. The task is making a video about 20 new vocabulary in the home environment, making a video about 40
new vocabulary in the school environment, and making a video about 60 new vocabulary in public place.
2. There are 4 interview questions to the three participants. (1) What do you think about TBLT in Vocabulary
learning?; (2) Do you think TBLT is effective in Vocabulary learning?; (3) What are the advantages of
TBLTT in Vocabulary learning that you feel?; (4) What are the disadvantages of TBLT in Vocabulary
3. The result showed positive opinions about TBLT in vocabulary learning.

D. Discussion
1. The conclusion of first question’s answer: Task Bask Language Teaching (TBLT) in vocabulary learning is
that contains assignments given by the teacher to students. In the tasks process, students are given task in
stages. It is students-center approach, because students can choose any new vocabulary, it is not restricted.
Based on tasks, the students more active and they can more fluency.
2. Based on the participants’ opinion, TBLT is effective. It can be concluded that TBLT is a method that can
increase students’ activity in doing assignment. In addition, students can understand more new vocabulary
and it is also easier to memorize new vocabulary.
3. The participants give positive statement about the advantage of TBLT because it helps students to construct
their vocabulary knowledge and they feel happy in doing the task because they are not demanded too hard
by the teacher when doing the tasks since this learning system frees students to further explore the
4. There are little disadvantage of TBLT in vocabulary learning based on the participants’ opinion, that
is: the lazy students will be lazier if they have no desire in doing the tasks.
5. The use of TBLT helped make it easier for students to understand the content of the text in learning

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