Activity 1

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Activity 1: “Confessions of a Shopaholic”

Name: Elle Marie D. Navarra Section: CE-15

Instructor: Ms. Marrol Lor Miole Date: 11/10/2023

Instructions: Discuss your most significant takeaway from the movie.

- As discussed in our lesson, shopping addiction is a form of disorder that

causes unnecessary and excessive spending. I found it very ironic that I watched
the movie immediately after i checked out absurdly expensive but needless
products on the internet. Just like Rebecca Bloomwood, I find joy in lovely shoes,
clothes, bags, and whatever sparkly items that makes a girl's heart happy. While
there is nothing wrong with finding joy in material things, we have to reflect if
this specific object still gives you that happiness that you seek. Hoarding disorder
is an ongoing difficulty throwing away or parting with possessions because you
believe that you need to save them. Sometimes, hoarding can be manifested in
excessive spending on things that are really unnecessary. The phrase "deserve ko
to" can sometimes be overused and tolerates unwise financial decisions. In the case
of Rebecca Bloomwood, her obsession with material things made her delusional
and disconnected from the reality of debts and its severe consequences. It got so
severe that it has affected her job, her relationships with friends, family, and the
guy he loves. As discussed in the movie, financial literacy was advocated to try and
solve this issue. But financial literacy alone was not enough to solve this problem,
but also seeing this as a psychological condition that needs to be treated with the
support and patience of the people around.
Activity 2: Debit Card Challenge
Name: Elle Marie D. Navarra Section: CE-15
Instructor: Ms. Marrol Lor Miole Date: 11/10/2023

Instructions: A very wealthy person gave you a debit card and told you to use it
as much as you want to make yourself happy. What are you going to do with
your debit card? Make a list of what you want to have. Write as many as you

Assuming that there is no limit:

• Pay my tuition
• Buy a nice and comfortable house
• Occasional vacations wherever I want
• Exquisite food
• Clothes that fit my style
• Jewelries
• Bags
• Shoes
• Self-care maintenance (facials, skincare, bodycare)
• Hair appointments
• Nail appointments

What did you feel while doing the debit card challenge?
-It felt very freeing and I had fun thinking about the things I want in life, and I
realized that it revolved around money and/or can be achieved through money.
Which among the items on your list do you like most? Why?
-No matter how shallow it sounds, I would choose the clothes. Being a
fashionista is a big part of who I am as a person. Through what I wear, I am able
to express myself and let my mind and creativity shine through.
Given the chance in real life, to have one among the list, which one will you
choose? Explain.
-I’ll be practical about my decision and choose to have a fully paid tuition so that
I can achieve my dream career. No matter how expensive and glamorous my
material things are, I can only feel contented and fulfilled if I achieve my goals.
Through my hardwork, I will be able to provide myself with all my wants and
needs and I won’t be needing a wealthy person’s debit card.
Activity 3: Reflection
Name: Elle Marie D. Navarra Section: CE-15
Instructor: Ms. Marrol Lor Miole Date: 11/10/2023

Instructions: “What is something that you discovered or realized about yourself

from this lesson?”

- There is nothing wrong with being materialistic. After all, our possessions are
an extension of who we are. I realized that we should also have a healthy
relationship with our material things. What I mean by this, is having a balance
in controlling your spending/hoarding, but not completely depriving yourself
from things that make you happy. We should promote awareness of personal
expenses, distinguishing between needs and wants, and setting realistic
financial goals to avoid bad financial decisions. I would describe myself as
materialistic, but I wouldn't say that I am a shallow person that only get my
happiness from designer shoes and bags. As I get through the journey of knowing
my sense of style, my taste in furniture, the kind of house I want someday, etc, I
am also getting to know myself better and what contributes to my happiness.

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