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India always believed in peace and she has always promoted it by all means. She was never in
favour of manufacturing a nuclear bomb which only brings ruin and disaster to millions of
people. But as many countries whether developed or developing, have conducted many nuclear
tests, it became a necessity for our country to go nuclear.
Further, the rising trend of intervention by the industrialised nations in the internal affairs of
developing nations among which India is also one was one of the main reasons which
compelled India to divert her nuclear resources towards nuclear weapons.It was an urgent need
to protect our national security, because national development depends on it. Development is
inseparable from national security. And finally India conducted three nuclear tests on May 11,
1998 and two more tests on May 13, 1998 in Pokhran.

But India’s stand on the role of nuclear weapons is quite clear. She is not in race with any other
nuclear power. She has exercised her nuclear option without violating any international
obligations in order to deter the threats that would have compromised her national security.
India is very much clear on this point that she will employ nuclear energy for peaceful purposes
only. And what is more important is that India affirms her commitment to no-first-use of
nuclear weapons and not using these weapons against those countries which are non-nuclear
weapon states.
Nuclear weapons will only be used in retaliation against a nuclear attack on Indian Territory or
on Indian forces elsewhere. Thus India’s main objective to have nuclear weapons is to provide a
solid base to the national security system. She is sure that she will never misuse her nuclear
Thus India’s nuclear policy is very much responsible. It aims at providing minimum credible
deterrent. The most significant aspect of the policy is that it is intimately tied up with continued
commitment to total nuclear disarmament, which is the need of the hour. Nuclear weapons are
deadly weapons and nuclear war would result in total destruction as the whole planet would be
totally devastated and survivors would face terrible conditions.Hence, it is necessary to speak
out against the nuclear armament. Nuclear energy must be used for peaceful purposes and
India wishes arms race should be stopped by all means. But it is unfortunate that the five major
nuclear powers are reluctant to give up their monopoly over production and deployment of
nuclear weapons while denying a similar privilege to other countries. Under these
circumstances, it is really an admirable step for India to have nuclear weapons so that others
may not befool us or they may not take an aggressive turn against us.Thus India’s nuclear policy
is highly appreciating and others should follow it in order to maintain peace in the world. But
we have Pakistan in our neighbourhood which has no elief in the principle of no-first use of
nuclear weapons; akistan maintains the first strike option in its nuclear policy and has refused
to sign an agreement on no-first-use. Whatever way be the attitude of otljier countries, India is
firm in her ecision and is not going misuse her nuclear capability.



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