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Evolution of humans
 Humans evoluted from apes.
 Australopithecus : lived about 4 million years ago, height less than
 Homo habilis : lived about 2.8 million years ago, height less than
 Homo erectus : lived about 1.5 million years ago, height less than
 Homo sapiens : lived about 200,000 years ago, height less than 1.5
From pre-historic time to historic times :
Pre-historic times : Not invented writing
Historic times : Invented writing, the Sumerian invented the first
writing and started the first civilization.

Stone age and Metal Ages :

Stone age : divided into old and new stone ages. Old stone age people
are not civilized, they have not polished their stones, they have no
civilizations. They live in huts, move from place to place and eat by
grabbing wild fruit, fishing and hunting. As for the new stone age,
people are more civilized. They built houses, lived in cities , had science
and technology, developed art and religion, had governments are
Metal ages : The tools that they use are metal.

Men at the time

 Peking man : China , 6 million
 Lantian man : China ,5 million
 Java man : India, 5 million
 Cro-Magnon man : France, 400,000 BC
 Neanderthal man : Germany ,2 million

Four ancient Civilizations :

Nile Valley : Egypt, 3500-305 BC , main cities are Thebes and Menphis
Huanghe Valley : China , 1200BC – now, main cities are yin and bo,
Shang people
Fertile cresent : Iran, Iraq , Syria, Turkey , 4000-539 BC, main cities are
Indus Valley : Pakistan , 2600-1500 BC , main cities are Harappa and

More About Nile Valley Civilization :

Nile Valley : A river flowing from the Mediterranean sea to the Nile,
very long , there is Upper and lower Egypt. King Menes united the
whole Egypt. It is very famous, even the Kusties nearby was influenced
by the Egyptian and had their own civilization.

Cities in Egypt :
1. Big temple *(the largest one worships Ptah ), Palace , breweries,
factories and houses made of mud bricks.
2. Moats and ports surrounding the city.
3. Have pyramids for royal members.
The king of Egypt is call Pharaohs and they worship gods.
They believe that they can reborn. They have a lot of techniques to
preserve the dead bodies well. They use a lot of expensive linen to wrap
the dead body and rubbed their body with oil to prevent decay. They
have levels of people , they have the rulling class ( pharaohs, priests,
nobles) and the ordinary class (normal people ), and the lower class
(Crimminals and slaves). Ordinary people are just buried in the end
while the lower class cannot be buried, which they think will reduce
their chances of rebirth.

Hieroglyphics hieratic demotic

They invented writing , brews (beers), chemistry , methods of counting

time and maths.

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