Industrial Automation and Robotics (1st and 2nd Experiments)

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SRE VIDYANIKETHAN ENGINEERING COLLEGE °c sawarunconr. ARANGAMPET Page No. 0 NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT =yExp-1 => => 1: Demonstration of the > RoBeT Configuration => Aim: Te Study basic |_~¥ations- Theory: @ RobeHics and Avtemation: Kebelics and fvtomation ReboticS is the Science of designing and beilding Fobets suitable fer yeal life applications in qutomated Manefactoving and ether non- Mancfackoring envieYnments. Robot ave -the means of performing activities ~for man's welfare inthe Most planed and fntegrat edl Manney. ~The obot Co-ordinate Con-Cigva Robot iS a essential oF CAM and CIM Technology. The Came from the Gechoslovakn bhich MeanS$ A Workey on a heavy — Work So YobotS With -theiy Component Name robol word Robota Slave doing Sensory Capabi -lities and artificral — fatelligence are Mere Advanced “than -the ConVentiona! automated machines ave _!o all and Roll No.: 20).21A0306 Foe en ee SREE SAINATHNAGAR, SREE VIDYANIKETHAN ENGINEERING COLLEGE ‘A.RANGAMPET Date: | Page No, OD NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT Ex.No.? Ol (2) specifications oF < Robots (@) Accuracy () Eavelope (4) Repeatability C1) Maseimum Envelope se Deayee cee treesecs (Z) Restricted envelpe ) Resolution i pseah ; Ced et (kK) Operating Envelope (Ff) Maximum Speed ® Payload 3) Basic Configurations, Of industriel Robots With th applications. dustrial Wobots Come “in a Vaviety of ‘ Shapes ard Sizes-—The Capable of Various ayn Manipulations and they possess. different mation SyStems. This Section discusses the Various basic physical Configurations of Robotics. The following -foor basic Configurations Can be Combined 19 VariovuS WayS to PYoduce Variety of tobotic Combinations. (2) Cartesian Configuration. Cartesian Vobok is form by 3 prismatic Binks, whose ates ave coinciclent With xy and Z planes. “fhe “Thvee oythogonal divectiong ave X,Y and Z X-Coordinate Represents left. and Right motion. Y—ccovdinate Represente forward and backward motion. Z~ coordinate Represen ke op and down motions. Roll No.: 2.012 M0306 SREEVIDYANIKETHAN ENGINEERING COLLEGE S*= SwNarsNAGAR. —peome Page No. OB NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT 2 ON >| DIG) Spherical Configuration :- > Applications s- Advantages®- >S IWneae axes. > Easy to visualize, ability to do styaight line into -fornaces. > Easy Cornputertion and Pr¥egratnming. Risadvantages:. > Can only veach ~Pront of it. > Requires large floor Space. => Arxces hard +o Steal). pick and place Operations, Assembly and Sub-Assem bly, avtomated Cading CNe Lathe Milling operations, Nucleay Matern] handling. welding etc: “The Robot has one lineay and two angelay Motions-The lineay_ motion, y corvesponds to etal! fin o« out -translation, -the first angolar rnotion Gov veSponds ‘to base Yoktation, and Second angular motion, ts one that yotates ahook an axis -ley to Vertital -through the base. and fs Sometimes -termed as elbow FolAbion. Advantages :~ A) 4 Liners +2 Rotating axes. a) Loge working envelopes. Me SREE SAINATHNAGAR, SREE VIDYANIKETHAN ENGINEERING COLLEGE A.RANGAMPET Date: Page Noy NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT EanaT ol Disadvantages :- Can't each around obstacles. J Low acevracy. “7 Complex Coordinates move difficult to Visualize. Arphic tions + _ Die casting, Dip coating, Forging, Glass Hand ling, Heat Treating, TrTection Meotding, Machine Tee) handling, Materia] “Transfer, Press” Loading ebc (£) cylindrical Configuration: Cylindyica) gobotk is able +o votake along his Main axes forming a cylindvical Shape 7t Zonsiste Qa Vertical coleumn, Relative 0 which a¥m assen -bly is moved Up oY down. The Resolution of Positioning of end effectors fs nok Constant, bok depends on -the degree of extension a the horizontal axis. 5} @ >| Advantages: > Qlinear axes +4. vokating. +> aan Feach all Qvound “itself. > Reach and height axes ~wigid- Rotational axis easy to heal- DIS advantages. > can'k seach above itself. > Lineay aces are havd to Seal. licati ae Applications: . . - Assembly, Coating Apficitions, GonvVeyoy pallet Transfer, Die casting - Forging Applications. Roll No.:2012JA03 06 SREE VIDYANIKETHAN ENGINEERING COLLEGE Page No. O5 NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT SREE SAINATHNAGAR, ‘A.RANGAMPET. {d))Scata* | certesian SyStems- Advan tages: BOs = >A linear + 2t0taling axes: > High axis fe vigid- > High Speed- > bege Work area -for —flooy Space. Disadyantages:- > Highly “Complex artims - 7 2ways to’ Teach point = Limited Applications Application: Assembly operations pif. tek ekc- P' Pick and Conclusion: - -Hence, we have Stuied -the Corfigurations. ScARA stands for Selectively Compliant Ass cbly Robot Arm. Similay to Jointed - arm yobot except that vertical axeS insertion TaskS. all of which operate pavallel to gravity, easing -the Mechanical borden: The ReSolutiog of PoSitior wing of end effector is not ConStank throug he —the WorkSpace, bok -theSe Yobots do have a high degvee of pesitiona) epeatabi Iity. They axe generally faster and move expensive than Place work Robok Roll No. 20121 FO306 a - ——_ SREE VIDYANIKETHAN ENGINEERING COLLEGE — SPeEsanarunacar, A.RANGAMPET Date Page No.O& NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT _ [Bee on >Ex —2 => =72- Demonstration of Rebot => botth 2 DoF, 3Der,4 DoF => Aim:- Study of RoBot with 2 DOF, 3 DoF, ky DoF. Forward and Reverse Kinematies Transformation OF the Degrees of -feeedomn Robot ARM: pPorward Transformation: “The Position and orientation of end- angles and the link Ppayameters ky following equations, Bk y Xz = Nloso, +2y code, +62) +05 cos (0,+62 +83) Ys = LiSine.+ 228% (0,402) +2zsin(e+e2+03) > ge O:+O2+ 63 IyReverse_ “Transformations The Toint angles can also be deterenting) LProm the end- effector position (3.43) and the ovientation, (p) USing -Veverse Wransforenq -Hon In the -folbwing Way. My =X%z-Ngcosp . J2=43-23Sing From -the given geometry, 7 F%Mxzlcose: +r2¢0SO, cos 5 - fp Sin®) Sines OM 7 Io=i1 sine, + &2Sine, coser+05 2S 8) Stno2 >) at eFReckif, in world Space Gan be .deteveniined -Prom -the Join Sparing and adding Equation O% @ Roll No.:2e1Z1AOS og TT Gad inverse Kiganatics gt. Fev and mer Ki 3 tt 2 “pputs : tend 3 output: 2 prs ee: [> [tation of : cf z y, Scheme > EMS i 26 Ame ches! PAR Tree ‘DeF 2b Maniplatr > - SREE SAINATHNAGAR, SREE VIDYANIKETHAN ENGINEERING COLLEGE ARANGAMPET Page No. OF NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT. pcoseg = HEAVEMAME Substitute the value oF O2 in DLO, we obtain the Value of O;- > Finally, the value of ©3 co be obtained using Lfollowing Keaction:- 3 83 = - (81+ 2)a- IrFotwaxd and Reverse “Kransformakion of a -fooy degrees of freedom Manipelatey in 3p: TA . U-degrees of Freedom — wanipolatoy in 3D is ilustvated- Joint 4 allows wetation avook z-aqxis,Joint 2 allecos Boktation aboot an axis es to Z-axis ,Toine 3 alkws zg is a lineay Teint and Joint 4 allons wokation abot aq axis Parallel © the wink -Qaxis. let, HrOi= Angle of wotation of Teink albase volatiod [7 G2= angle of otation of sine 2(Elevation are} [7 4= fength of binear Joint 3 (Combination of 61 (7 y= Angle of Ytation of Teint (pitch angle Fotward Transformation t- Fhe Positien 6F the “end-eFFectey P ta World space is given by 7 X= (Lceose, +k, 584) ¢ CoSe, 7 T= (Qcoso2+ Sy cos 4)X Sino Roll No.: 26 I21Ao30g 2 ween sine 2-T WU SIN wE, FI92- Foor B-D DoF Mg ° gispisr jo Masipulator > 1 6 SREE SAINATHNAGAR, ANGAMPET SREE VIDYANIKETHAN ENGINEERING COLLEGE | Page No. OB NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT > Z= Qt0 sinO2+ My Siney,. || Reverse ~Tyansfotmation 2- “The pitch angle (4) and the world coordi (xyz) oF =poink Pp, ave given the oink pasiti =onS Can be determine the following aay? let the cooydinake of Toink 4 be (xp 54,F 4) | Then, = Xy = X—cos, (Ay cos ou), 7 Sy =4— Sine, (2, cosey)- > Zu = z~ Lysine, New the values 6f ©).82 and 2 can be-fand =Cosb,= Ju 5 L F SinOr= Zy-), Aa || Conclusion: Thos ky studying the Loroed ¢ a Kinematics Y Various RoBor Manipal need we Conclte With — demonstration Ben ee Sper & Der OF RoR Manipulator, . ‘ Roll

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