Pollution in The Philippines

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Pollution in the Philippines

 Introduction
o Hook: Pollution is one of the most serious environmental problems in
the Philippines, affecting the health and well-being of millions of people
and the quality and diversity of natural resources.
o Thesis: Pollution in the Philippines is caused by various factors, such as
rapid urbanization, industrialization, population growth, and poor waste
management, and it has negative impacts on human health, biodiversity,
and climate change.
o Preview: Today, I will discuss the main types of pollution in the
Philippines, such as air, water, and plastic pollution, and their causes and
effects, and I will suggest some possible solutions to address this issue.

 Body
o Paragraph 1: Air pollution is one of the most prevalent and harmful types
of pollution in the Philippines, especially in urban areas like Metro
 Example: Air pollution is the presence of harmful substances in
the atmosphere, such as particulate matter (PM), sulfur dioxide
(SO2), ozone (O3), and carbon monoxide (CO).
 Evidence: These substances can have various sources, such as
burning of fossil fuels, industrial processes, and natural events.
These substances can also have various impacts, such as
affecting human health, climate, and ecosystems. Air pollution
is a serious environmental and public health issue that requires
urgent attention and action.
 : Analysis: This shows that air pollution in the Philippines
exceeds the safe standards and poses a serious threat to public
health and the environment.
o Paragraph 2: Air pollution in the Philippines is mainly caused by the
burning of fossil fuels, such as coal and oil, for electricity generation,
transportation, and by other sources, such as open burning of organic
matter and volcanic eruptions.
 Example: In 2022, the Philippines experienced a series of volcanic
eruptions from the Taal Volcano, which spewed ash and gas into
the air, affecting millions of people in nearby provinces.
 Evidence: According to the Philippine Department of Health,
more than 39,000 people were affected by the volcanic activity
and many of them suffered from the respiratory problems,
irritation, skin diseases and mental stress.
 Analysis: This shows that air pollution in the Philippines has
significant economic and social costs, and it requires urgent action
from the government and the society.
o Paragraph 3: Water pollution is another major type of pollution in the
Philippines, affecting the quality and availability of freshwater and
marine resources.
 Example: Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies,
such as rivers, lakes, oceans, and groundwater, by harmful
substances, such as chemicals, pathogens, nutrients, and plastics.
 Evidence: According to the NRDC, water pollution occurs when
harmful substances, often chemicals or microorganisms,
contaminate a stream, river, lake, ocean, aquifer, or other body of
water, degrading water quality and rendering it toxic to humans or
the environment.
 Analysis: This shows that water pollution in the Philippines is
widespread and severe, and it threatens the sustainability and
security of water resources and ecosystems.

 Conclusion
o Restate thesis: Pollution in the Philippines is caused by various factors,
such as rapid urbanization, industrialization, population growth, and
poor waste management, and it has negative impacts on human health,
biodiversity, and climate change.
o Summarize main points: Pollution in the Philippines can be classified
into two main types: air and water pollution, and each of them has
different causes and effects, but all of them pose serious challenges to
the environment and the society.
Pollution in the Philippines: Causes and

Pollution is one of the most serious environmental problems in the

Philippines, affecting the health and well-being of millions of people and the quality
and diversity of natural resources. Pollution in the Philippines is caused by various
factors, such as rapid urbanization, industrialization, population growth, and poor
waste management, and it has negative impacts on human health, biodiversity, and
climate change. Today, I will discuss the main types of pollution in the Philippines,
such as air, water, and plastic pollution, and their causes and effects.

Air pollution is one of the most prevalent and harmful types of

pollution in the Philippines, especially in urban areas like Metro Manila. Air pollution
is the presence of harmful substances in the atmosphere, such as particulate matter
(PM), sulfur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O3), and carbon monoxide (CO). These
substances can have various sources, such as burning of fossil fuels, industrial
processes, and natural events. These substances can also have various impacts, such as
affecting human health, climate, and ecosystems. Air pollution is a serious
environmental and public health issue that requires urgent attention and action. This
shows that air pollution in the Philippines exceeds the safe standards and poses a
serious threat to public health and the environment.

Air pollution in the Philippines is mainly caused by the burning of fossil

fuels, such as coal and oil, for electricity generation, transportation, and by other
sources, such as open burning of organic matter and volcanic eruptions. Example, In
2022, the Philippines experienced a series of volcanic eruptions from the Taal
Volcano, which spewed ash and gas into the air, affecting millions of people in nearby
provinces. According to the Philippine Department of Health, more than 39,000
people were affected by the volcanic activity and many of them suffered from the
respiratory problems, irritation, skin diseases and mental stress. This shows that air
pollution in the Philippines has significant economic and social costs, and it requires
urgent action from the government and the society.
Water pollution is another major type of pollution in the Philippines,
affecting the quality and availability of freshwater and marine resources. Water
pollution is the contamination of water bodies, such as rivers, lakes, oceans, and
groundwater, by harmful substances, such as chemicals, pathogens, nutrients, and
plastics. According to the NRDC, water pollution occurs when harmful substances,
often chemicals or microorganisms, contaminate a stream, river, lake, ocean, aquifer,
or other body of water, degrading water quality and rendering it toxic to humans or
the environment. This shows that water pollution in the Philippines is widespread and
severe, and it threatens the sustainability and security of water resources and

To conclude, Pollution in the Philippines is caused by various factors,

such as rapid urbanization, industrialization, population growth, and poor waste
management, and it has negative impacts on human health, biodiversity, and climate
change. Pollution in the Philippines can be classified into two main types: air and
water pollution, each of them has different causes and effects, but all of them pose
serious challenges to the environment and the society.
Pollution in the Philippines: Causes and Effects

I. Introduction

a. Definition of Pollution in the Philippines.

b. Causes and Effects of Pollution on human health, biodiversity, and climate


c. Main types of pollution in the Philippines.

II. Body

a. Air pollution

-Definition and examples of harmful substances in atmosphere

-Evidences of sources of harmful substances

-Analysis about the effects of air pollution to public health and the environment

b. Air pollution

-Examples of natural disaster and its impact on atmosphere

-Evidences of effects of the volcanic eruption on human health

-Analysis about the air pollution

c. Water pollution

-Effects of water pollution in the Philippines

-Examples of Causes of water pollution

-Evidences of water pollution that affect water forms and human health
-Analysis about the importance of sustainability and security of water resources

III. Conclusion

a. Restate Thesis about the causes and effects of the pollution in the Philippines

b. Summary of main points about the two main pollution in the Philippines

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