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The Holy Family School 1st prep Egghead chapters 1&2

1-Put true or false:
1- Michael is called “egghead” at school.
2- Andrew is older than Michael.
3- Andrew lives in a flat.
4- Michael’s class will read the poem at the playground.
5- Stephen Foster read the poem in an exciting way.
6- Miss White is an art teacher.
7- Mr. Wilson is in his early twenties.
8- Michael doesn’t like going to school
9- His mum and dad don’t know about Andrew.
10-Michael’s favourite book is Treasure Island.
11- We wear sunglasses when it is foggy.
12- Michael plays football with Andrew.
13- Michael hates drawing after he meets Mr. Wilson.
14- Michael’s school finishes at three o’clock.
15- Michael and David became friends when they fought.
16- Michael read the poem at the school assembly.
17- David has a small face and big nose.
18-Michael doesn’t care about what other boys say about him.
19- The boys at school have their lunch at the canteen.

2- Match the questions with the answers:

1- Why does Michael feel lucky?
2- Why doesn’t Michael like school?
3- Why doesn’t Michael like the way Stephen reads the poem?
4- How does Michael read the poem?
5- What does Michael think is the most important part of the poem?
6- What does Michael do on Sunday evenings?

a- He thinks it’s boring.

b- He drinks a hot chocolate.
c- Because he has a special friend.
d- Because the other children bully him
e- He reads it like a horse.
f- The title.

3- Re-arrange the letters to see what Michael studies at school.

1- CHERFN …………………………………
2- SHLGNEI ……………………………………
3- TRA …………………………………………
4- TOSIHYR ……………………………
5- OGGRAPHYE …………………………..
6- CENCEIS ………………………………

4- Read these sentences and decide who’s speaking.

Andrew – A group of boys – Clive – Michael – Mrs Jarvis – Miss

White – The Old Man – Stephen Foster - Kevin

1- Hello, Cherub ……………………………………….

2- “Where were you? At the zoo? ………………………………………..
3- “OK, class. It’s break time.” ………………………………………..
4- “We want more men!” ………………………………..
5- “Be careful, that potato is hot.” …………………………..
6- “I’m so sorry, David. I don’t know why I did that.”………………………….
7- “Just do what Miss White says. Don’t listen to Kevin or Clive. They don’t know what they are
talking about.” ……………………………….
8- “Hello, it is very foggy today” ………………………………………….
9- No, Egghead can’t do it. I’ll do it. ………………………………………………
10- “Read it as if you are a horse, …………………………………………….
11- “Put your hat and scarf on. It’s very cold out there.” …………………………………….
12- “Oh no, it’s Egghead,” …………………………………………………………

5- Put the words in the correct order to make sentences about bullying.

1- Me names call they - …………………………………………………………………..

2- With me never they to play want.
3- Hit they me and hurts it.
4- Don’t to me speak they.
5- Send emails that my hurt they feelings.

6- Match these words used in the story with their definitions:

1- School assembly
2- Break time
3- Classroom
4- Headteacher
5- Playground
6- Canteen

a- Where the students do their lessons

b- Where the students play
c- Where all the students at the school meet
d- Where students have lunch
e- When students have a rest in between lessons
f- The most important person in the school.
7- Put the events in the right order:
- At break time, the boys were playing together and they refused to let Michael play with them.

- Michael would read the title of the poem at the school assembly.

- Michael suddenly stopped because he knew he made a big mistake by hitting David.

- School finished at four o’clock.

- David, who had a red face, was bullied by the boys after they finished the school day.

- Michael decided to jump on David and start fighting so he could win the boys.

- Michael and David became friends.

- Everyone at school called Michael “egghead”

- Michael created a secret friend inside his head, his name was Andrew.

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