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A ALLSAI Allsai W Pro 3:3 UPS Trifasica A. ALLSAI Allsai W Pro 3:3 UPS Trifasica + True double conversion + Optional parallel operation with common 0 oon puloupu ata andbyeass at» attery tral late power ners, phe and ans. KEEBNG Tho syetom canbe opetatad paral ncreasing he capacty common bay packs which might geal rede the exp DSP technology guarantees high reliability ere reach the nme pertomence: A Digta Sig SP) technology Simroed enon, * Sart battery charger design to optimize battery performance his UPS is equiped with 3-stage charger or ptize battery + Output power factor 0.9 performance. This eatire extends the vs optim nage ie, onl UP 5 and aovane + Maintenance bypass available “Active power factor correction in all phases Desa sich uptime cite) matanace + 50H2/60Hz frequency converter mode * Adjustable battery design jonas equercy al SOHEc leas power sen _Tnsqrbe of comariedbatries canbe dues ex to Keep running even when some battery packs are dar “ECO mode operation for energy saving ode improves the eflency upto 98% fo ut energy usa coat nts med, ads re supped by to main acl + Adjustable charging current only available § for 100K and up models Jeers can adjust charging curen rains fale, te UPS wil contanly supp the power othe 2 sating based Connected deve wine ny intr ne = P modes + Emergency power off function (EPO) in cage of any emergency and fe, the EPO conto mechanism can instantly shut down the syste A ALLSAI — SE See ewrevenn CSL an enonwem Se AVS are Sa scarerari som acanee Som = EE EE SS a me erneaeen pe aaa SES e=STE mame Soa Ia EeTE Se aaa Seer senate ees : ee ee TT ae 102% ~ 125%: Transferencia a bypass en 10 min; 100% ~ 110% por 10 min, 10596 ~ 110% por | hora Cased da tear {be-1on: Taran a bypes en tro ‘ose = 10% por 12% 2% or soi Seeaienrertnarerte aber TC pe oe = = = = ss ee one ees ore eae See a Sear — eras Terme MoDELO “Corrente ge Can 2a NIA ees cormen_|a te pepew opn a 9 — a aero rio ut ar a weoeet nessa Tommie BT omaaene (ieee omsaen ae “Tonos dF Deane apn Sb TMoDeLo —_mersoresreiy SUONTEDS JSOTEETOTS——«SOHBTEHIOOD ESTANDAR “Pesotg) SSS BSCS (autoromia Pee a @ a 6 1 18 wa 194 Tereoraura de Fundenamionio = 10°S Horeca Rava 20 =f (on cori) 25 (Gn coraarsacony vets Figo a cre) =a 5B sre —— ‘co over LCD monosamice 5-3 LCD sear ipo Talo" ‘ane do UPS, Nive Gaga, Nal do Batra, EradaSalda oo wlan ‘rma odo tri earn aj fata de veriladoes te, Estas 3 UPS, Nelda Cage, Nv ats stra: R5252/ US Conga con Widows 9820002003RPMia2008) Corpatble con Winows® 2000/2003XPMsa2008AMrows0 710, (pena Stas /AS400 Windows rare Say HRC. (penal SMe ‘aint 6 pala dado ol adritadar SNMP ol ravopadr wob 4 sustngen dats onesie un 9xS50AC, pone sca Sennen eect rated 3% Contes matt de nfreria nora, Tse epaceaserer nn syns ambi fo as B_Seacapa psonalanores de specteacaes for ae rrr

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