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Lesson 7: How to Solve Word Problems That Use



Word problems involving percentages are a common part of our daily lives. Whether
you're calculating discounts while shopping, evaluating financial investments, or
interpreting survey results, understanding how to solve percentage word problems is a
crucial skill. In this comprehensive lesson, we'll dive into the world of percentage word
problems, demystify the process, and equip you with the tools to tackle them confidently.


I. Understanding Percentages

1. Definition of Percentage
Percentage is a term used to express a proportion or relative value as a fraction of 100.
The '%' symbol is commonly used to denote percentages. Percentages help us compare
and represent values in a standardized manner. They are used in various real-life
situations, from shopping to finance, to make sense of data and proportions.

2. Calculating Percentages

To calculate a percentage, use the following formula:

Percentage = (Part / Whole) x 100


Percentage is the value expressed as a percentage.

Part is the specific portion or fraction of the whole.

Whole represents the entire quantity or total.

Understanding this formula is essential because it forms the basis for solving percentage
word problems.

II. Solving Percentage Word Problems

Solving percentage word problems is a systematic process that involves the following key
1. Identifying the Key Information

The first step in tackling percentage word problems is to carefully read the problem
statement and identify the essential information. Look for clues that indicate the part, the
whole, and the percentage involved in the problem. Pay close attention to keywords and
phrases that signal these elements, such as:

"Percent of": This suggests that you are dealing with a part of a whole.

"What is": Often used to inquire about the value of a specific percentage.

"How much": Indicates a quantity that needs to be determined.

"Out of": Implies a whole from which a part is taken.

By recognizing these cues, you can start to build a mental framework of the problem and
determine what information is given and what needs to be calculated.

2. Translating Words into Equations

Once you've identified the key information in the word problem, the next step is to
translate the details into mathematical equations. Use variables to represent unknown
quantities if necessary. This step helps you convert the problem into a solvable equation.
Here are some common variables used in percentage word problems:
Percentage (P): The percentage value given in the problem.

Part (Prt): The portion or fraction of the whole that you are trying to find.

Whole (W): The total or whole quantity mentioned in the problem.

Now, translate the problem into an equation by associating these variables with the
relevant information from the problem statement. For example, if the problem asks you to
find a percentage of a given quantity, you might set up an equation like this:

P = (Prt / W) x 100

The equation represents the relationship between the percentage, the part, and the whole.

3. Choosing the Appropriate Formula

Depending on the problem's context and what you're trying to find, you'll need to choose
the appropriate formula from the following common ones:

a. Finding the Part (Prt):

Prt = (Percentage x Whole) / 100

Use this formula when you know the percentage and the whole quantity, and you want to
find the specific part or fraction represented by that percentage.

b. Finding the Whole (W):

W = (Part x 100) / Percentage

Use this formula when you know the percentage and the part, and you want to determine
the total or whole quantity from which the part is taken.

c. Finding the Percentage (P):

P = (Part / Whole) x 100

Use this formula when you know both the part and the whole, and you need to calculate
the percentage that the part represents concerning the whole.

Choosing the right formula is crucial, so make sure to understand the problem's context
and what you're asked to find. Match the formula to the information given in the problem.

4. Solving and Checking

Once you've set up the equation using the appropriate formula, it's time to solve for the
missing value. Plug in the known values, perform the calculations, and solve for the
unknown variable (percentage, part, or whole). Pay close attention to units and ensure
that your answer aligns with the problem's context

After finding the solution, always double-check your answer and verify that it makes
sense in the context of the problem. Check for any errors in calculations or
misinterpretations of the problem statement.

By following these systematic steps, you can confidently approach and solve percentage
word problems, making them much more manageable and less intimidating.

III. Real-Life Applications

Solving percentage word problems is not just a mathematical exercise; it's an essential
skill with countless practical applications in our everyday lives. Let's delve into some
real-life scenarios where the ability to solve percentage word problems comes in
incredibly handy:

1. Shopping and Discounts

Imagine you're out shopping, and you come across a store offering a significant discount
on your favorite products. Solving percentage word problems becomes invaluable in this
situation. You can use this skill to:

Calculate the final price of an item after applying a discount: This helps you make
informed purchase decisions and assess whether the sale is genuinely a good deal.

Determine the amount you'll save during a shopping spree: By calculating the total
discount on all your purchases, you can stay within your budget and maximize your

By mastering percentage word problems, you become a savvy shopper who can navigate
sales and discounts with confidence.

2. Finance and Investments

Percentages are fundamental in the world of finance and investments. Here's how this
skill is applied:

Interest Calculation: When you take out a loan or invest your money, you'll encounter
interest rates expressed as percentages. Solving percentage word problems helps you
calculate the amount of interest earned or paid, enabling you to make informed financial
decisions and understand the implications of borrowing or investing.

Return on Investments: Investors use percentages to assess the returns on their

investments. By solving percentage word problems, you can determine how much your
investments have grown or declined in value over time.

Loan and Mortgage Payments: When applying for loans or mortgages, understanding the
interest rate, down payment percentages, and monthly payments is crucial. This
knowledge helps you select the most suitable financing options.

Incorporating percentages into your financial planning toolkit allows you to manage your
money more effectively and plan for the future.

3. Business and Economics

Percentages are indispensable in the realms of business and economics, and here's how:

Profit Margins: Business owners frequently use percentages to calculate profit margins.
Knowing how to solve percentage word problems allows them to assess their profitability
accurately and make pricing decisions.

Sales Tax and Discounts: In the business world, understanding sales tax percentages and
applying discounts correctly are everyday tasks. Proficiency in solving percentage word
problems is essential for accurate financial transactions.

Economic Indicators: Economists rely heavily on percentages to study economic

indicators like inflation rates and unemployment rates. This data provides insights into
economic trends and guides policy decisions.

Whether you're managing a business or studying economics, a strong grasp of percentage

word problems is a valuable asset.

4. Education and Grading

In the realm of education, percentages are the standard way to assess and represent
performance. Here's how they come into play:

Test Scores: As a student, you'll often receive test scores as percentages. Understanding
how to solve percentage word problems enables you to gauge your performance
accurately and set academic goals.

Grading and Evaluation: Teachers use percentages to grade assignments, quizzes, and
exams. This method provides a clear and standardized way to evaluate students' work and
track their progress.

By mastering percentage word problems, you can navigate your educational journey
more effectively, whether you're a student striving for excellence or an educator guiding
your students to success.

In conclusion, the ability to solve percentage word problems is a practical and versatile
skill that transcends the classroom. It empowers you to make informed decisions in
various aspects of life, from shopping and finance to business and education.

IV. Practice Makes Perfect

The best way to reinforce your understanding of solving percentage word problems is
through practice. Let's work through three practice problems together, each followed by a
detailed solution.

Problem 1: Calculating Sale Discounts

You're shopping for a new laptop, and you find one that's on sale. The original price of
the laptop is $800, but the store is offering a 25% discount. What is the sale price of the
laptop after the discount?

Solution 1:

Identify the key information:

Original price (Whole): $800

Percentage discount: 25%

Translate into a mathematical equation:

You're looking for the discounted price (Part).

Choose the appropriate formula:

We'll use the formula for finding a percentage of a number:

Part = (Percentage x Whole) / 100

Solve the equation:

Part = (25 x 800) / 100

Part = 20,000 / 100

Part = $200

So, the sale price of the laptop after the 25% discount is $800 - $200 = $600.

Problem 2: Determining Test Scores

You have just taken a math test and received a score of 88 out of 100. What is your
percentage score on the test?

Solution 2

Identify the key information:

Your score (Part): 88

Total possible score (Whole): 100

Translate into a mathematical equation:

You're looking for the percentage score.

Choose the appropriate formula:

We'll use the formula for finding a percentage:

Percentage = (Part / Whole) x 100

Solve the equation:

Percentage = (88 / 100) x 100

Percentage = 0.88 x 100

Percentage = 88%

Your percentage score on the math test is 88%.

Problem 3: Calculating Tax

You're dining at a restaurant, and your bill comes to $75. If the sales tax rate is 8%, how
much will the tax amount be?

Solution 3:

Identify the key information:

Bill amount (Whole): $75

Sales tax rate (Percentage): 8%

Translate into a mathematical equation:

You're looking for the tax amount (Part).

Choose the appropriate formula:

We'll use the formula for finding a percentage of a number:

Part = (Percentage x Whole) / 100

Solve the equation:

Part = (8 x 75) / 100

Part = 600 / 100

Part = $6

The tax amount on your restaurant bill is $6.

These practice problems demonstrate how to apply percentage concepts to real-life

situations. By practicing regularly, you'll enhance your problem-solving skills and feel
more confident when faced with percentage word problems.

V. Conclusion

Solving percentage word problems is a valuable skill that finds applications in numerous
aspects of our lives. By mastering this skill, you'll be better equipped to make informed
decisions, analyze data, and navigate real-world situations with confidence and accuracy.
Whether you're managing your finances, shopping for the best deals, or interpreting
statistical data, the ability to solve percentage word problems is a powerful tool in your

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