My Idea of An Ideal Family

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My idea of an ideal family

What does family mean to me? For me, family is people who are
connected by blood and soul. Every person in his head imagines his ideal
family. I also have my imaginary family. My current family - they are
already existing people.Therefore, I can idealize them and somehow
change them. In the future, when the time comes and I create my own
family ,I want other people to look at us and always admire and take an
example.Well, what kind of family do I want?The most important thing
is to choose the right man.A lot depends on what kind of husband you
have.For me, he should be educated, intelligent, sound-
minded.Naturally, he has to carry on respect himself and me, show
understanding to the environment.Humanity, honesty, bravery, kindness
are those qualities that all people should have without mentioning.I also
want my partner to know the world of creativity and understand the
whole essence .Now many girls want guys who have more money.I will
not say that I am not interested in such a person, I am ready to start
everything together with him and support him. We have dealt with my
husband.What about the kids?I have always dreamed of 3 sons and one
daughter.I want them to take after us. Bring up them and make them
worthy personalities.So that they are well-mannered, educated, and
developed.I want to create comfort at home and make sure that my
children and husband always hurry home and share their news.It's good
when everyone cares for each other, supports, worries.There is one more
thing I want to do, this is the trust of children to their parents.Now many
children become sane very early.Therefore, support, understanding and
support are important to them. Besides,we must to get on with each
other and not fight. And I want my children to always speak out to me or
my husband in the future and share their problems.That is, I want there
to be no boundaries between us and they consider us their friends.Here,
these are the categories that I want to fulfill when I start a family.Getting
the perfect family is not such an easy thing.To do this, you need to work
hard and always be prepared for bad situations.The main thing is to stick
together and love each other, then you will get a family that everyone
wants and dreams of.

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