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Name of Applicant: Zarah Joi G. Candido Date of Interview: Sep-6-2021

Position: Project Coordinator for Construction Fit-out Interviewer: Ms. Hanna Alyssa Testor

PART A: Read the following questions carefully. Please answer concisely as possible.

1. What are your strengths and weaknesses? 4. What are you most passionate about?
I'm a team player and I can also work as an individual. I am also I am passionate with my profession, I love designing and seeing
organized in doing works, it helps me to provide a good output actual results of what I’m doing.
and gets my work done as scheduled. Some situations I am
aware that needs improvement are that I focused too much on
the details. I also get impatient when the projects run beyond
the deadline. I also sometimes lack of confidence. To improve
this, I am practicing myself to get more focused and stay
motivated to be better.
2. What motivates you to excel? 5. If hired, what do you think you can contribute to the
company? What are your expectations from the company?
Both of my strengths and weaknesses motivates me to excel. I can contribute my work experience and skills in working as an
Architect. I am expecting that you would give me a chance to
share my skills and as a return I will give the best of my abilities
in working in your company.

3. What do you consider as your greatest achievement? 6. What are your career or future academic plans?

My greatest achievement is passing the board exam and getting My future plans includes continues practice in my profession, I
promoted in my previous job. With this achievement, I get more hope that soon I would also be able to supervise the way how
confident on working. my previous mentors/seniors trained me.

PART B: Below is a list of competencies that are essential to become effective Focus Global Team members. Choose one (1)
competency and share a situation when you have exhibited the chosen competency. Be concise and specific with your answer by
identifying the situation, the action that you have taken, and the results achieved. Don’t forget to write your chosen competency
in the space allotted.
● Customer Focus ● Professionalism, Discipline & ● Efficiency, Sense of Urgency, and
Accountability Productivity

● Willingness to Learn ● Teamwork and Collaboration ● Creativity and Resourcefulness

● Dedication ● Feedback and Communication ● Critical Thinking & Problem-solving

● Honesty and Integrity ● Cost Consciousness

COMPETENCY: __ Willingness to Learn ______________________

As a graduate student without experience to becoming license architect is a result that my eagerness to learn helps me to excel and
become effective. Being curious about something that is new to me is my way to learn things and discover more about this field. My
willingness to learn helps me get where I am now.

HR Remarks: (Please do not write anything in this portion)

PART C: Write a letter to a supplier indicating that we are interested to do business with them.
Dear Supplier,

This is Zarah from Focus Global Inc., we market top global brands of furniture and fixtures here in the Philippines. We heard that
your company supplies best quality of materials and we are interested in stocking your products.
Please let me know what information you will require from me, and we will be happy to return all the details immediately.
Thank you,

Zarah Candido

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