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1. Answer in English.

2. Number of words: 2000 – 2500 words excluding references.

3. Submit your assignment ONCE only in MULTIPLE files (Word format).

4. Submit your assignment ONLINE.

5. Submission date : 18 July 2023

6. This assignment accounts for 60% of the total marks for the course.


This assignment has TWO parts: Part I (consists of 3 tasks) and Part II.


Read the articles below and write a summary on:
‘Grow your own food’
 1.
 2.

Task Requirements:
1. The summary should be written between 350 and 400 words.
2. Remember to clearly state your topic sentence at the beginning of the summary.
3. Your main ideas must be mentioned clearly.
4. You are to apply the paraphrasing technique that you have learned in the module
to help you substitute terms and explain ideas in your own words.
5. Remember to omit unnecessary illustrations and explanations.
6. Do ensure that you use cohesive devices to connect your ideas in the summary.
7. Do NOT plagiarise by copying and pasting information from the article.
8. Your summary will be assessed using the rubric provided at the end of this

*Refer to topics 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3 and 3.1.4 of the module for more information on
summary writing.
[Total: 20 Marks]

Design a poster on “Geometrical Concepts” to help your friends effectively understand
the THREE (3) concepts: The Concept of Angles, the Concept of Triangles, and the Concept
of Quadrilaterals. Provide examples that relate to simple objects like in building Legos,
understanding angles could help you build better.

Task Requirements:
a) To achieve the objective of helping your audience effectively understand the three
concepts by looking at the poster.
b) Must cover the THREE concepts: The Concept of Angles, the Concept of Triangles,
and the Concept of Quadrilaterals in the module (Topic 7). You may also conduct a
library search for other relevant information to be included in your poster.
c) Selection of images and wording must be suitable for the intended audience. You
should use compact words and phrases instead of sentences.
d) Must be organized creatively and designed clearly in the form of a still image ONLY
(no moving images or animation). The organization and arrangements of images
and texts must be organized to help achieve the objective.
e) You can submit the poster in a power point slide presentation or a clear image file
such as .jpeg/.jpg
[Total: 10 Marks]

Conduct library research (search for and read more articles apart from the ones given in
Task 1) on buying food vs growing your own food. Do note that there is no limit to the
number of articles that you should find. However, the articles must at least be taken from
credible sources.

Using the information from Q1 and your own library research, write a comparison and
contrast essay on the following topic:
‘Buying Food vs Growing Your Own Food: Which is the better choice for Malaysians?’

Task Requirements:
1. You may use the following structure when composing your essay:

2. Introduction
a. Background of the topic
b. A clear thesis statement (what the essay will be about)
3. Body
a. Topic sentence 1: Main point of comparison
b. Supporting Details (Elaboration on the main point & justifications
c. the point of comparison in the topic sentence)
d. Evidence/examples (proofs from the articles to substantiate your
e. claims)
4. Concluding paragraph: (a summary of the entire paragraph)
5. Body 2
a. Topic sentence 2: Main point of comparison
b. Supporting Details (Elaboration on the main point & justification for
c. point of comparison in the topic sentence)
d. Evidence/examples (proofs from the articles to substantiate your
e. claims)
f. -Concluding paragraph: (a summary of the entire paragraph)
6. Body 3
a. Topic sentence 3: Main point of contrast
b. Supporting Details (Elaboration on the main point & justification for
c. point of contrast in the topic sentence)
d. Evidence/examples (proofs from the articles to substantiate your
e. claims)
f. Concluding sentences: (a summary of the paragraph)
7. Body 3
a. Topic sentence 3: Main point of contrast
b. Supporting Details (Elaboration on the main point & justification for
c. point of contrast in the topic sentence)
d. -Evidence/examples (proofs from the articles to substantiate your
e. claims)
f. Concluding sentences: (a summary of the paragraph)

8. Your stand - which of the two methods do you think is more effective?
Justify your stand. Use evidence from the articles to support your
9. Conclusion
a. Paraphrase the thesis statement
i. Summary of all the main points
ii. Restatement of your stand
iii. -Suggestions

4. Your essay should be between 1500 and 2000 words.

5. Do not attempt to plagiarise. Use your own words, style and the paraphrasing
techniques taught in the module when adopting ideas from external sources (e.g.
the articles you have found).
6. Cite all the sources (articles) that you would be using in your essay.
7. Your essay will be assessed using the rubric given at the end of this document.

[Total: 20 Marks]


Discuss the following topics in the forum and submit proof of your participation in the
online discussions:

1. Share your experience of reading or writing a memo with bad news. Do you think
it is justified to write a memo with bad news? Why?

2. Do you think that when writing scientific and technical documents, it is very
important to focus on perfect grammar versus proper vocabulary? Give reasons
for your opinion.

[Total: 10 Marks]

Do the following:
1. Select the BEST FIVE (5) posts of your own from the e-forum discussion set up by
your tutor.
2. Take screenshots of the posts and include them in your assignment as IMAGES.
3. The screenshots should be in an image file (either JPG or PNG format). See the
screenshot example below.
4. The screenshots should show CLEARLY display: Name, Discussion Title, Day, Date,
and Time.



Excellent Good Fair Poor Unsatisfactory Max
CL Criteria
*QN Weight Mar
O 4 3 2 1 0 ks
Task 1 Introduction 0.5 The introduction is The introduction is good. The introduction is There is no clear There is no 2
1 engaging and states the The topic sentence is sufficient. The topic introduction. The introduction.
topic sentence very stated. sentence is recognisable topic sentence is
clearly. but it may not be stated very vague and
clearly. unrecognisable.
1 Body 2.5 All the main ideas of the Most of the main ideas Only some of the main Most of the main No summary is 10
article are written very of the article are stated. ideas of the article are ideas of the article provided.
clearly. stated. are missing.
The points are The points are The points are The points are not
summarised very summarised well. summarised sufficiently. summarised The write-up is
effectively. sufficiently. completely
The paraphrasing The paraphrasing The paraphrasing The paraphrasing
technique is used very technique is used technique is used but technique is not
effectively. generally well. lacks effectiveness. used effectively.

Original piece of work. Little resemblance to the Some resemblance to the Close resemblance to
No plagiarism. original article. original article. the original article.
1 Conclusion 0.25 The conclusion closes The conclusion is stated The conclusion is The conclusion is No conclusion is 1
the summary extremely and it closes the recognisable and vague and does not provided.
well and is stated very summary well. provides a fair closure close the summary
clearly to the summary. well.
1 Language 1.0 No errors in grammar or Minimal errors in Some errors in grammar, A lot of errors in Completely 4
spelling distract the grammar, structure and structure, or spelling grammar, structure incomprehensible
reader from the content. spelling do not affect the sometimes affect the or spelling that, to a due to major
reader’s comprehension. reader’s comprehension. great extent, impede grammatical,

the reader’s structure and
comprehension. spelling errors.
1 Organisation 0.75 Excellent organisation of Good organisation of Fair organisation of Poor organisation of Completely 3
ideas. ideas. ideas. ideas. disorganised.

Highly coherent and Coherent and cohesive. Lacks coherence and No coherence and
cohesive. May not be coherent cohesion cohesion.
and cohesive in some
Cohesive devices are Cohesive devices are places. No cohesive
used very effectively. used well. Rare use of cohesive devices are used.
Uses cohesive devices devices and they are
but some may be either inappropriate
inappropriate or or inadequate.
Task 2 Objective of poster 0.5 The poster has The poster has achieved The poster has The poster has not Confusing poster 2
2 effectively achieved the the objective for the moderately achieved the fully achieved the with no clear
objective for the intended audience. objective for the objective for the objective.
intended audience. intended audience. intended audience.
2 Content 1.0 All of the descriptions of All of the descriptions of Some of the descriptions The descriptions of Content not 4
– Concept of Angles, mathematical concepts mathematical concepts of mathematical mathematical suitable or wrong
Concept of Triangles are covered in the are covered in the concepts are covered in concepts are not
and Concept of module very effectively. module effectively. the module. covered in the
Quadrilaterals module.
Examples and additional Examples and additional Too little additional info
information from other information from other from other relevant No examples or no
relevant sources relevant sources clearly sources or unrelated additional info from
concisely and clearly fit fit the poster and examples were given relevant sources.
the poster and effectively explain the that fit the poster and
effectively explains the concepts. effectively explain the
concepts. concepts.

2 Poster image 0.5 A very clear and logical A clear and logical still A moderately designed Not a clear still There is no poster
still image poster that image poster that clearly still image poster that image poster that image 2
clearly and effectively complements the seems to complement complements the

complements the content. the content. content. OR
content. The texts and images are The still image
The texts and images are The texts and images are somewhat placed poster relies heavily
placed effectively to placed effectively to effectively to make the on animation and
make the poster easier make the poster easier poster easier to be read, moving images.
to read and to read and however, not very easy
comprehend. comprehend. to understand.

2 Creativity and 0.5 Overall, an extremely Overall, a creative, Overall, a moderately Overall, a very dull Very limited 2
organisation creative, interesting and interesting and creative and somewhat poster. creativity and
attractive poster. attractive poster. interesting poster. organisation

The use of compact The use of compact There is some use of The use of
words and phrases is words and phrases is compact words and sentences in the
organized to attract organized to attract phrases but not poster is not inviting
audiences effectively. audiences. effectively organized. to the audience.

The arrangements of The arrangements of The arrangements of

images and texts are The arrangements of images and texts are not images and texts are
creatively and carefully images and texts are organized effectively. unorganized.
planned for a pleasant carefully planned for a
pleasant reading
reading experience.

Task 1 Introduction The introduction is The introduction clearly The introduction states There is no clear There is no
3 inviting, states the main states the main topic the main topic, but does introduction to the introduction.
topic and previews the and previews the not adequately preview main topic or
0.5 structure of the paper. structure of the paper, the structure of the structure of the 2
but is not particularly paper nor is it paper.
inviting to the reader. particularly inviting to
the reader.
1 Body: 2.0 Fully addresses all Adequately addresses the Generally writes about Some attempt to A weak attempt at 8
Comparison and aspects of the writing writing question. the topic but with a few address the writing addressing the

contrast of question. digressions in parts of the question. written question.
‘Buying food vs Some ideas may not be writing.
Growing Your Own Ideas are very arranged logically and Organisation of
Food: Which is the comprehensive, coherent coherently. Development of ideas is comparison and
better choice for and organised logically. adequate. contrast points ideas
Malaysians?’ The explanations are The explanations are lacks clarity and may
The explanations are supported by clear and somewhat supported by lead to confusion.
supported by authentic, appropriate examples in a few examples in the
clear and appropriate the Malaysian context. Malaysian context. Lack of examples in
examples in the the Malaysian
Malaysian context. context.
A good attempt to A moderate attempt to
An excellent attempt to discuss comparison and discuss comparison and There is strong
discuss comparison and contrast points contrast points. evidence of
contrast points all throughout the plagiarism.
throughout the paragraphs.
Only some supporting
Very clear, well-focused Most outside sources are details are appropriate
essay. All outside properly cited/ and relevant. Most
sources are properly referenced. outside sources are not
cited/ referenced. cited/ referenced
2 Conclusion The conclusion is The conclusion is good The conclusion is The essay is poorly There is no
impactful and closes the and closes the essay recognisable, but does concluded. conclusion.
0.5 2
essay very well. well. not effectively close the
2 Coherence 1.0 Excellent organisation of Good organisation of Fair organisation of Poor organisation of Completely 4
ideas. ideas. ideas. ideas. disorganised.

Highly coherent and Coherent and cohesive. May not be very Lacks coherence and No coherence and
cohesive. coherent and cohesive at cohesion. cohesion.
Cohesive devices are Cohesive devices are No cohesive
used very effectively. used well. Uses cohesive devices Rare use of cohesive devices can be

but some may be devices and they are found.
inappropriate or either inappropriate
inadequate. or inadequate.
2 Language/ The essay is free of errors Minor errors in grammar, Some serious errors in Major errors in Completely
Grammar structure and spelling but grammar, structure, or grammar, structure or incomprehensible 4
do not impede the reader’s spelling impede the spelling severely due to incorrect
understanding. reader’s understanding at impede the reader’s grammar, structures
times. comprehension. and spelling
Total 12.5 50
*QN = Question Number

Excellent Good Fair Poor Unsatisfactory
QN CLO Criteria Weightage marks
4 3 2 1 0
1,2 2 Quality of Postings 2.5 All five comments are Four of the comments Two or three of the One post is Postings are 10
good, appropriate, are good, appropriate, comments are submitted. OR All done past the
relevant, meaningful, relevant, meaningful, somewhat good, posts are done in one assignment
and respectful. and respectful. appropriate, meaningful day. timeline.
Postings reflect active Postings reflect and respectful. OR None of the OR No postings
participation within the participation within the Postings show relatively comments is good given as proof of
assignment timeline. assignment timeline. short participation time. and relevant. participation in
OR Comments are discussion
short responses that
are not substantial or
Minimum effort (e.g.
“I agree with Tina”)
Total Marks 2.5 10


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