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DESTINY Preparation

Your Destiny basically talks about your final destination.

For an UNBELIEVER, all that they lust after is their destiny here on earth. They are overwhelmed
by riches and wealth and gold and silver and every little thing that is on the face of the Social
media. And their preparation for destiny is not preparing atall and like a light weighted feather ,
they are blown from east to west with the nonstop ever emerging reign of the moment.
They do not look too far and are myopic with thoughts.

The CARNAL BELIEVERS are not left out. They have the conviction in their hearts that Heaven
and Hell are Real but cannot resist the lust of the flesh.
They fail to unbalance their spiritual growth with physical growth and from time to time get blown
by the winds of thoughts that YOLO(You Only Live Once) and find themselves engaging in
immortalities, gluttony and what have you …

Now shifting our scope to the SPIRITUAL BELIEVERS, which is our basis for tonight …
Do not expect me to inform you that “they take whatever life throws at them”, NO.
But the desires of their flesh are overwhelmed by that of their spirit.
Mind you, nevertheless by themselves, they are incapable of such resistance… lest they would
utterly fall.

Their lifestyle is that of a true believer that looks forward to The Glorious Destiny, Heaven.
What characterizes this lifestyle ??

Looking into such characteristics circumspectly should serve as a compass for us in DESTINY

1. Engagement in kingdom Advancement endeavors: They are tirelessly fishing for souls to
win for Christ. Christ himself gave this instruction…
Matt 10:7 And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand.
Prov 11:30 …and he that winneth souls is wise.
Please take note, not just a soul but souls.
See let me tell you, you have to raise up the banner of the king.
God cannot make your life his kingdom project until you make his kingdom your project.
When last did you pray for the church?
When was the last time you prayed for the unbelievers that they may come to Christ??

2. Fasting and Praying: You must fast up your spirit. Fasting doesn’t stop at staying away
from food and drinks for sometime, it’s also encompasses starving yourself of earthly and
fleshy lust. Mind you, starving alone isn’t fasting, there has to be consistency in prayer.
Apostle Paul said “pray at all times” /“pray without ceasing” … this doesn’t necessarily mean you
do not do anything throughout the day and pray for 24hours, NO. It suggests persistency and
consistency in prayers. Develop a good prayer life.

3. Dwelling in The Secret Place: To biologist, this is the mitochondria of the human cell. This
is the source of energy, where the activation energy required to break limitations of the
flesh is acquired.
You must be thinking, no wonder the SPIRITUAL BELIEVERS become capable of resistance.
Their spirit are constantly being fired up.
Do not despise the secret place. This is where your consistency in the presence of God prunes
you of fleshy lust, but adds to you the burning passion for intimacy with God.
For its… Zech 4:6 …Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts.

Many of us are not familiar with this concept, but I’m sure you’re getting the grip … for I might
not be able to dive dipper as it isn’t our focus for tonight.
But basically, you must be committed to and consistent in fellowship with God.

4. Your Company :

Yes, this is of great importance when talking about your Christian life.
Always try to keep a company of believers… make friends that are rooted/rooting believers.

Do you have a friend you can call and say

“Hello friend, I’m feeling down, please pray for me…” ??

Even The Bible makes it clearer …

Prov 27:17 Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.

I urge ye therefore to take heed, lest ye fall …

And I pray that through abiding in this principles and not forsaking these preparations, that we
will arrive at the GLORIOUS DESTINY in JESUS NAME


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