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OBJECTIVE- A story is the real hero of a story and this course introduce the importance of idea, story and script for a
successful animation. To understand the need for storyboarding| To learn the fundamentals of shoot taking and division|
To understand various storyboarding techniques| To understand the importance of perspective and lighting while

Storyboard - Origins, Importance of story board, advantages, elements of storyboard.
Types of story boards - Linear story board, non-linear storyboard, Hierarchical storyboard, hand drawn story board,
paper storyboard, screen storyboard and digital story boards.
Styles of Storyboard- Varying Storyboard panel designs from studio to studio (1:1.33 for TV, 16:9 for Wide screen and
1:1.85 for cinema), way to set the layout panels into a page, Paper formats A4 or A3, thumbnails, emotions of the
character as written on the script.
Uses of Storyboard- Animation, creative story writing, ancient stories, moral, documentary, historical, film,
PSA’s, comic, Add’s (product, service, commercial), etc.,

Concept - Premise the theme of the story, script, to turn the words into pictures, drawing on individual panels Focus area
foundation, developing concept, what the story is about, creativity.
Understanding camera shots- The Long Shot, The Full Shot, The Medium Shot, The Close up, The Extreme Close up,
Upshot and Down shot,
Editing scenes- Cut to, Fade from / Fade to, Cross –Dissolve, Match Cut.
Animatics- Editing sequence of still images taken from the storyboard, how pictures are working effectively together,
camera positioning and movement, animatic software, using graphical symbols.

Dialogue- voice-over or a character talking, O.S. (off screen), V.O. (voice over), indicating voice over of character( ex-
rainbow (v.o)).
Camera Indications- camera movements, drawing the camera shape into the panels, representing the start point and the
end point of transition, PAN indications (vertical, horizontal and also diagonal), TRUCK IN (focus well something on the
scene), TRUCK OUT and IN AND OUT.

Drawing Tools- A two color pencil (setting size and hardness), brush, airbrush and eraser and rubber (setting size and
opacity), a stencil.
Drawing Rough to Final Sketch- rough sketch, final sketch, Creating Shades
(in order to give information with ink-and-paint).
Re-use background drawings, transforming, moving, rotatting and scaling a selected drawing, selecting an area by
defining a rectangular, freehand or poly line selections
Re-use Characters- different positions (from the back, over the shoulders, profile, etc…) and situations (seated, lain
down, etc...), same drawing in the current storyboard or for the next one.

Staging- (placement of the characters who are immersed in the environment),
Overlay and Multi plane, adding depth to the backgrounds using set overall the scene's elements, focusing the attention
of the audience to the action point and emphasize the action and let the audience go inside the scene. Camera Movements,
timing storyboards and add sound timing for tv series, movies, computer games, commercial breaks, organize panels,
exporting storyboard.
Text Books-
1. The Complete Book of Scriptwriting By-J. Michael Straszynski
2. Film Scriptwriting-A practical Mannual By-Dwhite V. Swain and Joye R. Swain
3. Screenplay: Foundation of Screenwriting By-Syd Field
Story Boarding for Commercials and New Media: Structure of commercials, elements of brand building to be
implemented, special colour scheme for brands and products

Sources of story- Animation, creative story writing, ancient stories, moral, documentary, historical, film,
PSA’s, comic, Add’s (product, service, commercial), etc.,
Elements of Boarding - concept, genre of script, drawing, framing, storyboard templates, storytelling.

Concept design Focus area foundation, developing concept, what the story is about, creativity.

Linear- arranged in or extending along a straight or nearly straight line.

Non- linear - not arranged in a straight line.
Hierarchical -arranged in order of rank.
Premise the theme of the story

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